Video of KC and Baez Crying together to be released UPDATE BAEZ THREATENS TO SUE

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If KC was in a defiant or anger posture and JB was crying I invision her thinking 'why is he crying when I am the one sitting in jail because I am innocent. He should be focusing on how to get me out of here.' KC doesn't appear to be sympathetic to the ones around her when they cry for Caylee such as her phone call from jail getting TL's phone number and her parents jail visit. IMO she is already past this and her being in a jail cell and getting out is more important. Her focus is about her and everyone should have the same focus.
As I've posted in other threads in regards to other, related issues, the jails here in LA have private meeting rooms for attorneys to meet and talk with their clients. Most of the rooms I've been in have large, clear windows, so what we "look like" while meeting is no secret and, therefore, fair game for anyone who wants to watch us. There are security reasons for this, including, but not limited to, the fact that sometimes we have bad news to deliver to our clients (e.g, a motion was denied that affects the case, an appeal was denied, etc.) and it's better for EVERYONE, counsel included, that the jail personnel be able to keep a watch on me inside. Not all criminal clients are overjoyed with everything their attorney has to tell them...if you get my drift. I've never been physically attacked by any client, but I do know some attorneys who have... Now, if someone were trying to read our lips, or videotape us with sound, or read what we're writing, which DOES tread into the waters of protected attorney-client communications, that would be an entirely different story.
Totally agree. Attorneys have to deal with the public and clients in the raw. Some are not mentally stable. Some are very aggressive or dangerous. Even in a jail environment, the contact is in close proximity. The message is not what they want to hear and is not consistent with how they see their world, thus they turn very easily on the attorney. Security is important. Protecting the confidentiality of the communication is important and both can be done compatibly.
You're ON POINT, Gypsy Road. It's Baez showing his "greenness" at being a litigator (again.)

What a seasoned trial lawyer would have done is to file an "Emergency Motion For an In Camera Review of Any and All Tapes Made By the Jail of Casey and/or Her Counsel Between Date X and Date Y," without describing the specifics of what he believes are on the tapes set for release so that HE wouldn't have been to one tipping off the entire world what his actions were while in the jail. The language could have been simply that he believes that there are tapes that exist that violate the attorney-client privilege, yadda, yadda, and give the judge SPECIFIC DATES for review. Body of motion would say he's asking for all tapes made by the jail of he and/or his client between such and such a date and such and such a date. Judge orders production for in camera (PRIVATE) review and bam: there's an opportunity to maintain total privacy and secrecy as to the contents of any such tape that is privileged!

He stupidly let the cat out of the bag, so to speak, BY DESCRIBING IN DETAIL HIS OWN CRYING, and I hope there's an opportunity for Judge Strickland to tell him so. Can't wait to watch THAT motion hearing. Jeez Baez.
Can I bring the popcorn please????:popcorn:
SNIPPED: "... I think Baez may have filed this motion for sanctions because he was taking a lead from a recent case in Broward County where prosecutors were actually removed from the proceedings.


It seems like JB files baby-step motions— filing the wrong motion in hopes of ultimately achieving an outcome best achieved with another motion. I don’t know if he does this out of ignorance or to make things seem more dramatic. :rolleyes:

Most importantly, Baez is the only person talking about this alleged tape. So we don’t know if prosecutors have even viewed the tape. It seems like Baez is also taking a lead from Casey and imagining that the proceedings are innately personal-- The SA is “mad at Casey:razz:” because she refused to take an alleged plea deal. Baez is miffed because the State is seeking disclosure about fee arrangements and media deals— he takes it personally:blushing: and decides to levy this oddly personal motion, attacking the SA for the conduct of OCSD.

IMO if the prosecution actually has this alleged tape, they’ll deal with it appropriately. If it seems to have been inadvertently or deliberately recorded in violation of attorney-client privilege, they probably won’t watch it and/or use it as evidence.

I think this is just another case of Baez talking about and publicizing issues he purportedly doesn't want within the public purview. I guess this is why the defense needed Todd Black?? :waitasec:

If Baez wanted to take the lead, he might have been able to locate a case, but he, once again, cannot seem to execute his goal properly.
Should have filed for an in camera review without describing the details of these tapes - shows his lack of real trial/litigation experience. :doh:
If KC was in a defiant or anger posture and JB was crying I invision her thinking 'why is he crying when I am the one sitting in jail because I am innocent. He should be focusing on how to get me out of here.' KC doesn't appear to be sympathetic to the ones around her when they cry for Caylee such as her phone call from jail getting TL's phone number and her parents jail visit. IMO she is already past this and her being in a jail cell and getting out is more important. Her focus is about her and everyone should have the same focus.

I agree, I can hear her saying to JB after she asked him to stop his sniveling, "Hiring you for a lawyer a waste, a huge waste!"
Ok, let me preface my thoughts by saying I am convinced KC is guilty - just wanted to get that out of the way!

Here we go: There is a major difference in the blanchard park 'discovery' and the discovery of Caylee on Suburban Drive. KC happened to be watching Tv when the news came on about blanchard. Reports were, if I remember correctly, one or two 'possible' bones. that's it - nothig more, nada, zip. Media was very careful about telling people not to make too much of this. So, it was a big nothing and KC didn't react to however much of it that she saw.

Fast forward to Suburban: No one, I repeat, NO ONE had any doubts about who it was that was found. We all knew, the media knew, LE knew and the Anthonys knew - no matter what they said. There was no question as to whether these were human remains, there was no question that this was a child. KC was brought from her cell to the Medical (?) area and when she was told, she reacted.

My question to everyone here is: IF this had all played out at Blanchard Park the same way, don't you think KC would have reacted the same way when brought to the Medical area and told 'officially'?

Everyone is making a big deal out of how she reacted during the Blanchard Park incident. How do we know she did not react the same way about Suburban UNTIL she was notified that it was a little girls remains that were found? If she had been watching TV when the news hit about Suburban, might she have acted as indifferently as she did at Blanchard and then have her 'reaction' when she was told it was a little girl's remains?

I think you are comparing apples to oranges here - two completely different scenarios and one can not be compared to the other because we don't know what her initial reaction would have been IF she was watching TV when the Suburban find was first broadcast, before she was told about it by Jail personnel. I hope I am clear about what I am trying to say. I know what I mean, but I am not sure I getting it down the way I want to.

I get what you are saying...but being a mother myself...and we can't forget that she changed her story and said that the last place she saw Caylee was JBP....even the one bone would have made me hysterical....IF I WAS INNOCENT....I mean it was found in water that had all kinds of creatures that god forbid may have fed off of a body....No she just hasn't acted right from day one...even when I try to give her the benefit of doubt...not one tear for your only child that's gone. Even if she did get taken by the nanny....which by the way is total B.S. and everyone knows it....all that time without your baby...not one tear....she's just nasty....IMO
I agree with the Sunshine Laws in FL
If the company that Amy works for has a no-drug policy and she is in violation then she should be fired regardless of any other circumstances...

it just serves as a reminder that people need to think twice about the bad choices they make!

But do you really think it's fair that the whole world gets to read Amy's texts to everyone she knows? We get to know who she slept with, who she thought was cute, who she thought was being a jerk, etc. Can you imagine if ALL of your emails and texts were published just because your friend turned out to be a criminal? How embarrasing for her.
Yes that one comes to mind for me too Debs. Also the references that he had to be reminded not to hug his client in the jail?

I'm trying to give him the benefit of doubt here, and thinking of ways this could be a defense's just not working so far for me.

:laugh: I've said this before: not all intended defense "strategies" make sense... but they were intended "strategies" all the same...:doh:
I get what you are saying...but being a mother myself...and we can't forget that she changed her story and said that the last place she saw Caylee was JBP....even the one bone would have made me hysterical....IF I WAS INNOCENT....I mean it was found in water that had all kinds of creatures that god forbid may have fed off of a body....No she just hasn't acted right from day one...even when I try to give her the benefit of doubt...not one tear for your only child that's gone. Even if she did get taken by the nanny....which by the way is total B.S. and everyone knows it....all that time without your baby...not one tear....she's just nasty....IMO

Not to mention I remember my own reaction when I heard about LPs find in JBP....I was on the edge of my seat and felt sick to my stomach waiting to hear like all of us were and we don't even know Caylee....
In fact, EVERYONE reacted exactly the same as Casey, both times. George and Cindy went to JBP and caused a scene. JB did not head immediately to the jail when the news from JBP went on air. Casey wandered back to her cell calmly.

Suburban Drive, Casey freaks out and wants meds, George and Cindy send out a press release about being hopeful it is not Caylee and stay in their home, and JB makes a mad dash to the jail.

Sounds like a great SA opening statement, eh?,0,937095.story

The Sentinel did a story on the contents of the video as well-the story indicates that Baez was wiping tears from his face and Anthony was visibly angry and unwilling to look at him.

Thank you for posting believe,

Sorry if this has been addressed, can't seem to catch up these days.

If this tape is released, we Have to have a sleuther on this board that can read lips...Oh Man, i can't wait for that thread, should it happen. Can you even imagine the things that we are going to come up with...So JB was more sad about Caylee being discovered, makes sense for a mother that is supposedly being accused of a crime that she "DID NOT commit". :waitasec:

Going to catch up, thanks for all the updates everyone

ETA: I do not see a problem with the release of the tape for a few reasons. The defense has been Slaming LE, SA, the media, the public, heck we are probably on that very long list somewhere. I want the whole truth known for Caylee, and when i say that, i mean that if it were up to her mother she would be laying in a swamp still. If her grandmother had, had the good fortune to discover "That Body"(as quoted by CA) NO ONE would have ever known and they would still be working to get the killer out of jail. So let it all out...and let Justice be served.MOO

Mac, Thank you for your point of view, i have great respect for it. You would make a better Juror than
With all due respect, I think you have to do more stretching to treat the two incidents as apples and oranges than to see them as comparable. I recall it was big news, at least for a while, the day divers supposedly found bones at JBP. It was covered a lot, despite the involvement of LP and how different people feel about him, because LE and the A's rushed to the scene. They were downright angry, and seemed adamant there could be nothing there. Given that by then, Casey had apparently told her family the "new" story about the snatching of Caylee in that very park, it seems telling. Casey had gone out of her way to inject the park into her story -- playing there, lost phone, finally, kidnapping there. It seems very strange to be certain nothing of significance could be found there.

I agree with you in part, I think that someone who supposedly watched her daughter be kidnapped in Blanchard Park might be just a wee bit alarmed if alleged bones were found there...according to Casey's new official story, she has no idea what happened to Caylee after Zanny and her sister rode off. If Casey was truly the caring, honest Mommy that she likes to say she is, then why wouldn't she be freaking out if small bones where found in the exact place where she last saw her daughter alive??
Well...we all know why...because she knew she didn't dump her body there, so that is why she registered no fear, no grief, nothing. But any other parent who was innocent would probably go off the deep end at the mere speculation of their child's remains being recovered at the scene of their "kidnapping."
Funny how Jessica D.'s article makes it sound like KC was all upset and crying her eyes out w/ JB. The Orlando Sentinel article seems to sound more like what actually happened. Isn't Jessica the reporter that kinda backed the Anthony's for a while and thought KC was innocent??!

I am not so convinced that the news of the Dec 11 Suburban remains discovery was when JB first faced the reality that Caylee was deceased with KC -- and had wanted to break the news.

If true, CA directing DC to search Suburban seemed to be to check if the remains were locatable and report back. This was either a part of an intended plea deal or as part of the strategy, to check status before going 110% into a Caylee is Alive and Caylee Sightings campaign. It was working well and gaining a lot of traction and media hype.

Based on this Orlando Sentinel reporting it sounds more to me like KC was pi$$ed because her direction to locate the remains first and the Caylee is Alive campaign backfired and she was very upset -- upset with JB -- as the only one she can vent against face-to-face.

JB was just emotionally drained because he had high hopes of the Caylee is Alive campaign and the report that Caylee's remains were not locatable in Nov.

If true, from Orlando Sentinel then this once again shows the real KC -- that this was nothing to do with the discovery and reality that Caylee was now deceased and EVERYTHING to do with the implications to her Defense.

This blew KC's best chance to influence the Jury pool and she was angry it was blown and JB .... frustrated. The going was going to get tougher.
I agree with you 100% on the sunshine laws. I can't think of any valid reason that the public needs to know all this information BEFORE the trial. It victimizes everyone involved in this case, even innocent bystanders. If I were one of the parties whose information was released to the public, I would be suing the state for invasion of privacy.

The thing that bothers me the most is that witness info is put out there and innocent people trying to help are placed in danger, IMO, due to these releases. I think after this is said and done, a lot of people will be put off helping LE or reporting crimes as they won't want to be put on public display like so many have in the Anthony case. IMO the release of the info on AL helping the police could have put him in grave danger if LA was the type to seek revenge for setting him up. I just don't see why the public needs that info.
I agree, I can hear her saying to JB after she asked him to stop his sniveling, "Hiring you for a lawyer a waste, a huge waste!"

Or "You care about Caylee more than me!!!!!"

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