Deceased/Not Found VT - Bill, 49, & Lorraine Currier, 55, Essex, 8 June 2011

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What I find interesting is that Mr. Currier's family are the only family members out there in the news. What about Lorraine Currier's family? I guess it's possible that she doesn't have any other living relatives, but wouldn't you expect that something along those lines would have been mentioned at some point? Or are they involved and I have totally missed that...

Wondered the same thing myself, Starr.

I saw that comment in the Free Press, or maybe one of the news stations, about the composite looking like her. I don't see it. I would assume that the police looked for her, as well as the person in the drawing, in the tapes.
If the composite is correct, then the driver had facial hair amounting to a pretty full beard, which neither of them did. I guess maybe the nose looks a little like Lorraine's, but otherwise I don't see a resemblance either.
Resemblance could be to a relative. Do the Currier's have any children?
When I have seen that in the past, it ends up that it was done to keep the investigation secret from someone close to a missing or murdered person. They don't want this person knowing they are suspected and being investigated. JMO, IMO, etc etc.

Between this and your comment that the resemblance of the composite to Lorraine possibly meaning a relative of hers, I think you're on to something. Perhaps LE is looking at her relatives and doesn't want to give too much out.
I keep hoping to hear more about this couple. I'm worried that things will not turn out well for them.|topnews|text|FRONTPAGE

"The state lacked the proof required to win a court order sealing search-warrant information related to a police investigation of an Essex couple who went missing June 8, a lower-court judge said in a ruling issued last week and made public Wednesday.

"The state has not argued that a substantial risk exists to the privacy or safety of the missing individuals," Judge Linda Levitt wrote June 22 in a three-page ruling."


"The ruling, along with nearly all other court documents connected with the investigation into the disappearance of William and Lorraine Currier, had remained confidential until Vermont Supreme Court Justice Marilyn S. Skoglund ordered its release at the request of the Burlington Free Press.

The search warrant materials, however, remain sealed. The high court, at Donovan's request, agreed Monday to withhold the documents while justices consider his appeal of the ruling by Levitt and two subsequent rulings by Judge James Crucitti affirming her decision."
Any idea why they are wanting to seal the search warrant? Wonder what items were recovered in the search....and why its so important to keep that information sealed?
Police have released the following information:

• A gun the Currier's recently purchased was missing from the home. Investigators have declined to identify the firearm or to say whether they believe it was stolen.

• The window of an interior door connecting the garage to the house was smashed, scattering bits of broken glass inside the garage.

• Belongings the couple likely would have taken on a vacation remained at the house.

• An unidentified witness might have seen a man other than Bill Currier driving the couple’s car, a green Saturn, on June 9 on Pearl Street in Essex Junction. Police found the car June 10 parked outside an apartment building at 241 Pearl St., less than a mile from the Currier's house and a short walk from a bus stop.

I find it interesting that broken glass was found in the garage since that would tend to indicate the glass was broken from inside the house. If the window was broken to gain entrance into the home, you would expect to find the glass inside the home.
I would guess the window was broken in a struggle. There has been no word on whether there are signs that someone messed with any locks or anything, correct?
I would guess the window was broken in a struggle. There has been no word on whether there are signs that someone messed with any locks or anything, correct?

There hasn't been a word on anything lately. They are so tight lipped about this case it's unreal. It's really starting to peeve a lot of Vermonters off actually. :banghead:
I am so annoyed with the lack of attention paid to this case these days. There's no mention of it anymore, unless it about the fight over the search warrants.

Why hasn't there been a volunteer search? It makes me think that police know a lot more than they're telling us. The residents of the town deserve to know, at a bare minimum, if this was random or targeted. I'm a single Mom, living less than a mile from the Currier's home and for the last month or so I have been petrified. I got a security system for my house that is wireless so cutting the phone lines wouldn't disarm it.

Why are they being so secretive about this? In any other missing persons case, you will see the police out as much as possible to get the information out to help find ANYTHING that could lead to finding out what happened to these people. There's definitely a reason they are being so tight-lipped about it. I have to say that I am disappointed in the VSP. No, they are not obligated to tell us details, but at least give us updates (even if there are none) to make it known it hasn't been forgotten. If you can't tell the public something, fine, I understand not compromising an investigation, but at least tell us that.

I think this case has been handled poorly from day one. I have been born and raised in Vermont and I love this State tremendously; there is no place I'd rather live. However, I'm disappointed and I have serious doubts that Vermont can handle this or that anything will ever be known about what happened. It's sad.

And where is Nancy Grace? She usually jumps all over these cases. Because they're older or because it's Vermont, it gets ignored? So frustrating.
I agree, ALM1981, but sadly I'm following another case here where the police aren't doing anything, either. It's not at all related to the Curriers, but there are similarities in how little information we're getting. You really do have to wonder why they're being so quiet.
ALM1981 -- as a member of the media who also wants to keep this case out there, I understand your sentiments! Would you be willing to speak with us about your concern? Maybe getting a story out there that people in the area want answers and are still thinking about the Curriers could help....

I'm at 802-233-3327 or


Jill Glavan
I am so annoyed with the lack of attention paid to this case these days. There's no mention of it anymore, unless it about the fight over the search warrants.

Why hasn't there been a volunteer search? It makes me think that police know a lot more than they're telling us. The residents of the town deserve to know, at a bare minimum, if this was random or targeted. I'm a single Mom, living less than a mile from the Currier's home and for the last month or so I have been petrified. I got a security system for my house that is wireless so cutting the phone lines wouldn't disarm it.

Why are they being so secretive about this? In any other missing persons case, you will see the police out as much as possible to get the information out to help find ANYTHING that could lead to finding out what happened to these people. There's definitely a reason they are being so tight-lipped about it. I have to say that I am disappointed in the VSP. No, they are not obligated to tell us details, but at least give us updates (even if there are none) to make it known it hasn't been forgotten. If you can't tell the public something, fine, I understand not compromising an investigation, but at least tell us that.

I think this case has been handled poorly from day one. I have been born and raised in Vermont and I love this State tremendously; there is no place I'd rather live. However, I'm disappointed and I have serious doubts that Vermont can handle this or that anything will ever be known about what happened. It's sad.

And where is Nancy Grace? She usually jumps all over these cases. Because they're older or because it's Vermont, it gets ignored? So frustrating.

I agree 100%.

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