VT VT - Brianna Maitland, 17, Montgomery, 19 March 2004

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I lived in the state at the time of her disappearance. It's all very close and people know stuff about each other. :rumor: I couldn't remember any of it. But my folks informed me that everyone had said that she had fallen into drugs, and bought some from a guy that was from away and only in that town for the day, and he killed her because she did not pay. RUMOR just what I have heard, it may not be fact.
I lived in the state at the time of her disappearance. It's all very close and people know stuff about each other. :rumor: I couldn't remember any of it. But my folks informed me that everyone had said that she had fallen into drugs, and bought some from a guy that was from away and only in that town for the day, and he killed her because she did not pay. RUMOR just what I have heard, it may not be fact.

Can you elaborate more? Or obtain more information from those people?
Can you elaborate more? Or obtain more information from those people?

I think the best she can do is hope that her folks will give more details. Looking at this case can be dangerous.
I lived in the state at the time of her disappearance. It's all very close and people know stuff about each other. :rumor: I couldn't remember any of it. But my folks informed me that everyone had said that she had fallen into drugs, and bought some from a guy that was from away and only in that town for the day, and he killed her because she did not pay. RUMOR just what I have heard, it may not be fact.

JWIYK what the general consensus behind said rumors were/are regarding her alleged drug use - mainly, what sort of user do they imply her being? Like, is it thought her drug use was of a "Hey I like to party and am bored so WTH" kind of rec/experimental nature? Or do they mean more like full-blown habit, fiending, addict behavior?
Just curious. Obviously, it'd more likely be the latter for someone to actually rack up enough money to kill over it...though, on further thought people have been known to kill for next to nothing, too. Though, IMHO, I don't think this is what happened to her., ultimately. I This whole case reeks of fishy people involved, left right and center. :stormy:
FWIW, I also lived in VT for a stint a few years before Brianna went missing, and I do have to say that drugs are quite rampant up in those parts and very accessibly so despite it being tremendously rural. Kids get bored, want/need a social outlet just like everywhere else, but it seems particularly compounded in VT in a lot places....at least that was my experience as a teenager while living there. It was is was quite surprising, really, what you could run into - drug wise and character-wise, for better or for worse. JMOE.

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To answer some of your questions, Anya, the general consensus was and still is that Brianna's disappearance is drug-related. Having been to Vermont recently myself to investigate the case, I can tell you that there are a lot of shaddy characters in that area and probably most people there know exactly what happened but they are too scared to come forward. That's why I'm doing what I can on my part as an outsider to find the information that I need to move this case forward and bring closure to the family.
To answer some of your questions, Anya, the general consensus was and still is that Brianna's disappearance is drug-related. Having been to Vermont recently myself to investigate the case, I can tell you that there are a lot of shaddy characters in that area and probably most people there know exactly what happened but they are too scared to come forward. That's why I'm doing what I can on my part as an outsider to find the information that I need to move this case forward and bring closure to the family.

Thanks for your response, Tarik.
I guess I'm just trying to understand why a dealer would have fronted her drugs in the first place. AFAIK from my own haunted past, dealers will very, very rarely, if ever, front drugs, especially the harder stuff, to their clientele. Even friends of a friend or whatnot. Maybe a pill or two or a dub sack now and again but then would that really be worth killing someone over? NIMO. :blushing:

My other issue is even if she did have drug debts, killing her basically screws over any chance for the loaner to ever be reimbursed/repaid as the "dead can't pay" mantra goes.

TOL: I do wonder if she was dealing or running drugs. Now that would make a lot more sense regarding the drug-debt-confrontation angle. IMO.
Has there ever been any cheater and/or theories regarding this?

I'm totally with you on her hanging out with "unsavory" people and probably getting in over her head with something concerning these individuals and experimenting, etc. Just what exactly is still unclear but likely something moreorless under-the-table/illegal. Or not.

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays everyone!

Sent via Tapatalk - excuse my fumbling typos as I'm in a mobile.
Thanks for your response, Tarik.
I guess I'm just trying to understand why a dealer would have fronted her drugs in the first place. AFAIK from my own haunted past, dealers will very, very rarely, if ever, front drugs, especially the harder stuff, to their clientele. Even friends of a friend or whatnot. Maybe a pill or two or a dub sack now and again but then would that really be worth killing someone over? NIMO. :blushing:

My other issue is even if she did have drug debts, killing her basically screws over any chance for the loaner to ever be reimbursed/repaid as the "dead can't pay" mantra goes.

TOL: I do wonder if she was dealing or running drugs. Now that would make a lot more sense regarding the drug-debt-confrontation angle. IMO.
Has there ever been any cheater and/or theories regarding this?

I'm totally with you on her hanging out with "unsavory" people and probably getting in over her head with something concerning these individuals and experimenting, etc. Just what exactly is still unclear but likely something moreorless under-the-table/illegal. Or not.

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays everyone!

Sent via Tapatalk - excuse my fumbling typos as I'm in a mobile.

Well, based on the research I've done and based on the things I've found, I can tell you that her alleged drug debt (I say "alleged" because it has never been completely proven) was not the only reason behind her disappearance. I can't say more for now otherwise I will end up saying things I don't want to say but what I can say is that there was more to it than just her owning money to drug dealers.

To answer your question in bold, yes there have been theories that she was herself involved in dealing and running drugs, however I don't believe that was the case. She was 17 years old, she had just gotten her GHD diploma and was working two jobs. I know from credible sources that she was trying to get her life back on track so it just doesn't seem feasible that she would deal drugs on top of all of that.

The segment was originally broadcast in 2012, but was repeated at 9 a.m. Friday. It features a recreation of events leading up to her disappearance and has interviews with her mother and investigators about the case.

Immediately after the program concluded, there was a spike in Google searches using the term "Brianna Maitland" by people seeking more information about the case. Searches appeared to be primarily in the Vermont and New Hampshire area, but some were also made by people as far away as California and Texas.

It's great Brianna's Disappeared episode is still generating interest and awareness to her case. I wish Disappeared could return, it's very good at warming up some of these cold cases.
I have always wondered about the drug debt as well.. It's my thought that a dealer wouldn't just front anyone a large amount of anything or continue to front them after not paying unless there was a reason ... So what would that reason be ... There aren't many I can think of... what if this dealer had a thing for her so kept giving and giving her stuff in hopes it would impress her or make her like them ... Then when they realized not only did it not change her feelings she also couldn't pay the debt and they just lost it.... If there was drug use on her part I could see this being a likely saniero she was very pretty and seemed to be a nice person from most accounts I could see where someone could have mistaken being nice as something more ... Just throwing it out there as a possibility don't mean to make her sound like a bad person or anything
I have always wondered about the drug debt as well.. It's my thought that a dealer wouldn't just front anyone a large amount of anything or continue to front them after not paying unless there was a reason ... So what would that reason be ... There aren't many I can think of... what if this dealer had a thing for her so kept giving and giving her stuff in hopes it would impress her or make her like them ... Then when they realized not only did it not change her feelings she also couldn't pay the debt and they just lost it.... If there was drug use on her part I could see this being a likely saniero she was very pretty and seemed to be a nice person from most accounts I could see where someone could have mistaken being nice as something more ... Just throwing it out there as a possibility don't mean to make her sound like a bad person or anything

Drug dealers are dangerous. Usually when they kill people or make them disappear, it's not always because of a debt or something. You have to be careful with them, one false step and you can end up lying dead in a ditch. My theory is that she was a bit naive due to her age, knew too much and was becoming a nuisance. Her disappearance served as an example to others, unfortunately. I believe the people involved basically told the other teenagers at the time : "careful you don't disobey us or you might end up like Brianna Maitland". She was being really cautious and got involved in something deep and she didn't know how serious it was. This is coming from one of her friends who's name I will not mention for privacy reasons. I'm still in the process of gathering information, I believe this is the year where there will hopefully be a resolution in this case one way or another.
Very true and lots of good points ... I guess for me in my mind it's alittle different I knew several "drug dealers " in my younger days and although they mostly only dealt with pot I didn't find any of them scary or intimidation at all but I guess it depends on what they are selling maybe??? Idk it's been years and years sense I have been involved with any of that but I deff hope you are right in this being the year she deserves peace and her family answers and closure
Very true and lots of good points ... I guess for me in my mind it's alittle different I knew several "drug dealers " in my younger days and although they mostly only dealt with pot I didn't find any of them scary or intimidation at all but I guess it depends on what they are selling maybe??? Idk it's been years and years sense I have been involved with any of that but I deff hope you are right in this being the year she deserves peace and her family answers and closure

There was a crack epidemic going on in upstate Vermont back in 2004. A lot of organized drug rings and dealers from New York, Connecticut, Rhode Island etc. were coming to New Hampshire and Vermont specifically to sell drugs to teenagers and make money. And since most teenagers in those areas didn't have a lot of options for fun hangouts they would go to parties, befriend the dealers and buy drugs, often times not realizing how dangerous it all was. Organized crime is still a big problem in Vermont these days and law enforcement doesn't seem to be doing a whole lot about it, at least that's what I was told and that's what I was able to see when I went there a few months ago. As for the case itself, I'm confident there will be some kind of resolution in the upcoming months, I'm working hard towards it.
Drug dealers are dangerous. Usually when they kill people or make them disappear, it's not always because of a debt or something. You have to be careful with them, one false step and you can end up lying dead in a ditch. My theory is that she was a bit naive due to her age, knew too much and was becoming a nuisance. Her disappearance served as an example to others, unfortunately. I believe the people involved basically told the other teenagers at the time : "careful you don't disobey us or you might end up like Brianna Maitland". She was being really cautious and got involved in something deep and she didn't know how serious it was. This is coming from one of her friends who's name I will not mention for privacy reasons. I'm still in the process of gathering information, I believe this is the year where there will hopefully be a resolution in this case one way or another.
I suspect that people are often killed when they try to get off drugs. The dealer figures there's no more money to be made from the person, and there's a risk of the person providing information to LE.

But can someone refresh my memory—wasn't there a theory that another girl got one of Brianna's dealers to kill Brianna, perhaps to settle an old score?
I suspect that people are often killed when they try to get off drugs. The dealer figures there's no more money to be made from the person, and there's a risk of the person providing information to LE.

But can someone refresh my memory—wasn't there a theory that another girl got one of Brianna's dealers to kill Brianna, perhaps to settle an old score?

The research I've done leads me to believe that Brianna was trying to get her life back on track when she disappeared. At this point, I have no real proof of her trying to clearly distance herself from the drug dealers although it is highly plausible. Unfortunately, it's extremely risky to try and distance yourself from such people especially if you know a lot about their activities, which I suspect Brianna did.

I've never heard of that theory thus far. If you have any concrete information regarding that, I'll be glad to look into it and talk about it with you either here or through inbox.
I suspect that people are often killed when they try to get off drugs. The dealer figures there's no more money to be made from the person, and there's a risk of the person providing information to LE.

But can someone refresh my memory—wasn't there a theory that another girl got one of Brianna's dealers to kill Brianna, perhaps to settle an old score?


The players in this whole affair were pretty young back then and the older you get, the more you have to lose. I'm not sure exactly what the police have been up to, but I think they know exactly what happened. Putting some muscle toward flipping a few of the softer members of this group would probably solve it for good. The most incredible thing is that it hasn't happened already.

The players in this whole affair were pretty young back then and the older you get, the more you have to lose. I'm not sure exactly what the police have been up to, but I think they know exactly what happened. Putting some muscle toward flipping a few of the softer members of this group would probably solve it for good. The most incredible thing is that it hasn't happened already.

I was told by one of my main sources that LE know what happened but that they need more people to step forward. The only way for this to be solved is if someone steps forward or if a private investigator keeps pushing and pushing until someone cracks.
I was told by one of my main sources that LE know what happened but that they need more people to step forward. The only way for this to be solved is if someone steps forward or if a private investigator keeps pushing and pushing until someone cracks.

It's amazing they've been able to keep this secret for so long. I get the impression that certain hints have been dropped but that all of these leads have failed to turn up Bri's remains. If they can find her, there will be arrests, I'm sure.
It's amazing they've been able to keep this secret for so long. I get the impression that certain hints have been dropped but that all of these leads have failed to turn up Bri's remains. If they can find her, there will be arrests, I'm sure.

That's what the people I'm working with on this case believe too. Fortunately enough, we have enough elements at this point to soon proceed.
I was told by one of my main sources that LE know what happened but that they need more people to step forward. The only way for this to be solved is if someone steps forward or if a private investigator keeps pushing and pushing until someone cracks.

Thinking that it might be a matter of a waiting game until a friendship, romance or business has a breakup, then any former bitter confidantes might speak up.

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