VT VT - Brianna Maitland, 17, Montgomery, 19 March 2004

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Of course the Brianna Maitland disappearance occurred a few weeks after that of Maura Murray and another anniversary is coming up unfortunately. Here is a You Tube video about the case. With some of these You Tube videos the age of the video makers worries me a little but this one although a lot younger than I am is a bit older. The other thing that worries me in cases like the Dorothy Scott one and the JonBenet Ramsey one I would not put it past the killer actually going after one of the video makers if he was still out there:

That is one scary thought. Hope that never happens.

I know it sounds a bit far fetched but there are many young people that post videos about true crime and they are of course horrible cases and if you look at cases like the Dorothy Scott case the stalking in that case is scary. Back to Brianna's case I hope there can be some progress with the case if that is what her family and friends want and I assume it is. In my opinion I do not think it will be a nice resolution though in this case though but I am sure most posters would also have worked that out as well. There may be some more information with the up coming anniversary.
I'm not sure why the age of the video makers matters, what matters is actually finding Brianna and bringing her home finally.

I agree with you about finding Brianna and bringing her home. To be blunt like many others I think unfortunately she is dead though. I actually find the fact young people and particularly young females are so interested in true crime very interesting as a social phenomenon. It is something I have observed when studying various cases. I have actually seen real youngsters make videos about nasty cases obviously hiding it from their parents. Brianna of course was just a child herself and this is a sad part of the case. I hope like you there can be some progress in her case for her family.
15 years today :(

15-year anniversary of Brianna Maitland's disappearance
Posted: Tue 7:52 AM, Mar 19, 2019 | Updated: Tue 11:27 AM, Mar 19, 2019


"I'm trying to do something good by helping other people that are kind of in the same boat as me and something good to come out of what's really been a bad situation," Maitland said.

Link: 15-year anniversary of Brianna Maitland's disappearance
Here is a recent You Tube video about the case:

I'm a lurker here, stopping by every few months to see if there's anything new on cases in New England. I'm one of those people who just won't say anything unless I have something to add that hasn't been addressed.

The Maitland case is particularly interesting as I'm a fairly recent transplant to Vermont.

Reading above and taking the temperature of the forum in general, it appears there's a trend of folks on YouTube making videos to rehash known information and combine it with personal insight. Some of what the YouTube creators say will spark some ideas in my mind.

Does anyone here have any input on the gentleman on YouTube calling himself Terrafullsight Dutrisac? I'm not sure if I'm misinterpreting his videos. The grammar and preparation leaves much to be desired, and the host wanders off-topic quite often, however he brings some interesting angles to past discussions. I'm not sure if I'm watching someone's audio/visual media class creations, an attempt at amateur journalism, or someone who has indeed done extensive research yet encounters difficulty expressing himself. Of late he has touched upon the Maitland, Murray, and Lawson cases. There seems to be an attempt at some supernatural explanations in some of his videos, which unfortunately are buried within hours of random comments and within videos with misleading titles.

I've been listening to this person's material in the background the past couple of months as I do projects around the house and felt it was time to jump on here and get some opinions or see if anyone knows the guy. I've been catching up on a lot of his recent videos and I'm just not precisely certain what he's doing.
Brianna had some serious enemies - maybe because she had been fronted drugs or money; people routinely get murdered for failing to repay even $50 from drug dealers or sharks. There is one pic of her where she has a black eye and some facial injuries that indicate she was beaten hard. I suspect that was a warning to her at the time. Her killers are most likely local to that area, and people who were involved in her social circle. And no, I seriously doubt she's alive. As far as her killer being related to Maura's case, I just don't see any connections at all - even though many people want there to be some. For whatever reason, maybe the drama of it all, I find that here at WS and in the True Crime community always want to relate cases together - most often because of geographical location. I think if we followed that ideology there would be like, tens of thousands of serial killers in America. The reality is that human beings are complicated; murders are usually something personal (i.e, "you cheated on me and now YOU want a divorce? I'll show you divorce!" - even gang shootings can be personal too) - serial killers are a rare breed. As for Maura, I would love to check the forest of the area that she was last seen in; I used to be a Park Ranger and to be able to follow tracks etc in the winter you have to know what you're doing (they said her tracks suddenly disappeared - I have serious doubts about this) - and when I used to work nights in the winter I'd often be assigned to 'foot patrol' (I had an ATV or a snow machine that I would drive into the woods and then park and walk) someone who is drunk and cold and inexperienced could get lost very quickly and die a mere hours later. I loved working those *advertiser censored* because the woods were so peaceful (I knew the area so well I didn't need to use my Streamlight), but I had a heated vest, heated gloves, heated socks, special boots for military use in the Arctic, a jacket that protected me to -35 degrees F, plenty of high-energy snacks and Gatorade, multiple light sources (some could light up the woods like it was daytime), redundant communication equipment in case I needed to call my dispatcher or police/fire, etc. Maura was drunk, probably confused and scared of getting arrested, it was freezing, at night, and in the middle of nowhere. I'd be willing to place a bet that her remains are there someplace, and that she passed away from hypothermia (which is common in people who had been drinking).
It's fairly recent, it was filmed about a month ago or so. Although I don't agree with everything the podcast crew does and has done, they are doing a great job at keeping the case alive in the public eye which is what the Maitlands have wanted and didn't get for a very long time.

In other news, Brianna's ex-boyfriend James has apparently died in a road accident a few days ago, he was just 33 : Police: 3 killed in 2 Northeast Kingdom crashes I want to make it clear that he was not a person of interest in the case and that he has cooperated in the past.
I am hoping this is recent and it was recently uploaded to You Tube it is a panel discussing Brianna's case:

Here is another panel discusses Brianna's case amongst others and it features her Dad:

It's fairly recent, it was filmed about a month ago or so. Although I don't agree with everything the podcast crew does and has done, they are doing a great job at keeping the case alive in the public eye which is what the Maitlands have wanted and didn't get for a very long time.

In other news, Brianna's ex-boyfriend James has apparently died in a road accident a few days ago, he was just 33 : Police: 3 killed in 2 Northeast Kingdom crashes I want to make it clear that he was not a person of interest in the case and that he has cooperated in the past.

Is he the one who saw her car in the early morning hours with the turn signal on?
He saw her car but when he did the turn signal wasn't on.
I mainly follow the Maura Murray case on this site and occasionally people bring up Brianna Maitland on Maura's thread because they happened in the same general area and just a month apart.

However it is pretty clear in my eyes that the two cases are not connected in anyway. Though it is definitely sad that Brianna's remains havn't been found I do however think there is a 95-99% chance that Brianna's disappearance was caused by people she ran with. It doesn't take much research of this case to realize that Brianna didn't run with a real good crowd at all and her chances of the people she associated with being involved in drugs (and likely Brianna was as well) is pretty good. I also wouldn't be surprised at all if the people that killed her were the ones whose house was searched. Unfortunately though unless they can prove that those individuals without a doubt did it there isn't much law enforcement can do. And it doesn't seem like they have the proof they need to arrest those two guys.

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