W.S. Exclusive. Cindy A. Tells Websleuths Owner Her Lawyer Is Taking On Websites!

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My thoughts on this is that sometimes a suspects family just wants it to all go away. But they cannot stop the legal process, they cannot stop the media, it is impossible to monitor all the coffee sshops, restaurants, barber shops, beauty shops and private homes where this is being discussed. But a website, now that is open and public. And has people attached. An easy place to try to stop any discussion of the case. But even if they could stop discussion here, lol, it would just make the discussions elsewhere worse. Instead of "did Casey kill her daughter?" the discussion will be "did Casey kill her daughter and why doesn't her parents want it to be talked about?"
A WS poster claims to have been in email contact with Cindy & notified her of this site . . . Tricia explains in the original post.

OOPS, I forgot to put a smily face at the end of my post - I was only kidding, honest:):)
So according to Cindy she will allow us our 1st amendment rights as long as we are not being "inflammatory" or using "extreme foul language"?

How noble of her ....

How are we to know what Cindy finds "inflammatory" or "offensive"?

If I state that I believe Casey is a Baby Killer would she find that "offensive" & "inflammatory"?

Or is she only concerned with post that refer to her directly such as .......

"I believe Cindy is the matriarch of a dysfunctional family"


"I believe that Cindy is covering up Caylee's murder"

I wish she would have been more clear when she said "negative media webstuff"

Cindy stated that she hasn't "investigated" WS yet but I'm sure she will get around to it so we should be prepare ourselves for that day

Maybe we could route all our post through Cindy first so she can "Censor" them.

Or maybe Cindy should be put in charge of all the Threads here at WS so she could "Pre- Approve" the topics of our conversations.

I think that would be logistically easier than having her proof read & censor thousands of individual post.

These are only a few suggestions & I'm only trying to help find a solution to this problem & save WS from Cindy's wrath.

Cindy sounds like a reasonable person & I'm sure she will not have this site shut down as long she has some way to control it's content & is given the power of censorship.

All of us here could make this a lot easier on Cindy if we would just refrain from mentioning her or her family at all.

Lets just pretend "IT" never happened.

After all, the woman is very busy trying to find her missing Granddaughter, do you really think she has the time to be babysitting us posters?


All of the above is my own personal opinion and in no way was I attempting to be "inflammatory" or "offensive" to Cindy Anthony, her family, friends, pets or any other acquaintance.

If Cindy so deems any of the above "offensive" or "inflammatory" I reserve the right to blame WS for providing me with a forum to express my personal opinions.
*yawn* *looking at watch* I guess this was really important and exclusive...

i think i rather go get a pizza

LOL - don't let us keep you! Just a tip that if a someone as kind and generous as Tricia allows us to be here, free of charge, constantly monopolizing the moderators time, we should treat her and the moderators with respect and remember it is her house - we are just visiting. So sorry we have bored you! :blowkiss:
Actually in the example i gave, i didn't use in my opinion and what i said would be okay nonetheless though.

Study more on the law.

How about we start with the law of averages that says you won't make it 20 posts on here with that kinda "sass-on".

Your in Momma's house, take off your shoes outside and sit up straight like the rest of us.

Thank You Kindly.

Stolen? Hmmm.... Where they copy righted? Where they lived someplace where there was a disclaimer, etc? Once in public, they are public. <shrug> It would have to be proved that the picture was taken from a copyrighted place BEFORE it was copyrighted. That in it's self would be a mess. I don't see a lawyer even wanting to try to take that case. WHO would pay for it? IT's going to really cost just to gather the evidence. It would cost tons of money and how much money would be gotten if they won?

I am not stating they would win. I am saying that she certainly can cause some stress to the owner and mods of this site. She can file and any attorney would take the case. Everyone wants a piece of the cake (case).

While PB disclaims you are putting your privacy at risk, it also states that if you are found using pictures that do not belong to yourself, your account will be closed, etc.,.

I, myself, am uncomfortable with the idea that CA has inadvertedly threatened Tricia and WS. You never know what CA exactly means. There have been threats made by the A's in which they never follow through on. It could all be "talk" within the moment.

Tricia has made a good strong effort to get posters to follow TOS and act like adults. There are people who continue to do as they please and continue to gossip and name call -which is not helping find Caylee or even sleuthing. Taking pictures of the people involved with this case and editing them to insult said persons is also illegal. And it is far from sleuthing or supportive of finding Caylee. We are not a fashion or political forum. So all of which is said about KC's clothing, sexual orientation and other ridiculous gossip is not within the "fair use" act.

And I agree, if the family were to do that -it would show the family is not doing more important things. we know what that is; FIND CAYLEE.

I have read Tricia's concern about net trolls who come on here just to start trouble with the site. I see that happening even in this one thread. People who never posted here until this very thread. (I am not referring to you.)

There are people who are making things harder for the moderators... as well as giving the A's something to distract themselves with at night.

My post was not to put down WS, it's owner, and mods. I am recapping on what Tricia has already warned us about -in regards to our behaviour. Once again, a mod is going to have to sift through this thread for the name-callers and immature responses. What I refer to as the Caylee forum becoming quiet - I mean less gossip and more clues/tips. But, it is seemingly obvious we are not finding many clues these days... like Tricia said in her message about this forum-some of us are getting bored and going off about any and everything.

So, what now? How do we find more clues as to what happened in this case? How do we use this forum for which it is intended? Where do we sleuth?
How about we start with the law of averages that says you won't make it 20 posts on here with that kinda "sass-on".

Your in Momma's house, take off your shoes outside and sit up straight like the rest of us.

Thank You Kindly.


I love that HAT, Blink, and your attitude ROCKS!!! WS ROCKS!!!
Don't you have to prove damage to win a defamation suit? What damage is some post of thousands from someone in another state and/or country doing to her exactly?
How about we start with the law of averages that says you won't make it 20 posts on here with that kinda "sass-on".

Your in Momma's house, take off your shoes outside and sit up straight like the rest of us.

Thank You Kindly.


you don't have a comment thread on your profile! anyhoo, that is hilarious! true, but funny-good!
I was just wondering how can someone who has lost a Grand-child and they know she is alive, would waste time on internet message boards, instead of trying to find their lost baby? They should be too busy following up on all those leads they keep getting. CA trolling for message boards with foul language, only shows which activity she thinks is more important, and it is not searching.
How about we start with the law of averages that says you won't make it 20 posts on here with that kinda "sass-on".

Your in Momma's house, take off your shoes outside and sit up straight like the rest of us.
Thank You Kindly.



thanks Blink, I needed that laugh, LOL:)
Don't you have to prove damage to win a defamation suit? What damage is some post of thousands from someone in another state and/or country doing to her exactly?

no one is getting my point. my point is not whether the family could win anything. my point is that they absolutely can file and press upon the site -which alone is something I feel we should not instigate. My point is WS does not need the hassle.

I was just wondering how can someone who has lost a Grand-child and they know she is alive, would waste time on internet message boards, instead of trying to find their lost baby? They should be too busy following up on all those leads they keep getting. CA trolling for message boards with foul language, only shows which activity she thinks is more important, and it is not searching.


(love your sheep/lambies. oh so cute!)
I had to look up the meaning of "skankho(e)" to see how it was being used here in a derogatory fashion here. Apparently it has various meanings.

This was my understanding of the word:

1. skankhoe 2 up, 12 down
someone bothersome, and boring, who tries to be original but gets on your nerves

Stop being such a skankhoe..


I don't consider that usage derogatory though wouldn't use it out of respect for Tricia's request.
CA needs to quit worrying about what is going on with people on the internet and worry about her daughter not telling the truth about Caylee. We are the least of her worry. Why would anyone even contact CA? That is just not good business. I would not want her having my phone number or email and include me in this whole mess. They like blaming everyone else for this disaster that KC created instead of the one person who is responsible KC. This just shows where Caylee is on the priority list of their lives. Quit handling her with kid gloves, put her butt back in jail and let her set it out, but instead they are going to go broke &#8220;taking care&#8221; of her when if given the chance she would ruin them. What good is she on the outside? Oh, she might miss a message on face book or MySpace, things might be calm in front of the house&#8230;oh she could not let that happen. I understand that she is their child BUT she is also 22 years old an old enough to pay for what she has done. Sometimes you have to just let go when things start to drag you down.
Dear Websleuth Members,

Last week a poster called Katie526 claimed she was e-mailing and talking with Cindy Anthony.

On Websleuths, when a poster makes a claim of this nature, I like to check it out. Websleuths is different that other sites in that we don't allow people to come in and tell whatever story they want. When we can, we verify.

Katie gave me Cindy A's number and permission to call. I did.

I left Cindy a message explaining that she had my word that I would not ask one question about the case. I just wanted to see if this poster was legit.

Cindy called me back. She was extremely gracious and surprisingly open.

She said she didn't remember Katie but that didn't mean anything since she talked and e-mailed so many people. I agreed to send her Katie's post via email and she would tell me if Katie was being truthful.

There was more to this conversation as you will soon learn.


Tricia................many thanks for all that you do for us! Real life intruded last night and I didn't see this thread until the wee hours of this morning. I'm stunned to think that Cindy Anthony thinks she and their attorney have the right to stop free speech! I guess we should chalk it up to another example of the arrogance of someone who believes they're above the laws of the land.
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