W.S. Exclusive. Cindy A. Tells Websleuths Owner Her Lawyer Is Taking On Websites!

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That blows me away. Instead of spending time confronting people and arguing with them - how about spending a few minutes a day looking for Caylee Cindy???

Why aren't you looking for Caylee Cindy?????? You should be ashamed of yourself. I am for you.
Tricia, first of all thanks for this amazing board. I would be happy to buy a cup or tee shirt with Websleuths on it. Also where I live in So Cal, my neighborhood has many, many dog owners, how about dog collars with websleuths on it, it would be a great conversation piece, people here even change the collars with different themes throughout the year, so I know people would notice, and it would be a great opportunity to talk about Websleuths.

great idea! and cats!! by the looks of things everyone has cats too :)
If I were Cindy, I would be concentrating on finding Caylee..especially if she thinks she is alive (as she says). Because if she doesn't, Casey is going to go away for a very long time. If I were in Cindy's shoe's, I would care less of what the 'internet' or the news has to say. I would be beating the bushes to find my Grand daughter, and also help save the fate of my daughter from the likes of those who dwell in prison.

It would seem again, the shadow of 'how do I look' hangs over this family, instead of those things that are 'really' important. "Our Children" and their future's.

She isn't going to help Caylee by protecting Casey. And she isn't going to help Casey by pointing fingers out at her yard..or the Internet.

There is a calm sense of trust when a parent teaches their child to be honest, and forthcoming..even when it implicates the child, or self. The greatest gift a parent can give their child, is how to tell the truth. There is no greater strength then being honest and taking one's licks with dignity.

Dignity comes from honoring the rights of others.. in this case it is Caylees'.
No one is putting the other one 'first'. And that is true love..when one puts the needs of another before their own.

(hug) to Cindy, Prayers for Casey..and Blessings for Caylee.

Lies, do not change 'truth'. They only hide them for awhile. Dignity is forever lost when the truth 'is' uncovered. And then that's... a true missing person.

Sorry ...felt compelled.. :)
Ok I don't care for yelling foul language as in swear words because I think it shows lack of class/education. (An occassional swear word, no biggie).
But we live in the USA, if we want to voice our opinion on this case or any other topic thru freedom of speech, that is in our Constitution to do so.
What, are they going to take on the Constitution now too? lol.
Thanks Tricia and Mods for all you do!!

There could be complications to both sides. Regardless of the TOS being stated; posters have been sharing stolen pictures on the forum. I would not want to see WS have to address this legally or argue their rights. However, it might be less stress if the Caylee forum went quiet for awhile. The legalities of slander are also a topic of issue. The mods have tried to keep everything mature and mild mannered. But, quite a few posters continue on with their sophmoric accusations and insinuations -as well as breaking the TOS. It is hard to define what is slander versus opinion. egh. I am not sure I want to even be participating here without Tricia around. And I hope more work is not created for the mods because of those who do not follow TOS.

Stolen? Hmmm.... Where they copy righted? Where they lived someplace where there was a disclaimer, etc? Once in public, they are public. <shrug> It would have to be proved that the picture was taken from a copyrighted place BEFORE it was copyrighted. That in it's self would be a mess. I don't see a lawyer even wanting to try to take that case. WHO would pay for it? IT's going to really cost just to gather the evidence. It would cost tons of money and how much money would be gotten if they won?
Myspace can delete individual pages, but she is talking about taking out an entire WEBSITE! That is rediculous, in my opinion why are they trying to battle everyone? If it were me I wouldnt even know what was online I would be out day and night searching for my child, holding press conferences, and heading search teams. It seems like these people care more about their ego's and reputations than they do about Caylee. Lets not forget also that they have blemished their own reputation with their own behavior. I think that just about everyone felt for them to the core at the beginning but when they started lying, changing stories, and not looking for Caylee that soft spot we all had grew hard. I personally think it is a waste of their time and I am suprised that their lawyer would even take on something like this, any good lawyer IMO would be suggesting that they focus on mor epertinent issues. Honestly I wonder if she is even telling the truth or if she was just trying to scare you? Tricia you run an amazing site I have grown to appreciate it because you dont allow people to be rude or say inapropriate things, I have been on another blog that is just beyond despicable and it probably should be taken down. This just makes me upset I wish they would just get on their knees and spend their time praying and searching. In a year or two this will pass and I wonder how much regret they will have.... This is JUST MY OPINION.
Protect Casey from other children. Geeze - we don't want them disappearing around her too.

And did ya'll hear Padilla say last night that the Anthony's ARE NOT receiving any tips as to the whereabouts of Caylee?? So what are you doing Cindy? Other than stirring things up and making yourself look more pathetic and stupid???

LOOK FOR YOUR FREAKING GRANDDAUGHTER FOR CRIPE'S SAKES. Don't tell us to look, we didn't lose nor are we responsible for her....but yet we are the only ones looking.
Since Tricia won't/can't take donations for a new computer how about for a Lawyer for WS? lol I say fight fire with fire!
I missed this thread yesterday. I read it with interest today. Tricia has good things coming her way because she has given to other unselfishly. Good people reap good things. What you put out is what you get back. In her case she will be blessed beyond her wildest beliefs just because of all the random kindness she does.

I want to let Cindy and others like her know that you can never do anything about what people say about you or your family. No matter how much damage control you try to do or how many lawsuits you threaten with people are going to talk.

What you can do is life your life well, treating people with respect and kindness and overlooking offenses. When you live your life this way you teach a better sermon with your life then with your lips.

The slanderous lies people tell about others are silenced by just being a good person.

I once counseled a woman whose family had been accused of terrible things and most of them were true. I told her to turn the other cheek. Hold her head up high and forgive them. She began to do that and it turned her situation around.

Uncontrolled actions and tongues fuel gossip. Ignoring the things said and doing what is right turns things around.
Thank you for the info Tricia. I'm disappointed because I would think if they had that much time & financial resources they would spend it looking for Caylee. That is certainly what I would do, every waking moment & every dollar would go to Caylee. I'm so happy that the world has fallen in love with Caylee as it seems more & more as this case goes on that its the strangers that hold the torch for her, not her family, & that truly makes me sad.
What about the websites that the Anthony's have up for donations for finding Caylee? Now wouldn't it be a "mistruth" if you were asking for donations to help find little Caylee but the money was actually not being used for that purpose? Would Cindy Anthony be open and honest by providing a true accounting of the trust set up to find her granddaughter?

My only advice to the attys searching for slander is be careful what you wish for...

The door swings both ways my darling.

Interesting thought..........If it is proven later they knew about Caylee all along, that is INTERSTATE FRAUD, collecting money for finding her.
If I were Cindy, I would be concentrating on finding Caylee..especially if she thinks she is alive (as she says). Because if she doesn't, Casey is going to go away for a very long time. If I were in Cindy's shoe's, I would care less of what the 'internet' or the news has to say. I would be beating the bushes to find my Grand daughter, and also help save the fate of my daughter from the likes of those who dwell in prison.

It would seem again, the shadow of 'how do I look' hangs over this family, instead of those things that are 'really' important. "Our Children" and their future's.

She isn't going to help Caylee by protecting Casey. And she isn't going to help Casey by pointing fingers out at her yard..or the Internet.

There is a calm sense of trust when a parent teaches their child to be honest, and forthcoming..even when it implicates the child, or self. The greatest gift a parent can give their child, is how to tell the truth. There is no greater strength then being honest and taking one's licks with dignity.

Dignity comes from honoring the rights of others.. in this case it is Caylees'.
No one is putting the other one 'first'. And that is true love..when one puts the needs of another before their own.

(hug) to Cindy, Prayers for Casey..and Blessings for Caylee.

Lies, do not change 'truth'. They only hide them for awhile. Dignity is forever lost when the truth 'is' uncovered. And then that's... a true missing person.

Sorry ...felt compelled.. :)

Wow, Susan that is right on accurate. Thank you for posting it for all of us to see.


I'm really dissapointed that this is where Cindy's focus is with her attorney. I really believed that she knew there was much more important things to be spending her time on than something as ridiculous as this. I would think that the internet "gossip" or whatever, would be the last thing on her mind, and finding Caylee and proving her daughter was as innocent as she believes would be her only focus right now..

Very sad to learn this is not the case.

If she doesn't like what is being said, the best thing is to prove it's not true and that would make who she thinks is wrong feel foolish, and give everyone answers about little Caylee all at the same time - seems like a much more positive and worthwhile way of going about this... IMO of course.
respectfully snipped, for any of you on here that have never spoken to Tricia, live-
There isnt an aptly penned metaphor that I can come up with to articulate how profoundly kerblewy the thought of Cindy being able to intimidate "MOM".
I would have liked to have been there to see Tricia's facial contortions during the convo, though:crazy:

ya know, it is so obvious, that at the very heart of WS's is the desire to FIND CAYLEE and the truth, NOT to hurt ANYONE......from what I have learned since being here a short while from ALL you good, smart folks is that CA SHOULD have been BEGGING 'Tricia for WS's HELP!!!
that's the way I feel
as for 'T's computer.......I have to agree with SweetROSE...while at the same time thanking T SO VERY MUCH for what she has done and what she is doing...but if there is ever a "right" way to give , count me in.......
great idea! and cats!! by the looks of things everyone has cats too :)

Yes cats also, did not mean to exclude. Cindy, reality check, the last thing that should be on your mind is what people are saying about your daughter on the internet. Did you really think people were going to rally around her. :rolleyes:
What a complete waste of time. What people are saying about them should be the least of their worries. Why should it even matter to them what people think? And if I must remind you, Cindy, you are the one who painted yourself in the negative light. Nobody targeted you or set you up. You did it all yourself, dear, and a darn good job of it too.
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