Tricia, First off I think you did a wonderful job, and I admire you talking straight(exactly what you think, feel, and know) to CA.
I love this website. One reason I love it is because I can come here, and not have to worry about getting flamed, or reading language I would rather not read. I can express my opinion here freely, in a way I feel totally comfortable, and more importantly I can develop ideas in stages in a safe way. If I do change my mind about something(which I do as more information comes in), no one will verbably attack me for it.
That being said, I am an adult. I started on computers when a Tandy had a built in seat, and under that seat is where you put a floppy disk almost as big as a sheet of paper. The screen was orange and black. If I wanted to go to another site, that happens to also discuss the Anthony case, and they allows all types of words in a free, but heated exchange that is my choice as an adult human being. If I wanted to type that someone was a ..tirade here of obscene words about loose morals, pants zippers, social standings... poopy head, then this is American and I am free to type that, read that, or even promote that. I will fight for all people to have the right to have their opinion, even if I think they are very very sick. CA thinking she has the right to stop people from calling her daughter a horrible word describing not being able to control your sexual self, is very very misguided. She would do better talking to her daughter about controlling her sexual behavior, or better yet finding her Grand-daughter she swears is alive. It would seem if she truly believed that, she would not have time being the word police online. I only hope she will not be using the "Help Find Caylee" fund for this policing.