W.S. Exclusive. Cindy A. Tells Websleuths Owner Her Lawyer Is Taking On Websites!

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Wow Tricia...what a great post. I will buy you a laptop also...really. If you take just a few of us up on the offer, you can have extras when the next one breaks! I say we barter. Since your becoming even more famous, I want your autograph! Your autograph for a laptop! :)
What puzzles me about this whole thing is that people post all kinds of nastiness about celebrities, politicians and other wealthy people all over the internet all the time and with all of their millions and the inflluence that buys them, these wealthy people can't get it stopped, so what makes Cindy Anthony think she has the slightest chance of getting it stopped about her and her family?
Once again the Anthony family has shown their true colors. Kudos to Tricia for not taking the bait..and CA is now into intimidation tactics...............how very sad for little Caylee.

What grandmother in her right mind sits at home on the computer all day scouring the web for nasty info about the family...when she should get off her azz and go look for her baby granddaughter. This isn't about Casey..although you can't tell Camp Anthony that..this is about Caylee. We only report what we see, hear and find.......while still participating in searches for the good, the bad and the ugly in this case...hoping that some of that will bring us closer to understanding what happened to Caylee and where her little broken body can be found. If in the meantime we find some unsavory info about the family, too bad..Cindy you reap what you sow..and you have sown a monster. The villagers are ready with pitch forks and torches..time to let the monster go and look for little Caylee yourself.
What puzzles me about this whole thing is that people post all kinds of nastiness about celebrities, politicians and other wealthy people all over the internet all the time and with all of their millions and the inflluence that buys them, these wealthy people can't get it stopped, so what makes Cindy Anthony think she has the slightest chance of getting it stopped about her and her family?

Exactly. I would think if that were possible then Paris, Brittany, & even Tom Cruise would have done it a LONG time ago. LOL
So this is what the Anthony family is putting their donations into? Oh wow! Cyber Patrol!!!!!
What puzzles me about this whole thing is that people post all kinds of nastiness about celebrities, politicians and other wealthy people all over the internet all the time and with all of their millions and the inflluence that buys them, these wealthy people can't get it stopped, so what makes Cindy Anthony think she has the slightest chance of getting it stopped about her and her family?

Maybe it's less about stopping it than discrediting it or distracting from other things. Most of the pics and stuff that KC posted or that other friends posted of her were less than flattering for a case that could hinge upon a jury's perception of what kind of person KC is/what kind of mother she was. Seeing her hanging over a toilet bowl or dancing on a pole is going to paint a certain characterization in people's minds, especially since they were taken during the timeframe that Caylee was missing. If CA can start portraying the Internet as an evil place where people write and say horrible things and attack KC personally without knowing her, perhaps they think that will take some of the sting out of what KC and her friends put out there. Or, wait a minute -- just like someone else planted the body in the tow yard, maybe someone else posted party pics of someone who looked like KC in an effort to make KC look bad! The conspiracy possibilities are endless, LOL!
This looks like an interesting thread. I just discovered it so I'm many pages behind. I believe that insofar as Cindy has been able to "take down a few Myspace sites" (according to you) this would probably be simply based on the kindness and policy of Myspace itself,and not based on any legal right. I say "probably" because I cant be 100% sure without having read the supposedly objectionable pages.

Thus, for example, the owners of this Websleuths web site have the right to make this site as strict or as tolerant as they wish -- it's their site and that's all there is to it. However, if Websleuths were to allow the use of such words as *advertiser censored* or *advertiser censored* (or even worse) in connection with this case, the Anthonys would have a difficult time fighting this policy. It's free speech.

I agree, and then they would have to prove that their darling daughter was
not the words being used to describe her. GLWT.
There could be complications to both sides. Regardless of the TOS being stated; posters have been sharing stolen pictures on the forum. I would not want to see WS have to address this legally or argue their rights. However, it might be less stress if the Caylee forum went quiet for awhile. The legalities of slander are also a topic of issue. The mods have tried to keep everything mature and mild mannered. But, quite a few posters continue on with their sophmoric accusations and insinuations -as well as breaking the TOS. It is hard to define what is slander versus opinion. egh. I am not sure I want to even be participating here without Tricia around. And I hope more work is not created for the mods because of those who do not follow TOS.

Once a picture is put on a website that shares photos, like photobucket or flckr, it's a public free for all. You agree to those terms when you upload. Sorry. And as far as the Caylee forum going quiet, not a chance, no matter how many cindy's are lurking. The mods are the only people who can decide if people are breaking tos and they handle it. Welcome to the land of free speech!! And I can define slander vs. opinion easy: slander is the communication of a statement that makes a false claim, expressly stated or implied to be factual. long as we are implying it is our opinion....no problem!
Wow. so we are not allowed to call her daughter names! Or talk mean about them are you serious? If I didn't respect WS as much as I do - I would have left a 500 word post full of profanity.

Unbelievable. Get a life to those posters who contact and email cindy, seriously. Will I get banned for saying that? I hope not, but I come on here to check updates and such, but I don't contact this family and try to put myself in the middle of all of this, seems a bit pathetic.
Tricia, first of all thanks for this amazing board. I would be happy to buy a cup or tee shirt with Websleuths on it. Also where I live in So Cal, my neighborhood has many, many dog owners, how about dog collars with websleuths on it, it would be a great conversation piece, people here even change the collars with different themes throughout the year, so I know people would notice, and it would be a great opportunity to talk about Websleuths.
Hey Cindy.... tell your lawyers I said... WTH is CAYLEE??!!!

Join Date: Aug 2003
Location: Florida
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I want to thank everyone who was so willing to donate money for Tricia a new computer but WS does not allow donations unless it is for TES and legit donation sites. I think it's just wonderful that you all are so caring and loving and wanting to help we have to understand if we allowed it for one then we would have to allow it for everyone. WS doesn't allow solicitations for funds for anyone other than preapproved charities . Again thank you all so much.
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