WA/Canada - Human feet washing ashore

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I have a bad feeling about this. If there were bite marks on them I assure you that would have been reported.

I'm not sure, it seems to me that Canadian LE can be quite tight-lipped about ongoing investigations and only release details either once a case is solved or once they hit a dead-end and become convinced that a case is unsolvable without the public's help and even then they only release what they deem "pertinent" which I find odd because how the heck can they know what is pertinent and what isn't if the case is stalled? In this they are similar to British cops.

On a different note, I wonder if the body parts could have come from just about anywhere in the Pacific Northwest and not necessarily from Vancouver Island itself? I know an expert said he thought they have had to be from the island but in order to assess this he had to have guessed where the feet had started their sea journey, and could have been way off. Hopefully they are also looking into missing persons from Washington state and Oregon.

Another possibility is that the feet belonged to would-be illegal immigrants to either the US or Canada. Vancouver BC is the largest seaport on the Pacific coast of the Americas, it has a huge container terminal and it's not unreasonable to think many smuggled immigrants transit through it. Immigrants who die during the journey are sometimes removed from containers and thrown overboard before entering Canadian or US waters. I imagine it's possible that three such cadavers got sucked into prop wash and minced. However there is a problem with this theory: very few Asians wear size 12 shoes.
I concur completely. Remember the Karla Holmgren (sp?) case?
I suspect that was a Royal black eye they won't soon forget.
Anyone know what type of running shoe was on the victims?
I remember reading a forensics article where the author talked about how humor finds its way into serious cases, during the investigation, amongst the investigators. As it was pointed out: sometimes people look to the lighter side... not out of disrespect, but out of coping and trying to comprehend what is going on.

If you look at the majority of violent or scarey movies, you'll note a "comic relief" character that breaks up the stress of the movie. People like stress, but they can't handle stressers constantly without a "relief". People who can... worry me.
I remember reading a forensics article where the author talked about how humor finds its way into serious cases, during the investigation, amongst the investigators.

Apparently medical examiners and morgue staff are among the most humorous people one can find. Dealing with death on a daily basis must be depressing therefore a defense mechanism is required. Combat troops often deal with stress in the same manner, I know a Marine drill instructor (I know, I have weird friends lol, but off duty he's a nice fellow) who says he can spot those of his boot camp recruits that will make the best soldiers and climb ranks the fastest by their sense of humor under stress. According to him on the battlefield morale boosters are more valuable than Rambos because they maintain unit coherence and wars are fought by units not by individuals.

Like Blink34 says people who don't need such a relief would worry me. Not saying that those at ease with of fascinated by death are necessarily criminals -I'm sure most aren't- but I find morbid individuals dreadful.
sooo... this is the new foothold for the 3 found feet. I'm a naughty girl to have it banished to the Parking lot.

Since I am footloose and fancy free I forgot to follow up on this.

I have an essay I wrote in college about feet. Not that I have a strange fascination with them or anything but this made me think of it. I'll have to find it. It is called "ode to feet" I got an A. Not that it makes a hill of beans difference to any of you.
With all due respect, when I first read your "tongue and cheek expose" on the feet thread, I thought it was lighthearted and well received in such a grotesque scenario.

However, reading this post makes me think that you should be reminded that there are, at a minimum, 3 people that may have been brutally tortured or murdered, and I do not think their loved ones would appreciate that you consider this your personal forum for fodder- or as an analogy, talking because one likes the sound of one's voice.

Perhaps you might turn that admiitedly sharp wit into potential answers on "sleuth-worthy" issues.

It is not my intention to disrepect your right of opinion, it is my intent to respect the feelings of the victims and their families that might view this.
With all due respect, when I first read your "tongue and cheek expose" on the feet thread, I thought it was lighthearted and well received in such a grotesque scenario.

However, reading this post makes me think that you should be reminded that there are, at a minimum, 3 people that may have been brutally tortured or murdered, and I do not think their loved ones would appreciate that you consider this your personal forum for fodder- or as an analogy, talking because one likes the sound of one's voice.

Perhaps you might turn that admiitedly sharp wit into potential answers on "sleuth-worthy" issues.

It is not my intention to disrepect your right of opinion, it is my intent to respect the feelings of the victims and their families that might view this.

Respect for that, you live up to your name :)
Let's help figure it out when more evidence comes in.
Respect for that, you live up to your name :)
Let's help figure it out when more evidence comes in.

All silliness aside another foot has washed up on shore.

For the fourth time in less than a year, a severed human foot nestled inside a sneaker has washed up on the shores of one of the province's islands.
Richmond RCMP said this latest discovery was made by a passerby shortly after noon yesterday on the north shore of Kirkland Island, which lies in the south arm of the Fraser River, south of Vancouver.
Corporal Nycki Basra said police are treating the find as suspicious.

All silliness aside another foot has washed up on shore.

For the fourth time in less than a year, a severed human foot nestled inside a sneaker has washed up on the shores of one of the province's islands.
Richmond RCMP said this latest discovery was made by a passerby shortly after noon yesterday on the north shore of Kirkland Island, which lies in the south arm of the Fraser River, south of Vancouver.
Corporal Nycki Basra said police are treating the find as suspicious.


I was afraid of this, thanks for posting, really wish they would update if the have established the identity of the first 3..
All silliness aside another foot has washed up on shore.

For the fourth time in less than a year, a severed human foot nestled inside a sneaker has washed up on the shores of one of the province's islands.
Richmond RCMP said this latest discovery was made by a passerby shortly after noon yesterday on the north shore of Kirkland Island, which lies in the south arm of the Fraser River, south of Vancouver.
Corporal Nycki Basra said police are treating the find as suspicious.


SERIOUSLY? WTH is going on up there? Have any of them even said whereabout on the leg/foot they were severed? Are they all the same length? Do we even know the sex? This is very strange. I wonder if it is some sort of hobbling? Someone earlier mentioned illegal immigrants. Possible.. Take it a step further, perhaps some sort of punishment? Or a way of stopping runaways? (I'm thinking about the movie/book "Roots")?? Hmm?
I live on Vancouver Island, right in the middle of these feet showing up, locally nothing has been said or discussed, not even a rumour or gossip. Maybe this last one will stir some locals to get involved.

Someone knows something.
I am not sure if this is confirmed or not,but I was just watching CTV newsnet and they said they believe this latest foot belongs to a woman.I don't have time to read papers right now as I am off to work but it will be interesting to see if more information comes out finally.The RCMP tend to be tight lipped but they need to say something about this cases.
An AP article in our newspaper refers to these as "severed" feet, and quotes PC Annie Linteau as saying that there is no evidence to suggest any of the feet were forcibly removed.

If I severed a chicken's head, I'd sure consider that using force.

These severed right feet are the strangest thing I've heard in a long, long while. If they were bare feet, that would be slightly different, but all wearing sneakers makes the loss of the feet horribly suspicious. These people certainly did not go into a hospital to have a foot removed.

Why is this thread in the Parking Lot? There is surely a nut running loose in BC. What in the world happened to the people who lost the feet?
An AP article in our newspaper refers to these as "severed" feet, and quotes PC Annie Linteau as saying that there is no evidence to suggest any of the feet were forcibly removed.

If I severed a chicken's head, I'd sure consider that using force.

These severed right feet are the strangest thing I've heard in a long, long while. If they were bare feet, that would be slightly different, but all wearing sneakers makes the loss of the feet horribly suspicious. These people certainly did not go into a hospital to have a foot removed.

Why is this thread in the Parking Lot? There is surely a nut running loose in BC. What in the world happened to the people who lost the feet?

severed with sneakers? something is fishy here, for sure.
SERIOUSLY? WTH is going on up there? Have any of them even said whereabout on the leg/foot they were severed? Are they all the same length? Do we even know the sex? This is very strange. I wonder if it is some sort of hobbling? Someone earlier mentioned illegal immigrants. Possible.. Take it a step further, perhaps some sort of punishment? Or a way of stopping runaways? (I'm thinking about the movie/book "Roots")?? Hmm?

I'm quoting myself because of the sneakers. I couldn't remember if they were bare feet or not. But with the sneakers on, I'm still sorta wondering about hobbling. Just a thought.

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