A lie detector test does not exonerate someone and is not even court admissable. However, if someone is labeled not a person of interest does that not mean they can be a suspect instead? Cops are known to be cagey in worsing, especially to get results.
Also, if she was suicidal, she would park there and take her purse etc in an effort maybe to make people think she went missing by her own choice, rode bus somewhere, and wasnt going to kill herself so as not to hurt her family so bad. People who are considering suicide often dont reach out about it because of shame guilt fear etc. They also dont think things through. Ive been depressed before and thought of leaving things behind but not wanting my family to know what really happened....
Anyway, im not saying i think certain people are suspects or she was suicidal. I do not believe her cause of death will be released until they get toxicology and evidence processed, which will be several days if not weeks. No matter how evident it is someone killed themselves oded was murdered etc they have to have evidence before reaching conclusions and divulging the conclusion to others.