GUILTY WA - Colton Harris-Moore - A criminal with a fan base of +18000

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"Barefoot Bandit" deported to U.S.

BEIJING, July 14 (Xinhuanet) -- Teenage fugitive Colton Harris-Moore, known as the "Barefoot Bandit," was deported to the United States on Tuesday evening, after being captured in the Bahamas for illegally landing an airplane in this island nation, media reported on Wednesday.

FBI spokeswoman Judith Orihuela said that the fugitive was taken to the federal detention center in Miami and would appear in court on Wednesday to face charges pending in Seattle, Washington.

Harris-Moore faces many serious charges at home, including one federal charge of stealing an airplane in Idaho and transporting it across state lines, as well as state charges in dozens of other burglaries and thefts in the San Juan Islands of Washington State.
'Barefoot Bandit' vows to reform his ways: attorney

MIAMI — The teenage fugitive burglar dubbed the "Barefoot Bandit," due here for an arraignment after being deported from the Bahamas, is ready to turn away from his life of crime, his attorney said Wednesday.

"He says that if he had come from a stable home he may not have done the things he did," Bahamian attorney Monique Gomez told ABC television's "Good Morning America" program. "He said to me he intends to change his life."

Colton Harris-Moore, 19, was flown to Miami after pleading guilty in a Nassau courtroom Tuesday to charges of illegally landing a plane in the Caribbean nation.

From same article:
Langlie said she expected additional charges against Harris-Moore would be added when federal officials seek a grand jury indictment, but she said her office was still working with other federal districts to inquire about possibly consolidating all the federal charges against Harris-Moore into the Western District of Washington.

Gomez told ABC that Harris-Moore had not spoken to his mother, despite statements she'd made to the media that she is looking forward to seeing her son again.

The Bahamian attorney said her client also complimented the beauty of the islands where he was briefly on the run as an international manhunt sought to track him down.

"He also said the next time he comes, he's going to make sure to come legally," she said.

Gomez said she joked with the wily teen that he should apply for a job with the CIA and use his talents for good.

"He said, yeah, sure, he'd think about it in a few years," she said, adding that the teenager boasted that he would be able to catch Osama bin Laden if given the chance.

"He said if the CIA gave him a month he's sure he'd be able to capture him."

"He's highly skilled, very intelligent," Gomez added. "I'm very confident that if he puts his mind to it he can do anything."
I wonder what the deal is between him and his mother. She seems all gung ho to see him but he hasn't even called her. She seems to be painting a VERY different picture of their relationship than what it really is.
Justthinkin--You bring up a great point and I think I might know the answer. From what we've been told, Colton's father did drugs and his mother is a drinker. Even though this young man is exceptionally handsome and healthy looking, this means that there are most likely "disconnects" in his hard-wiring. Lots of good info here:

(It always shocks me to read that 1% of all children are born with this disorder!!)

In an educational setting, it's very difficult to come up with iron clad diagnoses for children with substance exposure. Every psych eval will include statements ie. "similar to" and "markers of". This is because drugs and alcohol leave behind undeveloped neurons in the baby's brain. Nothing is for certain. There are peaks and valleys. Some children can develop seemingly unscathed and others can be seriously damaged. One fact is that subsequent children (especially males) are increasingly more damaged. Isn't Colton an only child?

With my youngest eight, all of whom are substance exposed, each has a gift and each has numerous deficits. And the gifts can be remarkable. It's a very frustrating disorder to handle as the child's or young adult's intelligence in one area will falsely lead you to believe that the intelligence is "across the board". This is rarely the case. It's also heart-breaking as most kids are all too aware of their deficits. They look great, sound great but there are gaping holes in their skills which are a huge obstacle to employment and achieving independence.

I think that Colton is probably a challenging person to evaluate as he's got markers of several disorders going on. I happen to agree with him about his family life. Had he had early intervention with support at home, his "gifts" could have been channeled into more legal pursuits. My husband always chimes in here and says that there was a reason that parents bought their sons a horse and pointed them west 150 years ago. Other cultures have their own ways of dealing with the "challenging boys" who have great skills in a certain area.

I really don't want to give my opinion concerning his mother as it wouldn't be kind but there's got to be some sense of loss and guilt involved when your child exhibits traits which can be traced back to your own poor choices.
I wonder what the deal is between him and his mother. She seems all gung ho to see him but he hasn't even called her. She seems to be painting a VERY different picture of their relationship than what it really is.

I hate to say it, but I think his mother only see's dollar signs :(

Just look at what his mother said in the below interview (Colton was still on the run at the time)

"Despite the fact that her son is constantly on the run and keeps in touch only on a sporadic basis, Kohler said she does believe he follows articles that are written about him.

"Tell him to send me a round-trip ticket to the Bahamas," she said. "I mean it. Can you print that? I've never been there, but [I've] been wanting to go all my life. [If he does,] I'll send you a post card."

When I read that, I thought you've got to be kidding me??!! No doubt in my mind she was dead serious! :eek:

His mother also has a book deal in the works!
"Kohler told The Seattle Times a book deal is in the works, and she hired a lawyer to handle her "entertainment" interests."
Yeah, Indianagirl, sadly it's looking that way.

It really surprises me that he wasn't charged with more in the Bahamas. Didn't he commit a series of crimes there besides "illegally entering the country"? Breaking & entering, etc.?
Some LE think the barefoot bandit made a trip to Yellow Stone Park on his travels.

"A bare footprint found in the mud near where a truck was stolen on Mountain View Drive."

"Though Parduba and Harris didn't know it at the time, as they began meticulously putting the pieces of their investigation together, all signs pointed toward a method of operation used by the Barefoot Bandit in as many as 100 crimes over more than two years, costing victims a collective $3 million or more.

The truck stolen in Cody was soon found in Johnson County, abandoned along Highway 16, out of gas with the keys left in the ignition - standard procedure for the Barefoot Bandit.

A quarter-mile away, someone broke into an unlocked garage and stole a Lincoln pickup. That vehicle was found at the Buffalo airport, and police there told Parduba they had found a muddy footprint atop the bed cover."

THey are now doing DNA testing. More at link...
This guy is extremely intelligent, no doubt. However, he wasn't intelligent enough to follow the law, and therefore he needs to go to jail and stop with the "no please don't send me to jail..I'll change!" stuff.
Interesting article. I have one comment. Spectrum Disorder--a hundred clues.
Thanks for sharing that Rolling Stone link, Gaia227, it's the most thorough account I've seen. Kid might be a thief but he's definitely had a fascinating run of it.
I hope this kid does his time, gets some help and turns his life around. I really do.

High-tech criminal was reportedly beaten and neglected by his mother

Neighbors say his mother screamed things at him so vicious that they cringed when her words echoed through the giant evergreens that cover much of this island in Puget Sound. Classmates say he could be a bully — when he attended school.

When he was 4, someone reported Ms. Kohler after seeing “a woman grab a small child by the hair and beat his head severely,” according to a psychiatric summary 12 years later. By the time he was 10, an investigation involving “negligent treatment or maltreatment” had been initiated.

A hand-painted sign at the end of her wooded driveway warns: “If you go past this sign you will be shot.”

Much more at link above...

High-tech criminal was reportedly beaten and neglected by his mother

Neighbors say his mother screamed things at him so vicious that they cringed when her words echoed through the giant evergreens that cover much of this island in Puget Sound. Classmates say he could be a bully — when he attended school.

When he was 4, someone reported Ms. Kohler after seeing “a woman grab a small child by the hair and beat his head severely,” according to a psychiatric summary 12 years later. By the time he was 10, an investigation involving “negligent treatment or maltreatment” had been initiated.

A hand-painted sign at the end of her wooded driveway warns: “If you go past this sign you will be shot.”

Much more at link above...

Thanks. Here is a link to an article that contains his full psych eval as a teen. Not sure how it was legal to release that pdf, but it was done. Clears up some things about what ails this guy.
I have to say that I am gob-smacked that the psych eval has been released. That does NOT seem to be appropriate. I see that it was requested by the defense when Colton was 16. It would have been used to explain his acting out. Still, I question why it is being released to the public. Obviously, this gives us some background, but it is three years old. He will require a new evaluation which will undoubtedly paint an even bleaker picture.

Maybe I've been wrong all along about the spectrum disorder theory. Now that I read the psych eval, I see a pretty stereotypical description of a prenatally substance exposed child who has been repeatedly exposed to violence and a chaotic homelife.

A lot of people are not familiar with Intermittent Explosive Syndrome/Disorder or Episodic Explosive Syndrome/Disorder (both terms are used):

They are not as commonly diagnosed as ADHD, Bipolar Disorder, or Conduct Disorder but I think the diagnosis are actually underused as they define a very specific disorder. Many other disorders must be ruled out first. It's in the DSM-IV and is most commonly treated IME with Clonodine (Catapres) which is used off-label. It is most common in boys who have some level of substance or alcohol exposure in utero. From what I've read, it is becoming far more common as time goes on and is a strong predictor of criminality and troubled relationships.

We have a son diagnosed with this disorder. He was crack cocaine exposed but relinquished at birth. Onset is typically between the ages of 2-5 and the child quickly goes from being a reasonably normal toddler to a wild and rageful "monster". It is far different that the terrible twos. One of our sons went from being a little love-bug (adopted at age 2) to a monster over the course of just a few weeks. He suddenly started biting, breaking things, head-butting, throwing chairs out windows, etc. He had a great deal of remorse and it actually looked as if he had a monkey on his back and had no way to stop the rage. He could be totally happy and playing and something would set him off. We struggled through 2 years of this while awaiting evaluation. He was diagnosed with EDS and started on Catapres. Within two days, he was wonderful again. Like night and day. For the next 14 years, if he missed a pill, we all knew. The school could tell. His coach could tell. His friends and siblings could tell. Without his meds, he quickly starting arguing and raging and lying--crazy lying. On his meds, he did well in school and absolutely shined in sports. He weaned himself off the meds at age 18 and has been doing great for the last three years. He has a charming personality and is helpful, kind and gentle. It is highly possible that due to the drug modifying his brain chemistry for those 14 years, he was able to take in enough education and learn coping skills to serve him for life. To be blunt, without the meds, our son would have required a residential facility. With the meds, he had a home and success.

The difference is that our son and Colton is that our son had consistency, calmness, parents who are not alcoholics, constant medication management, and a supportive special education program. Yes, he had to have 2 doctor visits per year and an echo-cardiogram once a year. Yes, he had to be careful of pushing too hard in hot weather with his sports. But his meds made me believe in the value of phychotropics. I am not one to push meds on kids but for this boy, they've been a godsend.

I wish Colton would have had that sort of consistency and support. We might be seeing a very different young man today if he had. If he is placed on appropriate medication and he is carefully monitored, after appropriate punitive measures are taken, we could see some success. My experience gives me hope.

If anyone finds any explanation as to why this psych eval was released, I'd be very interested to read it. That really bothers me.
I'm sorry they released so much personal information. Why did they do that?

I feel sorry for this boy. I know that probably won't score me any points 'round here, but that's how I feel.

His "mother" is a freak and I don't believe Colton ever stood a chance to be a normal kid.

He needs to pay his dues. But then I hope he'll get the help he needs and becomes a productive member of society.
You score points with me. Yes, he needs to make amends but he also needs to heal. He needs to be taught how to choose the right and healthy path.

Colton is the type of young criminal who brought me to WS. I want people to look beyond the crime and to see the bigger take responsibility as a society to reach out to each young person and see if we can help them achieve success. Colton did not ask for the brain chemistry he was given. He did not ask for the sorry excuse of a childhood he was given. He's sorely misguided, but due to his level of intelligence, there is hope. That's far more than many young people have.

It breaks my heart when young people who commit crimes are seen as failures. They never had an opportunity to succeed. JMO
You score points with me. Yes, he needs to make amends but he also needs to heal. He needs to be taught how to choose the right and healthy path.

Colton is the type of young criminal who brought me to WS. I want people to look beyond the crime and to see the bigger take responsibility as a society to reach out to each young person and see if we can help them achieve success. Colton did not ask for the brain chemistry he was given. He did not ask for the sorry excuse of a childhood he was given. He's sorely misguided, but due to his level of intelligence, there is hope. That's far more than many young people have.

It breaks my heart when young people who commit crimes are seen as failures. They never had an opportunity to succeed. JMO

Thank you, my Dear. I don't believe Colton will be a failure in the end. He is a smart kid and has tons of potential, given the right resources.

Sometimes, kids are born into crappy circumstances and to crappy "parents" - and it's truly not their fault.

This kid honed his survival skills out of necessity. He wasn't being nurtured or cared for by his own mother. AND, he obviously fell through the cracks of social services - as do so many children. We see that here on WS every day.

I want him to be okay and to succeed in life.

And just so ya know - I have a wonderful son about Colton'sa age. He has had all the love and advantages Colton did not have.
That poor kid.

Sincerely, IF I were on a jury in any number of his trials that MAY happen, I would NOT convict. I may sentence him to a hospital that would treat him. He honestly seems like a very intelligent person. He just needs to {direct} his energy in the right direction.

He definitely needs to rid himself of his mother. She's really a piece of work.

Frankly, I hope he makes a mint on his story. I truly believe he will head in the right direction. Just give him clothes, food and shelter, he's 1/2 way there!

Too bad he didn't find someone, when he was much younger, who took him in and showed him what he's REALLY worth and could BE!

I wish him the best. Seriously. I know he's committed some crimes, but he wasn't HURTING anyone, at least physically, and he just needs a BREAK!


PS...some may disagree with me, but I'm a softy when it comes to those who haven't been given the chance or just a ghost of a chance. After all, we're all only human.....fran :)

PPS.............I do want to say that IF he'd physically hurt anyone, I'd frankly, have no sympathy for him. But, IMHO, the only PERSON he hurt, was himself...a few dollars worth of goods can be replaced.............I again, wish him the best..............jmho, fran
"Agitated, self-defeating depression" ? I thought depression usually involved no energy to do anything. He doesn't seem to have a lack of energy.

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