WA WA - D.B. Cooper hijacking mystery, 24 Nov 1971 - #1

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Thank you leftcoast for answering my questions.:)

no problem.

A little more about yesterday.

We decided to take mr cooper to lunch and get to talk with him. To our surprise, he said yes

He mentioned a particular restaurant, and we agreed. We then went to meet Cooper at his residence, where he threw a curve ball. It seems he decided to switch restaurants ( there are only two in town), and bring his wife along. Instantly, we knew what was up. cooper knew we were going to confront him, and he thought his wife being present would prevent this.

anyway, we went to lunch. We decided not to confront him in front of his new wife.

We were able to get some information out of him.

He loves to talk about himself.

Turns out he was drafted into the army in the early 60's, joined the 101st airborne, and applied and was accepted into the special forces. He claims he was in Viet Nam before the war started, but it didnt' seem like he fought anyone. Anyway, it was informative.

Then, he confirmed what we already knew, that he worked a blue collar job for the same company for the next 6 years. Cooper actually added a few years to the resume, so, it would include the year after the heist, but, we know he lived far away from Portland after the heist.

anyway, he stated "he told his bosses that he was going to quit his job and start his own company". So, he has never had outside employment since 1971.

I asked him if he had saved up money to quit his job, and he said, "no", he just went for it. (I might add, the company he started requires a minimum of 100,000 to even start in today's dollars.)

Later on, he admitted that the business he started has never been profitable, and one guy started in the same business and went bankrupt within 2 years. I can't tell you the type of business, but, as a CPA, I knew the business was a front and that the business was just a cover.

Cooper failed to mention that he was arrested in 1971 for armed robbery. I'm thinking that is why he "left" his job. I believe he was out of money, came upon the movie airport, and the guy who tried the same thing in early november 1971, and the rest is history.

Cooper tried to con us, stating he wouldn't turn in the hijacker, even with the equivalent of 100,000 reward. I find this hard to believe.

Regardless, one other strange thing he said. He mentioned a story about a buddy traveling on an airline, and our suspect tried to give the stewardess a $ 20.00 tip in order to get him into first class. I know that is small, but, anyone with common sense, knows you don't tip flight attendants. I now know two guys who have tried to tip flight attendants.

Sorry, but, we couldn't turn him. We may try again, but, we only have one week left. I'm starting to understand why he has gone free for 35 years.


PS Cooper was scared during the lunch. HE kept shaking and was eyeballing the room. We had brought some backup, and had friends placed throughout the restaurant just in case.

Cooper did mention his hatred for the FAA. The FAA was on his butt back in the late 60's, and later on. If you have followed this case, it was obvious in my mind, that cooper was not happy with the us government.

Cooper also mentioned the FBI did a poor job investigating this case.

Say what you want about our case, but, there is no way in the world Cooper was able to quit his job, spend thousands of dollars on his new money losing business, move 100 miles away from the airport, and no longer need to work. Cooper either is the hijacker, or he committed a different armed robbery or other theft. IMO.
Ohboy! Wouldn't you just know it, he's claiming to be a Vietnam vet, Speical Forces, yet! Not saying he isn't, just that it adds another layer.

Here's a good place to learn the lingo, in case it would come in handy. http://www.vietvet.org/glossary.htm

I do know from other sources that he was in the army for two years in the early 60's. Sure, some do stretch the truth, but, I wouldn't bet against him being in the 101st airborne. As for the special forces, we are both skeptical, but, who knows.

We have verified with others that army personnel were in the region before the war started. Our suspect never claimed to be in actual combat. He stated it was brewing, and he got out because of it.


Ps I will admit that both my buddy and I were skeptical about him being drafted in the 60's, at such an older age. But, we have checked, and the draft lasted until about 1973. So, he was telling the truth about that. So, I tend to believe Cooper about special forces, unless I see information that proves he is lying.
In retrospect, I can't believe Cooper has the audacity to bring his wife as a "shield" to our lunch. He knew we wanted to talk in privacy, yet, he brings his wife, and changes the location at the last minute. Talk about watching your back.

this is the second time he has used women to protect himself. the other time was on the plane in 1971. This time, it may have delayed the confrontation, but only for a few days. time to stop being a coward, and face the music.

Cooper will be getting a visit this week, and whether his new wife is present or not, he will be confronted. Let his wife know that he was broke, commits armed robbery, hijacks a jet, and without a conscience, hides in the outskirts of Portland as if nothing happened. Talk about callous.

And then he has the balls to run for "mayor". I don't think so.

Does anyone really want their mayor to have a conviction of "armed robbery" on their resume? Why do I get the feeling he left that part of his life off his resume?

Don't these small towns run background checks?

left: Do you mean that you are going back to see him again this week or someone else is going to visit him and tell the wife these things?
left: Do you mean that you are going back to see him again this week or someone else is going to visit him and tell the wife these things?

We, my buddy and I, are going back to visit him this week. PRobably mid-week.

He lives about 100 miles from our house, so it takes a couple of hours to get there.

Our intent is not to tell his wife, but, to confront him, and let him know that we know everything.

IF his wife is present, she will have a rude awakening when she learns how famous her husband really is. I don't think she is actually Mrs. Cleaver, but, I do know from our lunch that she doesn't suspect her new husband. Hello!!!! The guy admitted he had no money in 1971, quit his job around the time of the hijacking, and admits that his business never made any money from 1972 on. Plus, he was a truck driver before, not a heart surgeon, or working on wall street. Put two and two together. Where did he get the money to quit his job? and to get the capital needed to start a business? Banks don't lend money to his type of business, especially a convicted armed robber, who is opening a money losing business. Plus, the guy puts up a 2,500 square foot building on leased land in 1972, and the county has no record of the building to this day. Hmm. Where did that money come from. If he had the money to put up a 2,500 sq ft. building and quit his job, then why was he committing armed robbery in 1971? Why did he need a bail bondsman to get out of jail? His bail was only 5,000? Peanuts compared to the approximately $25,000 or so needed to construct the building back in "72.

It is almost as if he came into money right after the armed robbery, say late 1971. FYI, the 2,500 sq ft building was erected in late 1972 in the middle of nowhere, some 100 miles from his former home , (which was across from the Portland airport). Seems like somebody wanted to get out of dodge.

If the FBI agent on this case would have investigated this guy, he would have discovered this way back in 1972. Instead, the agent put on the blinders, and 35 years and 2 million dollars later, the case is unsolved. I wonder why?

Good Morning Left, If he doesn't give it up this week, are they still going to air the show scheduled for next week?

Left, take plenty of backup with you when you confront him this week. I can't wait to read the updates.
Good Morning Left, If he doesn't give it up this week, are they still going to air the show scheduled for next week?


Yes, him giving it up has nothing to do with the KOIN interview. As far as I know, it is still scheduled for the 15th. The KOIN interview doesn't need his confession, nor do we, but, I sure would like it, just to seal the deal.

Left, take plenty of backup with you when you confront him this week. I can't wait to read the updates.

Thanks. We will do. He is a smart cookie. I think he is more afraid of us, than vice versa (don't forget, he is in his 70's). but, we will take your advice and have "backup".

I will update after we go. I'm not letting him hide behind his wife again.

The nerve to be a convicted armed robber, five time felon, and to run for mayor really gets me. Doesn't this guy have a conscience.

One thing I have noticed, for what it is worth. He seems somewhat upset that the flight attendants were both terrorized after the hijacking. He has brought it up about 4 times, each time saying he "heard" the hijacker was "gentle", and a "hero" to the fbi, since he didn't hurt anyone. A "hero". I've never heard the FBI call a hijacker a "hero" before. Anyone else? Maybe, that is how he is able to sleep at night, since he was a "hero", and didn't physically hurt anyone.

Thanks Left, and I am so glad to hear that! I'd love to be a little bug on the wall to listen in when you confront him this week. :woohoo: But I'll be there in thought.

Off to work :{ Scandi
WOW!! I've been trying to catch up on this thread.. read through April 15 now. Can't wait for Scandi to report on the sweeps week next week on this story!! RIGHT, Scandi???!! :D Maybe you should tape this??!!
I'll hurry up and read the rest of this thread as soon as I can! I too have been fascinated by this case since it happened!

LeftCoast - I was wondering, and don't know IF you answered these questions after April 15th, but in the FBI wanted poster it says that DB smoked Raleigh filter cigarettes - does 'your' DB Cooper smoke these? and I was thinking - I bet he saved those wraparound sunglasses as a souvenir!!
Also, does 'your' DB drink bourbons?? As that is what Cooper ordered on the plane!

Thanks again LeftCoast for coming over to WS!! Will anxiously await Scandi's report!! :dance:
WOW!! I've been trying to catch up on this thread.. read through April 15 now. Can't wait for Scandi to report on the sweeps week next week on this story!! RIGHT, Scandi???!! :D Maybe you should tape this??!!
I'll hurry up and read the rest of this thread as soon as I can! I too have been fascinated by this case since it happened!

LeftCoast - I was wondering, and don't know IF you answered these questions after April 15th, but in the FBI wanted poster it says that DB smoked Raleigh filter cigarettes - does 'your' DB Cooper smoke these? and I was thinking - I bet he saved those wraparound sunglasses as a souvenir!!
Also, does 'your' DB drink bourbons?? As that is what Cooper ordered on the plane!

Thanks again LeftCoast for coming over to WS!! Will anxiously await Scandi's report!! :dance:

Hi Niner, Welcome

I will also tape the shows, so, if anyone wants a copy, I will try to work out making copies or somehow letting everyone view the shows. (don't forget, it should be on KOIN's website within a day or two after airing.)

As for smoking, I don't think he smokes today.

I don't know if he smoked back in 1971

Even before we zeroed in on this guy, I've always felt the smoking was a "false clue", or just to throw off investigators. H-bach keeps calling Cooper a chain smoker. But, in reality, over a five hour period, he only smoked 8 cigarettes, and never used a lighter, and on top of this, he even ran out of matches. Doesn't sound like a everyday smoker to me. But, just my opinion.

As for drinking, he has a history of drinking problems. Don't know if it is bourbon and water or beer. But, he does like his alcohol. He has been in trouble with the law over alcohol on several occasions.

As a matter of fact, our suspect told us he was drinking beer with a friend when he heard about the hijacking. we also know from sources in his town, that he has a drinking problem. His criminal record backs this up.


Don't know if he saved the sunglasses, but he did mention Saturday that he "bets Cooper saved a few twenties as a souvenoir". It wouldn't surprise me if he kept some type of evidence, so that he could look at it and remember when he pulled a fast one on the FBI.
LeftCoast - I just wanted to add: Congratulations on this GREAT work you did on this story...!!
lorann said:
I sure wish there was a way to see it live.

Hey Scandi of LeftCoast?? Does channel 6 hae a web site that we might be able to watch this live?? that would be WAY cool!! :dance: please let us know IF they do!! Otherwise, I guess we will have to wait a couple of days until it gets on KOIN web site, eh?

Leftcoast said:
Heck ya, if we are right, and you were one of our supporters, there will be a bash, at our expense.

Not sure if I can make it up there either, Leftcoast! I'm taking all my vacation days in August & September - and won't have any days left! :(
Left - you mention: "that the show will interview various people, some of whome may be a surprise, and he may assume are dead."

one of the stewardesses?? (spelling?!) Who could ID him?? That would be cool!

Also - thanks for the Welcome, but I think I should be the one welcoming YOU to this site! I've been here for quite a while - but just noticed this thread last week!

Also you mention that you will be taping the show, so if anyone wants a copy... raising my hand!! YES!! Please! I do!! :D If this station doesn't have a web site on the time of broadcast!

Good Luck on your next meeting! As Scandi said :woohoo: LOL!
Even before we zeroed in on this guy, I've always felt the smoking was a "false clue", or just to throw off investigators. H-bach keeps calling Cooper a chain smoker. But, in reality, over a five hour period, he only smoked 8 cigarettes, and never used a lighter, and on top of this, he even ran out of matches. Doesn't sound like a everyday smoker to me. But, just my opinion.

Oh really?? It said cigarette butts were collected from the plane - did one of the stewardesses "see" him smoke before he did the hijack?? just curious! :D
Oh really?? It said cigarette butts were collected from the plane - did one of the stewardesses "see" him smoke before he did the hijack?? just curious! :D

Greattttttttt News !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I just received confirmation the story will air for three nights, starting May 14th, one day early. So, starting Monday, I believe during the 5pm broadcast, the story will air for three consecutive nights.


Thanks for the welcome

Yes, I do plan on taping all the shows. I will share the tapes if anyone wants to view. I have no problem sending tapes. However, I will find out when the episodes will be available on the internet. Maybe Scandi knows how long it takes. I think it is one or two days.

The channel 6 website, is also known as the KOIN website. I don't think they broadcast their news live on the internet. But, I am not certain. their website is easily found by googling "KOIN.

As for the cigarettes, nobody paid any attention to this guy until he handed the note to the flight attendant when the plane was taxiing on the ground in Portland. Hence, we don't know if he smoked in the waiting area. There is a reason why he gave the note to the flight attendant while the plane was still on the ground in Portland. It is a huge clue in this case.

The special guest, is the FBI agent who investigated this case. He will 100% slam the alibi of our suspect. He will also explain that he never investigated our suspect, and his explanation as to why. Get ready for a good laugh.

Thanks for the interest.


ps tomorrow afternoon we will be at our suspects. We are taking a half day, and confronting him before this airs.
Here is the KOIN website:


And any additional info you have on the program (name, reporters, etc) would be great - for some reason I don't think I'll be able to get it down here, so do make a tape!

Hi : Good to hear from you again. Thanks for the website link.

I am going out tomorrow and buying some brand new vcr tapes. I will record all three vcr's, and make copies.

The reporters name is "mike Donahue". He is listed on the KOIN website as one of the anchors. He actually worked at KOIN during the hijacking, as he had just graduated from college.

It is a CBS affiliate, so I would think at least the Seattle affiliate would pick up the story. But, I;m not certain.


PS Remember, the guy was described as compact, muscular, stocky, 5"10 or so, about 40 years old, with a receeding hairline. Remember, his height, weight, and etc are guesses, since he was sitting down, and nobody weighed and measured him. So, are the estimates of age, simply guesses from 22 year old witnesses who were scared to death. I will tell you he was slightly under 40 at the time of the heist. Another clue, would one overestimate or underestimate the height of someone dressed in black on an airplane, and somebody they were scared of?
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