WA WA - Deanne Hastings, 35, Spokane, 4 Nov 2015

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The answer to that could that not everyone thinks like us (ie sees potential crime scenes). From reading up about Deanne it sounds like she's had a number of problems in the past, maybe she's just fallen off the wagon again?

Totally possible but not good to assume right? and it appears that is what is happening, IDK. I do not see any missing person poster, nothing from LE although their number is listed to contact on the news report so one would think they know. I wonder if someone in Spokane could call the number and ask if there is a report actually filed on her. I mean, what if she is really hurt or abducted? and I agree why? did the finance just get to take the car home without it being investigated or perhaps it WAS investigated and its just not been reported?
If in fact the car was indeed parked there, I wonder if the fiancé just failed to report it to LE and took it upon himself to take it home? LE might have been informed after the fact and either found his actions suspicious or felt he had already compromised any evidence? I would think (hope) that most adults would know that the car would need to be processed and to leave it alone if you find it. But then again, maybe it is like Purplepixii said and it is not as well known as we might think? :dunno:

Is it known if the two live together?
Someone please correct me if I'm wrong, the timeline has been confusing. She went to class on Tuesday. Her fiance found the car Tuesday night parked across from the club "The Knitting Factory" which apparently isn't a yarn store. Did he take the car home Tuesday? She wasn't really even "missing" at that point except maybe hadn't come home for dinner? How did he know she hadn't gone out with friends and wouldn't be coming back later that night or the next morning to get her car? She didn't show up at school on Wednesday, but was seen on video in a store, correct?

Correct, on all counts, from all I've read.

She went to class on Tuesday here: http://glendow.com/services/
Her BF "found" her car in the parking lot across from The Knitting Factory here: http://sp.knittingfactory.com/
She was seen on video around noon on Wednesday here: https://www.google.ca/maps/place/Tr...sTrading+Company!3m1!1s0x0:0x277cd8bda3c22e0a

I haven't seen anywhere exactly what type of training she was in but I did see this at the Glen Dow page:

Cosmetology students attend from 8:00am to 4:30pm, Tuesday through Saturday for full-time students, and 8:00am to noon Tuesday through Friday and Saturday 8:00am-4:30pm for
part-time students. Manicuring and Esthetics students are here from 9:00am to 3:45pm, Tuesday through Saturday, work in a salon setting and take clients daily. Salon services are offered beginning at 9:15am. Please call the front desk for those appointments at (509) 624-3244.

So she left there sometime between noon and 4:30 when classes were over. Based on her google+ I'm guessing she was in manicuring, which is over at 3:45.

So, what time did he find her car? WHY did he feel compelled to find her car in the first place? Did she text him? Did she not come home as expected? Was he tracking her? Is he a bit stalker-ish? HOW did he find her car? Driving up and down the streets? Logged into her google account and accessed her location history? (we know someone is using her google+ account, and it's not her, so we know someone knows her pw for that - accessing location history is 1 more click away).

WAY too many unknowns in this case. And a dash of hink.
Thanks for posting that. Its the first I've heard of her leaving a note about running to the store. And that article also says "days after her disappearance" the fiance found her car when it seems like he found it the first night she was missing.
Thanks for posting that. Its the first I've heard of her leaving a note about running to the store. And that article also says "days after her disappearance" the fiance found her car when it seems like he found it the first night she was missing.
Her behavior just doesn't sound like a person who just wanted to leave for a while unless something or someone was causing her to feel threatened. If she is a user she still had everything going for her and it seems she would be encouraged by that. I hope more is being investigated in this case then it appears! Deanne where did you go?
Someone please correct me if I'm wrong, the timeline has been confusing. She went to class on Tuesday. Her fiance found the car Tuesday night parked across from the club "The Knitting Factory" which apparently isn't a yarn store. Did he take the car home Tuesday? She wasn't really even "missing" at that point except maybe hadn't come home for dinner? How did he know she hadn't gone out with friends and wouldn't be coming back later that night or the next morning to get her car? She didn't show up at school on Wednesday, but was seen on video in a store, correct?

I googled The Knitting Factory and it appears to be a concert venue, not a club. Latah Trading Post appears to be a grocery store.
I googled The Knitting Factory and it appears to be a concert venue, not a club. Latah Trading Post appears to be a grocery store.

The pictures of the Knitting Factory on line show it's really a busy packed venue!
The pictures of the Knitting Factory on line show it's really a busy packed venue!

Perhaps a good place to park a car because one could hope it'd get mixed in with those attending something there and maybe people wouldn't realize quite how long it'd been there if someone wanted to put off being found...or put off someone else being found a bit - maybe even hoping it'd appear they had been there and perhaps had gotten very 'into' things and wasn't thinking when leaving, or such?
Perhaps a good place to park a car because one could hope it'd get mixed in with those attending something there and maybe people wouldn't realize quite how long it'd been there if someone wanted to put off being found...or put off someone else being found a bit - maybe even hoping it'd appear they had been there and perhaps had gotten very 'into' things and wasn't thinking when leaving, or such?

The kind of place you would go to with friends or meet up with some. I don't think she went alone with out plans. Someone had to know she was there. Someone had to have seen her, she is noticeable. OR the kind of place she could have got abducted or ran into someone scoping out beautiful blond women. I am very afraid for her all the way around. Jmo.
The kind of place you would go to with friends or meet up with some. I don't think she went alone with out plans. Someone had to know she was there. Someone had to have seen her, she is noticeable. OR the kind of place she could have got abducted or ran into someone scoping out beautiful blond women. I am very afraid for her all the way around. Jmo.

I just wonder if the Knitting Place bit was completely just a cover and never anywhere she was actually intending to go - either her using it as a cover or someone else.
What about this guy?? She got a ride from some random guy to the grocery store? She left her keys in his car?? Please tell me the police talked to this guy!


"The last time she was seen was at the Latah Trading Company store off Highway 195. A few days later Tibbetts got a call from a man who said he saw the missing persons poster of Deanne. He said he didn't know her but gave her a ride to the Latah Trading Company and that she'd left her keys in his car. The man knew nothing more."
If she was my daughter I would be screaming for help.
Missing page for Deanne. (Fyi, we've been linked.)


This whole story the fiance tells makes no sense whatsoever.

She went to her cosmetology class, must've come home, left a note saying she was going to the store, parked her car outside of this Knitting Factory bar type place, left her purse, wallet, and phone inside the car, got a ride with a total stranger to the grocery store (without wallet, phone, or purse, but WITH keys), got out of the guy's car, and left her keys in his car.

This dude is later driving around town, sees the missing poster and says, "Wow that's the chick who was in my car and left her keys." so he calls the fiance, who meets the guy, gets her keys.

Then the fiance manages to drive around town and finds her car with her belongings still inside. He then drives the car home? Did someone else go with him so that he could drive the car home and not leave his car in the same parking lot? Or did he leave his car and walk like on a pilgrimage back to this Knitting Factory parking lot to get his own vehicle and drive it home??

At what point did the love of her life become concerned?
When he found the note saying she was going to the grocery store and never returned?
When she didn't show up to class the next day?
When the total stranger called and said, "Hey I picked her up and have her keys."?
When he was driving around looking for her car?
When he found her car with all her important personal belongings still inside?
When he got home with her vehicle and finished fixing himself a sandwich.....????

I smell a rat.

truth is often much stranger than fiction, but... I agree, his story is convoluted at best.
Have they found her yet? There is nothing updated in the news or on their Facebook page? I agree the fiance's story sounds fishy. The weird note left by Deanne. The note sounds contrived, like someone else wrote it. Why would she leave a note detailing what she was doing as if it was for someone to find with her purse and cell phone? And how did he find her car so easily?
I have a bad feeling about Deanne. :( I hope I am wrong.

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