GUILTY WA - Four people murdered in three-state killing spree, Sept-Oct 2011

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Eureka is 3+ hours west of I-5. If they took I-5 down from Salem (which certainly makes sense) they had to have a reason to detour to Eureka. My guess is they knew people here. My guess is they knew cage fighters here.

I am looking for the article that talked about the SM's car. I'll post it when I find it. I need to look at a map that details where things were left. I may not be understanding the paths of travel accurately.

:doh: I was thinking of Yreka instead of Eureka! :waiting:

I've gone that way dozens of times, you'd think I'd pay more attention.
I posted a correction about the SM's car. It was missing, and I thought I read Grigsby said they took the car. But it was because several media reports called Pederson's vehicle a Jeep, and then some others said Grigsby and Pederson took an SUV.
They did not take SM's car. They took the father's jeep.

Anyone have a good map that has all the info plotted on it?

Just found Or. Newshound's map. Fantastic.
Here's a link: Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - Found Deceased WA - David Pedersen, 56, Everett, 30 Sept 2011
Grigsby and Pederson took the bus up to Washington to visit Pederson's dad.
As Pederson Senior drove them back to the bus, Pederson was in the back seat, shot his father in the back of the head while Grigsby took the steering wheel and guided the jeep to a stop.
They drove the jeep (with deceased Pederson Sr. still in it) back to the house, killed Pederson's stepmother,
and then drove the stepmother's car and the jeep away.
I never heard this, they had the Jeep as far as the media here is reporting

(I was mixing things up. A neighbor said that the SM's car was missing. Grigsby and Pederson drove the father's jeep away, that was the only car they took. "
I'm not following this at all
Pedersen and Grigsby left the state in the Jeep that still held Pedersen's father and drove to Oregon, according to Grigsby." from
They left the jeep and Pederson Senior's body in the location it was found, when they crossed paths with Cody Myers.
Partially accurate, the Jeep was found MANY MILES AWAY from Cody Myers body.

After murdering Cody and taking his car, and abandoning the stepmother's car, they went south to California.
Again, I've not heard about the step-mothers car

Questions I have, if anyone knows:
Where did they abandon the stepmother's car? Has it been found? First I'm hearing of this
WHY did they end up in Eureka? HWY 101 goes through Eureka, but Winco is off the beaten path. How did they end up there? There is a large cage fighting community here---along with a population of white supremacists and a lot of meth and heroin addicts. Is any of that what drew them here? HWY 101 is not an easy drive. Most interstate drivers stay on I-5 if possible. Their car was found on I-5. All I can think is they came down 101 from Newport, and then went over HWY 299 to Redding, and then south on I-5 to where their car was stopped by Ca. police/hwy patrol.[/QUOTE]
Timeline and estimates of murder dates/times tell us that they went from Newport to Mary's Peak to dump Cody's body and THEN way out to dump the Jeep with Pederson Sr in it. They were stopped OFF of I5, credit card tracking shows they were in Central Oregon for a couple of days.

The Step-mothers car may be the missing piece though, I feel there was definitely another vehicle in this mix. I will update the map by tomorrow afternoon, busy now and not sure I can get to it.
Just saw your correction on the other car ... Yes, the SUV is the Jeep. It was Pederson Seniors vehicle.
I haven't seen a page for the 4th victim, Reginald Clark. My local paper is covering Clark's death and investigation.
Today's article:
Meanwhile, Clark's friends remembered him as a big-hearted man who was quick to smile as they continue to mourn his loss while attempting to make sense of his violent end.

”He was one of the most kind, gentle men that I'd ever met,” said Jacky Brown, who volunteers at St. Vincent de Paul's free dining facility and knew Clark for more than a decade. “I can't put into words how much he'll be missed. There aren't many people in this world I trust. He's one of them.”

The Eureka PD is trying to track down the other three men who Grigsby spoke to in front of Winco the night Clark was killed. What did Grigsby say to them?
My hunch is that she was asking a question, like "do you have a light?" She said the reason they killed Clark was because he was black and because he was using drugs. That makes me think whatever she asked them was intended to reveal if they did drugs.
Or the question was meant to reveal white supremacist beliefs (the three men she spoke to before Clark were all white).
Also from today's article in Eureka paper:
It's unclear how long Pedersen and Grigsby were in Humboldt County, but court documents indicate the couple were in Oregon as of Sept. 26. Myers was reported missing in late September, and his body was found Oct. 5, the same day Pedersen and Grigsby were arrested while driving his 1999 Plymouth Breeze outside of Sacramento.

It's also unclear why the pair targeted Clark. Was it because of his skin color? Because Pedersen and Grigsby were looking to steal the pickup truck he'd purchased only a few weeks earlier? Or because he offered to help them and let them get too close? Those around Clark don't have any answers.

”I just don't understand,” Brown said. “Why Reggie? There are 100,000 people that deserve what he got. Not him. ... You won't find anybody in this town with anything bad to say about Reggie. I bet my word on it.”
Okay, this is new. Grigsby's husband, Dannel Larson, has reported that Grigsby stopped by their Portland area home to get fishing gear in the middle of the three-state killing spree.

Larson, tired of having his and his son's name dragged through the mud, said Grigsby had her chance to kidnap the couple's son, when in the midst of a killing rampage, she stopped by Larson's home, seemingly alone, for fishing gear and clothes.

"She did come by and we were up in the bedroom alone, Danny in the basement, main floor watching cartoons so she had an opportunity to kill me," Larson said. "I don't think she wants to kill me ... And then to kidnap him and take him on a murder spree with you, that's insanity to even say that."
More information about what happened in Eureka. So very sad that Mr. Clark crossed path with this evil.

For about 20 years Reggie Clark got around Eureka, Calif., on a bicycle. Then about a month ago, his friends and a local dealership helped Clark, 53, get a pickup. "He was absolutely delighted about that truck," Eureka Police detective Ronald Harpham said Friday.

Clark also likely was fatally shot over his truck. The suspected killers, David "Joey" Pedersen and his girlfriend, Holly Grigsby, allegedly admitted that they carjacked and shot Clark on Oct. 4 after meeting him at a grocery store.


The suspects allegedly had intended to take Clark's truck but later decided to leave the vehicle behind. They decided the truck would draw police attention, Harpham said. Video shows someone drive off in Myers' car about two hours after Clark encountered Grigsby, the detective added.

In an interview with a reporter for the Appeal-Democrat newspaper in Marysville, Calif., Grigsby, who reportedly has drug problems of her own, accused Clark of using drugs. She and Pedersen viewed that as a danger to children.


Harpham said on Friday that Clark had moved to Eureka about 20 years ago and hadn't been in any trouble with police. He did odd jobs and loved to visit his friends. He lived in a home for those with disabilities and had regular contact with a social worker who delivered his medications once a week. His friends told authorities that Clark was grateful to have a truck and had been using it to help them haul off garbage.
for what it's worth:
Holly Grigsby goes by "Holly Larsen" on facebook.
Her husband (soon to be ex, according to media) is linked on her friends list. His name is Dannel Larsen.

It's actually LarsOn. (just sayin since I happen to have a friend in Portland named Holly Larsen lol and I don't want people to think its her)

Ugh, of course one of her favorite movies is listed as Natural Born Killers....

These two make me so sick I can't stand it.
Okay, this is new. Grigsby's husband, Dannel Larson, has reported that Grigsby stopped by their Portland area home to get fishing gear in the middle of the three-state killing spree.

Where did you find this info? First I'm hearing of it and I"m all over the Portland media.
Okay, this is new. Grigsby's husband, Dannel Larson, has reported that Grigsby stopped by their Portland area home to get fishing gear in the middle of the three-state killing spree.

This is interesting! Do you have the link? Thanks! =)
They killed him simply because he was black. He didn't have anything they wanted, and despite their excuses, drugs weren't an issue. They're just racist pigs, filth, vermin. Lock them up forever.

I tend to agree w Betty here. I think it was simply someone they were able to connect with.
I tend to agree w Betty here. I think it was simply someone they were able to connect with.

He was a kind man, who was an easy target because of his kindness. Most people, upon being approached by G&P, would break contact off quickly and go the other direction. That's my hunch, based on the energy they exude.
But Mr. Clark would have responded to a request for help, without thinking.
My guess is Mr. Clark was the first person to respond to whatever HG was asking the men outside of Winco. So very sorry for his family and friends who have clearly lost a lovely human being.
Another article, with a bit more detail about Grigsby's visit to Dannel Larson's apartment.

Larson responded to that comment by saying, "It just really blows me away that she's going there. Because she did stop by the house. Her and I, and Danny in the front room, went upstairs to our bedroom and she had plenty opportunity to take care of me as she puts it."

Larson says Grigsby made that visit to his home before he knew she was wanted in Washington.

He says she was in a rush and came over for one thing.

"He (Pedersen) didn't come in; she came in to get some of her clothes. I just asked her, are you going to stay to visit your son, and she said no, got to go, got to go," said Larson. "She chose some guy over her own son. Personally you should have stayed home and took care of your son if you were that worried about him."

It was after that visit that, it appears, the couple came into contact with Cody Myers out along the Oregon coast.
I think that it is just sick that not only did David kill his father, he is now making accusations against him which he cannot defend. Realizing that these accusations are decades old, it still did NOT give him the right to kill his father. He is a monster! It is interesting too that he claims that he did this for what happened to his "sister"; however, according to him, David and Holly (his sister) have been estranged for years. So very sad!

I agree. I also noted that Leslie and Red Pedersen have been married for ten years. DP is 31, so they married when he was 21 years old (and in prison, no doubt). The sister who DP claims was molested is older than him. So there is no way (if it did occur) that Leslie would have been able to do anything. Unless I'm missing something....

But then I'm trying to reason logically about the actions of insane sick minds.
Two new articles.
First one is about HG's son. Photo of husband DL and son. No new information in the text.

Second one discusses in detail DP's incarceration since the age of 16.
From a letter written to the judge by DP's mother, back when he was 16 and being sentenced for a string of armed robberies:
"This past year Joe has been in trouble quite a bit, and we feel if the folks down on Center St. would have been more stern and maybe even have punished our son, he wouldn't have thought he could get away with so much," she wrote, an apparent reference to the juvenile department's informal probation action.

According to Linda Pedersen's letter, David Pedersen had recently moved out of her two-bedroom apartment. Linda Pedersen wrote to the judge in part make sure her son was taking his medication, which according to court documents was Zoloft, an antidepressant. Linda Pedersen wrote that she was happy that her son was in custody in the robbery case, "before you maybe were to accidentally shoot someone."

Also from the article:
Linda Pedersen now lives in an adult care facility — according to her 1997 letter she has multiple personality disorder — in Salem and staff there did not allow her to speak with the Statesman Journal. She has told other media outlets she loves her son unconditionally, a sentiment also expressed in the letter.

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