GUILTY WA - Ingrid Lyne, 40, Seattle, 8 Apr 2016 #3

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
Imo. A rapist or spousal abuser like John is going to make people think that Ingrid wanted to have sex with him.

But now.

The <modsnip> judge doesn't want the actual pics of the rapist scratches release. Until after the grand jury.


Is this judge 90 years old.

Especially since they want the victims last scratch marks to be forgotten in the new jurors eyes.

So should we now bann the judge for this bs calling.

I know I would.
I'm watching the TV show called Intervention. While I don't know if drugs were a part of this horrific crime or not, watching these addicts with heroin, I'm speechless. This one lady, Karissa, was doing 10-20 bags of heroin and working! When confronted, she was very hostile.

Dismembering a body would take time. Hours. I just can't imagine.

Was she shooting up that incredible amount of heroin or smoking it? She got very hostile? I thought people nod out. I think JC had to have taken something to speed him up to go along with his drinking habit. Mean drunk JC did not go on that date on his best behavior and had no intentions of controlling himself in any way, or so it seems.

OT-- I never heard of this Superman designer drug. Thought I'd share what it is according to the article. The trouble was someone must have added a poisonous substance to it.

Five dead at Argentina music festival took 'toxic' drugs

Toxicologist Marti Braschi said the victims were suspected to have taken a designer drug called "Superman," a mix of ecstasy and methamphetamine.
Imo. A rapist or spousal abuser like John is going to make people think that Ingrid wanted to have sex with him.

But now.

The <modsnip> judge doesn't want the actual pics of the rapist scratches release. Until after the grand jury.


Is this judge 90 years old.

Especially since they want the victims last scratch marks to be forgotten in the new jurors eyes.

So should we now bann the judge for this bs calling.

I know I would.

Dex, you really made me think about the last thing Ingrid was able to do to leave a clear message and people should have been allowed to see what she was screaming out. It sure says rape or abuse was going on.

I registered Saturday morning and just this evening received clearance to post. I stumbled upon the site looking for more information on the crime.
Welcome and thanks for joining. I hope you are doing ok.
  • crack
  • Behavioral Changes: A person on cocaine will act as though they have little self-restraint, meaning they may engage in activities that they would normally find embarrassing, frightening, or stressful. Cocaine disrupts sleep, and frequent users can act violent. Whether snorted, injected, or smoked, cocaine imbues the user with energy, allowing them to stay active longer than normal. This means a coke user can stay up all night. Instead of acting sleepy, users act jittery and jumpy. The increased energy may speed up speech.
  • Mental/Emotional State: It’s the promise of extreme happiness that attracts many first time users. However, this feeling is so brief it’s usually measured in minutes. The sense of joy is quickly replaced with depression or a very intense emotional low. Difficulty recalling memories and shifts in mood are common with cocaine use. This drug can create feelings of ambivalence toward people and activities that the user used to find engaging.
  • Physical Appearance: A gaunt appearance marks a regular user who can’t keep on the pounds. In users who snort the drug, the nose bleeds frequently. The eyes may appear red with large pupils.


  • Behavioral Changes: Because this drug is connected to morphine, it tends to slow breathing and make the user sleepy. Near constant nodding off can be a problem for heroin users.
  • Mental/Emotional State: The drug envelops users in a sense of relaxation. Mental activity declines, replaced by lethargy and depression.
  • Physical Appearance: Marks (lines) from repeated injections appear on the arms of many heroin users. They may also care very little about keeping up good hygiene.

  • Behavioral Changes: Meth addicts report being able to stay awake for days at a time. They may accomplish a large number of tasks in a short period of time because they aren’t stopping to sleep.
  • Mental/Emotional State: Agitation, paranoia, and a sense of being on high alert stem from meth use. Some people who use meth feel increased aggression and have hallucinations while taking the drug.
  • Physical Appearance: A dramatic shift in the appearance of the skin from healthy to sagging and acne-prone. It’s hard to mistake the look of meth mouth—rotting teeth and infected gums. Meth transforms a vibrant looking person into a haggard shadow of the former self. Hair and weight loss often occur from meth use, which can suppress the appetite.
I used to always watch Intervention, but don't get that channel anymore. I thought the girl that huffed cans of computer cleaner was going insane right before my eyes.

I can't see JC being a steady crack user, but maybe it's on the streets up there more than I think. I see him more as "taking whatever he can score" and I think Meth would be more common with the day laborers crew. You can stay up for days and days on Meth and I've heard it sometimes makes for kinky sadistic thoughts. He probably has to scrounge for alcohol money, and scrounge for a place to stay, so I don't think he can afford to be too fussy about which drugs he prefers on a steady basis.

Just my opinion which is subject to change upon convincing arguments from others.

Wanted to get an idea crack
Cost: $20 for 1/10-3/10 gram pieces, $50 for 1/2 gram, $150-200 for 1/8 ounce

Price (for brown powder and black tar): $10-20 for 1/10 gram, $60-70 for 1/2 gram, $90-120 for 1 gram

Cost: $50-60 for 1 gram

Cost (ecstasy): Tablet form: $20 per pill
Cost (Molly): $10-20 for 2/10 gram, $120-$150 for 1 gram

Bit I dont know how much of each is like a normal hit

I just picked first link that came up did not do it by state
Regardless of possible drug use, does anyone feel as though this man is just pure evil... or is it just me?
Yes, certain drugs can alter the mind in a very negative way....
But, honestly, I do not feel as though drugs were the reason he did what he did.

This man was born rotten to the core- and spent a good chunk of his life trying to mask the monster.
And if any drug were to make him manic and psychotic, my mind automatically goes to PCP.
People high on PCP have "super human" strength. It causes people to be very aggressive, can cause people to hallucinate, and can alter the mood in an unpredictable way.
People on PCP could break their leg and continue to walk or run on it- the drug can cause people to feel no pain.

My boyfriend is a cop in a major city- many people may think that PCP is a thing of earlier decades, but it is somewhat common up here because it is a cheap drug.
It took 7 officers to attempt to detain one man that was high on PCP. I am not kidding when I tell you.... SUPER HUMAN STRENGTH!
He also told me that someone had jumped off the top of a building- broken leg and several other bones- and ran off like nothing happened.
Imo. A rapist or spousal abuser like John is going to make people think that Ingrid wanted to have sex with him.

But now.

The <modsnip> judge doesn't want the actual pics of the rapist scratches release. Until after the grand jury.


Is this judge 90 years old.

Especially since they want the victims last scratch marks to be forgotten in the new jurors eyes.

So should we now bann the judge for this bs calling.

I know I would.

The jurors will see the scratch marks, I'm sure of it. The judge is not showing the face now so that potential jurors are not swayed into forming an opinion before the case is presented in court. Once they are in court, I'm very sure the prosecutor will be submitting photographs of JC's roughed-up face as evidence.

I was shocked how tiny he was too. Probably got that little man syndrome going on too. Ingrid must have been really tiny!!!!

His booking record says he's 5' 9". It seems like he weighs 140 or 150. I can't remember.
How many WSers here remember the Luka Magnotta trial? He wasn't on drugs, but dismembered his victim AND put it on video.

The pictures I've seen, he has a very manic look in his eyes. One that can only be suppressed for so long. My vote is that he self-medicated with alcohol (and/or drugs) and it finally got too hard to hold in. Mental illness can be subtle, but it can also grow into this kind of stuff if left untreated. If he was homeless and jumped jobs, etc., I'm sure he wasn't getting proper healthcare. Which also means he probably didn't take meds. JMO!
His booking record says he's 5' 9". It seems like he weighs 140 or 150. I can't remember.

They must not have measured him because from the wide angle court video Cariis posted you could see directly behind standing next to everyone even the women he was smallest. It cracked me up. More like 5'6" no way 5"9
There are so many that keep repeating that this psycho said this and said that. As for scrapes on his chest, I know I have scraped my shin through my jeans plenty of times. As for the rage killing vs premeditation, check the research or the information out there. As for his comments, he is a liar. But believe what you want. She hitmfreajed
out over this guy when she met him. As for the ex girlfriend, she didn't care about how f'ed up he was because she didn't care. Ingrid had a moral compass and realized that this guy was full of ****. according to people that knew Ingrid they said that she would call the pope on a line of ********. SHE DIDNT GO HOME WITH THIS <modsnip>! As for dating, show me one F'ing selfie in the world of selfies.

So so here you go. Well at least a few things. I'm sure the FBI has a huge collection of research but I am exhausted by shear speculation overlooking the data.

As as for those naysayers regarding people who say they were close or knew Ingrid and her family including her ex. Some have children that have played at their house and recall her family and playing wth ingrids daughters. Some spouses have been a part if ingrids life for the past 23 years. Just as our friends on this forum that want to be protective of their information online. Most people aren't going to come out and say their proximity to this amazing woman. Ingrid wasn't desperate and was a very strong willed woman who helped define the lives of so many of her friends because she was an outspoken moderator of nonsensical behavior and **** that just doesn't make sense.

Here are are a few articles: behind.dismembering someone&f=false

please look through research and stuff that makes sense. Make a sensible point and please leave Ingrid out of your discussion when trying to find fault. She wasn't desperate or trying to fix anyone. She was probably talking to this guy through online chat and then met for the first and last time.

please look through research and stuff that makes sense. Make a sensible point and please leave Ingrid out of your discussion when trying to find fault. She wasn't desperate or trying to fix anyone. She was probably talking to this guy through online chat and then met for the first and last time.


Snipped and BBM.

Welcome to WS. I'm sorry you have the impression that anyone here finds fault with Ingrid. We're a victim-friendly discussion group and that is not allowed here. Plus, I think you'll find many of us identify very closely with Ingrid, see ourselves in her, and admire her.

Talking about the case - and HOW it developed - is not the same as finding fault with the victim. The ONLY person at fault is behind bars.

Other websites might have unkind comments about the victim, but not here.

Again, welcome.
Modern day drugs are so scary. I guess they have always been scary, but being a wild child of the 80s, I can say that today's drugs seem so much more intense and dangerous.
The jurors will see the scratch marks, I'm sure of it. The judge is not showing the face now so that potential jurors are not swayed into forming an opinion before the case is presented in court. Once they are in court, I'm very sure the prosecutor will be submitting photographs of JC's roughed-up face as evidence.


Exactly. The alternative is taxpayers spending thousands more dollars trying to find an adequate jury and potentially hundreds of thousands more of the jury problems caused a mistrial.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Snipped and BBM.

Welcome to WS. I'm sorry you have the impression that anyone here finds fault with Ingrid. We're a victim-friendly discussion group and that is not allowed here. Plus, I think you'll find many of us identify very closely with Ingrid, see ourselves in her, and admire her.

Talking about the case - and HOW it developed - is not the same as finding fault with the victim. The ONLY person at fault is behind bars.

Other websites might have unkind comments about the victim, but not here.

Again, welcome.
By all accounts, Ingrid seems a responsible, doting mom who wanted to meet a nice guy. Many creeps can wear a nice guy hat long enough to trick someone. It happens every day and is a testament to how smooth and chameleon like the perp is.
They must not have measured him because from the wide angle court video Cariis posted you could see directly behind standing next to everyone even the women he was smallest. It cracked me up. More like 5'6" no way 5"9

Me to, I rewound it, it thought you gotta be kidding, talk about overcompesatoin! Bullied in school??Even his body language looked frail. And jail "attire" is baggy - he must even tinier!
Dex, you really made me think about the last thing Ingrid was able to do to leave a clear message and people should have been allowed to see what she was screaming out. It sure says rape or abuse was going on.


I am sure that at trial, jurors will see images of this. Meanwhile, not showing his face will help not to prejudice potential jurors, which might give this individual grounds for appeal if found guilty. IMO.

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