GUILTY WA - Ingrid Lyne, 40, Seattle, 8 April 2016 #2

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I do not remember who posted this but it haunts me. She was obviously bright, she is anurse, I totally think she was like Oh god I am not seeing him again (in her head) but did not have the heart to throw him out on the street. She beleived I will take him home dump him on my couch and end this in the morning. That is the sad part - I think she was just being a good smartain. I wish someone knew the name of this bar -- I wanna see it big little sleazy etc etc

RE: I'm personally not buying his "blackout drunk" story:

, For some reason I believe that part - that he has memory loss when he gets into those rages - does not change anything - dude you chopped someone up - I do not really care if you recall or not. And I do think there is (like when he dies ) if we did an autopsy we would find abnormalites in his actual brain. Wonder if he had bad fall or something? Not excusing anything, but clearly something is defective neuron wise --that is a heap of rage to be able to do that with some gardon tool

also walking all over , the next day, I think he was naked when he did he it - he would have to have blood all over him, (His clothing) which takes me to he was trying to rape her at the time he lost it after she put him on the couch to sleep it off and he comes in and tries to force himself on her

leaving the knife by the bathtub is pretty "forgetful" IMO.

re he was sloppy drunk and accomplish what he did so cleanly. They don't say, "sloppy drunk" for nothin'. I think profuse sweating and rage would speed liver processes up .

Noone saw him until 1030 the next night so we dont really know when he moved her --I think it might have been hours after he dismembered her
First time poster here.

I realize that I'm in the minority, but I actually think that this was his first murder. It's clear that he had a general plan as far as how to dispose of a body should the need ever occur, but the detail necessary to pull it off and walk free simply wasn't there. Leaving the tool he used to dismembered her, dumping parts of the body in recycling bins rather than trash bins, and (in my mind the biggest giveaway) selecting a victim whose family and friends were aware of his presence in her life. To me, what we know so far does not suggest a transient serial killer.

If I accept the premise that he has killed before, I still don't think that murdering Ingrid was ever the plan. He seems to have managed to maintain friendships and relationships in the past, even if only as a front. I wonder if he meant for her to be one of those relationships, something happened that angered him, he killed her, and he couldn't quite manage a cover up, or even to settle on the best course of action, because it wasn't in the plan and wasn't part of his usual MO. So, he frantically tried to weave a decent cover story/circumstance that would suggest possible responsibility of anyone rather than him (since he knew that her friends and family knew where she was and knew who he was), decided that body parts in different places would make evidence harder to collect, showed up at his ex's because he figured that running would leave no doubt of his guilt in anyone's mind, and still couldn't come up with a better explanation from the night before than that he was drunk and didn't remember.

All just my opinion, of course.

I also just don't see this guy as a mastermind of any kind... I don't know what to think! Murdering, dismembering and dumping a woman seems like a huge escalation. I feel like many serial killers "graduated" to dismemberment.

It's like he's two different killers. It's like his sickness and evilness is top tier with the worst killers in history, and yet somehow his technique is down there with the bozos who get caught...

ETA: Forgot to actually make my point, lol. Basically, if THIS is his technique for covering up a murder, I completely agree in thinking it was his first. I just can't seem to reconcile that with the sheer extent of his twisted brutality...
I also just don't see this guy as a mastermind of any kind... I don't know what to think! Murdering, dismembering and dumping a woman seems like a huge escalation. I feel like many serial killers "graduated" to dismemberment.

It's like he's two different killers. It's like his sickness and evilness is top tier with the worst killers in history, and yet somehow his technique is down there with the bozos who get caught...

ETA: Forgot to actually make my point, lol. Basically, if THIS is his technique for covering up a murder, I completely agree in thinking it was his first. I just can't seem to reconcile that with the sheer extent of his twisted brutality...

I don't know but I don't think there are rules set in stone on how someone becomes a brutal killer. They escalate or do something gruesome the first time.

Look at the good looking actor Daniel Wozniak who was just convicted here in OC after 5 years killing his good friend chopping off and burying his head and also killing his GF. He had no prior record. He did it for money to pay for his wedding.

per his parents

had abused crack cocaine and alcohol
Apa bused Crack Cocaine and Alcohol in 2006 Restraining Order

hold grudges for several years

-he displays can be very intimidating and cause fear of violence,"

She allegedly said Charlton showed up later Saturday morning with an injured lip, claiming he had been robbed in Seattle and that -- I wish they could get it together - is it am or pm geezzz your reporters.............
But if the FBI is involved at this level so early in the case, one has to assume there is good reason. 😒
But if the FBI is involved at this level so early in the case, one has to assume there is good reason. [emoji19]

Yes it's to investigate other unsolved cases to see if he is a serial killer which FBI investigates.
Computer funky..... parents stated that in the 2006 restraining order ....and that is very very nasty addictive stuff - explains his unemployment ...ALL they think about is getting it. That. is .It.

. Every breathing moment is spent wanting, using ,getting, wishing, praying, stealing, for the next "hit"

Consumes there existenance in its entirity.

Makes me feel worse for her , I have seen somone on crack it is weired scary I will try to describe it. Do a cat in your mind and there is a moving rat in the room. Hey what can I say that is what hit me in trying to decribe it!

Do the cat moving his head while standing still in a jerky way while following the rat. It look like parania, eyes wide, just yukey . Sure did not look like he was having a good time to me.
Oh shoot. Yes. It was NOT normally kept in the bathroom. Sorry.

Oh come on, I keep two in my BR!

I am visual person. I just looked it up (Pruning) and was going to post it. I am not going to post it. Felt like puking - it was not what I was repulsive ....
I posted this on the earlier thread but I am repeating it here in hopes of clearing up some misconceptions I'm seeing regarding premeditation.

There is no time factor that determines premeditation. LE can prove premeditation without, for example, proving that JC went on the date intending to kill Ingrid. Premeditation refers to whether a reasonable person in the perp's shoes could have known that the perp's actions would result in death.

The example I posted earlier is, say you start to choke someone in a rage and it becomes clear to you that the person cannot fight you off and is turning blue and that if you continue, that person will die. If you continue at that point, that's premeditation, even if you didn't initially intend to kill the person when you first wrapped your hands around his/her throat just minutes before.

The simplest way to sum it up is, premeditation is the conscious intent to kill, and that intention can be formed in an instant. It doesn't necessarily require a lot of planning.

Also, regarding cause vs manner of death:

The cause is the actual cause of death (i.e, hanging, gunshot, poison)

The manner of death is how the cause came into play (i.e. suicide, accident, homicide).

Hope this is helpful.
I think they were at the game and at the bar. LE should be able to verify those two locations.

Her car was seen going to her house around midnight and then leaving at 4am. Those times fit the timeline of going to the game and then to the bar before heading to her place.


That is very helpful in the timeline TY! I did not know that ! What time do games typically end??

Re:: Jeeze. All this in four hours That is exactly what I thought - and then it took me back to crack - thats a long day...................and explains his eyes in the widespread pic that freaked all of us out ,

you guys are so good! initial test for blood in the bathtub came back negative, however once CSI returned to the home and 'removed the plumbing beneath the bathtub … they found blood and flesh.'" (source)

Never heard that - he should of gone into housekeeping - that is one heck of a cleanup.

Re: attempt to discover the rest of her remains nearby. ----- we may have to anticpate that nothing else would be found. The garbage trucks "rolled" that day. So other packages may have been picked up as he anitcpated.
Hi Anzac - Happy to have your expertise here. I have a couple of questions you might be able to answer:
1 - would there be a SAR type of response to locate the missing remains of Ingrid?

It depends. Typically the detectives interview suspects or witness and develop a picture of possible locations.

There's sort of two search scenarios we would deploy under, one is a more full blown remains search, with a lot of people, grid search, HRD dogs; the other is more tactical with just a few HRD/cadaver dog teams at key locations.

The FBI also has great HRD dogs, with their national program put together by one of our local K9 SAR senior trainer/handlers.
I don't see this as an FBI case though I could be wrong.

2 - If you were looking at the map of the key points, where do you think you would look?

I haven't seen a specific map, I know there are roughly the four points (ball game, victim's home, car abandoned, recycling can location) - they're all local to me. I think one thing I would say is this guy was clearly in a hurry and/or not very bright. A better location would have been a big industrial dumpster, or further into trees somewhere. So I'd say you'd be looking somewhere quick and obvious, like other trash/recycling cans.

IIRC there are larger pieces missing, so this is more likely getting out of the car and unloading them somewhere vs tossing them while moving. (so that makes bridges, overpasses etc less likely)

Because this is local to me, and I'm still posting here, you can assume I don't have any knowledge of the case.
Omg O/T but apparently my aunt's neighbor, a 40-something mom, didn't come home from work this evening... Her daughter had dance and had no one to take her! Now they're driving around looking for her... Wow, praying this doesn't turn into another missing WA mom...
I hate to say this .....................but.....................cannablisism?

Can a local (like a watch!) tell me where her actual home is? At 8 on the clock or whatever! TIA

phone records between the man and his online date whom John Robert Charlton first met over 6 weeks ago

discovered in a neighborhood about 2.7 miles away from Safeco Stadium

Here is one arrest

I had not heard this :

When the guy looked in the bin:

It was so disturbing that, according to police, he called a neighbor over to confirm what he thought he was seeing.
Good post. I believe he's lying to LE about dating her and staying some nights over her house for a month in order to explain away the DNA in her house.

The reason being a poster on here awhile back had a friend that personally knew Ingrid and was told by her it was a FIRST DATE.

I'd take that with a grain of salt.
I apologize if this has already been mentioned (I haven't quite caught up yet) but I think I remember reading in one article that a neighbor of the man who found her said that officers with canines quickly convened in the neighborhood in an attempt to discover the rest of her remains nearby.

So, most of the police dogs are either the protection/attack trained kind, or gun/drug/explosive or both.
I'm not aware of SPD having any HRD dogs, because they call us.
Now it might be they can get a scent of the suspect and track where he went dropping the remains off.

So if there were HRD dogs involved, they'd be SAR (or FBI).
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