Found Deceased WA - Jenise Wright, 6, Bremerton, 2 Aug 2014 - #10 *Arrest*

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Blue 22 i don't know anything about Ashley Estell's case, do you have a link please?
And one of the things that gets me upset is that these teens who were made to feel like they were responsible for Jenise when she wasn't being watched by the parents are going to feel even more guilt than they already might have just for knowing or hanging with G.G.

This situation affects so many people. And even though some might be designated the victims by blood my mind and especially heart says it is some of these others that truly are victims and moreover the victims of not just GG's crimes.

I only hope the parents of the teens really take advantage of any kind of counselling that is being offered. I know Olympic High (where nearly all of them go) and the grade school also (where Jenise would have started 1st grade) will be having grief counselors when school starts, but I don't think I'd wait that long.
I didn't know about poor little Alanna. :( After reading a couple of articles, I can see now why so many see parallels to the Jenise Wright case. Too bad that bullet didn't connect a few inches higher for Holder. It would have saved countless taxpayer dollars and justice would have been appropriately served.
So very sad for all the tiny little scocial butterfly's.
This is the reason I don't think she was actually in bed at 10pm the night prior. While I'm not about to bash on the parents, it still blows my mind a 6 yr old is missing from her bed at 7am and no one dials 911 until nearly 10pm. Were that me, as soon as I was done searching the house and the yard, 911 would have been my next move. Although in this case, I honestly think it would have been too late anyway, since I believe GG did what he did long before 7am.

Just hitting the thanks button wasn't enough.

I agree with everything you posted, but let's be honest. Why wasn't anyone out looking for her Saturday night? It may not have been too late if anyone would have started looking then! She was 6 for crying out loud! What time did she normally come in at night?
I found the quote I was looking for, checked about a zillion MSM articles and it was in the Probable Cause doc (page one of the thread):

"It is not unusual for JPW to play outside with friends for extended periods of time, and normally JPW checks in with familiy every 2-4 hours...James did not become concerned until JPW didn't check in with family within the usual time frame."

I haven't seen that they were looking early but it continues to bother me that people say they weren't worried all day. Now if she was seen at 4pm and we definitely have MSM and the probably cause doc stating she was being searched for at 830, that narrows it to 4.5 hours, not the original two days then well over 24 hours as we see often.
Thank you for finding that Cat. :)
Yep, there it is. Thanks for pulling up that link. The same girl who stated they all run around in "packs" and look out for each other also says she didn't see her at all on Sunday. To me, that speaks volumes. If any one of her friends in that group did actually see her Sunday, one of them would have said something like, "no M, I saw her over at the swings right before lunch" or something like that... but they never did. That tells me, NO ONE SAW HER SUNDAY.
Which is exactly why I never rely on eye witness accounts. Not that people are being deceptive. Many times just mistaken.
Just hitting the thanks button wasn't enough.

I agree with everything you posted, but let's be honest. Why wasn't anyone out looking for her Saturday night? It may not have been too late if anyone would have started looking then! She was 6 for crying out loud! What time did she normally come in at night?

Do you think GG could have walked her home, but told her he would come back and she could stay out longer. Dad saw her in bed, thought all was well. Later JW went out with GG when he came back for her. Just a thought.
Blue 22 i don't know anything about Ashley Estell's case, do you have a link please?

Sadly, there is very little on her case other than about the man who was exonerated in her death. She was 7 years old, abducted from a soccer complex, and her body was found the next day. Her parents allowed her to go play at the playground during a sibling's game.

My sister had a tournament at the complex that weekend, and we were there. I had been playing at the same playground with another sibling, but we never saw her there. I never thought she made it.

ETA: It was 1993, so no Amber alert yet.
It his has been bothering me for a few days so bear with me...

Early in this case I have a vague memory of reading about another girl sleeping over at the Wrights house the night Jenise disappeared. She was a friend of the 12 year old. Does anyone else remember reading about this?

I'm not defending Jenise's parents, but if there was another girl spending the night it could account for them thinking Jenise was in bed at ten.

Maybe I'm just remembering incorrectly because I can't find it in MSM.
This situation affects so many people. And even though some might be designated the victims by blood my mind and especially heart says it is some of these others that truly are victims and moreover the victims of not just GG's crimes.

Snipped by me but just wanted to say that was a great point. We sometimes forget about just how many people's lives have been altered.
It his has been bothering me for a few days so bear with me...

Early in this case I have a vague memory of reading about another girl sleeping over at the Wrights house the night Jenise disappeared. She was a friend of the 12 year old. Does anyone else remember reading about this?

I'm not defending Jenise's parents, but if there was another girl spending the night it could account for them thinking Jenise was in bed at ten.

Maybe I'm just remembering incorrectly because I can't find it in MSM.

Quoting myself, maybe this is the MSM I remember.

Police are investigating possible sightings of the girl in the mobile home park between 2 and 4 p.m. She has been entered into the FBI National Crime Information Center as a missing juvenile.

Kitsap County Sheriff’s Deputy Scott Wilson said they do not expect foul play, another girl was also sleeping in the room with Janice, and she was fine. Two other chidlren in the home, an 8-year-old boy and a 12-year-old girl, were removed from the home by Child Protective Services, Kitsap County deputies said, as they felt conditions in the home jeopardized the safety of the children.

The parents have been cooperative, and are not in police custody.

This states that Jenise was sleeping in the room, which is consistent with the parents statement. I actually think that the girl in the first sentence is the same girl in the second (12 year old). Both sentences imho refer to Jenise's sister.

While it is within TOS to discuss MP's quote in MSM as a fact in the case or specific to the timeline, it is not allowed to sleuth her actions or place her at the Wright house when that has not been established by LE or MSM.
When this case first broke and I started sleuthing around I found out a LOT more than is allowed to be posted here, only because a.) teens talk A LOT and b.) I found out I know people that know people associated with the case. I wasn't sleuthing the teens but it was nearly impossible not to see what they were all saying. That being said, I believe it's entirely possible what was being referenced in the quote is that it was GG that was at least one of the people last seen with Jenise on Saturday night and it was assumed he walked her home, instead of her walking home alone.

While the above is entirely MOO, I do know for a fact those teens know a LOT more than the general public does and I hope they have all been 100% forthcoming with LE.

Wow, thank you for that, Ontario Mom!
Another thing that has been bothering me...when LE came to take GG to the police station why did his mother not go with him? In her eyes he was a minor. And also, there was no request for a lawyer, correct? I am wondering if his family knew he was involved in this crime (at that point) and he had agreed to go and confess. Is it unusual for the parents to not go with the suspect if they are a minor?
Another thing that has been bothering me...when LE came to take GG to the police station why did his mother not go with him? In her eyes he was a minor. And also, there was no request for a lawyer, correct? I am wondering if his family knew he was involved in this crime (at that point) and he had agreed to go and confess. Is it unusual for the parents to not go with the suspect if they are a minor?

I wondered about that too.

Scenario could have been that LE had search warrants in their hands and spoke to parents ''aside'' prior to informing GG that he would need to be questioned so possibly parents became aware immediately of the gravity of the situation and wanted to remain at home to observe the LE executing parameters of SW ((IIRC - LE was at their house throughout the night after GG was taken to station)) -- MOO and based on what I recall from these threads

"Following his arrest, an FBI Evidence Response Team and detectives served a search warrant on Gaeta's residence. Blood-stained underwear, a blood- and mud-covered shirt, blood-stained shorts and a bloody towel were allegedly located in Gaeta's bedroom.''

by the time LE had gotten to his house they had a match on the DNA (prior to questioning at the police station KWIM)

"DNA evidence led investigators to obtain a warrant on Gaeta&#8217;s home, where they said they found blood-stained clothing and a bloody towel in Gabriel&#8217;s bedroom.

Gaeta&#8217;s DNA was obtained earlier in the investigation."

bbm: that's why I wonder if this is reason he went alone to the was clear to the adults in the situation MOO
We don't discuss minors here. Not even when they are quoted in the MSM. If their parents are not smart enough to keep their kids out of the press, that's on them. At WS we don't exploit them and take advantage of the situation. A minor is a minor. They are only discussed here when they are victim or a perp.

If you have questions about this, please pm a mod. If that rule changes, we will let you know.

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