Found Deceased WA - Jenise Wright, 6, Bremerton, 2 Aug 2014 - #2 *Arrest*

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Right. Perhaps a ligature around her neck, or a rock or wooden stick nearby? Perhaps no pants on?

Something is telling them this is a criminal investigation. Hope they catch him fast! My kids would not be out playing until they did.

Well the only thing is for certain is that the manner of death was

evident from looking at the body. Otherwise, they always say something like, foul play not suspected or it is unknown if foul play....."
I make it quick in my mind like this Amber Alert=Abduction. Abduction is you know the child is with someone and the type of car. My boyfriend(who is in newscasting)taught me the A thing. They need certain descriptors to fill in for the system to go off

Yes, brandi -- I've heard Amber-Abduction-Automobile. Same idea.
Speculation here...
Does it sound like the bottoms of her feet might not have dirt on them? Didn't they say she didn't leave on her own?
In fact if the bottoms of her feet weren't dirty, wouldn't that mean she was killed and brought there to the wooded area?
Clearly the killer hoped people wouldn't go into the thorny area.

All posts are MOO
That was ruled out I thought?

Thank you, I only heard about this a few minutes ago. Person on the phone said detectives were there. NG said she didn't think it was a true lead.
Hmm someone reading WS? Some comments that we've shared here only have now been stated on NG. Specifically "native community" which was my comment about our community here being like this - not a remark about MHP there.

Also, their map looks different from "ours" with the location marked on the other side behind the trailer.
Things that are being reported on Nancy Grace right now:

1. Cops are confident that it's Jenice's body.

2. Police back at the home as well as crime scene techs.

3. They have taken evidence from the home.

4. Nancy saying whats significant to her is that the body was so close to home. Thinks it was someone very close to the home/community that did this to Jenice. Matter of fact she flat out said she thinks its someone within the community.

5. Body about 7 or 8 houses down the road.

6 Showing footage of cops outside and around the home.

7. Body found VERY close to home.

Law enforcement gathered near an entrance to a wooded area bordering the mobile home park.

So does this mean she was taken out of the house and to the location they found her body?

"KCSO spokesperson says there were no signs of forced entry at the Wright home, no indication Jenise was taken from her room #FindJenise" Heather Graf, reporter at KING 5 news. BBM.
Here's the whole press conference. Names are phonetic.

EARL: I want to thank each and every one of you for coming back today. I want give you a brief update on our recovery efforts of the body, and I want to give you some addition information where we're going. I appreciate you guys have been very patient with us and not pushing us to give out information that might compromise the investigation, and I truly appreciate that, so thank you very much for not pressuring us to give out information that might do that.
Our evidence response team, they continue to process the location where the body has been recovered. We also continue to gather evidence throughout our community, because every piece of evidence that we're able to recover contributes to the overall success of this case and to the recovery of Jenise and finding out what happened to Jenise.
We are coordinating with the Kitsap County Coroner's Office on the recovery of the body. They will make a positive identification. It is anticipated that positive identification on the body will be tomorrow at some time, I don't know an exact time. The autopsy is being scheduled for tomorrow; I don't know what time it will be completed. My anticipation is that it will take several hours for that to be completed. The coroner's office, they will determine the manner of death and give that to us once they completed that. We have gotten to this success -- to the degree of success because of the community and our law enforcement partners, everybody coming together in this community. We have had over 375 personnel that have been assisting on this case throughout the week. And the federal agencies, state agencies, local agencies from Kitsap County, across the state of Washington, and throughout the country. We could have not done it without all these resources. We are currently -- actually, let me -- some of those agencies, we have a list that we can provide you because there's just too many to list off, but some of those, some of the specialty units I want to talk about and just mention are the FBI's Child -- excuse me, Child Abduction Rapid Deployment Team, the FBI Behavioral Analysis Unit, the FBI Evidence Research Team, the FBI Specialty Search Dogs, the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children, and the Washington State Patrol Crime Response Team are just a couple of them that have contributed to the success of this overall investigation thus far. We have covered over 200 leads so far and we continue to work on those and we're continuing to work on all the other leads that continue to come in. We received several tips through 1-800-CALL-FBI. We appreciate those. We received several local calls to the 911 system. We ask that the community continue to call with those tips, even if they don't think it's important. You never know which one of those tips is going to help us complete the investigation of what happened to Jenise. Our number one focus was to bring Jenise home. We're going to do that now. I would like to introduce now Special Agent in Charge from the FBI Frank Montoya, Jr.

FBI AGENT: It's tragic circumstances that bring us here, but I will tell you that it has been indeed a privilege to be a part of the group of the professional -- law enforcement professionals that have been out here these past few days working on this investigation. I would like to put a special note of appreciation out there, and I think all of us share this, to our five professionals who operate the K-9s, the dogs that have been out on location for the last couple days. And particularly the K-9s that were so instrumental in actually locating the body of Jenise today. We couldn't have done it without them, frankly. And their professionalism, their supreme expertise, subject-matter expertise, and the K-9s themselves, their ability to get this done under very difficult and trying circumstances. It was something really a sight to behold, if you will.
As earlier said, it's been a well-orchestrated activity these past few days to bring together the many different agencies that are here to achieve the success, I suppose you can characterize it as, that we've been able to achieve in the last couple of days. It is tragic. It resulted in the recovery of the body of a young girl that, you know, has touched us greatly, touched us deeply. At the same time there's still much work to do, and we are pledged and committed to be here until we complete that work. That's all I have to say.

SHERIFF: Folks, I can take a handful of questions here. Understand, a lot of details we start getting down literally into the weeds I'm not going to be to go there, but I'll try to answer the questions to the best of my ability with the information I have available.
A. It was found with the evidence research team from the FBI, and they had K-9 assistance, yes.
Q. Do you suspect foul play is now involved in the investigation?
A. This is going to be a criminal investigation, there's no doubt about that. Cause and manner of death, we're going to wait for the autopsy results from the coroner's office to determine exactly what kind of death this is going to be, but we suspect that she did just not go off by herself and fall into some bushes and die.
A. I'm not going to get into specifics, Adam, concerning the square footage or the distance from her house, but it was the immediate proximity of steering Steele Creek Mobile Home Park in a wooded area.
A. We're focusing on that and we're heading in that direction. So far we don't have anybody specifically identified that we can provide a name.
Q. Was she a wearing the T-shirt and jeans that was in the possible sighting?
A. Can't answer that. I don't have that information.
A. We are focusing on trying to nature in on a suspect.
Q. Are we ruling out an accident?
A. Not ruling out anything, but it's a criminal investigation; there's no doubt about that.
A. I don't have that information specifically on their status. I do know that the family, we've gone through the formal notification process with the family and we're trying to assist them in getting the appropriate grief-counseling services set up.
A. That's why we searched again and again and again, because sometimes it could be that microscopic piece of evidence or that scent that the dog didn't pick up the first team, another team may go in there and find again.
A. I believe we did. Let me research that and get back to you, Adam, on the specific track trail of any K-9s.
A. To be determined, Keith. Don't know that answer.
A. Through developments -- the home? I'm talking about the crime scene or the site where she was found.
A. Yes, we do. Part of the investigative process when we have a situation like this is to go back into the village, or the mobile home park in this case, and start resurfacing or recanvassing what we need to do to find somebody who may be responsible for this. That's the best way I can put it to you without getting into details that could possibly compromise our situation.
I just got home and saw the news. I'm heartbroken. I know it was just wishful thinking after all this time, but I kept praying she would be found safe. Her sweet little face could have lit up a room. I'm so sorry this happened to you Jenise. I just know you are smiling that darling smile in heaven. May justice be swift and severe!
Blackberry bushes equal scratches. Wonder if anyone has some?

When I was a kid in Bremerton, if you *didn't* have scratches from blackberry bushes, you were too sick to be outside in the first place. Of course that was a million years ago before every teenager on the planet (and many adults) sit around on their e-devices all day.
Only slightly OT but part of the reason you're hearing laughing and casual banter prior to such a devastating announcement is because most cops (of all stripes, local, state, federal) have learned how to turn off the painful, traumatic stuff they see ALL the time. They have to, or they'd never be able to do their jobs. MOO from all the cops I've known & am related to.

Thank you for this. :loveyou: It is very, very true.
I hope little Jenise is found safe and well very soon :(




:australia:Maci !!:australia:

We're glad you're here!!

Blackberry bushes equal scratches. Wonder if anyone has some?

I hope so and if they get one of those devil claw plants or whatever it is they ought to beat the crap out the perp or drag him around in the briars and bramble right to where that baby was found. Where is Charles Bronson when you need him? I'm signing off, lest my Tourette's takes over. I'm about to spontaneously combust I'm so mad. . . :burn:
4 days and no description to go off of what she was wearing. They're telling you it's her but need verification to cover their backs.

It's interesting that no one knew what Jenise was wearing before she disappeared- is that common with missing children cases? -wouldn't Jenise's siblings know ?-that would be 4 people in the home not being able to give a description of Jenise was wearing- not even the color of her shirt.. or is this just another example of Jenise's absentee parents/family?
Does that rule out someone from "within" the home removed her? To me that just means no one broke into the house.

Funny, I had the exact same thought when I read it. Regardless, no sign of forced entry (which I never suspected in the first place).
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