Found Deceased WA - Jenise Wright, 6, Bremerton, 2 Aug 2014 - #3 *Arrest*

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im kinda leaning this way 2 kinda ....n i cant figure out why i read only 2 children were removed from cps as i believe 3 were removed 2 boys n 1 girl im wondering if the older boy is a legal age of a adult and i cant find where i read the older sister that was defending her mom n stepdad had all the children or the grandparents did if someone could direct me where that info is i truly appreciate thank u in advance rip sweet angel gone too soon .....
I dunno gitana1, I kind of had the opposite reaction. I'm not sure why those unflattering things came out of his mouth, but I didn't get guilt. From almost the beginning, I felt it was a male teen.

Prob wrong, been so many, many times.
I've been focusing most of my time on the FB page and upcoming vigil so I think I missed all of the second thread. Just wanted to pop in and say how heartbroken I am. I cried so hard I shook and I'm not done yet. This is awful beyond belief. The vigil is Friday at 6:30 and the media should cover it. I'll let you know how it goes.
IMO, there is a big difference between giving your child appropriate freedom and outright neglect. One is active parenting and the other is laziness or plain 'can't be bothered to give a care'. It took a lot more time and effort to watch from ever increasing distances that they were making good decisions. It meant I couldn't read, cook, clean at those times instead of thinking 'oh well, they are out of my hair for the next 20 minutes, I don't have to think about them.' And even when I could trust that they could and would make good decisions on a consistent basis you have to worry about others. Accidents happen.

Evil happens. I really doubt anyone really thinks a 6 yr old doesn't need guidance anymore. That a roof, food and clothes are the only thing parents are needed for at that age. They did not seem to have any rule that she needed to ask to leave the home. It seems the parents would notice if the other independent adult went missing before they would notice if their dependent child did. All this in no way could be considered just a different but still valid form of parenting, imo. Parenting takes constant hard work it isn't just some ownership title.

BBM - This is the bit that got me too. They apparently woke up and when they noticed she wasn't there, they just assumed she'd gone out and would have breakfast somewhere, then later on she'd have lunch somewhere else, then even dinner ..... and nobody thought to check. This tells me that was a normal day to them - that she frequently got up and went out unfed, unattended and it wasn't a problem for the parents that they didn't have a clue where she was all day long.

With regard to the eating at various places - this bothers me in so many ways. Firstly, was it just taken for granted that someone would feed her? Did the neighbours do it to ensure she got something to eat? Did the parents ever check what she was eating? She could have been eating nothing but junk day after day for all they knew. And did the parents feed other people's children in the same way? Or are people just putting a more positive slant on it to make the parents look better? Sounds nicer to say the neighbour's loved her and invited her in for meals .... rather than, they fed her because her parents never came looking for her and she told them she was hungry, and hadn't had breakfast.

Also, did the parents ever go out of the park, without letting her know? Did they just leave the community to look after her, even if the neighbours didn't actually know they had been left in charge? Did the parents ever check where she had been during the days she wasn't home, or ask her what she'd been up to? Did she go to multiple homes to play and eat, or was it the same one?

My 18 year old still tells me where he is going when he goes out, and texts me if his plans change or he is staying at a friends. Even my 15 and 13 year old wouldn't ever just go out, without letting me know. And my 9 year old has to take a walki talki with him when he plays on the street outside the house, even though he knows he is only allowed 100m in each direction! I know all those neighbours, but he knows not to go in their houses unless he comes home and asks - and I check that they have invited him in. Even then, I still go and get him after half an hour or so. The other night my 20 year old wasn't home by 1.30am (after going out at 9.00pm) and I was worrying that something had happened to him and was texting him to see if he was okay. Turns out he had taken his friend to hospital as he had hurt his hand and needed an xray. What I am saying is, after my 20 YEAR OLD SON hadn't come home when I expected, I started to do checks after just a few hours ...... yet nobody checked a 6 YEAR OLD GIRL for an entire day???

That isn't free range parenting, or giving a child freedom, that is neglect and expecting other people to do your job for you. And don't get me started on the description of her as a spoiled brat who always got her own way. Whose fault is that, dad? If she is spoilt, its because you spoil her. However, in this case I think he is mistaking "spoiled" for "nothing bothering to set appropriate boundaries".

Finally, any random abductor would have surely taken her out of the area. The fact she is still "at home" suggests to me that it is someone very close who did this. Whatever happened to her, happened in the park or just outside it ..... so why didn't anyone hear or see a thing? Makes me think it happened inside a trailer and I won't say whose I suspect. I was still willing to believe it might have been some kind of accident, something happened due to a lack of supervision and someone panicked and hid her ...until the press conference alluded to a bigger crime.

Sorry for rambling but these cases make me so angry. Why have children if you can't be bothered to sacrifice your own time to look after them properly? Yes, they'll have to live with this and they will have regrets, but it shouldn't take the death of a little girl to make you think in hindsight "if only I hadn't let her have the freedom of a 16 year old ...... if only I'd gone looking for her as soon as I noticed she wasn't home that morning ......... if only I'd ensured she had set times to come home for her lunch etc ........ she'd still be here". Those things are the most basic of parenting requirements.
i could see this very easily as a possibility thanks 4 sharing ..............
I'm praying it wasn't a sadistic pervert (too much of that going around)
but a push down the tag along accidental kind of thing - they/he/she panicked, hid her, and then ran away/cover up mode.

Do not know details - did she sneak out at night time or was she up early on Sunday? either way could have been with others who did not want her around.

Parents slept in, woke up late, relied on older siblings or community kids were watching her - by the time dinner or after dinner time came realized somethings wrong.
It may have been 24hrs since last saw her - but it wasn't 24hrs of knowing she was missing before contacting 911.

If parents slept in/woke up late, what time would that be 10am, 12noon? Lets say they think w/other siblings and later on question siblings but siblings say idk maybe with community kids, what time would that be at ? 12noon, 2pm. Give a little more time, so far nothing unusual, made herself breakfast and went out to play. Maybe with other kids and had lunch by now. Let her play until dinner. So now it's like 3pm or 4pm so they wait until dinner. Is that at 6pm, 7pm? but they now start questioning because siblings have not seen her, she hasn't checked in, so they check around the neighborhood (8pm by this time?), and they had to have contacted at least one of the neighbors that she was missing. The neighbors are the ones who eventually called 911, maybe because the parents were distraught? That gives us timing at around 9pm (dad thought contact w/911 was made) 10pm was more accurate from news report.
In a way, maybe a very round about way, police were contacted when they happened to notice/realize she was for sure missing.

I believe the police know what happened, just have to get formalities and evidence taken care of. They are going to say what ever needs to be said, and at the same time say nothing at all.

To me, the father is not looking so good especially with his background - but there's still a little wiggle room that it may not have been him.
Given the police have yet to name him POI (or anyone), I went with the knock down tag along accident.
ok found it quoting my own quote the older son was not at home at the time but since has been reunited with his sibling link attach if anyone else was looking 4 it xxxxxxxx

Jenise was the youngest of four children living with the couple. The middle two children were removed this week from the home by state Child Protective Services after Jenise was reported missing. The two were placed with family members, Byron said. The eldest had been away from the home at the time but now is with the younger two siblings

im kinda leaning this way 2 kinda ....n i cant figure out why i read only 2 children were removed from cps as i believe 3 were removed 2 boys n 1 girl im wondering if the older boy is a legal age of a adult and i cant find where i read the older sister that was defending her mom n stepdad had all the children or the grandparents did if someone could direct me where that info is i truly appreciate thank u in advance rip sweet angel gone too soon .....
I'm praying it wasn't a sadistic pervert (too much of that going around)
but a push down the tag along accidental kind of thing - they/he/she panicked, hid her, and then ran away/cover up mode.

Do not know details - did she sneak out at night time or was she up early on Sunday? either way could have been with others who did not want her around.

Parents slept in, woke up late, relied on older siblings or community kids were watching her - by the time dinner or after dinner time came realized somethings wrong.
It may have been 24hrs since last saw her - but it wasn't 24hrs of knowing she was missing before contacting 911.

If parents slept in/woke up late, what time would that be 10am, 12noon? Lets say they think w/other siblings and later on question siblings but siblings say idk maybe with community kids, what time would that be at ? 12noon, 2pm. Give a little more time, so far nothing unusual, made herself breakfast and went out to play. Maybe with other kids and had lunch by now. Let her play until dinner. So now it's like 3pm or 4pm so they wait until dinner. Is that at 6pm, 7pm? but they now start questioning because siblings have not seen her, she hasn't checked in, so they check around the neighborhood (8pm by this time?), and they had to have contacted at least one of the neighbors that she was missing. The neighbors are the ones who eventually called 911, maybe because the parents were distraught? That gives us timing at around 9pm (dad thought contact w/911 was made) 10pm was more accurate from news report.
In a way, maybe a very round about way, police were contacted when they happened to notice/realize she was for sure missing.

I believe the police know what happened, just have to get formalities and evidence taken care of. They are going to say what ever needs to be said, and at the same time say nothing at all.

To me, the father is not looking so good especially with his background - but there's still a little wiggle room that it may not have been him.
Given the police have yet to name him POI (or anyone), I went with the knock down tag along accident.

From what the father said at some point in some link a thread or three back that timeline seems about right.
Woke up late, figured she made her own breakfast and went out to play.
So 12 to 2ish they have lunch and she doesn't show up but they don't think much of it just give a "Oh go find your sister" to the older sister. (I believe 12 year old)
Go on about their day and then at 5 to 6 when dinner came and they asked the sister where she was she said she couldnt find her and then the rest as you said.

Not saying I do or don't believe just fitting in what has been said with the timeline.
From what the father said at some point in some link a thread or three back that timeline seems about right.
Woke up late, figured she made her own breakfast and went out to play.
So 12 to 2ish they have lunch and she doesn't show up but they don't think much of it just give a "Oh go find your sister" to the older sister. (I believe 12 year old)
Go on about their day and then at 5 to 6 when dinner came and they asked the sister where she was she said she couldnt find her and then the rest as you said.

Not saying I do or don't believe just fitting in what has been said with the timeline.

If I woke up and my 6 year old wasn't in the house, I'd be panicking from that moment on! I wouldn't assume anything, I'd make sure she was where I thought she was. How sad that nobody could be bothered to spend 10 minute having a quick walk round the neighbourhood to see where she was. Geez, I'd do that if my dog was missing from the house, let alone my child.

I wonder if they'd have acted quicker if their wallet was missing from their house?
From what the father said at some point in some link a thread or three back that timeline seems about right.
Woke up late, figured she made her own breakfast and went out to play.
So 12 to 2ish they have lunch and she doesn't show up but they don't think much of it just give a "Oh go find your sister" to the older sister. (I believe 12 year old)
Go on about their day and then at 5 to 6 when dinner came and they asked the sister where she was she said she couldnt find her and then the rest as you said.

Not saying I do or don't believe just fitting in what has been said with the timeline.

BBM - I think also.

I'm curious what news we'll have today, and if there will be any arrests?
When I was 9 I was held down and beaten by about three neighborhood older boys on the way from walking home from the bus stop. I was hurt enough to need a doctor visit but not to be hospitalized. I feel very lucky that I wasn't raped or killed. I was friends with the sister of one of them and while I knew these boys were not very nice when in a group, they were nice enough one on one and I had never really been afraid of them before. The families of these boys left town shortly after this happened and I didn't have to worry about them any more. I don't think a child is going to know when people are about to turn on them. They are so vulnerable to older kids as well as adults.
BBM - I think also.

I'm curious what news we'll have today, and if there will be any arrests?

The way it usually goes is they wait at least until after the funeral unless someone downright confesses. It is a very emotionally charged atmosphere right now. If someone did this on purpose, (and I think they did), other people will be challenging that person, maybe he or she will slip up and incriminate their self.

At the very least, this is gross criminal negligence. This poor girl was living in a home with a pervert. What charge goes on their record is (MOO) never, ever what they really did. You can rape and torture and threaten a child for years and if anyone ever reports it the DA will eagerly accept a plea to some bitty thing that doesn't get the pervert off the street.

Aside from the clear danger Jeneice was in due to her living situation, she was left to fend for herself day after day year after year. There is nothing acceptable about that no matter how many people try to make it sound normal.

Back in the day when we spent all day playing outside with our neighborhood friends, parents new where we were and who we were with and made arrangements with the other moms to keep an eye out the back window or a glance down the block to check on us. I was given a time to check in, usually 30 minutes, an hour when we were older (10-12) even if it was just to answer when she stepped outside and called out my name. If we were invited in to a friend's home for a meal or a movie, the moms spoke by phone to confirm and called to say we left and were riding our bikes home. She new how long it should take an we had better have a good excuse if we didn't show up when expected. Violate the rules and you are staying in the next day. That is how a responsible parent raises independent kids.

They gave us freedom to roam within limits. They modeled responsibility by expecting it from us without neglecting theirs. I grew up to be a responsible independent leader, not a follower in danger of being led astray. Thanks, Mom!
This is so tragic. A good friend of mine is in the process of intervening in a case of neglect of a 4 year old girl, called in CPS and the child was apprehended and taken into foster care.
When I read the description of Jenise, it stated she was 3 feet tall, at age six?
That is a very tiny little person, probably malnourished and marked with 'failure to thrive'.
This is so tragic. A good friend of mine is in the process of intervening in a case of neglect of a 4 year old girl, called in CPS and the child was apprehended and taken into foster care.
When I read the description of Jenise, it stated she was 3 feet tall, at age six?
That is a very tiny little person, probably malnourished and marked with 'failure to thrive'.

BBM. Or misinformation resulting from the parents having no clue how tall she actually was because she hadn't been to the doctor in a while for a well visit. She looked very healthy in the photos.
I think that early morning Jenise took a walk to the park and ran into a person still up from the night before, possible drunk or something else. I think the incident took place in the woods.
I wonder if there is a path through the woods to the bus.

I am truly sadden. I have a little 6 year girl still sleeping and I would not be able to function, fb or talk to anyone if she went missing. I would have to be put on some high dose meds. I can only imagine what would be said about me.

I am very interested to see what the autopsy report says about what est time of death.

One day I was at Prescott Park in Portsmouth, not sure if anyone knows that area. Well we were there for a concert, and decided to leave half way. My husband went to say bye to some friends and my 2 kids and I went over towards the grass area with the big dolphin statue, or it could of been something else. Lots of people. My kids were running around and I was looking at some pics that I took of them. I said stay on the grass and not the walk ways. I looked down and back up and they were gone. Only 10 seconds, but my world was crashing quite quickly. Amazing how much can run through your head. I am so relieved when they came around that statue. I told them if they can't see me, then I can't see them so stay in view. But kids can disappear that quickly even with a helicopter mom.
On the news they are showing a different location than either of "our" maps here. They are showing an area 6 - 7 houses behind Jenise's on the right (not the far left on the other side of the park. Could someone please verify one or the other?

Even adults get taken by monsters.

To think a child has discernment is just plain ridiculous

This ^^^^^ How much horror does a 6 yr old know is in the world? As adults, we are well aware what kinds of people there are but a 6 yr old probably thinks all people are nice and sweet and a potential friend.
Great statement !
I've been following this case from the beginning. So sad, precious little girl. I was snooping last night and found a video of one of her sisters dancing and there was Jenise in the back photobombing the whole thing, dancing in the background. Her sister seems like a loving little girl and caring of Jenise. She didn't treat her like a "spoiled brat". The inside of the house looked nice and neat, well taken care of.

I live in a mobile home community. I let my kids play outside though they have boundaries they have to stay in. My neighbors are wonderful. I had one come and tell me one of my kids were out of the boundaries, she got after him like he was her own. She told me in front of my son. She said "I wanted to tell you in front of him so he would know I was watching him".

I also had a 7 year old running around my park last year. She stayed the night with us the first Friday we knew her! She would get immediately off the school bus and come straight to my house. I'd make her do her homework along with my kids, then they could play. Around 6 I'd cook dinner and if she was still here (most always she was with her sister and sometimes 2 cousins) they'd stay for dinner. I'm not a rich person but I'd start going to the grocery and by more food to feed 5-8 people instead of my family of 4. After dinner they'd play and I would reluctantly send them home at 8:30 after hearing nothing from her mom. She's a fine girl with to much freedom. Her mom works crappy jobs to afford her children most times, I figured her mother was at work and they were bound by no rules, free to run. They have good feelings for their mom and seem pretty close to her so she must be doing something right.
That's how I think of this family sad for the kids in my eyes but the kids seem loved and cared for. I do not believe anyone in the family is involved. I hope I'm right...
From your link:

I have yet to see one MSM article that has anyone in LE or CPS address WHY the children where removed. In one presser, LE refused to comment. Anyone who wants to say it was "neglect" is reading into it. There were also the previous charges against the father for molestation. Do we hang our hat on that? Or was it to separate the 8 and 12 year old from the parents to get statements from the children? Or was it just the initial response to what the possible outcome might be?
We don't KNOW why the 2 children were removed.
And then there is this:

This family has lost a daughter and a little sister.

There are no charges from LE or CPS for neglect or any other reason at this time.

LE has not named a family member as a POI.

I am not going to go half cocked, like NG and her ilk, the UK Daily Mail, or any other "Shock Value" trash tabloid that cares more about ratings than the truth.

I don't put much into the other children being removed. In other cases where a child has gone missing or missing and then later found dead CPS removed the other children from the home at that time and later on the children were returned to the parents. And CPS in those cases said it was just SOP to do so. To get the children back they will probably be required to go to parental training classes to insure this time that they will be vigilant in raising the other two.

Sometimes the 'usual' suspect doesn't turnout to be the actual suspect.

I don't know if that will be the case here or not.

But for some reason I keep thinking this case is like Sandra Cantu, or the little girl that was kidnapped, raped and murdered in Atlanta. Or even Christopher Barrios' case out of Brunswick, Georgia. The one common denominator in all those case is the child was allowed to freely roam the apartment complex grounds or the mobile home parks where they lived. Each of those children also would go door to door to find friends to play with during the day. From what I have read Jenise has been doing this since she was three years old so she would be very trusting of anyone in the mobile home park that gave her attention.

Usually when the body is found very close to where the child lived it often means the perpetrator did not have transportation to remove the body from the area and place it somewhere else further away. So I am thinking this person is young without a vehicle and had befriended Jenise. Imo, she trusted them and I think they lured her down into the woods possibly telling her they were going to play a game like 'hide and go seek' etc. I don't think she was buried but left above ground in the thick brush. Again, making me think whoever this person is they are young and thought hiding the body in the weeds/thick brush would work.

I have read articles over the years that say when a father murders his children they more often take the body miles and miles away from where the child was last seen and mothers tend to put the remains of the child very close to home ...i.e. CA and so many other moms like her. At this time I don't think a parent is involved but that opinion can change in a nano-second if more information points to that being the case. I do ask myself did this person (perp) know about the dad's history and think he would automatically be the one LE would think did this? However; I really don't think this is the case and I think this person is immature in their thought processes and that is why they placed the body so close to where she lived.

I keep thinking about the person who turned over the cell phone photo to LE. Who was the person they took a picture of that was with Jenise?

I don't think this is a homeless person. I think Jenise knew her killer and trusted them. I think they live right there in the mobile home park just like the other three predators I have already mentioned in this post. Someone who knew her parents didn't watch her closely and wouldn't miss her for hours. I have stated previously also that is rather common for a pedophile to befriend a child and the grooming period can be a lengthy period of time before they make their move. The motive is to gain the victim's trust. However I think when he raped her (and this is only my opinion) she told him she was going to tell on him and he murdered her so she couldn't tell anyone. Often times when predators strike like this it is a crime of opportunity when the perp found the victim alone.

This is nothing more than opinion and my speculation on this case. No matter is heartbreaking and I hope all parents and not just some.... will realize in today's time. with so many perverts everywhere and anywhere, they must be very attentive to the whereabouts of their young children at all times.

Thanks for posting this....I looked for it earlier but didn't find it. Now, I'm angry all over again! I refuse to accept that LE thinks this is ok parenting! Different mentality? What?

I don't think it's as if LE is giving a ' free pass ' to ' free range' at all. I think LE needs to keep everyone content and not point a finger at anyone. To get into a big conversation about who was too relaxed with their parenting at that time would not really find the baby, right? So now she's found, we'll see what is what. But 2 days ago, LE"s ONLY job was finding the baby . It was not their job to assign blame on parents or possible perps, but just find her. That is done now :( ........ so now I'm sure the finger pointing will begin. I'm just hoping there is a clear cut perp to be caught immediately and not some ' lack of evidence'. It sounds like a pretty last minute plan by the perp who didn't go to great lengths to conceal her so I"m hoping that means he slipped up and left loads of evidence :please:
I know where my puppy is at all times, when outside. If I can't see her from my window, I am outside calling her and making sure she is safe. Sheesh!
This is so tragic. A good friend of mine is in the process of intervening in a case of neglect of a 4 year old girl, called in CPS and the child was apprehended and taken into foster care.
When I read the description of Jenise, it stated she was 3 feet tall, at age six?
That is a very tiny little person, probably malnourished and marked with 'failure to thrive'.

Not necessarily Failure to Thrive. As mentioned in previous threads, her mother is quite short and also she is part Filipino. Additionally, the parents were not sure of her height.
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