Found Deceased WA - Jenise Wright, 6, Bremerton, 2 Aug 2014 - #3 *Arrest*

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I don't think we have any truly confirmed sightings from Sunday, although there are sightings (unconfirmed? Not sure) between 12pm- 4pm Sunday. I think this neighbor is talking about 6:50- 7:00pm on Saturday.

I think I've probably read nearly every MSM article on this (yeah, I sort of obsessed over it from day 1, it's my hometown :( and have not yet seen 1 confirmed sighting of Jenise on Sunday.
The mention of hanging out in an abandoned home is a big red flag to me.
I guess none of the neighbors have security cams with any relevant footage. That's too bad. I wonder if anyone in the community spent Sunday morning outside working on gardening or sunbathing (etc) and would have noticed who all was outside that day, who was conspicuously absent, etc. Jenise's siblings supposedly went out to look around for her Sunday afternoon-- do we have an exact time for that? I'm inclined to believe she had already been taken/killed by that point, since they couldn't find her. Nailing down a time frame of when this happened is important.
I think I've probably read nearly every MSM article on this (yeah, I sort of obsessed over it from day 1, it's my hometown :( and have not yet seen 1 confirmed sighting of Jenise on Sunday.

Yes, it hasn't been confirmed to the public at least. But since LE did mention the possible sightings at one of the earlier press conferences, I am not sure if they were ever able to confirm that or if it still stands unconfirmed.
Parents ‘dealing with it the best they know how,' adviser says

"“There has been a lot tears and a lot of pain,” said Chris Byron, bishop for the Brownsville Ward of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. “But they are OK, and they are dealing with it the best they know how.” Byron has been visiting with James and Denise Wright since Monday, when the family called him to ask for support. James Wright is a member of the church and attended services with the children. "

So apparently they did at least sporadically attend a church. They're Mormons. First I've heard of this.
And in that case, I'd like to remind everyone that the parents had a very odd lifestyle and it made them the target and ' presumed' perps very early on and as it turned out, the parents had nothing to do with the baby's death. I was even like " wth, this cannot be coincidence'' and I was wrong . I was wrong and ashamed of myself for putting a biased glare at the parents because of how I perceived their choices. Food for thought !
Thank you for the reminder. Just because they don't seem to be very good parents doesn't mean they're killers. I just hope the guilty party, whoever it is, is arrested soon so he or she can't harm another child.
"“There has been a lot tears and a lot of pain,” said Chris Byron, bishop for the Brownsville Ward of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. “But they are OK, and they are dealing with it the best they know how.” Byron has been visiting with James and Denise Wright since Monday, when the family called him to ask for support. James Wright is a member of the church and attended services with the children. "

So apparently they did at least sporadically attend a church. They're Mormons. First I've heard of this.

IIRC, the father is Mormon. I'm not sure about the mom.
It's unfortunate that we get only a snip of that interview. That always bugs the heck out of me. As usual, we don't know what question he was responding to, and the statement is out of context.

I imagine it was along the lines of "What can you tell us about Jenise" ...

Context or not, it was a pretty despicable thing to say. But that's just my opinion.

On Thursday, searchers scoured the dense wooded area around the mobile home park where Jenise Paulette Wright lived with her family. They found a body of what appeared to be a child, in an area that was likely checked out earlier.

The FBI's Specialty Search Dogs Unit discovered the body after volunteer canine search teams reported their dogs showed interest in a particular area, says Kitsap County sheriff's deputy Scott Wilson.

One searcher tells The Kitsap Sun the woods in that area are "thicker than thick" so, you can see why people might have missed a body that search dogs found.

BBM for emphasis.
beyond being neglectful I don't believe her parents are involved in this horrific crime.
I guess none of the neighbors have security cams with any relevant footage. That's too bad. I wonder if anyone in the community spent Sunday morning outside working on gardening or sunbathing (etc) and would have noticed who all was outside that day, who was conspicuously absent, etc. Jenise's siblings supposedly went out to look around for her Sunday afternoon-- do we have an exact time for that? I'm inclined to believe she had already been taken/killed by that point, since they couldn't find her. Nailing down a time frame of when this happened is important.

Did anyone even see any of her family searching for her? Because I've not heard anyone confirm that either.

I'm not suggesting they are involved, just wondering how much of what they say they did is actually true ..... and how much has been made up to cover their lack of care/concern that day. I'm only asking because I'm sure I read that the sister went looking for Jenise on Sunday afternoon, yet came back not having found her. So why the additional delay in contacting the police if nobody could find her at that time?

I'm not convinced the timeline so far is entirely accurate.

Did anyone even see any her family searching for her? Because I've not heard anyone confirm that either. I'm not suggesting they are involved, just wondering how much of what they say they did is actually true ..... and how much has been made up to cover their lack of care/concern that day. I'm only asking because I'm sure I read that the sister went looking for Jenise on Sunday afternoon, yet came back not having found her. So why the additional delay in contacting the police if nobody could find her at that time?


I read that some of the neighbors came out to search after hearing her dad calling for her at night. I don't know if that was Sat or Sunday??? I can not remember now.. Will look for link.
I have a feeling when they make an arrest in this case, who they arrest is going to be more shocking than the crime itself.

Knowing how these trailer parks are structured and basically self-governed, I think this may turn out to be an older child or a teenager that is responsible.

The age difference may not turn out to be nearly as great as you might think.

I think she was lured out into those woods by somebody she knew, and probably knew pretty damn well if it was in the darkness of night.
I'm trying to figure out what to take from this tragedy, what can I learn from it.

What keeps coming back to me is Jenise's beautiful smile, twinkling eyes, and outgoing personality. Even in photos, this child radiates energy! We all encounter kids like that - and sometimes they can be a handful. I want to see kids like that from now on and RETURN their smile and match - or at least appreciate - their energy and zest for life.

And I want to be like the neighbors who are cooperating and who care.

(I'm not mentioning any lessons learned from the parenting style because I think we all agree that she needed more supervision. I already know that and don't need this case to teach me that. And, I don't want my lesson to be kicking parents when they are down. I don't know if they were involved with what happened, and since I don't know, I'm leaving them alone.)

I'm so sorry that the world is missing out on the energy and brightness that Jenise gave.
Warning rant ahead.
I've been biting my tongue on many issues and I cannot any more , so scroll on by if you feel tender this morning.

RE: Dad's interview. I normally do not watch videos on any cases because they tend to bias us so much. He looks this way or that or said this or that. Yesterday I saw dad's interview on accident, while looking for the neighbor's interview. I don't really think he looked or sounded any particular way. I saw him suppressing a tear at one point that seemed genuine to me and like a man would do, he quickly took it back the best he could. Here's the thing while we sit and judge that I'd like to know. How many of us on WS have ever been interviewed by MSM while our child was missing? For any of you who have, I am horribly sorry but I would bet the vast majority, nearly 100% of us, have not. Do you know what you would say or do or think if you were in that position? I personally don't know that I could muster the ANYTHING to do such an interview in that condition . I personally have gad and ocd and and think, every time we ( the ws community ) are judging how a parent SEEMS on camera, that I would really give you something to talk about if I was on camera. I'm awkward! I'm flat affect ! I'm a kooky basketcase in good times...much less in times of duress . Mom's not been on camera and that's been talked about too. If I were in her shoes, I'd be so sedated I'd need to be in a hospital . The cameras are the last thing I 'd want to hear, know, think about . And yes, you will say' she should plea for her child's return'. YES ! That's a wonderful theory. Can anyone name the last time a perp saw a parent plea for their child's return and that perp was so moved by mom and dad's tears, he just drove the child to the police department and gave that child back and said " wow I didn't know how bad the parents missed the kid '' ? Anyone ? SO yes it's a beautiful theory but pleading for the child's safe return does not get them returned. I am not suggesting parents should not make those pleas but seeing how they don't really net any results, I don't know why it matters.
So, for all of us who have not been in their shoes and want to judge how they should act, how should they act?
What says '' this is a real true grieving , terrified parent'' ?

RE: Mobile homes...........sigh... seriously ? I live in a mobile home on 10 acres of land in a ' neighborhood' with similar homes on similar large tracts of land. IDGAF if you call me trailer trash ..... I really don't. I don't care if you call my home a trailer or a mobile home or a shack. My home does not define me! :) Anyone who thinks a certain class of people are the only ones living in trailers/ mobiles, then shame on them . I actually thought the neighborhood in this case looks really lovely and spaced out and lots of trees. It's a cute place.

RE: Dad's record! Ohhh, this mess . Yes , he has a record. The details are not super clear but there is a picture that is not pleasant. We on WS have a hyper alert and hyper vigilant thought process on all things RSO. Agreed? We are ' in the know' about so many more cases than the average person who does not breath this sorrow all day. Many of us believe that SO's cannot be rehabilitated. I am one. I have no doubt whatsoever that it is not a condition that can be recovered from. But apparently the government in ALL 50 STATES disagrees with me and with most of the WSers right? Because they still get 1 , 2 ,3 chances, probabtion, plea downs, classes and turned back in to society, correct? So if you knew nothing about RSO's and never really had much contact or experience or knowledge of how they operate and you were told by the ' government' which makes the laws in your state that the just punishment for the crime is probation or 1 yr or some classes and they're free to go, how would you know to second guess that? How would you know that lawmakers protect the pervs and not the victims? How would you , as a parent know , that a child might still be in danger after the government has said they are safe? That's basically what the govt. says right? They turn someone loose after they ' serve their time' ( a term that means paid their debt to society ) and most people are still leery but some may say , they will learn from this and not do it again.

RE: Free range....... It's looking more and more like little Jenise was taken from her home on saturday night. Agreed? If that's the case then negligent/free range/ wandering etc. is off the table. If she were picked up by a perp 5 miles away on a highway , then I get that. But if she's taken from her bed, that could have been ANY child , free ranging or not. So , I implore you , think about that. We believe neighbors who say she was ' always running around barefoot and hungry'' and we discount their other children saying ' they're great parents''. Why did we decide to believe one group and not the other? What if LE only believed one group and not the other and were WRONG ? There just doesn't seem to be a lot of balance.

Recap. I am not saying Dad is strange or not strange in his video .
I am not saying mobile home dwellers are trashy or not.
I am not saying Dad's a perv or not.
I am not saying they were negligent parents or not.
I am saying all of those things may not be as they appear.

Bring it ! :)
I read that some of the neighbors came out to search after hearing her dad calling for her at night. I don't know if that was Sat or Sunday??? I can not remember now.. Will look for link.

It was in all the MSM articles in the beginning of the case, that it wasn't until she didn't show up around 8:30 Sunday night, that they began to look for her. 911 call was placed around 10pm.
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