Found Deceased WA - Jenise Wright, 6, Bremerton, 2 Aug 2014 - #4 *Arrest*

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I don't blame you for being angry. I don't live right next to them and I'm hopping mad myself. I hope this precious girls murder is solved soon for the people who do care about her and for all the other little children who have to live there.

I haven't heard if there is many small children. It seems we only hear of teenagers around but with over a hundred residences I'm assuming there must be other elementary school children. Can you confirm that? Do you know if Jenise had any age-appropriate friends living in the park?

There might have been some her age, but maybe they were not allow outside like she was.
There could even have been a scrap of fabric torn from a t-shirt or pants, left behind on a sticker bush or small tree. Someone might throw it away because it is ripped.

1. clothing, especially outerwear; garments; attire; raiment.

2. anything that decorates or covers.

3. superficial appearance; aspect; guise.

Good point. He didn't say "clothing" It does sound like a hat or something. I wouldn't think a jacket due to the heat...

All posts are MOO
I posted this back on 8/7/14, given media releases since then I really hope that LE has checked into this ...

“I was hanging out with her all day Friday and Saturday and I woke up and didn’t see her at all Sunday,” MP said.

MP, 14, was one of the last people to see Jenise. She said they were together Saturday night.

This is troublesome to me. Teenagers don't typically hang out with 6 yr olds. In my opinion, I feel that there's been a rise in crime by youthful offenders. I'm not saying MP is involved but it should really be investigated. pictured here in long sleeves

Can't find the link, but M also spoke at the vigil.
I have seen her walking alone.....MANY times. So that is not so true. And the people I know don't think this was ever right.

Thanks for your input. IMO, walking alone is different than "vanished". I am aware she seemed to always roam around without supervision. I would assume when talking about other incidents where she 'disappeared' one may be referring to her siblings/family going out to find her in the MHP and being unable to locate her.

ETA: No telling how accurate that article is. Early articles are often full of errors, but also sometimes have an important little piece of info that gets overlooked.
They are Hello Kitty boots after all. Wow. I just thought that shot of pink boots was so sad.

Picking my words very carefully.

The :sleuth: in me needed to know - although I'm not sure why.....

Just measured my 7 year old's feet. A size 2 is around 7 inches in length. Those boots line up to the length of two 2x4s side by side (approximately 8 inches in length, if not more). What's worse is, those are the exact same HK boots my daughter outgrew but refused to throw out.

There's NO way those are (were) :cry: Little Jenise's boots.... were they? I really wanted them to be hers. :tears:

I'm so sorry, Sweet Angel Jenise! Going to light a candle now, and have a good cry.

This is from the same minor a few days ago about 1/2 way down:

For documentation purposes, sorry if already posted, from the above link:

FBI Special Agent in Charge Frank Montoya Jr., in tie, speaks with various law enforcement personnel shortly after it was announced that a body was discovered Aug. 7.— Image Credit: Kevan Moore / Bremerton Patriot
Treading lightly here so as to not violate TOS, but just rereading from the link above posted by Dee, I'm wondering if I'm way off base as far as wondering if this was a sexually motivated crime by a predator, kwim? In other words, maybe there was some sort of altercation within her own circle. Sorry if this post is inappropriate, if so, please delete; I am not pointing fingers at anyone, just wondering if she had a fight with someone.
Picking my words very carefully.

The :sleuth: in me needed to know - although I'm not sure why.....

Just measured my 7 year old's feet. A size 2 is around 7 inches in length. Those boots line up to the length of two 2x4s side by side (approximately 8 inches in length, if not more). What's worse is, those are the exact same HK boots my daughter outgrew but refused to throw out.

There's NO way those are (were) :cry: Little Jenise's boots.... were they? I really wanted them to be hers. :tears:

I'm so sorry, Sweet Angel Jenise! Going to light a candle now, and have a good cry.


They do look a little 'young' for a 12 year old though. At least to me. But it could be her older sister's.
Please take care of yourself. Talk to counselors any time you feel the need. Your anger is perfectly understandable. We are here when you need to vent. God bless you!

I echo this shadylady, please take care and know we are here for you too, if you need to you can PM me anytime, if you need to vent or have a shoulder to lean on, albeit a virtual one.

(hope this was ok to say)
I'll never forget the day I was driving around Jessica Ridgeway's neighborhood, scoping ... I did see the perp, ARS, walking down the street---HE WAS THE ONLY PERSON ON THE STREET when everyone else was inside...It was a beautiful day, the weather was gorgeous ... There was a thick feeling of darkness, fear, everybody frightened to death and their kids inside...

This is a chilling image.
Treading lightly here so as to not violate TOS, but just rereading from the link above posted by Dee, I'm wondering if I'm way off base as far as wondering if this was a sexually motivated crime by a predator, kwim? In other words, maybe there was some sort of altercation within her own circle. Sorry if this post is inappropriate, if so, please delete; I am not pointing fingers at anyone, just wondering if she had a fight with someone.
Unfortunately, I think the forensic evidence came from the sexual attack. jmo
They do look a little 'young' for a 12 year old though. At least to me. But it could be her older sister's.

Also.. I think a lot of times in big families items like rain boots would be saved for the next child to grow into. They could have been her older sister's (who then may have grown out of them or 'too old' for them) and were being saved for when Jenise grew into them.
Mods...thank-you for giving me a little latitude on posting.

Just cried some with the grief counselor. I am having big anger issues right now. Spoke with neighbor, she pretty much laid out all our deepest fears about family to LE. FBI have heard it all.

Hang in there, Shady! :hug:
They are Hello Kitty boots after all. Wow. I just thought that shot of pink boots was so sad.

In my opinion they look to big to belong to Janise. She was 3 foot tall (or so the media has reported). Is there an older girl in the house?
Picking my words very carefully.

The :sleuth: in me needed to know - although I'm not sure why.....

Just measured my 7 year old's feet. A size 2 is around 7 inches in length. Those boots line up to the length of two 2x4s side by side (approximately 8 inches in length, if not more). What's worse is, those are the exact same HK boots my daughter outgrew but refused to throw out.

There's NO way those are (were) :cry: Little Jenise's boots.... were they? I really wanted them to be hers. :tears:

I'm so sorry, Sweet Angel Jenise! Going to light a candle now, and have a good cry.


Maybe hand me downs from family member or friend that didn't really fit but she liked and wore anyway? My son did that with the cowboy boots his cousin gave him ... He'd wear them even though they were too big .

My only thought is that parents of minors should keep them away from the media. A minor having their full name published in MSM regarding a crime against a child that is yet unsolved? Yikes.
Picking my words very carefully.

The :sleuth: in me needed to know - although I'm not sure why.....

Just measured my 7 year old's feet. A size 2 is around 7 inches in length. Those boots line up to the length of two 2x4s side by side (approximately 8 inches in length, if not more). What's worse is, those are the exact same HK boots my daughter outgrew but refused to throw out.

There's NO way those are (were) :cry: Little Jenise's boots.... were they? I really wanted them to be hers. :tears:

I'm so sorry, Sweet Angel Jenise! Going to light a candle now, and have a good cry.


They look a little big, especially since it sounds like Jenise might have been petite for her age.
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