Found Deceased WA - Jenise Wright, 6, Bremerton, 2 Aug 2014 - #4 *Arrest*

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But couldn't they just be seeing how long it was since she had eaten last? They can do that, right??

As for drugs in her system, toxicology test results takes some time. I honestly don't know if the ME can tell how long it may have been since J. had eaten as she was probably gone days and days ago.

Pulling off the duct tape for half a second because alarm bells just went off in my head and they cannot be hushed.
Follow me here.
Jenise was a free roaming child.
There were opportunities EVERY DAY for someone to victimize her.
So why would they wait until the middle of the night, and take the giant risk of abducting her out of her home, when she was accessible ALL THE TIME?

I am curious to know who may have moved in/out of the MHP recently, say within the past few months? Or if anyone has recently had someone move in with them (new BF, perhaps, or long-term visitor)? Or... any new, older teenagers or 20-something's hanging around for the summer?

I think the fact that it's summer is significant, as well as what is apparently a pattern of her being allowed to run about freely without parental and/or older sibling supervision...
OMG, you're brilliant, brilliant, I tell ya! :floorlaugh:

Haha! I'm just lucky that she's only ever seen the truck driving around, never stopped making transactions! Not the most honest approach, but it keeps her from begging to buy ice cream from the sketchy ice cream truck!

She also believes that the glass of milk and ice, blended, I order her at Starbucks = a Vanilla Frappachino. She just assumed it was the same as what I was drinking, and I just never told her any different... LOL.
Pulling off the duct tape for half a second because alarm bells just went off in my head and they cannot be hushed.
Follow me here.
Jenise was a free roaming child.
There were opportunities EVERY DAY for someone to victimize her.
So why would they wait until the middle of the night, and take the giant risk of abducting her out of her home, when she was accessible ALL THE TIME?

The last the family saw her was when she went to bed or was in bed at 10pm. They said that there is no evidence that she was taken from the home in the middle of the night. They think she might have woken up before anyone else on Sunday morning and went out to try to find someone to play with.

They just don't know yet.
I am curious to know who may have moved in/out of the MHP recently, say within the past few months? Or if anyone has recently had someone move in with them (new BF, perhaps, or long-term visitor)? Or... any new, older teenagers or 20-something's hanging around for the summer?

I think the fact that it's summer is significant, as well as what is apparently a pattern of her being allowed to run about freely without parental and/or older sibling supervision...
I think you and missgulfsouth might be on to something!
Thinking about you tonight little darling girl. You can play all day and night where you are now and you'll always be safe. Tears and a candle for you tonight sweetheart.

:rose: :rose: :rose: :rose:

RIP Jenise
Remember when it was announced that she had been found and almost immediately LE was suited up and on the outside of their MH and inside I think?
They were looking for mud, IMO.
Bet they didn't find any and I bet nothing had been washed off. IMO
It's always been this way:
It's always been like this. Even when I was a kid in the 70's and was allowed to run around for hours unattended by a parent from ages 4 up, even during the 60's, 50's, 30's, 20's - it's always been like this.

Nevertheless, the rate of little children killed by unrelated persons for sexual or other thrill-type reasons remains incredibly low.


And don't forget the 1928 murder of little Grace Budd, and one of the worst monsters of all time.

When I'm researching cold cases, I'm often shocked by the number of old news items I run across that report kidnappings and murders of little children as far back as the 19th century.
Have they said if the family locks the trailer doors at night?
I wonder if she could have grabbed a pop-tart on her way out the door Sunday morning (if she really did just climb out of bed and go outside Sunday AM).

I also wonder if she was lured by a predator who offered her lunch. I agree the fact that nobody we are aware of claims to have fed her that day makes me believe it couldn't have been later than early Sunday afternoon when she was killed.

And even if the autopsy showed Pop-tart, and they know they have Pop-tarts at her kids ate single pop tarts in the morning, for snacks during the day, and evening. She could have eaten cereal first thing and taken a Pop-tart with her for later. The timeline is so.....flimsy and unconfirmed, I don't see how they'll come up with something concrete from her stomach contents other than whether she ate within 8-12 hours of death, and what she ate. And how close to death she ate. I just don't feel confident they're going to be able to narrow down time of death except maybe by day.

In the case of Jorelys Rivera, it got down below freezing at night (It was in December) and I think she'd had a Coke on the playground. I believe she was decently preserved because of the temperatures, and because there were witnesses to what time she had the Coke, time of death was not too difficult to discern several days later.

It's summer. We don't know if she was buried or not. Buried slows decomp....but water speeds up. I don't know what mud does. Heat speeds up. No one knows when/what she last ate. I just don't know....
For the family's sake I hope that the ME has completed his autopsy and will release J to her family so that they can make final arrangements. This heartbreaking case emphasizes to me the need for a dignified rest for her.
Remember when it was announced that she had been found and almost immediately LE was suited up and on the outside of their MH and inside I think?
They were looking for mud, IMO.
Bet they didn't find any and I bet nothing had been washed off. IMO
I was wondering about that too..they have been back searching her MH a few times. IIRC someone posted that they were looking at her bedroom window. Looking for shoe print that match prints near where she was found?
However, if it was an adult that would be an ideal place to put the attention on the teens.
*snipped for space*
Most adults know about DNA, in some form or fashion. A RSO would also know....definitely. Any criminal who has been convicted a felony. They would want to get the body as far away as possible to widen the area of suspects IF the body was ever recovered.
If it had been an adult, they had enough time to remove the body out of the MHP in plenty of time before LE got on the scene, no matter which timeline you use. They'd also take precautions to avoid any DNA getting on themselves and articles of clothing and their vehicle. Something as simple as an ice chest or rubber tote for a child that small to transport her out of the area.
I'm really leaning towards a perp who's made his first kill (transient or homeless ex con would have DNA on file, and wouldn't have the time to get the trust of the child). Inexperienced, not thought out well enough, possibly "stalking" or "observing" from a distance, but friendly with Jenise, and without access to transportation.

I try to put my head into the perp's mindset........and it just got pretty ugly so I'm done for the day.
And even if the autopsy showed Pop-tart, and they know they have Pop-tarts at her kids ate single pop tarts in the morning, for snacks during the day, and evening. She could have eaten cereal first thing and taken a Pop-tart with her for later. The timeline is so.....flimsy and unconfirmed, I don't see how they'll come up with something concrete from her stomach contents other than whether she ate within 8-12 hours of death, and what she ate. And how close to death she ate. I just don't feel confident they're going to be able to narrow down time of death except maybe by day.

One thought: Let's say no one from the MHP comes forward as having invited Jenice in for a meal on Sunday. But let's say Tuna is found in her belly, and her parents don't eat Tuna or keep it in the house. (I just picked a random food item). This would indicate that someone did in fact feed her, and is not coming forward to say so because they have something to hide. Ie: they could have lured her in for a meal and then hurt her.

Of course any other food item could be subbed for tuna-- Pepsi, coffee, cookies, anything.
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