Found Deceased WA - Jenise Wright, 6, Bremerton, 2 Aug 2014 - #7 *Arrest*

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Originally Posted by katydid23

So he was 'too upset' to allow them to take a DNA swab [ which takes literally 2 seconds and he does nothing but sit there] but he feels strong enough to post on FB that the FBI is at his house. :doh:

I think the fact that he got away with doing that is telling. JMO

Yes -- it was a bit telling. No force about it, since it is voluntary; no threats from LE, etc. (I assume). Just easy & cool, no big deal.

I think that LE was -- or became -- suspicious at this display of his being so upset. IMO LE soft-pedaled it about getting the swab that day & just casually said, we'll come back in a couple of days, or even may have said not to worry about it. I think their taking it easy (if that's how they acted that day) was mainly so that GG wouldn't get suspicious about it or try to figure a way out of it, or leave home. That's my take. FWIW.
It is nothing more than a copout excuse to me. So what if they were abused as a child? Millions of children suffer the same fate each year and never harm another child or anyone else for that matter.

Of course they want everyone to believe the abuse that happened years ago made them do it. Most are trying to get out of going to prison for life or get out of going to death row.

If prior childhood abuse was a trigger to make someone do something this hideous then our criminal justice system wouldn't be able to house all of the defendants.

Abuse is just an excuse to try and blame someone else for their own chosen wicked acts.

Interesting. Have you ever been exposed to an effort to remove hazing from an organization (fraternity, college marching band, military organization, etc.)? You can't do it. It simply can not be done. Men who were hazed for a year can not be reliably dissuaded from doing it to the next weaker group of newcomers, and even worse. Hazing, once it takes hold as a tradition in an organization escalates with every new generation of pledges until it is so bad there's a death or pledges largely won't join anymore.

Having worked with student groups, and seen what has to happen with an organization or men when hazing takes over - you have to disband it and start new with a new, fresh and unabused pledge group. Just sayin'. Men who are abused have a very strong desire to abuse. I don't think women are like that. And I don't know if it correlates to sexual behavior.
Same here. My kids don't watch any broadcast TV shows. It occurs to me that I know about the Miranda warning, right to call your lawyer, right to remain silent, etc. because of TV shows. If I learned that in school, I don't remember it! Maybe I should find some old episodes of Columbo and make my kids watch.

As for GG's sloppiness about the evidence, I don't have a read on it yet. My inclination is to think that as a teen, he didn't think to cover his bases. Another thought is that he wanted to be caught in a subconscious way. I think once we get more info on him, his actions will become clearer. JMO.

A thought just came to my mind.... in all the tv shows :duh: minors are interviewed WITH their parents. Hmmmmmm... doesn't sound like that happended here. Hmmmmmm
Question re: the timeline (just wondering), as posted by Woe, see post 441:

Monday, Aug 4th:

Which happened first, the finding of the underwear, or LE's visit to GG's residence? (I looked on the PCS, it didn't jump out, maybe I'm just going crosseyed)--tia
So there are two pairs of bloody underwear? One found in the bog and one found in GG's bedroom? Also, logistically speaking since he raped her didn't he take her underwear off? Did he beat her badly then take her underwear off and rape her?

This case is so so so horrendous. Poor sweet girl. So much love and happiness in her eyes.
my concern:

bail has been set at $1 Million - ((what's that a $100K bond? price tag don't know))

as soon as that is paid he's free but first he has the evaluation

I don't know how long the evaluation would take

If the evaluation is completed and he's returned to regular custody is it possible that his folks might bail him out in advance of his Aug 28 hearing?

JMO...but if this was my kid, for the safety of himself and my family, I would NOT put this kid out where street justice could take place. If the family bails him out, that neighborhood and entire town will turn upside down.
My money is there , too. And NO , for anyone wondering, that does not excuse his behavior. I'd be willing to wager nearly ALL people who abuse kids were abused too. I think it's very rare and uncommon that someone would be BORN with this type of sickness, but I'll agree that it may happen from time to time. I think he's got a big secret and its' eaten away at him , thus the anti D's , and it finally overtook him.

Sports= coaches.

I am a retired teacher and am sickened by the amount of teachers and coaches that are arrested for childsex abuse or possessing child *advertiser censored*.

Of course it makes sense. If one has those interests, those are jobs that are perfect for access
Question re: the timeline (just wondering), as posted by Woe, see post 441:

Monday, Aug 4th:

Which happened first, the finding of the underwear, or LE's visit to GG's residence? (I looked on the PCS, it didn't jump out, maybe I'm just going crosseyed)--tia

They found underwear in the mud with DNA from an unknown person and DNA from JW. That is when the voluntary DNA sampling commenced.
They found underwear in the mud with DNA from an unknown person and DNA from JW. That is when the voluntary DNA sampling commenced.

I should have added that the "unknown person" DNA was later confirmed to be GG.
Based on the affidavit, this had to have happened at night (the fact that she was moved 30 minutes to 3 hours later). So, question is which night? The second? I'm thinking yes because everyone was looking for her on the evening of the third. So, that then begs the question, did he get her to sneak out or something?
Just a hypothetical question. Dad says he saw Jenice in bed at 10.00pm Saturday night. With the timings of the family waking up apparently changing from later in the morning to now being around 7.00am (if I recall correctly), I am concerned, like others are, that the family's timeline isn't correct. In particular, its confusing with the clothing being found being that of outdoor wear rather than pyjamas, and the lack of details regarding what she did/ate at home that night; as well as the fact that a 6 year old who didn't go to bed till 10.00pm was awake and up & about before 7.00am the next morning. The timeline does ring alarm bells for me, if I'm honest.

So, here is my concern. IF the time of death for Janice is narrowed down to, say, between 8pm and 10pm on Saturday night, would this course problems in court along the lines of the perp saying he couldn't possibly have killed her, as she was in her family's company at the time of death. Obviously there is DNA evidence, but wondering if there could be problems due to this technicality?

Then again, if the family have to admit that she didn't come home Saturday night, and wasn't actually seen at home at 10pm, where would that leave them in terms of the law - in that false information was given for a start, and the impact it would have when considering if the home is a safe environment to return the other children too.

Similarly, if death occurred any time between 7am and when the police were finally notified over 12 hours later, does that mean anything regards to child protection, in that Jenice had no parental supervision for over 12 hours that day? Or would those things be ignored in light of the tragedy that has befallen the family now?

Hope this is ok mods, as its a hypothetical question not an accusation?

Think you have well lined out what perhaps many of us have been thinking. Thanks for your well written out post that mirrors my thoughts exactly. Reading the pdf and how it was worded prompted these exact thoughts.
Whoops, my quoted post disappeared.

That was a tweet from a reporter.
I think it's in the previous thread. I was wondering about that too. What else COULD they charge him with?

Kidnapping if he indeed did take her from her bed, or put her in a car (perhaps), or pick her up & take her anywhere, IMO. And if it is charged as 1st degree k-napping, prison time can be fairly tuff in some states -- but I don't know the law in WA.
By second night, do you mean Saturday night? That is my guess.
They found underwear in the mud with DNA from an unknown person and DNA from JW. That is when the voluntary DNA sampling commenced.

Thanks, if this is the case, Woe, could you please reverse the 2 events chronologically in the timeline? TIA

"Monday, August 4 - LE went to GG's residence and found him at home with his mother and stepfather.
They explained that GG was too upset at the moment to really speak to LE or to give a DNA sample.
Mother asked LE to come back later.
GG's stepfather told LE that GG was home all weekend.

The search and rescue team found a pair of little girl's underwear (size 5) while searching the southeast perimeter of the Steele Creek mobile home park along with a pair of young girl's shorts.
Both had red stains on them. A quick test confirmed the stains were blood."
So there are two pairs of bloody underwear? One found in the bog and one found in GG's bedroom? Also, logistically speaking since he raped her didn't he take her underwear off? Did he beat her badly then take her underwear off and rape her?

This case is so so so horrendous. Poor sweet girl. So much love and happiness in her eyes.

The way I read it, JW's underpants were found in the bog, and GG's underwear etc were found in his room. They would be bloody from what he did to her. (Monster)
Please don't pounce me for this question!
What would someone who knew they had sexual interest in children do?
I mean before they acted on the urges. Would one go to therapy and talk it through? Does a predator know their behavior is wrong?

There is zero cultural tolerance for hurting children. There is no societal place for this type of disorder. So if someone recognizes this flaw in themself, what would they do to prevent vicitimizing someone?

Your question intrigued me greatly...

As we all know... Having people who suspect they are budding pedophiles take the steps to prevent themselves from progressing with their behaviors would be a very important part in preventing these abuses of children...

Yet... The stigma that is attached to pedophilia probably thwarts these people from taking steps...

as does the limited resources to explore this goal...

Not to mention... I imagine many pedophiles choose not to see that their behavior is so damaging to others...

However... I made a cursory google search... And found there is an organization that is trying to reach out to the communities to bring people with suspicions of pedophilia to them... And to engage them in a "treatment".... Or therapy...

The organization uses the slogan: "Do you think you love children more than you should?"

I believe this organization is in Germany... But I wonder if there are similar organizations in other countries, as well ...

Below is a link describing the tenets of the organization through the history of one man's quest to rid himself of the desires in himself he finds so repulsive...


(More at link above...)
It worked. I clicked on the 'click to show spolier' box and the word 'testing' appeared.

If mods would prefer we use this spoier feature for any graphic posts, is it possible to add a spoiler shortcut thingy to the tool bar where the quote/add photos icons are? Some of us *cough, cough, me* will never remember how to do all [ this kinda stuff/required] to make it happen.

ETA: this is in response to Margarita's post.

I think that there is a thread around here somewhere to post requests such as this, or a direct request to mods and/or directly to a pm? This was done by a few folks on a previous case (?jodi or casey?) ...and might be good for this one and :gasp: the upcoming Bashara trial. Yeah, would be nice to have such as a button if mods/ agree
By second night, do you mean Saturday night? That is my guess.

I meant August 2, which yes, that was Saturday night. That is what I believe too since she was not seen early on Sunday morning.
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