Found Deceased WA - Jenise Wright, 6, Bremerton, 2 Aug 2014 - #7 *Arrest*

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
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WOW, the lab really did work all hours to process - GG gave DNA on Friday and a match was made and arrest made on Saturday. Thanks, lab people!

I'd also like to point out that on Thursday, there were two pressers. The first one (soon after body was found), they provided general info and asked homeowners to search their properties. Later in the afternoon, there was specific and clear mention of muddy clothes. Did that I that timing right?

The press officers also stated on Thursday, IIRC, when asked if everyone in the MHP was complying with DNA samples, he said they were but had to go back to some people. He also talked about how non-invasive and quick the DNA swab was. I don't remember if that was at the first or second presser that day. Enlightening to review Thursday now that we know more about the timeline.
Maybe this is why the three vehicles were impounded. He might have had this precious child in one of them, did his dastardly deed and placed her in that muddy bog...they are looking for the first crime scene...

so sad...I can't understand how a young adult wakes up one day and decides to rape a child...wondering if his propensity for little girls might have been in him for a long while..SMH
I think this was his problem and has been since puberty. Sadly, I think he enjoyed the violence even more. Interesting to know where he was looking online.
I see many asking if the perp watched tv, due to the massive amounts of evidence that we've read about being left. IMO, it's possible that he didn't watch TV. My teens rarely watched actual TV. They rented movies, and watched plenty of those, but neither were into watching crime shows, or TV series type shows. My son would have rather been playing a video game, daughter more likely to be listening to music and texting with friends, but both did rent movies, and with the wonderful invention of Roku/netflixs etc., that's what they watched.

Something if off with this dude. I don't think we can explain it, because I'm not sure even the medical community has been able to pinpoint an evil factor. Something is just not wired right. Nature, or nurture, we'll probably never know how either factor in, if at all.

I dated a guy once that would laugh at appropriate times, and loved sex, but otherwise, IMO, he lacked emotions. It was so weird that it sent off vibes when you were around. I can't explain it all. I just know it was different. He is now dead, and to my knowledge never molested anyone, but if someone told me he did, I wouldn't be surprised.

And face it, what teenagers aren't different? I mean this is all seriousness. IMO, it would be a bit more difficult for other teens to have pinpointed who in the neighborhood might have been responsible. Unless they had witnessed him doing something to someone else, or towards little J, then I'm not sure he would have even been a suspect on their radar. "something" about this guy set off radars though. Adults might have noticed it, might have thought he was different but couldn't pin point why. Then again, we're all so busy with our own lives, so much is overlooked. But it's possible he blended in, was successful in sports so who dare question a jock? IYKWIM.

One thing I have learned as an adult, the majority of teens are insecure and want to fit in. PERIOD. Those that seem very popular, the jocks, the cheerleaders, etc., they all are dealing with the same teenage stage of life. They all have weaknesses. They all have strengths. And even the ones that were considered 'stuck on themselves' or 'stuck ups' when I was in highschool, I've come to know as adults, and they were struggling then, and some still are. Outward appearances hides so much of what's going on in the mind.
I wonder if it will come out the perp has been sexually abused in his past. IMO this would explain a lot. It's no excuse. But I'd put money on it.

My money is there , too. And NO , for anyone wondering, that does not excuse his behavior. I'd be willing to wager nearly ALL people who abuse kids were abused too. I think it's very rare and uncommon that someone would be BORN with this type of sickness, but I'll agree that it may happen from time to time. I think he's got a big secret and its' eaten away at him , thus the anti D's , and it finally overtook him.
I see many asking if the perp watched tv, due to the massive amounts of evidence that we've read about being left. IMO, it's possible that he didn't watch TV. My teens rarely watched actual TV. They rented movies, and watched plenty of those, but neither were into watching crime shows, or TV series type shows. My son would have rather been playing a video game, daughter more likely to be listening to music and texting with friends, but both did rent movies, and with the wonderful invention of Roku/netflixs etc., that's what they watched.

Something if off with this dude. I don't think we can explain it, because I'm not sure even the medical community has been able to pinpoint an evil factor. Something is just not wired right. Nature, or nurture, we'll probably never know how either factor in, if at all.

I dated a guy once that would laugh at appropriate times, and loved sex, but otherwise, IMO, he lacked emotions. It was so weird that it sent off vibes when you were around. I can't explain it all. I just know it was different. He is now dead, and to my knowledge never molested anyone, but if someone told me he did, I wouldn't be surprised.

And face it, what teenagers aren't different? I mean this is all seriousness. IMO, it would be a bit more difficult for other teens to have pinpointed who in the neighborhood might have been responsible. Unless they had witnessed him doing something to someone else, or towards little J, then I'm not sure he would have even been a suspect on their radar. "something" about this guy set off radars though. Adults might have noticed it, might have thought he was different but couldn't pin point why. Then again, we're all so busy with our own lives, so much is overlooked. But it's possible he blended in, was successful in sports so who dare question a jock? IYKWIM.

One thing I have learned as an adult, the majority of teens are insecure and want to fit in. PERIOD. Those that seem very popular, the jocks, the cheerleaders, etc., they all are dealing with the same teenage stage of life. They all have weaknesses. They all have strengths. And even the ones that were considered 'stuck on themselves' or 'stuck ups' when I was in highschool, I've come to know as adults, and they were struggling then, and some still are. Outward appearances hides so much of what's going on in the mind.

Same here. My kids don't watch any broadcast TV shows. It occurs to me that I know about the Miranda warning, right to call your lawyer, right to remain silent, etc. because of TV shows. If I learned that in school, I don't remember it! Maybe I should find some old episodes of Columbo and make my kids watch.

As for GG's sloppiness about the evidence, I don't have a read on it yet. My inclination is to think that as a teen, he didn't think to cover his bases. Another thought is that he wanted to be caught in a subconscious way. I think once we get more info on him, his actions will become clearer. JMO.
Or... guilty plea so that her family does not have to sit through court listening to all of the horrific things that happened to their baby girl

I think he's got a much better chance with the Judge than a jury. If I was his lawyer , I would say plead guilty and throw yourself literally at the mercy of the court. Tell them you're troubled, on the meds and hope it goes well. This is a nightmare for a defense lawyer. Getting him an acquittal seems impossible.
Me :blushing: Mine are 8, 8 & 9 and during the summer they sometimes wear the same clothes for 2-3 days, unless we are at the pool all day. Then they change into pj's after showers.

I swear I'm not a neglectful mom, please don't call CPS on me! I'm just very lax during the summer and pick my battles :scared:

ETA: they are boys though, not sure if girls do the same thing.


O/T :giggle: Hey Lovejac, everytime I see your 8/8/9 I keep thinking Lovejac was in a loveshack 9-10 years ago :giggle: 3 boys those ages :scared:
I never said letters or a legal envelope. They looked like cards. Yes, they did all look alike! They weren't legal size, though. They might have been delivered to the hospital. I do know that in team sports, coaches will encourage that sort of community, especially if an injury happens in a competition.
I tried to go back and find the post. I thought it was an Instagram post, but it's not there now.
I am not sure how to answer your questions. I am sorry. Did you see a pic of letters in legal envelopes?

I believe it is on his ask acct
I believe it is on his ask acct

His online accounts are disappearing quickly. So if you see something you may want to see again, screen shot . But don't post the screen shot here ;)
I think he's got a much better chance with the Judge than a jury. If I was his lawyer , I would say plead guilty and throw yourself literally at the mercy of the court. Tell them you're troubled, on the meds and hope it goes well. This is a nightmare for a defense lawyer. Getting him an acquittal seems impossible.

I have a question about this. Was there a lawyer present for him yesterday?
Sorry sort of OT but I just thought, graphic posts can be posted in spoiler tags if that would be appropriate and acceptable?

test test test

[*spoiler] insert text here [/spoiler*] (remove the *'s)

Ignore this nerd if this isn't helpful :)
I think he's got a much better chance with the Judge than a jury. If I was his lawyer , I would say plead guilty and throw yourself literally at the mercy of the court. Tell them you're troubled, on the meds and hope it goes well. This is a nightmare for a defense lawyer. Getting him an acquittal seems impossible.

Agreed, 100%.
We don't know about the perp's step Dad and Mom during the time of the events. If both were at work, then he had the home to himself. The crime scene might be his bedroom. We just don't know.

My thinking it wouldn't have been the woods, the abandoned house, or one of the vehicles because he didn't know when someone else would be out and about. That many kids in one area, there's no telling who might walk up on him. If a vehicle was driven off the property, then I don't think J would have been found so close to his home. Without Gabe realizing it, he left a bread trail directly to him. Most of us had figured it would be someone in the mobile home park, and someone close to where she was found. Many theorized he would be known to the family.

Before we could post of our sleuthing, many of the SM pages were wide open. Some have went private since then, and some are gone completely. I don't find it weird that any of the teens were stating the police were at their home. There were MANY that were stating that. I would imagine it was a remarkable event to every one of them. Traumatic for some, some seemed they wrote about any event in their life, and having FBI at the home would definitely be different! I've never met an FBI agent and I'm 42!

This case has left devastation far and wide. Like a tornado went through and just ripped up so many lives. Betrayal. That's the word I was looking for one day. Pure betrayal that will take a long while for many to overcome. The whole trust factor is gone, and will have to be rebuilt. So many will be looking at everyone as a possible suspect of something evil. While in some ways that will be helpful and hopefully keep them safe for the rest of their lives, it's also a burden to live with.

My prayers for the community.
My money is there , too. And NO , for anyone wondering, that does not excuse his behavior. I'd be willing to wager nearly ALL people who abuse kids were abused too. I think it's very rare and uncommon that someone would be BORN with this type of sickness, but I'll agree that it may happen from time to time. I think he's got a big secret and its' eaten away at him , thus the anti D's , and it finally overtook him.

I am not ready to buy that excuse since most who were abused as a child never go on to sexually abuse another child. The FBI looked for any abuse in Joe Duncan's childhood and found nothing yet by the age of 8 he was forcefully raping little boys younger than him.

If that was truly a factor with one in four girls and one and six boys being sexually abused every year in this country we would see this happening at an alarming rate and we don't. It is very rare for someone to do what this kid did.

Imo, he is like Duncan and both are sexual deviants, imo, just like the psyche doctors labeled Duncan when he was in his teens and said he was incurable and we all know they were exactly right for he went on to do the most sadistic sexual things to young children including murder.

23.Researchers report that the vast majority of sexually abused children do not grow up to be offenders and that the “cycle of sexual abuse” does not fully explain why a person would molest children.g
My money is there , too. And NO , for anyone wondering, that does not excuse his behavior. I'd be willing to wager nearly ALL people who abuse kids were abused too. I think it's very rare and uncommon that someone would be BORN with this type of sickness, but I'll agree that it may happen from time to time. I think he's got a big secret and its' eaten away at him , thus the anti D's , and it finally overtook him.

ITA,I know the askacct answers raise a lot of eyebrows in hindsight but if I would have seen it out of context I would view him as a likable witty,goofy kid,I get a totally different vibe from him then that kid who killed Alanna Gallagher for example,something was obviously wrong with him But GG seemed so normal.Had a Super cute girlfriend who apparently broke his heart,which happens to everyone in the world and they don't go out and rape and murder an innocent beautiful child.It's incomprehensible.Had he lived in my neighborhood I'm sure I would have trusted him around my child.This was such an act of unimaginable hate and rage......I don't think his reaction when they first came to take his DNA was faked,I think he was scared to death and didn't expect to be caught especially so soon.His mothers reaction about mentioning he reacted the same way when her sister died is puzzling to me.She is either lying ,which would mean she knew what happened and tried to make excuses for his reaction or there was a major connection between GG and his aunt.I wonder how a lady in her 50's died of natural causes?Just makes me wonder if what happened a couple of years ago has anything to do with what went so terribly wrong in this kid's head......
I think that was a ruse LE used to try to get GG to admit to what he did. If they ask "Was so and so involved" that implicates Gabe himself as being involved if he knew someone else was involved. If they ask "Were you the only one involved?" The answer "Yes", means he did it, the answer "No" means he was involved but not the only one. It a way of getting people to speak instead of shake and nod their head.

For me, I had seen pics of mom on a family member's FB. Then I saw the video and thought it odd that the driver was wearing long sleeves. Then while sleuthing I wound up on a FB page that had a pic of a girl & GG in the exact same shorts and shirt.

Yeah those long sleeves got me on the trail. Some things I came up with were later discounted, and in other instances people also interested in this case steered me in the right direction(s).
I am not ready to buy that excuse since most who were abused as a child never go on to sexually abuse another child. The FBI looked for any abuse in Joe Duncan's childhood and found nothing yet by the age of 8 he was forcefully raping little boys younger than him.

If that was truly a factor with one in four girls and one and six boys being sexually abused every year in this country we would see this happening at an alarming rate and we don't. It is very rare for someone to do what this kid did.

Imo, he is like Duncan and both are sexual deviants, imo, just like the psyche doctors labeled Duncan when he was in his teens and said he was incurable and we all know they were exactly right for he went on to do the most sadistic sexual things to young children including murder.

23.Researchers report that the vast majority of sexually abused children do not grow up to be offenders and that the “cycle of sexual abuse” does not fully explain why a person would molest children.g

yes,not every child that was abused becomes an abuser.But the vast majority of abusers were abused themselves.That's a fact.
Just a hypothetical question. Dad says he saw Jenice in bed at 10.00pm Saturday night. With the timings of the family waking up apparently changing from later in the morning to now being around 7.00am (if I recall correctly), I am concerned, like others are, that the family's timeline isn't correct. In particular, its confusing with the clothing being found being that of outdoor wear rather than pyjamas, and the lack of details regarding what she did/ate at home that night; as well as the fact that a 6 year old who didn't go to bed till 10.00pm was awake and up & about before 7.00am the next morning. The timeline does ring alarm bells for me, if I'm honest.

So, here is my concern. IF the time of death for Janice is narrowed down to, say, between 8pm and 10pm on Saturday night, would this course problems in court along the lines of the perp saying he couldn't possibly have killed her, as she was in her family's company at the time of death. Obviously there is DNA evidence, but wondering if there could be problems due to this technicality?

Then again, if the family have to admit that she didn't come home Saturday night, and wasn't actually seen at home at 10pm, where would that leave them in terms of the law - in that false information was given for a start, and the impact it would have when considering if the home is a safe environment to return the other children too.

Similarly, if death occurred any time between 7am and when the police were finally notified over 12 hours later, does that mean anything regards to child protection, in that Jenice had no parental supervision for over 12 hours that day? Or would those things be ignored in light of the tragedy that has befallen the family now?

Hope this is ok mods, as its a hypothetical question not an accusation?
This is where the good touch bad touch talk is imperative.

All posts are MOO

NO ONE is allowed to touch you in areas that a bathing suit, bikini would cover!! NO ONE!!! I pray that speech was always remembered with my kids. I pray they felt comfortable and freely enough to tell me if it did happen. Sadly some parents don't find out until many years later. The shame, fear, threats, I'm not sure of all the emotions involved, but I often here about cases when it came out many years later. Sometimes once the victim becomes an adult, and becomes strong enough to talk about it.
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