Found Deceased WA - Jenise Wright, 6, Bremerton, 2 Aug 2014 - #7 *Arrest*

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Thank you for posting this. We have had bitter feelings from others because we do not allow sleep overs. I stood firm and strong. Since finding WS, I feel vindicated in the choices I have made. It fills me with pride when I come here and read from others who provide a sense of validation for the choices I have made. Most of us share similar parenting styles.

For me, it all comes down to what I can live with. I make my choices regarding my children based on my God given instincts and my own personal life experiences.

If someone talked me into something that went against my instincts and something bad happened to my children, I could never live with myself.

Call me a helicopter, call me overprotective, call me a fraidy cat. Throw statistics and all the published reports at me that you want. I can live with that.
I may get the newest worlds worst parent award for this, but oh well. But yes, my 4 year old (son) will sleep in basketball shorts... not pajamas.... my 15 year old (son) does the same and my 10 year old daughter tends to sleep in a tank top and sweatpants. And if thats what we wore to bed friday night and just have a lazy day on saturday, that is probably what we are still wearing come saturday night....

My kids do that sometimes, too. And hey, you can't get the worst parent award because at least you know what they're wearing, right?!

Last school year my 5th grade daughter would shower in the evening and then wear her clothes for school the next day to bed so she could sleep later :)
You know what, the rule has to be- take care of your kids, dont' put them in harms way, once it happens, its too late. I only had one son, and I protected him in every way I could. Who he was around, who came into our home, where he could spend the nite(that didn't happen often).
My in-laws thought I was a nut. But it was MY duty.
Kids shouldn't be out and about without adult supervision. They shouldn't walk to school. Pre-teens shouldn't be dropped off at the mall or a movie.
This is all JMO, and if I ever have a child under my care again, I'll probably be worse than the first time.

But I will also say this, my son had the biggest heart, would not allow someone else to be bullied, could not stand to see a small child that he thought was not properly cared for. I would have trusted him with anyones child, but if someone else had not, I would have understood.

When I was 6, my father became very protective and suspicious of an older boy that was the brother of my best friend.
Even at that young age, I remember being annoyed, and even feeling guilty for no reason-nothing had happened.
My father was always asking questions that pointed to that boy, who was a true 'rounder', but I didn't notice...I was too busy playing and being a kid.
I had forgotten about that until this case. Today, in middle age, I realize my dad's spidey- sense was in full gear. I wouldn't let that guy from the past be around any small child, either.
Lovely to know most parents are protective.
Somewhere there is a balance between helicopter parenting, and free range parenting.
It is not always necessarily the parent's fault when a juvenile commits a crime, imo.

Wasn't blaming parents whose children commit crimes but saying that once you become a parent, they need to be aware of their kids daily life and check in regularly on their media sites and have open communication with them.
I tried to look for it from the 6:00 news last night.. on K5 news.. but could'nt find it - The reporter that interviewed the mother in the car had re-published the interview, non-edited, where you can see the mother talking (like she did in the previous segment shown around the 5th saying it's sad -there are no children around.. people are afraid, etc.).. In the non-edited version, you can see she bursts out crying.. and gives a sign (politely) to the reporter while being very emotional.. she says GO (meaning please go away I can't go through this)

For some reason, I cannot find that interview, not even the first one.

When I saw the non-edited version, I felt heartbroken for the mother.. At that time, they had not found anything about Jenise -(anyways not published in the media).

This answer is for xxangelxx's question : Does anyone happen to have the link to the interview with the suspects mother at the mobile home park? I have been looking for it but have been unable to find it, if so thanks.

Here's the first one:

I'm also curious to see the rest of the interview.

ETA: Well, that link's dead. I'll look in their archives. Frustrating...

ETA2: Try here instead:
Question (apologies if it's been covered and I missed it): Has it ever been mentioned why there was such a long response time from LE when she was reported missing? Clearly it makes no difference in the outcome, but it's very unusual for it to take so long.
Question, sorry if this has already been answered, so many posts here---

Why was this guy even eligible for bail? I mean, if he was somehow able to come up with the money, he'd be out of jail? I don't get it, tia.

Not sure why he's eligible either. He's accused of rape and murder of a child........... can't get much more violent than that, imo.
...can't get more
I believe 12 Aug is her DOB.

The close timing (month and dates) of GG's aunt's death and JW's death are interesting...

However.. I was under the impression that GG's aunt died August 12, 2012.... Not August 2, 2012....

Maybe a super Sleuther can clear this up for us?

the link is no good. page not found.
I wonder if it will come out the perp has been sexually abused in his past. IMO this would explain a lot. It's no excuse. But I'd put money on it.

He has brothers that haven't raped and obliterated a child so if this is the case it must have happened outside his home. Personally he can list mitigating factors until the cows come home but I will have no sympathy for the coward
When I watched the video of GG with the kid hitting the punching bag, my first thought was that he looked stoned. Kinda makes me wonder if he may have been on something when he first saw JPW. Not thinking with a clear mind, he could have done some inappropriate things which progressed to the rape. Then he sees she is visibly hurt and panics and kills her.
Honestly, based on that ask SM site, I would have guessed he was just a normal kid. And he seems a lot smarter than the actions that he took to cover up the crime, which is another reason I was thinking he was on drugs. It doesn't exactly fit with the whole athlete thing, but it's possible.

Can you point me to the video?

IMO he is a wolf in sheep's clothing. He is an actor. Evident when LE Interviewed him and how his demeanor changed. I don't believe for a minute he was so distraught he couldn't function enough to give that initial DNA. He needed time to try and think his way out or even run. I also believe he attached himself to Jenice's Family as it was the perfect Family to victimize. Brother he could hang out with. Jenise having so much freedom. I do believe she was groomed. Gaining her trust and perhaps moved on to some "inappropriate touching"? Was he really depressed? Or was he just withdrawn around Family as he wasn't capable of forming family relationships. Did he even care? Did he only care when he wanted something from them? Strangling wasn't enough. Blunt force trauma! Was it rage? or was it one of his sick fantasies? Poor little Jenise suffered unspeakable acts. Lives are forever shattered. I'm just not buying what he is selling.

Me either. Once I read how he switched his emotions on and off at the police station, that was it for me.

Not to be argumentative, is it really a fact? I've heard it said repeatedly throughout my life, but I wonder. I need to research it.

I've seen multiple stats today that indicate that. Especially when it comes to juveniles. However, it is not a fact that most children who are abused become offenders of some kind. That's untrue.

These stats do not cover recent years. My point is that there seems to be an increase in violent crimes committed by male juveniles, ages 17 to 22.


The juvenile homicide arrest rate fell another 14% in 2012, which is 43% lower than in 1960.

Research and
Evaluation B I T S
Violent Youth Crime in U.S. Falls to New 32-Year Low
by Jeffrey A. Butts

According to new national arrest estimates calculated from data reported by the Federal Bureau of Investigation
(FBI), law enforcement agencies across the United States made slightly more than 60,000 violent crime arrests
involving youth under age 18 in 2012.

The FBI measures violent crime trends using the four offenses of murder, forcible rape, robbery, and aggravated
assault. The number of youth arrests for all four offenses in 2012 represented a decline of 10 percent compared with
2011, and it contributed to an overall drop of 36 percent since 2003. During the same period, violent crime arrests
involving offenders age 18 and older fell just 9 percent.

Between 2003 and 2012, the estimated number of youth arrests for murder fell 37 percent, while forcible rape
arrests declined 36 percent, robbery arrests dipped 20 percent, and youth arrests for aggravated assault dropped
nearly 43 percent.,d.cGU

[h=1]Youth Violence: National Statistics[/h]

[h=3]Violent Crime Arrest Rates Among Persons Ages 10-24 Years, by Sex and Year, United States, 1995–2011[/h]

For persons ages 10 to 24 years, violent crime arrest rates were higher for males than for females from 1995-2011. For males ages 10 to 24 years, violent crime arrest rates declined from 850.8 arrests per 100,000 population in 1995 to 423.1 arrests per 100,000 in 2011. For females ages 10 to 24 years, violent crime arrest rates declined from 139.6 arrests per 100,000 in 1995 to 99.7 arrests per 100,000 in 2011.

According to data released by the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention, juvenile arrests for violent crimes (murder and nonnegligent manslaughter, forcible rape, robbery, and aggravated assault) declined 29% between 2006 and 2011 (Juvenile Arrests 2011, December 2013). The number of juvenile court cases involving violent offenses fell 8% between 2008 and 2009 (Juvenile Court Statistics, 2009, July 2012) and 8% between 2009 and 2010 (Juvenile Court Statistics, 2010, June 2013).

Yes, 2013 is not included in the stats, but there is no indication that crime rates in 2013 have drastically increased for juveniles.
I tried to look for it from the 6:00 news last night.. on K5 news.. but could'nt find it - The reporter that interviewed the mother in the car had re-published the interview, non-edited, where you can see the mother talking (like she did in the previous segment shown around the 5th saying it's sad -there are no children around.. people are afraid, etc.).. In the non-edited version, you can see she bursts out crying.. and gives a sign (politely) to the reporter while being very emotional.. she says GO (meaning please go away I can't go through this)

For some reason, I cannot find that interview, not even the first one.

When I saw the non-edited version, I felt heartbroken for the mother.. At that time, they had not found anything about Jenise -(anyways not published in the media).

This answer is for xxangelxx's question : Does anyone happen to have the link to the interview with the suspects mother at the mobile home park? I have been looking for it but have been unable to find it, if so thanks.

I saw that interview too, and I haven't been able to find it. Kind of struck me odd that the neighbor was so overly emotional. She might have suspected that her son was involved. I know with my kids I knew when they were even thinking about doing something bad before they did it. (Even, small things like my son hiding his sister's toy.) Now my children are grown and we live in different states, I can tell when something is bothering them by the tone of their voice over the telephone.

IMO a mother just knows something is wrong, even if she doesn't know what it is.
Here's another thought I had while reading GG's posts online----he does not appear be as "dumb" to me as I thought he might be.

Seems to be an inexperienced perp---we all know how these perps improve their methods over time. Had he gotten away this crime, he might have been much more sophisticated in his techniques the next time around.

I'm still trying to figure out the logistics of this duffle bag thing, being that it was not his duffle bag, and how this element possibly relates to the aspect of premeditation.

BBM. Do we know for a fact it was or wasn't his? Sorry I must've missed the link -- this thread's moving fast. TIA for a link if there is one.
I tried to look for it from the 6:00 news last night.. on K5 news.. but could'nt find it - The reporter that interviewed the mother in the car had re-published the interview, non-edited, where you can see the mother talking (like she did in the previous segment shown around the 5th saying it's sad -there are no children around.. people are afraid, etc.).. In the non-edited version, you can see she bursts out crying.. and gives a sign (politely) to the reporter while being very emotional.. she says GO (meaning please go away I can't go through this)

For some reason, I cannot find that interview, not even the first one.

When I saw the non-edited version, I felt heartbroken for the mother.. At that time, they had not found anything about Jenise -(anyways not published in the media).

This answer is for xxangelxx's question : Does anyone happen to have the link to the interview with the suspects mother at the mobile home park? I have been looking for it but have been unable to find it, if so thanks.

That is heartbreaking. From the edited interview I saw, she seems thoughtful and caring. She must be absolutely broken over this.

As teens, sometimes knowing your parents would be hurt or disappointed or embarrassed by your behavior keeps you on the straight path. I have an ugly thought that his rage could be toward his mom. Even without thinking, he knew this act would be devastating to her,would wound her (and after only a year of losing her sister when she's just recovering from that wound). I hope I'm wrong for her sake. I do feel for her.

I worded my thought poorly. It's clear GG is a pedophile both legally and morally. I was wondering if, in addition to little girls, if he hadn't been caught would he have gone on to also assault other vulnerable females. Thank you for understanding and answering my post. :)

I liked your post so no worries. Yes, I think he would have gone on to others if he was not stopped, probably advancing to older victims at some time. This was not going to be a one time thing.

Just the opposite happened with Jessica Ridgeway's perp Austin Sigg. He actually started with grown women, attacked a jogger but she got away. Later, he chose an easier victim - a child, alone. He raped, killed, and mutilated her body. A horrible crime just as this one is horrible. Both perps were 17 years old.
glad I was not the only one confused about duffel type bag on pallet. Apparently the press has it wrong too.

Searchers found a small wood pallet over the body, and also located a nylon duffel bag on top of the pallet. They earlier discovered Jenise's underwear and shorts about 15 to 20 feet from where her body was found.
So to clarify it appears it was one of those removable carrying shoulder type straps that was found. Not the actual duffel.
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