Found Deceased WA - Jenise Wright, 6, Bremerton, 2 Aug 2014 - #9 *Arrest*

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You got some? :(

I really don't know anything about antidepressants.

Just what people report on here.

My son was captain of his football team. He played since he was in fifth grade.

It was fun to go to the games. The ambulance was always right on the field. Heart warming.

If I knew what I knew today, there is no way I would have allowed him to play. He is in his 30's and has no effects, that I know of, thank goodness.

Scary business.
I think it's that so many of us are trying so hard to understand what made this 17 yr old do what he did that the brain injury aspect is being explored (and it's a good thing, I might add). He was an athlete so a head injury causing him to not "be himself" or medication or lack of the right amount or whatever, made him snap. From the time I was 10 years old I've been reading true crime magazines and have been simply fascinated with criminal pathology, so I get all that, and find it intriguing as well.

I just think we need to be careful and stick with known facts, and documented evidence. JMO.
Unfortunately, the only things we have verified come from SM and we cannot quote those on here.

Was there a head injury verified on SM or just a comment about him being in the hosp. for a surgery? Honestly asking, because I only saw the latter, never the former, and the reason for the hosp. stay could have been any number of things from getting his tonsils out to an appendectomy.
I think it's that so many of us are trying so hard to understand what made this 17 yr old do what he did that the brain injury aspect is being explored (and it's a good thing, I might add). He was an athlete so a head injury causing him to not "be himself" or medication or lack of the right amount or whatever, made him snap. From the time I was 10 years old I've been reading true crime magazines and have been simply fascinated with criminal pathology, so I get all that, and find it intriguing as well.

I just think we need to be careful and stick with known facts, and documented evidence. JMO.

There is no evidence of anything except everyone thought he was just swell and his family is wonderful.

Not much to go on there.

One day your lovely child wakes up and kills the neighbor child. Hard to swallow that.
An article on ARS, and "head injuries":

"Something is simply broken in him that can't be fixed," Chief Deputy DA Hal Sergeant said."


"In court Tuesday, defense attorneys presented what they called mitigating evidence for the judge to consider.

They went through Sigg's medical history, school records and family life.

Attorneys said Sigg's mother reported a fall down three concrete steps and that she breathed paint fumes while she was pregnant.

When Sigg was born, he had an intestinal problem that required surgery and that he had several surgeries before age six.

Attorneys said Sigg had several head injuries from age two to 16.

They said he showed signs of a learning disability and ADD at age three to four. However, teachers throughout the years said he participated normally, was never disruptive and got along with everyone.

Attorneys talked about how Sigg's father moved out and abandoned the family when Sigg was a toddler. However, it was the step-mother who took Sigg to get treatment for an addiction to internet *advertiser censored* when he was 12."
I know other people have given similar examples, but I'm going to give another one anyway.

One Of my neighbors (has been for almost 10 years) was in a very serious car accident about 5 years before he moved here. He had a lot of serious injuries, including TBI. After years of therapy and physical rehab, he seems to be doing fairly well. He works about 20 hours a week, got married about 8 years ago, walks (using a walker), and is an intelligent young man. A few years ago his wife started working as my housekeeper, and she occasionally talks about his problems. Everybody who knows him talks about what a nice guy he is, how easy going he is, how well he treats his wife (even she says all of that), and what a hard worker he is. One day his wife asked to change the day she came that week because she had to take him for an appointment about 60 miles away because his doctors here are at a loss for what else they can do to control his episodes of rage. The damage to his brain cause them, but he's been taking antidepressants, anti-anxiety meds, and something else but they still don't control them completely.

She says that he has one at least once a week these days, and he usually ends up throwing furniture, knocking holes in the walls, breaking things, etc. Once it's over, he goes back to his nice, somewhat quiet, loving husband, and seldom remembers a lot about what happened. If this is also going on with GG, it would explain the rage that seemed to be behind the attack. What it wouldn't explain is the rape and murder that resulted from the rage. The man I was talking about has some serious and extremely "violent" episodes, but never once has he hit another living thing (human or animal) and never has he touched anyone inappropriately during one. The head injuries may explain the anger and loss of control, but there was obviously something else wrong to begin with. MOO
Limbic rage
I'm sure there are, but I think they are likely very rare.

I don't think it is that rare.I would assume the majority of pedos has a conscience and does not harm children.I don't see what GG did as an act of pedophilia.I see it as a violent act of rage.
I have no doubt its possible GG had some sort of head injury (in addition to other things). JMO
Personally I do not believe that anyone is "born evil". Nor do I believe you will become abusive if you have been abused as a child, or violent if you have had brain injury. Just like I do not believe that if you let your child run free, your child will be harmed by a stranger.

What I do believe is that an abused child has a greater risk of growing up to abuse others than a child without abuse in his/her background. And a child who has had brain injury has a greater risk of growing up to be violent than one who hasn't had any injury. And a child who runs free is at a higher risk than those who are helicoptered.

Saying "I had a concussion and I am not violent". Or "I was abused and I don't abuse my kids" really does not change the facts that certain things can, and do, raise the likelihood of violence and abuse. Finding out what is in GG's background does not excuse his evil behavior, nor does it really give a reason. But understanding what is in GG's background helps further the understanding of what to look for in others that may put them at a higher risk of becoming another GG. And someday the hope is that we will be able to identify children at risk for these behaviors, and intercede with some sort of help to prevent that life from going down the wrong path.

Just my thoughts....

Best post all day!

That is exactly it! We owe it to J and to all other victims to find out exactly what led up to this. I don't think anyone is trying to excuse the behavior. But if we can figure out why some people act one way and others don't with the same contributing factors, that would go along way in preventing these tragedies.

I don't believe that anyone wakes up one day and chooses to be a sexual sadist, psychopath, sociopath or murderer. If it was that simple, than any of us could do that. . .choose the same thing. I know I couldn't. I can squish a wolf spider but daddy long legs are catch and release. I don't believe, ever in a million years, I could choose to kill an innocent six year old

I'm not convinced that GG is a pedophile. I think he is a coward. He picked a victim that was the most vulnerable. Ted Bundy, Klunder, Sigg, etc, all did the same. They were killers. The primary crime is the murder...not the rape. What GG did was overkill. I think this crime fits those. I hate to say this, but most pedophiles are not murderers. Their primary motivation is the sexual assault. In their twisted minds they convince themselves that it's mutual. Society is wrong, not them. And they try to convince their victims the same. This crime was a whole different animal. Violence, rage and murder was the whole point. The sexual assault was just part of that...adding insult to injury.

I think the whole "he's just evil" thing is a bit archaic. It's like when they thought people that had seizures were possessed by the devil. If we know better, we will do better. We can't bury our heads in the sand and not face these very real tragedies without investigating the root causes. IMHO J didn't have to die. We owe it to her to figure out where we failed.

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I had to step away from this case for a few days but I have a question. I haven't caught up on reading everything, but did GG have a documented head injury or is this just 'what if'?


Thanks for asking. I am not the only one who has tried to catch up and was confused by this thread. I have not seen any documentation of any head injury, so I am not sure why it appears as though it was documented.
How can someone who rapes a child not be a pedophile? Weaker victim or not, they carry out the physical act, and have sexual thoughts and actions towards a child, rage or no rage. Respectfully, isn't this what pedophelia is?

"Pedophilia or paedophilia is a psychiatric disorder in which an adult or older adolescent experiences a primary or exclusive sexual attraction to prepubescent children, generally age 11 years or younger."

Oh, I get it now, "primary or exclusive"....hmmmm. Interesting.
There is no evidence of anything except everyone thought he was just swell and his family is wonderful.

Not much to go on there.

One day your lovely child wakes up and kills the neighbor child. Hard to swallow that.

I don't think the vast majority of parents would EVER think their child capable of that, even if they did have come big issues.
Yes. But I was wondering, are there any cases of a person with pedo who has never once given in to that urge to molest? It would be rare but just wondering if it is possible.

Not rare at all. There are many pedophiles that are happy just watching child *advertiser censored* and fantasizing, but have never actually victimized a child directly.

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There is no evidence of anything except everyone thought he was just swell and his family is wonderful.

Not much to go on there.

One day your lovely child wakes up and kills the neighbor child. Hard to swallow that.

I know, and it's seriously frustrating for US, but you have to wonder what LE is already privy to that hasn't been released to the msm. You KNOW they know more than we do, we're all just going on what's been released. They've interviewed his closest friends, parents, brothers, doctor, teachers, scrubbed his HD, found every online account he has and/or has accessed in the last several years (that none of us have seen), and knows what he was doing from the time he was 4, what he ate for breakfast on July 7th, 2010 and what brand his shoes were in 7th grade, at this point. Based on everything I know about the way this investigation was handled when Jenise was still just "missing", I honestly have every confidence in the LE officers on this case that they will leave NOTHING to speculation or assumption, but build an air-tight case about the what, when, how, and why.

IF it turns out that further research and study of brain injury/head trauma in kids/teens is critical to this case, then it would benefit anyone with an interest to pay close attention to that. Myself personally I only have very limited exposure to those with head trauma (an uncle who fell out of a tree he was trimming, and was slightly funky forever after that, but in a fun, jovial way) so I don't really understand the devastation it can cause in a young, maturing brain of a child or teen.
Not rare at all. There are many pedophiles that are happy just wstching child *advertiser censored* and fantasizing, but have never actually victimized a child directly.

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Seriously? This is weird. Trying to wrap my head around this...

It is fascinating to watch patients recover from traumatic brain injuries. The personality shifts, mood swings, the acts of rage were unbelievable. I took care of a nun a long time ago when I worked on a med surg floor. She had been in a car accident and sustained head trauma. She could cuss like a sailor, drop the F bomb every other second, throw her dinner tray, scream at me and then several minutes later, return to reported baseline self. The visiting nuns were horrified by her language as she did take the Lord's name in vain.

This is not unusual. I tend to like diagnoses, so sociopathy combined with other factors including rage, may have played a huge part in his horrific acts. JMV
Best post all day!

That is exactly it! We owe it to J and to all other victims to find out exactly what led up to this. I don't think anyone is trying to excuse the behavior. But if we can figure out why some people act one way and others don't with the same contributing factors, that would go along way in preventing these tragedies.

I don't believe that anyone wakes up one day and chooses to be a sexual sadist, psychopath, sociopath or murderer. If it was that simple, than any of us could do that. . .choose the same thing. I know I couldn't. I can squish a wolf spider but daddy long legs are catch and release. I don't believe, ever in a million years, I could choose to kill an innocent six year old

I'm not convinced that GG is a pedophile. I think he is a coward. He picked a victim that was the most vulnerable. Ted Bundy, Klunder, Sigg, etc, all did the same. They were killers. The primary crime is the murder...not the rape. What GG did was overkill. I think this crime fits those. I hate to say this, but most pedophiles are not murderers. Their primary motivation is the sexual assault. In their twisted minds they convince themselves that it's mutual. Society is wrong, not them. And they try to convince their victims the same. This crime was a whole different animal. Violence, rage and murder was the whole point. The sexual assault was just part of that...adding insult to injury.

I think the whole "he's just evil" thing is a bit archaic. It's like when they thought people that had seizures were possessed by the devil. If we know better, we will do better. We can't bury our heads in the sand and not face these very real tragedies without investigating the root causes. IMHO J didn't have to die. We owe it to her to figure out where we failed.

Sent from my VM670 using Tapatalk 2

I respectfully disagree. If the goal is to kill someone, there is no need for rape. In rape-murders it's about sadism and power. It's about the SEXUAL element of murder. Most pedophiles are not sadistic, so they don't murder. There absolutely are sadistic pedophiles and rapists. If you rape and murder the primary element is RAPE and the sexual aspect of the crime. They are sexually sadistic. And you are right, no one wakes up and does this. It brews inside them until they do. With that said, that does not mean that they presented issues publicly that would lead others to believe they would rape and murder someone.
Jeebus. Still catching up.

Austin Sigg, Tyler Holder, Justin Deryke, Michael Plumadore, Ryan Brun, Mario McNeill and now GG.......some minors, some adults. But for the love of all that is good in this world....WHY do this to innocent little girls?

Please watch your children! All of these babies were killed because their killers had the chance. The fault is ultimately that of the rapist/killer, but why would parents make it easier? I will NEVER understand cutting little children free to care for themselves.
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