Found Deceased WA - Jenise Wright, 6, Bremerton, 2 Aug 2014 - #9 *Arrest*

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Jmo a lot of people want to find excuses/reasons for such behavior, whereas it is possible he is simply warped and evil. He apparently knew to try to cover up his actions, if not with stellar results. Imo, some sort of supposed mental issue can always be introduced by lawyers.

Again jmo...

And they usually are. The thing is, any abnormal behavior, even what is considered evil behavior has a cause and a diagnosis. Maybe he was dropped on his head when he was a baby. Maybe he had a vitamin deficiency at some point. There is always cause and effect in every behavior that isn't considered "normal." IMO, MOO.
Jmo a lot of people want to find excuses/reasons for such behavior, whereas it is possible he is simply warped and evil. He apparently knew to try to cover up his actions, if not with stellar results. Imo, some sort of supposed mental issue can always be introduced by lawyers.

Again jmo...

Agreed ! But I don't think it's an excuse. I think , by definition, anyone who R's and kills babies is demented, mentally ill and ' crazy'. That's just a given and its' jmho. But I don't think he's ' stark raving mad' and had no idea what he was doing by any stretch. He covered his tracks and hid and played games with the LE . He's a ' crazy like a fox' kind , I guess you might say. I guess and I'm speculating to anyone else's reasoning on this thread, that we're trying to find ' why now' ? If he was this type of person then why wasn't he already locked up for having done similar things for many years now? How was he able to ' blend in' to society , seemingly adjusted and well functioning , until this point?
Agreed ! But I don't think it's an excuse. I think , by definition, anyone who R's and kills babies is demented, mentally ill and ' crazy'. That's just a given and its' jmho. But I don't think he's ' stark raving mad' and had no idea what he was doing by any stretch. He covered his tracks and hid and played games with the LE . He's a ' crazy like a fox' kind , I guess you might say. I guess and I'm speculating to anyone else's reasoning on this thread, that we're trying to find ' why now' ? If he was this type of person then why wasn't he already locked up for having done similar things for many years now? How was he able to ' blend in' to society , seemingly adjusted and well functioning , until this point?

Definitely. There is a big difference between crazy and legally insane and not competent.

And, I think we could ask "why now" in a lot of cases. In most. It's just more jarring in his case, because no one is coming forward about him. So far, he seemed publicly normal. I suspect his computer history might reveal more, but I do find myself asking how he could appear so normal and just go do this. BUT, we might hear more about's just strange we haven't!
And they usually are. The thing is, any abnormal behavior, even what is considered evil behavior has a cause and a diagnosis. Maybe he was dropped on his head when he was a baby. Maybe he had a vitamin deficiency at some point. There is always cause and effect in every behavior that isn't considered "normal." IMO, MOO.

I wish there would be studies on this, but people are so PC
This revelation just dawned on me.

GG was a simmering pot, planning, waiting to just before his eighteenth birthday, while still a 'minor', to commit this crime.

I wonder if was thinking he would outsmart the system. Commit the heinous crime while still a 'minor', fake an insanity or 'depression' attack, get a light sentence and after his eighteenth birthday his record would be expunged?
This revelation just dawned on me.

GG was a simmering pot, planning, waiting to just before his eighteenth birthday, while still a 'minor', to commit this crime.

I wonder if was thinking he would outsmart the system. Commit the heinous crime while still a 'minor', fake an insanity or 'depression' attack, get a light sentence and after his eighteenth birthday his record would be expunged?

I don't think he is that smart
Agreed ! But I don't think it's an excuse. I think , by definition, anyone who R's and kills babies is demented, mentally ill and ' crazy'. That's just a given and its' jmho. But I don't think he's ' stark raving mad' and had no idea what he was doing by any stretch. He covered his tracks and hid and played games with the LE . He's a ' crazy like a fox' kind , I guess you might say. I guess and I'm speculating to anyone else's reasoning on this thread, that we're trying to find ' why now' ? If he was this type of person then why wasn't he already locked up for having done similar things for many years now? How was he able to ' blend in' to society , seemingly adjusted and well functioning , until this point?

Many times, someone who does something like this has done other things that would point in that direction. Being a bully, or harming defenseless animals. Usually some other manifestation of violence in their past that would give an indicator that something wasn't right with that person. None of that is coming out at this time. IMO.
Still so far behind and HIPPOing a bit. Going to kind of free think for a minute. POSSIBLY VERY GRAPHIC AND MAYBE UPSETTING.

I am positive he killed her or at least played a part. Was there ever an indication that semen was taken from her body? He could easily say he didn't rape her, that the semen was from, uh, pleasuring himself with little underpants.

The underwear is really confusing. The timeline in the thread mentions two pairs. This may have been discussed before and if it has, just maybe point me there? But, why two pairs? Were both children's? Both hers? One hers, one his? Both bloody, one (at least) with semen. The blood in the underwear... I understand the physics of why it would be there but why redress her, get blood in her underwear, and then undress her again? That leads me down a disgusting path in my mind. And could, god forbid, explain why the body wasn't moved until later.

Everyone is right. Something here doesn't add up with the time. 10 PM in bed, up and out by 7 with no sight of her between. I am so curious what the siblings are saying about that night and the time line.


I suspect he could not wait and did not remove her underwear the 'first time' (sickens me to even type that) and eventually removed them when he found it 'disturbed' him, before the second time....
This revelation just dawned on me.

GG was a simmering pot, planning, waiting to just before his eighteenth birthday, while still a 'minor', to commit this crime.

I wonder if was thinking he would outsmart the system. Commit the heinous crime while still a 'minor', fake an insanity or 'depression' attack, get a light sentence and after his eighteenth birthday his record would be expunged?

If that were true, I would think he would have done a better job of hiding the body or covering his tracks though.

However, I saw an episode of Deadly Women on Investigation Discovery last night where a teenage girl murdered her mother because of influences of a boyfriend and friends. She planned and thought long and hard about murdering her mother to get her out of her life so she could do what she wanted, but didn't think for a minute of what to do afterwards, with her mother's body.

So I just contradicted my own previous statement. :gaah: This case is driving me crazy. LOL
I don't know. Some kids you can see have a problem when they are toddlers. Some it doesn't manifest until teen or early 20's. However, I also think evil exists, and might not have any other diagnosis but just evil.
This revelation just dawned on me.

GG was a simmering pot, planning, waiting to just before his eighteenth birthday, while still a 'minor', to commit this crime.

I wonder if was thinking he would outsmart the system. Commit the heinous crime while still a 'minor', fake an insanity or 'depression' attack, get a light sentence and after his eighteenth birthday his record would be expunged?

IDK if he waited until this last chance as a minor to try it because I don't know that he planned it too long . But I do feel like he does not think he'll be going to prison for life. I do think he cannot believe he's in jail right now. I almost think that he may think ''what's the big deal ? '' about his actions. ** speculative**

I suspect he could not wait and did not remove her underwear the 'first time' (sickens me to even type that) and eventually removed them when he found it 'disturbed' him, before the second time....


Is this speculation? Or was it stated that there was a second time? TIA

I suspect he could not wait and did not remove her underwear the 'first time' (sickens me to even type that) and eventually removed them when he found it 'disturbed' him, before the second time....

I think there were two times as well. One where the blood got on the underwear and then the second time when the underwear were tossed aside and not on her anymore. (Dayum that was difficult to type, it's the first time I've actually talked about details. I'm gonna go cry now.)

I suspect he could not wait and did not remove her underwear the 'first time' (sickens me to even type that) and eventually removed them when he found it 'disturbed' him, before the second time....

IMHO, there is no second time.
I wish there would be studies on this, but people are so PC

Brain injuries in athletes, especially in kids , is a huge topic. I heard a program in the last couple of days, but I cannot find it on the net, that kids and sports injuries are a huge issue. It was either WPR or MPR.

Anyway, they are saying that kid's heads are larger so they are off balance because of that. They are starting to look at girl's soccer.

I have posted info that says there is depression and anti social behavior noted as a result of brain injury.

With GG's body and strength, I bet he took a lot of hits to the head in football.

The program I listened talked about how even the best helmets are not helping.

I believe Congress is acting on some kind if bill that involves concussions and young athletes.
I've thought about this is a lot the past week, and I am imagining the possible scenario of young man who may have battled with sexual urges towards young children for a few years. Having been brought up in a caring, normal, moral family dynamic, could have had great difficulty understanding and justifying his desires. This could have led to depression and anxiety, and something on that day or days leading up to the act resulted in a 'perfect storm' where he acted on his urges. Then taking out his rage on poor J, guilt driven rage at himself and possibly rage at J (deflecting blame)
IMHO, there is no second time.

What's your reasoning? I ask because I've been confounded by the clothes on/clothes off issue since the first time I read the CPC. I have two working theories at the moment and both point to two separate assaults (by GG). I really, really want to be wrong. :(
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