Found Deceased WA - Kenna Harris, 25, Snohomish County, 31 March 2020

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves


Missing Person / NamUs #MP68235 Kenna Marie Harris, Female, White / Caucasian
Date of Last Contact March 31, 2020
Missing From Snohomish, Washington

Case Information

Missing Age 25 Years
Current Age 25 Years
First Name Kenna
Middle Name Marie
Last Name Harris

Sex Female
Height 5' 8" - 5' 9" (68 - 69 Inches)
Weight 180 lbs
Race / Ethnicity White / Caucasian

Date of Last Contact March 31, 2020
NamUs Case Created April 16, 2020
Last Known Location Map
Location Snohomish, Washington 98290
County Snohomish County
Missing From Tribal Land No
Primary Residence on Tribal Land No
Circumstances of Disappearance Kenna Harris left home to go to work but failed to show. She withdrew money from her bank in Monroe, WA and rode a bus to Snohomish, WA getting off at Bickford Station (shopping center). She was last seen in the parking lot of Bickford Station. Video shows Harris with a backpack, cell phone and an extra bag.

Physical Description
Hair Color Red/Auburn
Head Hair Description Colored reddish purple
Body Hair Description--
Facial Hair Description--
Left Eye Color Blue
Right Eye Color Blue
Eye Description--
Distinctive Physical Features
Subject has a 8" scar down her spine

Clothing and Accessories
Was last seen with a yoga mat and back pack

Last seen in jeans and and black coat, wearing a beanie hat
Please Find Kenna Harris

June 24 post
Small Privately owned corner grocery stores are willing to put up Kenna’s flyer 99.9% of the time. The owner of this market on Hwy 99 Aurora Ave was so helpful he suggested a couple other spots for me to post in the neighborhood. Check out all 3 photos. I removed the crimestopper logo, as I was in Seattle and I don’t want people to stop reading when they see police affiliated logo. I also posted on the door of a food bank in this neighborhood. The help and concern from this store employee picked up my spirits today. When you all message me and offer to do different things you sure lift me up. I hope I can be there for you someday soon! Kerri, who took 100 flyers on her family road trip today bless you and your family with safe travels.
I work with a number of individuals who have sustained traumatic brain injuries.
Many of them deal with long term effects such as decreased: judgment, problem solving abilities, planning abilities, impulse control, ability to retain information.

Kenna appears to be comfortable using mass transit.
JMO, but I would guess that she may have impulsively decided to go to Seattle. She had enough money for the bus fare and may have thought this was a good idea at the time.
IMO, it may be a good idea to distribute Kenna's information to those in Seattle who work directly with the homeless population.
(posted July 7, 2020)

Reward increased to $20,000 for information that leads to whereabouts of Washington woman who vanished in March

A reward for information leading to the whereabouts of 25-year-old Kenna Harris, a Monroe, Washington woman missing since March, has been increased to $20,000, her mother Kelli Harris told Dateline.

“We’re hoping this reward money will encourage people to come forward with information,” Kelli said. “Any tiny bit of information would help.”

Kenna, who has been missing since March 31, 2020, suffered a traumatic brain injury in a high-speed rollover crash six years ago and has been living with her family in Monroe, Washington ever since.

Her mother told Dateline that Kenna was scheduled to go to work at Walmart on the day she disappeared. A DART bus for those with disabilities arrived at Kenna’s house to pick her up, but she was already gone."

continued @link.

it says her paycheck was direct-deposited on April 2, but her account has not been accessed since the day of her disappearance.

there is no video footage of her leaving the area where her phone last pinged.

her mom believes that perhaps she got into a car with someone she might have recognized, especially since she struggled with decision-making and memory after her accident.

on the day of her disappearance, she got upset with her dad bc she didn't want to go to work, but dad encouraged her to go. she got mad and left the house. this was the last time she would be seen by her parents.
Last edited:
Reward increased to $20,000 for information that leads to whereabouts of Washington woman who vanished in March

Kenna’s mother Kelli told Dateline she believes her daughter got in a car with someone she thought she recognized or who she thought looked friendly.

“Since her accident, she has struggled with decision making and her memory,” Kelli said. She added that just looking at her, someone would have no idea that she had a brain injury but once they start talking to her, she acts like someone of 14 or 15 years old.

I pray she is somewhere safe.
I just came across this link in thread:

The killing fields of Highway 2

Yes, and on top of it, given how many women disappear on the trails in Snohomish county, there is a theory that there is a SK with a lair in that area. Between drug dealers on Hwy 2 and possible SKs, it is hard to find people because you don’t see distinctive patterns, just a group of disappeared women.
Please Find Kenna Harris

Nothing posted on Kenna’s find page since Aug 1
I wonder if they’re not concentrating their efforts in the group where others seem to be posting ideas and thoughts? I do think keeping the page active would be helpful, not everyone may realize they have both and if Kenna were to look at something, you’d want her to see it up to date.

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