WA - Lindsey Baum, 10, McCleary, 26 June 2009 - #1

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Why couldn't the dogs get a scent?
Did they not get a scent at all?
Did the dogs all have colds?

The dog tracking thing has been driving me nuts from the get-go. I think we've got misinformation on that. Or, LE is not releasing what they have. They had to have a scent somewhere if she was walking back and forth.

I'm so scared for this little girl. If someone came off the hwy and went to the gas station for gas or whatever and grabbed Lindsey, the possibilities are endless as to where they could have taken her.

I want more info on the family friend who broke up the sibling fight and sent her brother home. That info made me go huh?

I'm willing to bet Lindsey walked this route a hundred times. I'm also thinking the children in McCleary have been playing and roaming free unsupervised for a long time. The town is so tiny, and safe up until Friday night :mad:

This could also explain K's behavior. She has tremendous guilt, because who would think this could ever happen in McCleary? I bet some of these parents have never felt the need to worry too much. Why would they? It's very sad because these people have lived in a sheltered area.

Who lets their 10 year olds roam around the streets, gives them a ten oclock curfew, lets them walk alone around town? The people of McCleary.

I'm not accusing. It's just the circumstances of where they live.
Since the media seems to be preoccupied with material better suited to selling soap and breakfast cereals (aka tabloid crud) these days, might I suggest that anyone with a personal blog cut and paste this info with a photo? Might be good to get some use out of personal journalism, since my blog doesn't have to chase after hits or ad dollars.



Might also do some good to use a few WS blogs to direct people to this thread.

Just a thought.
Is this Lindsey's brother in this video? TIA

He walks up during the interview holding a fishing pole!!! He dosen't appear worried too worried about his sister if he's heading to go fishing. :confused: I hope LE has checked where he fishes...I'm not trying to accuse him of anything, but I pray that he is not involved. He is old enough to understand that this is serious, but dosen't appear to be to upset....

I find it odd that he is concerened about his fishing pole, along with his facial expression, & walking up after the interview has started with a sudden interest in what was being said or asked! :waitasec:

Search ramps up for McCleary girl
05:42 PM PDT on Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Volunteers and police are going door-to-door to talk to every person in McCleary. They want to know if anyone's seen Lindsey Baum.

"We're asking everyone to check their outbuildings&#8230; anyplace a child might hide," said Undersheriff Rick Scott.

Since investigators have not found any evidence to suggest what happened to Lindsey, they wanted to check her last known whereabouts thoroughly.

"No lot unsearched, no carport unsearched, no tarp 'unlooked' under," said Undersheriff Rick Scott.

Horses walked the same trails searchers did over the weekend, just in case they missed something.

And more dogs were called out to look in the neighborhood where Lindsey was last seen walking home from a friend's house Friday night.

Every option is still on the table for police, who say Lindsey could have been injured, lost, kidnapped or just ran away.

"We have not found evidence, we have not found circumstances, witnesses or information that speaks specifically as to what happened to Lindsey," said Scott.

A spokesperson for Lindsey's mother says the family is holding out hope and trying to stay positive, but as time passes they say that's harder to do

NEW Video: Search ramps up for McCleary girl


This article says that Lindsey's mother has a spokesperson now!

The dog tracking thing has been driving me nuts from the get-go. I think we've got misinformation on that. Or, LE is not releasing what they have. They had to have a scent somewhere if she was walking back and forth.

I'm so scared for this little girl. If someone came off the hwy and went to the gas station for gas or whatever and grabbed Lindsey, the possibilities are endless as to where they could have taken her.

I want more info on the family friend who broke up the sibling fight and sent her brother home. That info made me go huh?

I'm willing to bet Lindsey walked this route a hundred times. I'm also thinking the children in McCleary have been playing and roaming free unsupervised for a long time. The town is so tiny, and safe up until Friday night :mad:

This could also explain K's behavior. She has tremendous guilt, because who would think this could ever happen in McCleary? I bet some of these parents have never felt the need to worry too much. Why would they? It's very sad because these people have lived in a sheltered area.

Who lets their 10 year olds roam around the streets, gives them a ten oclock curfew, lets them walk alone around town? The people of McCleary.

I'm not accusing. It's just the circumstances of where they live.

I was under the impression the fight over the bike occurred at home. Are you talking about another fight the same day? Do you know what time that fight occurred, where it occurred, and who the family friend is? tia

Even though the town is small, it is encircled in a main hwy on three sides, and a railroad side track on the outskirts on the fourth. It isn't that far from the capital of the State, and I would think it pretty common to have people not known to the area at the gas station, and local store. Imo, they are not living in a bubble, and it would be foolish to think they were. Is there a local doctor, hospital, medical clinic?
I live close to a town with 1500 people in it. It is four miles from the interstate freeway. There is one doctor in town. I doubt anyone has the notion that they live in a bubble. I lived there for awhile, and I never thought that. It is quiet, and quaint, but I think we all know it's a small world nowadays.
I'm not buying the notion that no one thought anything bad could happen there. Even in a town of 1500, there are drugs, town thugs, drunks, and men who abuse their wives, and some who are abusive to their children as well.
ok, it's just my opinion.
The town I mention that I lived in, and now live close to; the mayor was arrested for growing marajuana, sp, lol.

ETA; I guess if she walked that route several times a day, it might be difficult for even dogs to figure it out. I don't know.
I was under the impression the fight over the bike occurred at home. Are you talking about another fight the same day? Do you know what time that fight occurred, where it occurred, and who the family friend is? tia

Even though the town is small, it is encircled in a main hwy on three sides, and a railroad side track on the outskirts on the fourth. It isn't that far from the capital of the State, and I would think it pretty common to have people not known to the area at the gas station, and local store. Imo, they are not living in a bubble, and it would be foolish to think they were. Is there a local doctor, hospital, medical clinic?
I live close to a town with 1500 people in it. It is four miles from the interstate freeway. There is one doctor in town. I doubt anyone has the notion that they live in a bubble. I lived there for awhile, and I never thought that. It is quiet, and quaint, but I think we all know it's a small world nowadays.
I'm not buying the notion that no one thought anything bad could happen there. Even in a town of 1500, there are drugs, town thugs, drunks, and men who abuse their wives, and some who are abusive to their children as well.
ok, it's just my opinion.
The town I mention that I lived in, and now live close to; the mayor was arrested for growing marajuana, sp, lol.

ETA; I guess if she walked that route several times a day, it might be difficult for even dogs to figure it out. I don't know.

Hi :) I thought I read that her and her brother got in a fight on the way to the friends house over a bike. Then a family friend broke up the fight, sent the brother home, and Lindsey went on her way to the friends.

I've read so much today I don't know where I read it. It's in an article though :crazy:

I know what you're saying about them thinking they live in a bubble. I'm not that familiar with McCleary but my hubby is quite familiar. Even he said....she went missing in McCleary? It's just the notion that it's such a small and safe place. Even tho we all know nowhere is safe. But I think the people in McCleary think it's safe. KWIM?

Don't know about clinics, hospitals etc., I know Elma, which is close by. My kids have traveled there for sports over the years.

I'm sure a lot of strangers get off at McCleary for gas or whatever at the store. It's on the way to the beaches and that's what scares me :eek:

I'll have to google the town mayor getting busted. Don't remember hearing about that :clap: That's rich.
Is this Lindsey's brother in this video? TIA

He walks up during the interview holding a fishing pole!!! He dosen't appear worried too worried about his sister if he's heading to go fishing. :confused: I hope LE has checked where he fishes...I'm not trying to accuse him of anything, but I pray that he is not involved. He is old enough to understand that this is serious, but dosen't appear to be to upset....

I find it odd that he is concerened about his fishing pole, along with his facial expression, & walking up after the interview has started with a sudden interest in what was being said or asked! :waitasec:


If that is the brother then the video is kinda creepy the way he is so casual and doen't seem that concerned. I know kids react to tragedy in different ways but this makes me more suspicious of him. The mom seems way to calm... strange.
She may be correct that Lindsey is out of the area... it seems like such a small town that surely someone may have noticed something if she was being held captive in the area or was hiding. I pray they do not find a body during the searches.
Does anyone know if the father has come from TN to be with his son and find out about the investigation?
If that is the brother then the video is kinda creepy the way he is so casual and doen't seem that concerned. I know kids react to tragedy in different ways but this makes me more suspicious of him. The mom seems way to calm... strange.
She may be correct that Lindsey is out of the area... it seems like such a small town that surely someone may have noticed something if she was being held captive in the area or was hiding. I pray they do not find a body during the searches.
Does anyone know if the father has come from TN to be with his son and find out about the investigation?

I believe on one of the video's I posted or someone else, Lindsey's mom said that he(the father of Lindsey) is on his way there. It could have been on NG, Issues, or PrimeTime news though too! :crazy: Multi-tasking through so much tonight that now I'm :banghead: which one it was! Sorry! :confused:

I feel the same way as you that they all are acting way too casual...not just the boy in the video, but all of them. I wouldn't be able to hold back tears at all & this video that I asked about was IIRC within the 1st 48hrs of her gone missing. I would have been begging & pleading for help...not casually asking like they are just talking about the weather or somthing not very serious. :confused: I know many say that everyone responds or acts different than what we all might expect, but from most of the cases when I notice this it usually ends up that they are not telling the truth. I keep watching all of the video's over & my hinky meter keeps rising that someone isn't telling everything. JMHO

If you compare it to Casey's 911 call when the operator talked to her she responded very casual about Caylee missing too! Along with many other cases that I'm sure many of you know about too!

I know they are saying the brother was home at the time of her disappearing, but that is one tight time frame, no? I mean, how is anybody certain?

If he was with her, arguing (as reported) on the way to the friends house, and a family friend intercepted them and told the brother to go home (also as reported), then Lindsey would have been heading to the friends house as the brother was heading home. They say that Lindsey was only at the friends house for 10 or 15 minutes and was then sent on her way.

Let's assume the brother went straight home, best case scenario (he would have had to, or someone is lying about him being home at the time)... he arrives home shortly before Lindsey arrives at K's house probably (assuming he had a bike, which has not been said, only that they were fighting about his bike, and also depending on where this interception from the family friend took place), he's home what? 20 minutes at best before Lindsey is sent on her way and begins walking home with another friend. She's last seen at the 1/2 way point, so another 10 minutes at best...

So the brother is home, at the most for 1/2 hour before she goes missing?
That's a pretty tight time frame to be so "sure" of anybodies whereabouts when there were no phone calls made to trace exact times...

He may not have had anything at all to do with it, but I don't see how they arrived at the conclusion that he couldn't have...
I watched the mother on the NG rerun tonight and I think I see where Lindsey gets the acting more than her age. Her mother acts like Lindsey is older than 10, she talks about her as if she is an older teenager and even her supposed plea for Lindsey is without tears and a sort of aloofness. Not really cold, but more like, "Wherever she is, she's fine."

I watched the mother on the NG rerun tonight and I think I see where Lindsey gets the acting more than her age. Her mother acts like Lindsey is older than 10, she talks about her as if she is an older teenager and even her supposed plea for Lindsey is without tears and a sort of aloofness. Not really cold, but more like, "Wherever she is, she's fine."


it is pretty odd... a lot of it is crazy to me...

i sure wish i could figure out ur theory too...lol imma rack my brain til i figure that out LOL:blowkiss:
I know they are saying the brother was home at the time of her disappearing, but that is one tight time frame, no? I mean, how is anybody certain?

If he was with her, arguing (as reported) on the way to the friends house, and a family friend intercepted them and told the brother to go home (also as reported), then Lindsey would have been heading to the friends house as the brother was heading home. They say that Lindsey was only at the friends house for 10 or 15 minutes and was then sent on her way.

Let's assume the brother went straight home, best case scenario (he would have had to, or someone is lying about him being home at the time)... he arrives home shortly before Lindsey arrives at K's house probably (assuming he had a bike, which has not been said, only that they were fighting about his bike, and also depending on where this interception from the family friend took place), he's home what? 20 minutes at best before Lindsey is sent on her way and begins walking home with another friend. She's last seen at the 1/2 way point, so another 10 minutes at best...

So the brother is home, at the most for 1/2 hour before she goes missing?
That's a pretty tight time frame to be so "sure" of anybodies whereabouts when there were no phone calls made to trace exact times...

He may not have had anything at all to do with it, but I don't see how they arrived at the conclusion that he couldn't have...

Lindsey and her brother left to get to her friend's to see if Lindsey could sleep overnight. Brother and sis got into an argument, and a neighbor told him to go home. Lindsey went to friend's by herself and was told 'no' she couldn't sleep over. Left to go home and was last seen by a woman driving to work about 9:15 (3/4 ways home).

Mom began to make calls about 10:00 to find Lindsey (her car wasn't running), she soon joined the mom and dad of Lindsey's friend so she could search by car.

I don't know where the brother was at that time - nobody has mentioned it. Did he search also?

Seems that Lindsey disappeared around the gas station/bus stop that is reported to have had people around. Lindsey was not caught on videotape at the GS.

My question: What does a 12yo do with a 10yo so that no witnesses are around and NOBODY finds her? I can't imagine. TIA
Lindsey and her brother left to get to her friend's to see if Lindsey could sleep overnight. Brother and sis got into an argument, and a neighbor told him to go home. Lindsey went to friend's by herself and was told 'no' she couldn't sleep over. Left to go home and was last seen by a woman driving to work about 9:15 (3/4 ways home).

Mom began to make calls about 10:00 to find Lindsey (her car wasn't running), she soon joined the mom and dad of Lindsey's friend so she could search by car.

I don't know where the brother was at that time - nobody has mentioned it. Did he search also?

Seems that Lindsey disappeared around the gas station/bus stop that is reported to have had people around. Lindsey was not caught on videotape at the GS.

My question: What does a 12yo do with a 10yo so that no witnesses are around and NOBODY finds her? I can't imagine. TIA


They would have had to leave someone home in case she returned while the mom was out - was the brother the only option to keep watch?
at this point, i'm totally confused. I was leaning towards the other kids parent (one of em), now i'm wondering if the brother/mom are involved. Maybe she did intend to run away and while out walking, got abducted. I just don't know anymore, but it's scary.
NMK, are you able to elaborate at all why you thought at first she was safe but no longer is?
The dog tracking thing has been driving me nuts from the get-go. I think we've got misinformation on that. Or, LE is not releasing what they have. They had to have a scent somewhere if she was walking back and forth.

I'm so scared for this little girl. If someone came off the hwy and went to the gas station for gas or whatever and grabbed Lindsey, the possibilities are endless as to where they could have taken her.

I want more info on the family friend who broke up the sibling fight and sent her brother home. That info made me go huh?

I'm willing to bet Lindsey walked this route a hundred times. I'm also thinking the children in McCleary have been playing and roaming free unsupervised for a long time. The town is so tiny, and safe up until Friday night :mad:

This could also explain K's behavior. She has tremendous guilt, because who would think this could ever happen in McCleary? I bet some of these parents have never felt the need to worry too much. Why would they? It's very sad because these people have lived in a sheltered area.

Who lets their 10 year olds roam around the streets, gives them a ten oclock curfew, lets them walk alone around town? The people of McCleary.

I'm not accusing. It's just the circumstances of where they live.

Bolded by me...

Or maybe she is trying to hide something--like maybe the Williams guy that she lives with might have left the house after Lindsey left?

I have a very uneasy feeling about him--for no other reason than gut instinct. Something just doesn't feel right about him to me.

Is it possible that the Williams guy DID leave the house after Lindsey left, picked her up, did something to her, and then hid her somewhere?

The strange emotions coming from KK just reminds me of someone trying to hide something and not wanting to believe in her heart what she might suspect--that her man might be involved--but she is too afraid to speak up about it.

Does that make sense to anyone besides me?

They would have had to leave someone home in case she returned while the mom was out - was the brother the only option to keep watch?

Good point!!! I don't know who was there. I'm sure the brother was cleared by PD. It would be nice if mom would tell us where he was so we can drop all suspicions and focus on finding Lindsey and the perp. mho
In this case, it seems likely to be a stranger to me. Her town is just off the route from I-5 to Aberdeen and Hoquiam and the coast. Lots of creepy people traveling that road, and it's hard to find a gas station between Aberdeen and Olympia where you'd get off I-5. Probably lots of strangers wander into that town.
For some reason, the Puget Sound area of WA has more than it's share of murderers and sex fiends.
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