WA - Lindsey Baum, 10, McCleary, 26 June 2009 - #1

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Could Lindsey have gotten on the bus, and headed for Tennesse where her dad is at? What was the time for the bus stop pick ups? I wonder if that avenue has been checked. Maybe she decided to go to her dad and anyone who has ever riden a bus knows that you have to change buses several times, is it possable that she may have done this?
I don't know, I am not comfortable focusing on a child in the disappearance of his sibling merely because he has spent time in Juvi, or because they had what was by all accounts a minor fight. I would make sense to me that both children were dealing with some serious turmoil in the home that manifested in different ways, in Lindsey's case an attraction to things of a dark and morose nature and in the brother's attention seeking behavior (albeit negative attention) and acting out. Divorce can be very difficult for children and parents, if the mother was at all depressed (which is absolutely understandable) she may not have been been able to provide the children with the kind of parenting and support that they needed at the time.

ETA: I think that these children (yes, both children) are in an unfortunate position where they were prime target for victimization. Lack of supervision, sense of security, and self-esteem is a terrible combination.
My first thought is the brother.

Hi SS, One thing we know is it is most likely someone who she knew from what statistics tell us.

I've thought of the brother too or KK's BF.

I read a comment following an article here this afternoon that said the poster knew some info the police have they haven't released yet.

And I also read in that or another comment that Lindsay had called 911 several times to get help and an officer had put her in his car and taken her back to where her abuser was. I assume that means her own home.

They kind of fit together, don't they?
Hi SS, One thing we know is it is most likely someone who she knew from what statistics tell us.

I've thought of the brother too or KK's BF.

I read a comment following an article here this afternoon that said the poster knew some info the police have they haven't released yet.

And I also read in that or another comment that Lindsay had called 911 several times to get help and an officer had put her in his car and taken her back to where her abuser was. I assume that means her own home.

They kind of fit together, don't they?
They sure do. It isn't out of the realm a fight with a volatile 12 year old brother did not quickly escalate out of hand upon her return towards home. He could have laid in wait for her with the anger building after he was chastized by an adult. Some children have more of a problem with being embarrassed by an authority figure than others and could have blamed his sister for his public humiliation.
wow...i havent seen the news for a few days....yikes...im the county next door...where do i start....uggg
i cant go back and read all the thread at this time...kids need to go to bed...but i will be back on....can someone fill me in....please im 20 miles from her
i listened to a few news....linked by angel who cares....i know a little....any myspace's on anyone old enough to post a link to? someone over 18...i know we cant post kids myspaces....any adults....
at this point, i'm totally confused. I was leaning towards the other kids parent (one of em), now i'm wondering if the brother/mom are involved. Maybe she did intend to run away and while out walking, got abducted. I just don't know anymore, but it's scary.
NMK, are you able to elaborate at all why you thought at first she was safe but no longer is?

Basically, I believe that Lindsey initailly took off on her own, to spend the night with a woman I call M. (See post 89, this thread.) Since she went willingly, I believe that she was not in any danger when she left. I think she may have been with another girl that she knows, and I do think there is at least one of her friends that knows more than they are telling. If I am correct on the ID of M, she is an adult female that has lost custody of her children or child. Since there were gaurdians ad litem assigned, I believe that means foster care. I think that she may be in danger or already have been harmed by this woman, who did not initially know that she was listed as missing. Now that the woman has probably found that she is missing, I think she may be in danger. If this woman were caught to be harboring a runaway, then she would lose any shot at her own kids coming home. That could induce a panic and lead to a bad end for Lindsey.

I could be way off with all my theories, but this is the only theory that I have that gives me anything to work with. If she were grabbed by a random psycho and whisked away by car on the freeway, we are all spinning our wheels, becuase we have nothing. I hate to believe that, so I go with the only things I have to work with. I think "Fistey" needs to be leaned on hard. She is obviously the only one of Lindseys social circle that she shares secrets with. I say that because of the Twilight Freak myspace, there are very few friends, herself and Fistey being two of only 5. I think that profile was her secret, due to the time it was created and the comments about her brother. The only friend that she trusted to keep the secret was "Fistey". She may know more than she's saying, but it's hard to explain to a 10 year old that there are worse things that breaking a promise to your BFF.
My first thought is the brother.

Hi SS, One thing we know is it is most likely someone who she knew from what statistics tell us.

I've thought of the brother too or KK's BF. But . . . .

I read a comment following an article here this afternoon that said the poster knew some info the police have they haven't released yet.

And I also read in that or another comment that Lindsay had called 911 several times to get help and an officer had put her in his car and taken her back to where her abuser was. I assume that means her own home.

They kind of fit together, don't they? The McCleary PD would be well aware of her calls for help. I don't know if she would tell them she was being abused as little girls would be embarrased about that. But now thru their investigation maybe they have learned something and are keeping it very close to the vest. Hence the misinformation given out about the dogs sniffing her IMO. As Sleuthers we know a trained bloodhound would have sniffed her if she had been in that friends home on Fri nite!

IF this is the case it could be someone, a friend who would have spent time at her house, maybe a BF of her mother. And either they know who he is and don't have enough info to get a search warrant, or he is not living in the area anymore but still comes to town once in awhile.

I think the little girlfriend of Lindsay would have to know about this guy as Lindsay might have confided in her. Girls talk between themselves if they are close. I hope LE is on this if there is anything to it. Hopefully LE will also be talking to the person who wrote that bizarre post. It could be either bizarre or terribly telling.

It is just a thought but that post got me thinking. Why would anyone write a post like that unless they just had to bare their soul. Sorry as this post is a bit over the top, but am trying to think about a scenario that would make sense. xoxox
hi scandi....what post number did you see that info at?
i listened to a few news....linked by angel who cares....i know a little....any myspace's on anyone old enough to post a link to? someone over 18...i know we cant post kids myspaces....any adults....

Hi TakeNote ;} I know nothing about MySpace but agree about our own Angel who cares. LOL A big thank You to her for keeping us so well informed :blowkiss:
thanks scandi.....scary that this is right next door....uggg....has any heard of any new search's planed...i would like to volunteer to help...but dont know how to go about that
hi scandi....what post number did you see that info at?

OMG I knew someone was going to ask me that! LOLOLOL I'll go find it. I read the post which had been printed here and then clicked on the link, and by jove that comment was still there, and on pp 1 of the comments.

There was another telling post similar to that on the KOMO link yesterday but KOMO removed it. It didn't talk about the same things but was personal from someone who knew her or was related to her. Be back!
hi scandi....what post number did you see that info at?



>>> snip

mlachester 2 hours ago wrote:
NN1, AND SUMITHRYO, I am close to her and I know a lot more than the media or law enforcement are saying right now. As for Scanner, sorry if you don't like the truth but I have never been one to keep the truth in and she should of been taken the first time she called 911 from my house asking for help instead of put in a police car and taken back to her abuser!"

I found this on pp12 of this thread in a posting by Soyesterday. xox

I am wondering if this was written by KK? The friends mom who posted at SM. I wonder if she is still posting there. Very poor taste on her part INO with an ongoing open case and a little girl's life possibly at stake. We don't know.
thanks scandi.....scary that this is right next door....uggg....has any heard of any new search's planed...i would like to volunteer to help...but dont know how to go about that

Not to be too personal, but do you live in the Gray's Harbor County area?
Let me try again....

I have heard that there is a bus stop near the gas station, also that her mom and dad got a divorce and dad now lives in Tennesse. Could it be that Lindsey got on the bus to go to her dads, and in all the confusion of bus changes possably gotten lost? Does anyone know how to get a bus schedule from that bus stop. Is this an angle LE has looked at, or was this a local bus route?
If Lindsey was upset about the divorce, upset with her brother and got turned away by a friend she very well could have thought to go to daddy and gotten lost in a ll the confusion, it would also explain the dogs losing her sent if she got on a bus.


>>> snip

mlachester 2 hours ago wrote:
NN1, AND SUMITHRYO, I am close to her and I know a lot more than the media or law enforcement are saying right now. As for Scanner, sorry if you don't like the truth but I have never been one to keep the truth in and she should of been taken the first time she called 911 from my house asking for help instead of put in a police car and taken back to her abuser!"

I found this on pp12 of this thread in a posting by Soyesterday. xox

I am wondering if this was written by KK? The friends mom who posted at SM. I wonder if she is still posting there. Very poor taste on her part INO with an ongoing open case and a little girl's life possibly at stake. We don't know.

Thanks Scandi!

That strikes me as a very good possibility, the language itself is absolutely revealing. How many adults (the language suggests an adult to me) would have been in a position to have Lindsey over their house other than the parents of a friend? If it is her, it strikes me that this is another attempt to cast suspicion away from the circumstances of Lindsey leaving her friend's home. Hypothetically if KK, why not let Lindsey stay the night given her statements about the in home abuse?

I want more info on the family friend who broke up the sibling fight and sent her brother home. That info made me go huh?

See, this thought from Brianna is so ON I think. Thanks Brianna for that. That was a lady I think, but it could be someone else who also saw her at about the same time, and since she knew him got in for a ride home! xox

Let me try again....

I have heard that there is a bus stop near the gas station, also that her mom and dad got a divorce and dad now lives in Tennesse. Could it be that Lindsey got on the bus to go to her dads, and in all the confusion of bus changes possably gotten lost? Does anyone know how to get a bus schedule from that bus stop. Is this an angle LE has looked at, or was this a local bus route?
If Lindsey was upset about the divorce, upset with her brother and got turned away by a friend she very well could have thought to go to daddy and gotten lost in a ll the confusion, it would also explain the dogs losing her sent if she got on a bus.

I suppose it is possible, but did Lindsey have any money with her? Was there even a bus that passed by during that period of time? If so, wouldn't the bus driver or any other passengers have seen her get on the bus. Just thinking aloud, it sure could explain the lack of a scent trail though.
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