WA - Lindsey Baum, 10, McCleary, 26 June 2009 - #1

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The link above is about blood hounds and how they never give up on a scent! They will even follow a scent up a tree...so how is it they could find NO scent of Lindsey? It's fact she was at her friend's house...fact that a friend walked her 1/2 way home??? Even if Lindsey turned around and walked the other way, there should be a scent. How about when leaving the home? My good gosh, how is it that the hounds have no scent of this child???

Hi Eyes, About the dogs, someone here asked about how they could sniff her if she was riding a bike. Can''t find the post.

Humans shed tiny skin pieces continually and they are called 'rafts'. These fall down to the ground.

It all depends on the way the dog has been trained and to do what. But there are dogs specifically trained to sniff these rafts of skin. So it would work sniffing down a bike trail or down a highway, as we saw done successfully in Laci's case. There they took a specially trained sniffer dog in an auto and drove the hwy down to Berkeley from Modesto. The dog led them to the end of the dock where her scent stopped! Phenomenal, eh?
I am getting a very uneasy feeling about her visiting her friend.

Who was at the home when she arrived? Who was there when she left? Did anyone leave the home right behind her? Did she actually leave on her own?

My hinky meter is tacking....big time!!!

I agree...i feel like that too....
I asked earlier if the friend's dad left anytime after Lindsey did....?
Also it seems like the friend's mom isn't telling the truth about stuff either...
Hi Kat, ITA, and having been here so long I do know that when there is a missing child case, many LE agencies read the top crime forums, of which Websleuths would be a major one for them to read.

I would venture a guess that with the FBI involved, our having a retired detective from that general area who posts here plus other local posters who have joined, that LE will be on it if they feel it might disrupt their investigation. xox

ETA: WHOOPS! That was in reference to your post #115.
AND she's not even telling the truth about stuff...
For example, someone posted that she said the girls weren't allowed to access myspace at all yet, and that it was blocked.....
BUT yet....
she has her own daughter added on her myspace page?
Is there something i'm missing?

If I knew my daughter had a myspace acct (she's too young anyway) but you can be sure I would make sure I was on her page to monitor activity. The mom could have blocked access from their computer, but knowing that friends parents don't have the same rules at least can monitor the page.

She seems somewhat computer savvy to be on SM already.

I don't know, she might be feeling defensive and trying to be helpful in her going online as the last person to see her.

I would be devastated if a little friend of my daughter's disappeared. But I also don't think I would have let a 10 year old walk home by herself. (I've lived in the NW, and remember being a bit older than that, and all the kids on the block playing together well after 10:00 pm because it was still light....but we also were across the street or in our backyard, not blocks away.)

I do wonder about the 15 minute visit and that was all, was she there too much? Why didn't she spend the night? The "go before it's dark" sounds like a polite way to tell her to go home.

Rambling thoughts, I think her brother or one of his friend's was up to something.
hmmmm....maybe she was going to the friends house to get away from her brother. Was her mom home? Maybe she wanted to be someplace safe....and, instead, was sent away. Seems she wasn't expected at the friends house if she was told leave after 15 min. :frown:

Maybe she told M that she was scared of her brother...could she stay there overnight? Maybe she told M not to tell about the fight with her brother. Mom might get mad having family troubles being aired? M's folks said, no, she can't stay and now, M's mom is on a guilt trip?

I'm thinking she decided to try and sneak back home by a different route...or, she was too scared to go home so took off.
Hi Eyes, About the dogs, someone here asked about how they could sniff her if she was riding a bike. Can''t find the post.

Humans shed tiny skin pieces continually and they are called 'rafts'. These fall down to the ground.

It all depends on the way the dog has been trained and to do what. But there are dogs specifically trained to sniff these rafts of skin. So it would work sniffing down a bike trail or down a highway, as we saw done successfully in Laci's case. There they took a specially trained sniffer dog in an auto and drove the hwy down to Berkeley from Modesto. The dog led them to the end of the dock where her scent stopped! Phenomenal, eh?

thanks for the info...I never heard of skin 'rafts'. What I don't understand is how blood hounds failed to get ANY scent of Lindsey. There should at least be a scent of her walking to the house. I hope they had the dogs sniffing other paths leading away from the house in different directions. They need to find her.
In one article, it names the friends mom as being the one that told her she needed to head home because it was almost dark... then in another article, the dad says it... They also say that the daughters name is "M".. But, "fistey" isn't M... she's actually a name that starts with K. Well based off of Myspace that is...Maybe she just goes by the K name? I dunno...kinda confusing


1. The friend's father, Scott Williams, said he asked Lindsey to go home before it got too dark.

2. Michaela Campen (should be Kampen) is the last person known to have seen Lindsay. The girls were at Michaela's home around 9:30 Friday night, hoping Lindsay could sleep over.

"I told her you need to head home, it's getting dark soon, a half hour of light left. She put on her shoes and headed home," said Kara Campen.
hmmmm....maybe she was going to the friends house to get away from her brother. Was her mom home? Maybe she wanted to be someplace safe....and, instead, was sent away. Seems she wasn't expected at the friends house if she was told leave after 15 min. :frown:

Maybe she told M that she was scared of her brother...could she stay there overnight? Maybe she told M not to tell about the fight with her brother. Mom might get mad having family troubles being aired? M's folks said, no, she can't stay and now, M's mom is on a guilt trip?

I'm thinking she decided to try and sneak back home by a different route...or, she was too scared to go home so took off.

This is so sad....
If her friend's parents aren't involved in any way, then i'm sure they feel incredibly guilty :(
For some reason, i just can't get past the "lie" or whatever she told about myspace....
Unless we're wrong and "Fiesty" isn't her daugther.....

Police have ruled out all family members as suspects.

more at the link.

It is not a quote from LE so take it with a grain of media salt!

9:15 to 10:50 is a long time wonder what mom was doing the whole time?

Thanks for that jnTexas, It is a good start. The mother really gave an overt plea to anyone out there who might have seen something or know where she is.

McCleary almost sits adjacent to the Hwy that goes west out of Olympia {the state capitol} and ends up in Aberdeen, splitting off to the Washington Coast. It would be so easy for some semi-local perv to drive down that hwy, get off at the McCleary exit, grab a young girl and get right back on the hwy. With dusk almost turned into nightime, who would really notice if he was quick.

It would be interesting to know what the norm is for people that go missing/are murdered off that stretch of hwy. It is well traveled.

I only know of one case where a woman went missing in Montesano and her body was found up east in the woods off a logging road as I remember. She was local and her killer is still unnamed. I'll look and see what I can find.

I'm thinking if a perv snatched a little girl what would his plan be? Take her out to the woods or drive her aways to a big town? ???
Just talked to my friend again, police have been into EVERY house in mcleary searching it!
Just talked to my friend again, police have been into EVERY house in mcleary searching it!

Wow that's good.....

Are there any tv interviews w/ the friend's parents?
If there is, can i have a link?
Can i have a link to the other forum where she is posting all that stuff too?
Or is that not allowed?
Thanks guys :)
Im talking to my friend via phone and she lives in the area. She is not posting the info on any other forums.
thanks for the info...I never heard of skin 'rafts'. What I don't understand is how blood hounds failed to get ANY scent of Lindsey. There should at least be a scent of her walking to the house. I hope they had the dogs sniffing other paths leading away from the house in different directions. They need to find her.

It is very puzzling Eyes.

One thing I know is that LE does in an investigation whatever they think is the best plan to sniff out the perp and solve the crime. They might feel it is better for this person who supposedly took Lindsay to think they are getting nowhere, the dogs didn't hit, the town was criss-crossed and in both cases, no Lindsay.

Maybe that is what they are doing here. One thing in Sleuthing I have read over and over again is that Dogs Don't Lie. And they do what they are trained for, and are as good as their handler is. Those are the crux points of sniffer dogs with lattitude for the quality of the dogs sensory system. lol

If Lindsay was at that home within 2 hours as I think she was supposed to be and the dogs went in afterwards, they would have sniffed her if the above things I stated about dogs apply.

IMO she really wasn't at this friends house or LE is putting out there what they want the perp to think.

One more thing, they didn't say where they took the dogs. Interesting. I think they left allot out. IMO
Im talking to my friend via phone and she lives in the area. She is not posting the info on any other forums.

You're a
Ladybass. That is so neat ;}
This is so sad....
If her friend's parents aren't involved in any way, then i'm sure they feel incredibly guilty :(
For some reason, i just can't get past the "lie" or whatever she told about myspace....
Unless we're wrong and "Fiesty" isn't her daugther.....

being confused bout the different names being thrown around, I went to the mothers myspace and looked at her pics... There is a pic with 3 kids & under the comments on that pic, "fiesty" comments on hating her hair in the pic... also, the boy and baby in the pics are her siblings (she comments on that too)... so it's safe to say that "fistey" is in fact the daughter. "Fistey's" real name may be "M" but she doesn't go by it... she goes by K****.... If you go to myspace and search by name, you will see that K**** Kampen is fistey
Does anyone know how old the brother is?
This case reminds me a lot of another little girl out on the West coast who went missing from yet another small town. The scenario is almost identical to this one. She was also heading home from a little friend's house and never made it home. Her little body was found in the town cemetery. Her bicycle laying on the ground, propped up against a headstone.

I know that I read about the other case here on WS just recently (within the past few months), but I cannot locate the thread for it now. I do not know if an arrest was ever made in that case.

I just cannot shake the feeling that the cases are so strikingly similar.
Does anyone know how old the brother is?

I have not seen anything on the brother no age no name nothing!

I would say he is between 12 and 16. There was a comment about him going to juvie so I would say he was less than 17, and he walked her part way to the friends so I would say he is older and since her birth day is july 7th she will be 11. So that leaves between 12 and 16. I'm betting he is around 14 maybe 15?
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