WA - Lindsey Baum, 10, McCleary, 26 June 2009 - #14

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According to the affidavit, a person contacted investigators more than a month after the girl disappeared with information that led detectives to identify the man as a person of interest.

The tipster said the man always drove a distinctive car with a loud exhaust, and found it suspicious that the man stopped driving the vehicle after Lindsey disappeared.

Another person told detectives that they saw the vehicle near where Lindsey was last seen the night she vanished.

Investigators wrote that the man told them he was working a second job at the time, but the business told detectives he hadn't been there in weeks.

A friend of the man told investigators she spoke with the person of interest on the phone in the day's after Lindsey's disappearance and he told her he "could not believe that a girl had been taken and cut up and dismembered," a sheriff's detective wrote in the affidavit.

No evidence has been found to indicate that Lindsey is not alive.

The search warrants were served Sept. 25 at several properties in the McCleary area.

At one site, FBI investigators in protective clothing were probing an area near an old, abandoned house and large shed about one mile southwest of McCleary.


If this has been posted - sorry. Sound like severe conflicting statements...just can't ignor them. mho
The person who is claiming to be in contact with the family has said that the individual had to get in and out of the car through the sunroof, that there were issues with the doors or something, and was using that as a basis for part of why they said they thought this individual was NOT able to have done anything (meaning they said what was he going to do, snatch Lindsey and throw her into the car via the sunroof)

But all of this other stuff seems to point oodles of other reasons suspicion was aroused.

Personally I think that dismemberment statement should have (or was) the biggest red flag. Wonder who the friend he told that to was? Female is all we know, it seems.
The search warrants were served Sept. 25 at several properties in the McCleary area.

five working days from Sept. 25th is today, Oct. 2nd. That's why they weren't out yesterday.
Me bad, when I do a search on "Peter Gabriel Shocked the Money" I get a musician and lyrics? When I try a blog spot I have even less success. Would you be able to give a link to the page where this guy lied? Sounds interesting and I'd like to check it out, thanks Karen

I sincerely apologize for continuing with this response Karen, I respect you as a concerned individual related to Lindsey. I appreciate your input. And, I would really like to inspect this Peter Gabriel spot where he apparently lied about something related to Lindsey. I'm a musician and teacher of contemporary music and am slightly bothered that some other musician is lieing about anything concerning Lindsey, and actually posting on a blog. What I would like to do is pinpoint the lie quote and then confront this individual about it.

If someone actually lied, and you have proof, and it relates to Lindsey's case, please provide the link so it can be investigated. Thanks
The warrants are out, the warrants are out!!! At least, KOMO apparently has them. Should be a link on their website soon, I'm sure.
The warrants are out, the warrants are out!!! At least, KOMO apparently has them. Should be a link on their website soon, I'm sure.

McCleary go the SW thread for Lindsey !!!!! :)
Your a funny one! Famous musician from the band Genisis, Peter Gabriel from England and now a single artist still living in the UK didn't lie, ya goof. We were both tired at least I was. I use music and lyrics to describe lots of the things. That's all it was. You Tube him, he's a great artist. I should have gotten a ticket for swaying while posting! LOL!
Sorry if posted already......behind again....& was all caught up! :bang:

Video: Investigators probe conflicting alibis in girl's disappearance 2:56
A man's conflicting stories to acquaintances were among the factors that led to the issuance of a search warrant in the Lindsey Baum case, according to an affidavit in support of the warrant obtained by KOMO News. A detective also wrote that he believes the girl was kidnapped.

Your a funny one! Famous musician from the band Genisis, Peter Gabriel from England and now a single artist still living in the UK didn't lie, ya goof. We were both tired at least I was. I use music and lyrics to describe lots of the things. That's all it was. You Tube him, he's a great artist. I should have gotten a ticket for swaying while posting! LOL!

Karen, I'm a musician, that was not my question. You apparently have a place where Peter "lied" about Lindsey. That is the link that I am interested in. Thanks, if you are willing to share that link, that is.
What are you talking about Norm? If you are talking about a post I talked about it was pulled. Must mean something. Sorry! If it isn't this post I can't help you out. I tried though!
Norm, I believe the issue is we can't post the link to the that site or say the name. So I think it was trying to give clues without saying it (or that was how I took it)
this take on things is normal.. (and also can feel to the lay eye... abberrant. but trust me it is not)

Over time, you will see this.
Ok, let's look at what we have so far with this suspect my fellow Web Sleuther's:

This POI has conflicting alibis and no witnesses to back up any of them. (At least three that we know of.)

Change in habits noticed right after Lindsey disappeared.

He works at the place very near where Lindsey was last seen, could have been known to Lindsey and offered her a ride. His being in the area would not have seemed out of place. He also works at a place where he could have gotten a hold of drugs that he might have used to subdue her. (They should check with the Beehive Retirement Center to see if there were any drugs missing prior to Lindsey's disappearance.)

He made a statement about Lindsey being dismembered before the police even considered her a crime victim!

From the Astrology thread, it was said that there was a person who had information on someone they were reluctant to report and that person didn't want to believe that someone could be involved. Also the person with this information had been involved in the actual searches for Lindsey. Which could be the mom of the POI in this case.

As far as having a car that could only be entered through the sunroof, Lindsey could have seen that as a novelty and might think it would be fun to get into a car like that.

In my opinion, it's very possible Lindsey was ok with her abductor, as in she knew them, until it became clear he/she/they met her harm. By then it was too late.

Most importantly this POI fits the known facts.

Add up all that circumstantial evidence and it sounds to me like LE had good cause to go in.

Edit: As I was reading through the SW it was noted the vehicle was a Honda Del Sol. Having owned one of these vehicles, it does not have a sunroof as you might think. Actually the roof is removable and it is quite easy to jump in and out when the roof is off, especially if the windows are down.


I didn't witness this but I did talk to several who did.

The drivers door worked just fine last night between 9 and 10 pm when he was seen at the Shell Station in McCleary.

Just sayin'
~respectfully snipped~
As far as having a car that could only be entered through the sunroof, Lindsey could have seen that as a novelty and might think it would be fun to get into a car like that.

In my opinion, it's very possible Lindsey was ok with her abductor until it became clear he/she/they met her harm. By then it was too late.

It sounds to me like MB has a silver Del Sol. Is that right? Lindsey might still think it was a novelty to jump over the door. Maybe MB never takes the top off? I'm hoping they found something in the car.


PS - Very nice post Cyber - thanks!

MB has a dark gray four door (late 80s, I think) Nissan that looks nothing like a Del Sol.

MB has a dark gray four door (late 80s, I think) Nissan that looks nothing like a Del Sol.

Thanks Jennifer! In the SW it talks about DG following MB because he thought MB was going to steal parts from his car for her car. Confused me.

Thanks Jennifer! In the SW it talks about DG following MB because he thought MB was going to steal parts from his car for her car. Confused me.


Salem, are you a Mod? There is a poster on the SW thread who wants to talk to a Mod. xox

PS: If not you would be excellent. LOL

ETA: See, You are already on it. LOL I told you you'd be excellent ;} Problem here is there is no way to tell if a Mod is on because they just appear and are not listed below as on the thread. xox
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