WA - Lindsey Baum, 10, McCleary, 26 June 2009 - #14

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Does anyone know what kind of a car was burned? Kind of a suspicious time to be burning a car I would think.

Hi Yvonne, I did read a blip about the fire saying it was in a field and the firemen never found the source of the fire.

That sounds odd if it was a burning car! So IMo it was simply a brush fire they put out. Maybe locals know more.

I can't believe we didn't get the SW's or news about the delay in putting them out to the public. And I see you guys have been very vociferous in trying to get info on them. That's Sleuthin' for ya with a capital S

So what would cause the delay? xox
Information on the car fire:

As relayed to me: I did not call the fire department myself

Police department was called and the chief answered. He said that it was county property and they do not respond unless they need help. So, then the city was called and the assistant fire chief, Paul was spoken to. He went on the call which was reported as a large amount of smoke seen coming from highway 8. They investigated and were never able to find the origin of a fire nor did they witness any smoke and called off the search.

So it sounds to me like someone called in a false report (MOO)
Now.. I'm off to hang with friends. :)

Night all.
Jenn let them know i can't do the front desk tomorrow. or this weekend. we are too sick. thanks JB
This is why I want to see the SW. Most judges won't sign off on a broad search warrant, too much room for a defense attorney to argue the items weren't covered constitutionally or that there was too much leeway. If they successfully argue that there was too much leeway, every single piece of tangible evidence can thrown out and there would be no case...if we ever get to that point.

Hi Not My Kids, I think with a SW a LE officer has to swear by an affidavit there is probable cause for the judge to accept and sign it. I don't believe the PC is stated on the SW itself, but rather in the affidavit. And on some SW's the officers name is signed below on the SW as having given an affidavit.

The PC can be from a witness going before the judge {heresay} or by personal observation by the cop.

And then I believe when the SW is completed and all testing done of what they gleaned in the search, another document is drawn up for the court which relates how item to item provided back up for the probable cause.

I don't expect this SW to list the probable causes but rather have an officer {investigator} swear by affidavit {written on the SW} to there being probable cause.

Now this may be why we did not get the SW released today. If the probable cause was not backed up it might have gone into the can.


PS: I still don't think they could have run all those forensic tests in the last 5 days. IMO

Your wife is blessed to have a husband like you. There are many women out there who have a spouse who refuses to anything around the house because they "bring in a paycheck"--then there are women who are beaten, abandoned, etc. I can tell you love your wife a lot and not only that, you have a tremendous capacity to care for other people, i.e. Lindsey and your neighbor who needed the roof done.

Thanks concentric. I appreciate that. She knows I eventually get around to things. Most of the time in a timely manner. Actually my daughter ripped down our curtain rod in the living room about 2 weeks ago. Pulled the anchors clear out of the wall. Took me about a week, but I got it fixed and tried to explain to my daughter her weight is no match for the curtains. No more hanging on them. Hopefully she got the message. :) My wife works hard and we pretty much split the duties. It's not really her job or his job, we just get in and do what we see needs to be done.

As far as Lindsey goes, I haven't been able to give her as much time lately. I am sorry about that. Life and earning that paycheck are the main reasons I've been away. The economy has hit us hard and is depleting our savings. I worry about Christmas too, it's gonna be real lean this year, I am afraid.
Wow, I thought after being gone all day I'd be 8 zillion posts behind b/c SWs would have been released. Bummer.

All I have to say is the explanation posted on IS (that someone apparently brought over from the other place, which I've not gone to to read at) about what they believe brought this all about is...LONG.

How is it this case gets stranger and stranger the more people talk!? It reminds me of the CA case in that sense. Now if only the RIGHT people would talk so Lindsey would be found!
Your wife is blessed to have a husband like you. There are many women out there who have a spouse who refuses to anything around the house because they "bring in a paycheck"--then there are women who are beaten, abandoned, etc. I can tell you love your wife a lot and not only that, you have a tremendous capacity to care for other people, i.e. Lindsey and your neighbor who needed the roof done.

and she's a nice lady too...

I've been wracking my brain trying to figure out what would have caused the delay and I haven't really come up with anything, unless they returned, or served another warrant on he same place, and found something or one of the tests came back with something really interesting and the warrant might give away exactly what that potential evidence is.
I am not saying that these are the only reasons, it's pure speculation. Or as Scandi said, maybe the warrant wasn't written or served properly.
Wow, I thought after being gone all day I'd be 8 zillion posts behind b/c SWs would have been released. Bummer.

All I have to say is the explanation posted on IS (that someone apparently brought over from the other place, which I've not gone to to read at) about what they believe brought this all about is...LONG.

How is it this case gets stranger and stranger the more people talk!? It reminds me of the CA case in that sense. Now if only the RIGHT people would talk so Lindsey would be found!

I sooo agree with you! If only the right people would talk! And those who have dragged it into tabloid city - should apologize for doing so. Lindsey deserves better than bloggers sending out their own private investigators (not directed toward anyone on this blog).
I think I'm even more frustrated with Lindsey's case now than I have been the past 3 months. Before, they didn't really have anything to go on, so we had no info. Now, they have something, yet...still nothing. We all know it's there. We just can't have it. And it's not even the search warrant. It's Lindsey. Because even after the search warrant is released, we still don't have Lindsey.

I feel like a child waiting for Christmas. Waiting. Wondering. When it finally comes, what will we have? What we wanted? Will we be let down yet again? Will we get what we all really want? LINDSEY?
I sooo agree with you! If only the right people would talk! And those who have dragged it into tabloid city - should apologize for doing so. Lindsey deserves better than bloggers sending out their own private investigators (not directed toward anyone on this blog).
Eventually we'll be able to discuss this subject and how it effects a crime, the citizens, but most of all the children. I already saw a local poster apologize for lying and admitted to adding to some lies. All I can say is wow! Lets hope nothing scares off Oprah. She's all about children!
Eventually we'll be able to discuss this subject and how it effects a crime, the citizens, but most of all the children. I already saw a local poster apologize for lying and admitted to adding to some lies. All I can say is wow! Lets hope nothing scares off Oprah. She's all about children!

Interesting, what poster was this, I'd like to read it, thanks.
I've been wracking my brain trying to figure out what would have caused the delay and I haven't really come up with anything, unless they returned, or served another warrant on he same place, and found something or one of the tests came back with something really interesting and the warrant might give away exactly what that potential evidence is.
I am not saying that these are the only reasons, it's pure speculation. Or as Scandi said, maybe the warrant wasn't written or served properly.

Hi Not my kids, What I really meant to say was it is possible nothing was discovered in the evidence taken to back up the Probable Cause, as attested to in the SW.

We have a poster here at WS who was very involved in studying and analyzing the SW's in Michelle Young's case. There were many, 10 or so. Although the State statutes in the verbiage of how SW's are written and work might be a bit different, I think they are basically the same due to the 4th Amendment. I am going to PM him tonight to ask him more about SW's and will post his reply. Believe you me, it will be something to take to the bank. Ya Ya

I could not begin to tell you all of the interesting things I have learned about in discussions here at WS over the years.
I don't belong there, I just use it for research. I call it Peter Gabriel's site, "Shocked the Money". It would be in the last few pages. Hope that helped. ~<3~

Me bad, when I do a search on "Peter Gabriel Shocked the Money" I get a musician and lyrics? When I try a blog spot I have even less success. Would you be able to give a link to the page where this guy lied? Sounds interesting and I'd like to check it out, thanks Karen
wow...nothing yet....i hope that is a good sign....lets take the frown and turn it up side down.....we will find you sweet little girl.....its taking longer then we would like....but some how, some way, you will come home.....

Eventually we'll be able to discuss this subject and how it effects a crime, the citizens, but most of all the children. I already saw a local poster apologize for lying and admitted to adding to some lies. All I can say is wow! Lets hope nothing scares off Oprah. She's all about children!

And because Oprah is all about children, and always has been, I feel assured she won't back down. Oprah is in Denmark right now but I'm sure her designated staff for McCleary will show up.
I just sent him a PM about SW's but he is not online right now. xox

Note, I love your unside down frown in the girl's skirt. Just wonderful!
And because Oprah is all about children, and always has been, I feel assured she won't back down. Oprah is in Denmark right now but I'm sure her designated staff for McCleary will show up.
Didn't think anyone would take me literally when I said Oprah. Sorry to upset. What I meant is exactly what you said . Oprah's designated staff. By staff I guess that might include a cameran, boom operator, interviewer, assistance. I'm sure there is a better description than I'v given. When referring to Oprah I met her mission statement in life "Children" not her physical body. Her producers are known for last minute cancellations, and I don't mean that in a bad way. I wouldn't want anything to get in the way of Lindsey's story being aired worldwide. I should have made myself more clear. It's late and these have been long days. Night All Time to rest the brain.
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