WA - Lindsey Baum, 10, McCleary, 26 June 2009 - #16

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Oh for crying out loud... Lindsey would be absolutely sickened to see what some people have made out of her disappearance.
How does anyone know who is a bad guy/criminal if they haven't been caught or connected to the crimes? Innocent families? you know they have never committed a crime and we should take your word on this? When sleuthers are looking for connections they are capable of determining if a person could be possibly involved. When there isn't a doubt a person could be connected to the crime we stop looking and they're dropped from the radar.

There are however still questions regarding who is working in the search group. Are there people involved that LE hasn't official ruled out their connection to this crime? Shouldn't the primary and only reason in the purpose of the search group be about discovering and collecting possible evidence? Why are some willing to risk allowing a suspect to go free b/c evidence found by the group could be portrayed to a judge as prejudicial or even planted? How is Lindsey going to receive the justice she is entitled to if this happens?

Novice Seeker

Okay I have read enough now that I feel I should post something on behalf of Lindsey and the search center.
I am going to post later about the search center and how it begins and what is what. But for now I need to address this: Could the person that took Lindsey be volunteering at the search center and just has never been caught absolutely just like the person could be a cop, a pastor of a church, a neighbor a family friend, someone who works with kids this person who took her maybe your best friend we do not know if we knew Lindsey would be found by now. But is that going to stop us NO do we look for odd behavior of a searcher? Yes we do and yes we report it no matter who that person might be. We are in contact with LE whenever we need to be. If we call them out and there have been times when we have they come right away.
As far as if we were to find evidence that could be related to Lindsey I don’t think you understand what we do so that is why I am going to post later about that. But realize that LE has the knowledge and the forensics to test stuff. They will know soon after they collect it not us weather it belongs to Lindsey or not who and who has not touched it what DNA is on it. I think these posts at times could give out more info to hurt Lindsey case than the searches. Sometime things are said that I feel my jeopardize us getting searchers. Take for example you statement saying that one of the searchers could have planted something well someone reading that might say hell no I am not going to search and maybe hurt Lindsey’s case. Please understand there is so much area that has to be searched and LE cannot do it all.
Look for my post regarding the search center and training.
Thank You,
On a Mission
Please know this is not meant to attack you or anyone else we just need to stop posting things that is either rumor or we know nothing about.
The ONLY reason you might notice I use Lindsey's name is because it is clearly shown in the thread titles. Just wanted to clarify that. I would never have mentioned her name had it not been a huge part of WS's forum discussions.:blushing:

The above posts seem to be getting heated, I get a "them and us" feeling reading them.
I think emotions are raw with everyone wanting Lindsey found, this is the common goal that puts everyone on the same team. Some are able to help in person, others are able to help via sleuthing and offering thoughts and sugestions. All who are sincerely trying to bring Lindsey home are valued for there efforts.
I think that naturally those who are close to the case will be looked at, weather or not they have ever been convicted of a crime. Of course those interested in searching should continue to help, who suggested they should not?
Please be kind to one another as I said everyone is on the same team with the same goal of bringing Lindsey home!

Jack M. The same guy from the article I linked above. I am looking for more reliable and up to date info.

He was once under suspicion for posting the details of a child's murder on his website...just sayin.

Do not click the links at the linked site unless you are ready.
This man is definitely still in action.

Recent newslink.

Un-Friggin-Believable!!! Could you imagine renting to this guy then finding out later who he was ... GAG!
I need a timeline expert, I've never done one on just one person.
I'll help if I can, whatcha need specifically?
I don't know anything about Sonja Grace except that a Google search doesn't turn up very much negative. That's good.
I don't know anything about Sonja Grace except that a Google search doesn't turn up very much negative. That's good.

I can't say I trust what they are saying but I don't have a problem following any kind of lead no matter where it comes from. That being said if these people are so good why does the police not really deal with them, and why can't they lead us right to where these missing kids are.

Show me where Lindsey or Amber are and that will make me believe all a lot more.

Once they can lead us to either little girl I will be the first to say a big SORRY!
When I first came to McCleary and talked with MB and KK, I let them know who I was and what I had been trained to do. Now, I am not an expert but when one has a missing child family member, you learn real fast on the do's and dont's of searching.

MB does not go out on searches. I am sure you can understand that if she was out searching and God forbid she was to find her daughter not alive, this would not only be the worst thing a parent could run across, but what parent would want that image of their child in their mind forever? It is hard enough for a parent of a missing child to constantly have the horrible images that they picture their child going through on a daily basis. When I was down in CA for 4 months looking for my niece, all I could think about was what would I do if I found her. So I am sure everyone can understand why it is not good for MB to be out searching.

'That being said when we (LRC- Klass Kids) first got to McCleary and set up a weekend of searching, we start right away teaching people the do's and dont's of searching. We tell people that we need volunteers in the office who would be called a Core Group. Once people come in to search and they start talking about why they are there and what they think they can do best, we start our training of the Core Group while others are training the volunteer searchers.

The first couple of days of searching the searchers are trained mostly by Brad (Klass Kids) and LRC. The core team that is put together is not always the ones that continue through months of searching, but they are trained well enough to train the next person that steps up and wants to learn and be trained in all areas.

The areas that the Core Team is trained is the following:


1. We have a top person who is the Director and this person is trained in all areas of running a search center. Either this person has been there and done that or is trained by top people on how to run the center.

2. Then we have several different places that we put people. Anywhere from Registration to Briefing and Debriefing.

3. Each trained core member knows most of the areas of the center and how to do the job they are asked to do.


5. Before any volunteer goes out to search they are trained by members of the core team on what to do and what not to do. Example of this would be (never pick anything up or bring anything back to the center.) They are allowed to use sticks and gloved hands if they are trying to open say a refrigerator door, or pull something up that has been buried by leaves dirt ect. Or if a bag has a smell they can use a stick or gloved hand to tear it open and look but that is it. They are not allowed to move it or disturb it other than looking to see what it is. If they are positive they found something of importance such as (a shoe, Childs clothing ect.) they are to call the center right away and talk to the Director. Each team is given a bag of stuff before they leave the center to go on their search such as ( marking tape, index cards pen ect.) Each team has a team leader who makes the call, and keeps the team together. They then flag the area with marking tape, write on the index card what they found and number it.

6. When the Director gets there he or she will check the area and if need be contact LE. The Director is someone who knows if LE should be called right away or not. Most Core members at this point would know to call LE right away or tag it and document it.

7. The volunteers are told to look for child clothing, shoes, child *advertiser censored* of any kind. ect. We do not tell them everything because we do not want them to make a decision on whether they should call LE or not. If a Childs pants or shoes are found we want to look at it. The reason for this is because many things are found out in the woods. LE would not be able to do their job looking for Lindsey if every volunteer called them to come and look at a pair of pants or a shirt. That is why we want them to call the center and let the Director make that decision.

8. If they were to find Lindsey they are instructed to call 911 first and then to call the center to get the Director out there.


And the answer to the question of who is allowed to search!

We try to discourage extended family members for the most part but we cannot stop them from searching either. We are not in a position to tell a family member they cannot search for their loved ones. And that is most likely the same for any family who has a missing one anywhere in the country, not just at the Lindsey Baum Search Center. It's absurd to think that a family member won't try and go searching, whether on their own or with a group. That is their right.

LE gets a copy of every search we do, along with Briefing and Debriefing paperwork. They have all of the team members and copies of ID's. They are aware who is searching and where we have searched, what was found and what was tagged. They may choose to follow up, or not. It's up to LE.

I hope this answers most of your questions? And please feel free to ask more questions if you wish. I want to make sure everyone here is aware of how the searches get started and how people are trained.

On a Mission

Director of the Lindsey Baum Search Center

alleebratz said on November 29, 2009 at 11:22 AM

I live in the grays harbor area, there have been some updates as far as we all know out here, unsure if anyone else has heard. Aberdeen Police Station received an anonymous tip from someone I know, and was told that 2 men were arrested in Arizona in connection with this case. The rumor mill has been working overtime all over I am sure.. but this is what I have heard.. and it really seems reliable.. Lindsey was walking home as reported and was hit by a car, driven by someone on drugs (it was said a "tweaker") and instead of taking her just up to Mark Reed (the local hospital), they instead they took her out to the beach and threw her body into the ocean.. with the amount of drug use, meth in particular on the harbor, this just has a ring of truth to it... I am so sorry to the family, I am sure it's not anything that anyone wants to hear, and I hope that it is all rumors.. but I feel like it needs to be talked about and said outloud, to either confirm or dispute the rumor...
Some of you can count your blessings, others can sleep better. But I'm no longer going to post on WS. Someone close to me has suggested I kick back and just read other posts for awhile and it makes sense. This way I can't say the wrong thing and won't have others slamming me.
Okay I have read enough now that I feel I should post something on behalf of Lindsey and the search center.
I am going to post later about the search center and how it begins and what is what. But for now I need to address this: Could the person that took Lindsey be volunteering at the search center and just has never been caught absolutely just like the person could be a cop, a pastor of a church, a neighbor a family friend, someone who works with kids this person who took her maybe your best friend we do not know if we knew Lindsey would be found by now. But is that going to stop us NO do we look for odd behavior of a searcher? Yes we do and yes we report it no matter who that person might be. We are in contact with LE whenever we need to be. If we call them out and there have been times when we have they come right away.
As far as if we were to find evidence that could be related to Lindsey I don’t think you understand what we do so that is why I am going to post later about that. But realize that LE has the knowledge and the forensics to test stuff. They will know soon after they collect it not us weather it belongs to Lindsey or not who and who has not touched it what DNA is on it. I think these posts at times could give out more info to hurt Lindsey case than the searches. Sometime things are said that I feel my jeopardize us getting searchers. Take for example you statement saying that one of the searchers could have planted something well someone reading that might say hell no I am not going to search and maybe hurt Lindsey’s case. Please understand there is so much area that has to be searched and LE cannot do it all.
Look for my post regarding the search center and training.
Thank You,
On a Mission
Please know this is not meant to attack you or anyone else we just need to stop posting things that is either rumor or we know nothing about.

Hi Onamission, Thanks for your post. I take it then you did have an 'odd person' either at the search center or wanting to search and you ran him by LE?

Do the searchers ever wonder why someone you would expect to be involved in helping to find Lindsey has taken no overt action to do this?

I think this whole discussion started some time ago when a posting searcher stated here that when the media are present they might take a stick and make it look like they are searching for some benefit of/to the media. Many of us thought searchers should focus only on their job and the media shouldn't be patronized or even addressed when searching. I think that poster either mis-stated what she meant or never realized it would be picked up by other posters. xox

Thanks Cronge and WELCOME to WS. I wrote a post then asking that poster some questions and see there is no answer back. Dern, I was hoping to learn a bit more. It seemed to me that commentor knew whoever called the Aberdeen PD with a tip and was told then about the 2 men being arrested in Az in reference to Lindsey's case.

It could be nothing or have some truth to it and that would mean forward movement in the case.

One thing I did find odd tho having lived on the Oregon Coast for several years and known several people who were lost to the sea:

Most usually a body will end up washing ashore to wherever the currents take it. I would think a boat would have to drop a body quite far out for that not to happen. The currents that come into the shore are very powerful ones. I would wonder if this is true then, as after 5 months some evidence should have returned unless they took the body out 3 miles or so. IMO
Hi Onamission, Thanks for your post. I take it then you did have an 'odd person' either at the search center or wanting to search and you ran him by LE?

Do the searchers ever wonder why someone you would expect to be involved in helping to find Lindsey has taken no overt action to do this?

I think this whole discussion started some time ago when a posting searcher stated here that when the media are present they might take a stick and make it look like they are searching for some benefit of/to the media. Many of us thought searchers should focus only on their job and the media shouldn't be patronized or even addressed when searching. I think that poster either mis-stated what she meant or never realized it would be picked up by other posters. xox

Answer to your question regarding an odd person that we may have had at the center or wanting to search. People are people they come as you know in all shapes and sizes, different personalities; one person that I may think is strange you may not. And then all of us have run across a person not at the center just in general that we can all agree on is very strange to say the least. If we did get someone in the center who was acting strange, asking too many questions etc, yes, we would take his information and forward that to LE right away. Have we had to do this at the Lindsey Search Center? not really we have asked ourselves what this person or that person wanted but it has been mostly people who are just asking what food or supplies we may need for our searchers and the office.

Next answer (MEDIA) Media is a crucial (positive) aspect to Lindsey's search. We will not deny them if possible because we want people to know we are still searching and are still in need of help. I think the media has been addressed already but let me explain what we did/do when the media wanted/wants to go on a search: we form a team made up mostly by core members (core members although they have been trained to search, work mostly in the office) and what was/is being done was really showing the media and the people who watch them how we search, what we do on searches, what is allowed and what is not allowed – all the while ensuring that people (news watchers) don’t forget about Lindsey. We need the Media, if it were not for the media Lindsey's face would not be past Washington, She is now all over the world. Media is our friend and we welcome them when ever they want to come out – they may not always “quote with accuracy” but. I wish they were out more at this point to be honest with you. We need searchers and all the fliers we post and blogs written are not bringing the people we need to help us search. When media was there and went on that search it brought more people out who watched that and said "hey I can do that." Most people, thank God, do not have any idea what we do or how to even search for a missing child or person, I know before Amber went missing I had not been on a search for a person ever before. Now it seems more and more searches are becoming necessary and way too frequent. Too many children are disappearing and yes for each one we need the media.
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