WA - Lindsey Baum, 10, McCleary, 26 June 2009 - #16

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I see your point NS and think it is a valid one.

What I keep thinking about is why one person who is one of the last to see Lindsey has not been involved in any of the search efforts or vigils. One would think that person would do everything in their power to help. It just seems like a big red flag to me. I have read that several places so assume it is true, but as with anything posted I do leave room here for my error if it is not the case. xox

See... it's damned if you do and damned if you don't.

Not sure who you are talking about but some people are being accused of Lindsey disappearance because they are working so hard to find her.. and others are accused because they aren't doing enough.

There just isn't a happy medium with people.. is there?

(this is not directed at you scandi.. just voicing my opinion here. :) )
Hopefully whoever reads my posts will see that I didn't accuse anyone of planting anything. My question was a hypothetical question that a defense attorney could possibly use to help their client from going to trial. I'm not here to falsely accuse or spread rumors about anyone.

That being said, there is concern that searches have been compromised b/c some of the searchers passed information about the searches to others outside of LRC. If this is found true after the FBI and local LE complete their investigations therepercussions will spread in a ripple effect. Imagine the damage toward the credibility of future searches or the convictions that may have been directly related to evidence collected by a search team are overturned. If this should happen then Lindsey won't be the only one denied justice.

It was good to see that you are working with LRC and was trained by them. There hasn't been any new information lately about their involvement. Perhaps if they could give a few comments about their groups effort in continuing to search for Lindsey. It could even help spark new interest and get some additional searchers to join up. And, that would be great!!

Novice Seeker

LRC goes to an area to help set up a search center they are there for that one purpose to train and help start up a center for that missing person. Once they have completed that task they then turn it over to that family and hopefully a core team who can keep it going. At that point they are no longer a part of that center it is an entity of its own. The LRCF could not possibly keep one of their own at each and every center that they help get started. They are a nonprofit Organization now they are a phone call away if anyone has any questions. But please keep in mind the Objective is when a family member goes missing LRC gets a call to help they go out to where the family has called them. Again they are there to help with flyers, help get a center opened, and train as many people as they can. Then turn it over to the family and go on to the next family in need. They have volunteers all over and yes I am a volunteer for them if they called me and needed something I would not even question it. I am still at the Lindsey Center because I live close and thank God no other child or person has gone missing in the area or I would have to hand over the center to the Assistant director of the Lindsey center . However that does mean that I would not help whenever I could. And be only a phone call away. I just want people to understand what the LRCF does. You can find out more information on them at www.lrcf.org

On a mission
For the sake of going back to the beginning and to make sure I‘m/we're not overlooking something obvious and important, here is a topic I‘d like to discuss and get cleared up - mostly for Lindsey's sake:

Based on early news reports and interviews, I think it is fair and reasonable to say there was at least some speculation that Lindsey had simply run away from home.

Although I do not recall LE, family, media, or friends actually using the term "runaway" - likewise, I do not recall hearing them definitively say she was "abducted" either. Currently, the term being used is: VANISHED - which clearly leaves the door open for speculation.

Has there been any proof discovered or
official statement made that Lindsey is NOT a “runaway ?

In most of MB’s tv appearances, she says “I know she is still alive” which I hesitate to dismiss as merely “wishful thinking” on the part of a distraught mother. Here are two quotes from MB’s video interview with King5 just a few days ago:

“I know she’s alive, um, and I think that…maybe makes it harder”

"I really thought she'd be home by now, and uh, I kept thinking she had to be home by the holiday season, and it's here and she's not."

(link to video below*)

Which brings me to my next big Q:

Is there any sort of amnesty or “safe haven” for a child who has runaway from home for an extended period of time and become an official “MISSING PERSON” ? Not only in the national media, but also with the FBI & INTERPOL, too?

In other words, WHAT IF Lindsey originally ran away, but now feels stuck in a situation where she doesn't want to put herself (or her "helper") at risk for going to jail ? ? ?

What options do runaway teens have? So far, I'm not finding much info, except for a few "Teen Justice" organizations in a handful of states.

... I don't want to give up hope yet. If she is still alive, I want this intelligent little girl to know she has some options and won't end up in a worse predicament than she is right now.

*video here
See... it's damned if you do and damned if you don't.

Not sure who you are talking about but some people are being accused of Lindsey disappearance because they are working so hard to find her.. and others are accused because they aren't doing enough.

There just isn't a happy medium with people.. is there?

(this is not directed at you scandi.. just voicing my opinion here. :) )

I know you aren't Jennifer, and I don't think this person had anything to do with her disappearance but might have info that would be helpful to figuring out who was involved.

You know we each are doing what we can with our own capabilities to find the answers in Lindsey's case. It is so difficult when we have so little to work with.

What I am taking a look at is someone who would have known who else could have been in the area from which Lindsey was taken. That temporary 'scene of the crime' as I call it. One of those ancillary people could have seen something or even be the perp. I don't know, but there is going to be a connection to someone with Lindsey, and I'm trying my darndest to figure it out. xox
I know you aren't Jennifer, and I don't think this person had anything to do with her disappearance but might have info that would be helpful to figuring out who was involved.

You know we each are doing what we can with our own capabilities to find the answers in Lindsey's case. It is so difficult when we have so little to work with.

What I am taking a look at is someone who would have known who else could have been in the area from which Lindsey was taken. That temporary 'scene of the crime' as I call it. One of those ancillary people could have seen something or even be the perp. I don't know, but there is going to be a connection to someone with Lindsey, and I'm trying my darndest to figure it out. xox

But you originally said "What I keep thinking about is why one person who is one of the last to see Lindsey has not been involved in any of the search efforts or vigils. One would think that person would do everything in their power to help. It just seems like a big red flag to me. I have read that several places so assume it is true, but as with anything posted I do leave room here for my error if it is not the case"

THAT is what I'm commenting on.

You say you don't understand why *this person* isn't more involved in the searches and vigils.
#1 how do you know *this person* isn't?
#2 Don't you think *this person* has given all of the information *this person* has to the police? Why would it make a difference if *this person* was coming to the searches or vigils?
Checking in on Lindsey to see if any new developments. Lindsey girlie, it is time to come home.

Lindsey is not being forgotten. Thank you to all who are working very hard to find her. I have no theories and no leads to sleuth from behind this keyboard.

Lindsey you are in my thoughts and prayers.
For the sake of going back to the beginning and to make sure I‘m/we're not overlooking something obvious and important, here is a topic I‘d like to discuss and get cleared up - mostly for Lindsey's sake:

Based on early news reports and interviews, I think it is fair and reasonable to say there was at least some speculation that Lindsey had simply run away from home.

Although I do not recall LE, family, media, or friends actually using the term "runaway" - likewise, I do not recall hearing them definitively say she was "abducted" either. Currently, the term being used is: VANISHED - which clearly leaves the door open for speculation.

Has there been any proof discovered or
official statement made that Lindsey is NOT a “runaway ?

In most of MB’s tv appearances, she says “I know she is still alive” which I hesitate to dismiss as merely “wishful thinking” on the part of a distraught mother. Here are two quotes from MB’s video interview with King5 just a few days ago:

“I know she’s alive, um, and I think that…maybe makes it harder”

"I really thought she'd be home by now, and uh, I kept thinking she had to be home by the holiday season, and it's here and she's not."

(link to video below*)

Which brings me to my next big Q:

Is there any sort of amnesty or “safe haven” for a child who has runaway from home for an extended period of time and become an official “MISSING PERSON” ? Not only in the national media, but also with the FBI & INTERPOL, too?

In other words, WHAT IF Lindsey originally ran away, but now feels stuck in a situation where she doesn't want to put herself (or her "helper") at risk for going to jail ? ? ?

What options do runaway teens have? So far, I'm not finding much info, except for a few "Teen Justice" organizations in a handful of states.

... I don't want to give up hope yet. If she is still alive, I want this intelligent little girl to know she has some options and won't end up in a worse predicament than she is right now.

*video here

Great post Coral, I don't think we should give up hope either, especially when we have no evidence of her death.

I did find this statement by LE in the Affidavit which explains how they viewed what happened to Lindsey and how that changed to where it was a criminal event in their minds. I think all this really says is that they stopped thinking she was a runaway and that someone committed a criminal act in the taking of her:

"It should be noted that the media and investigators did not believe Baum was the victim of a crime until the week following her disappearance (June 29 to July 3-4, 2009). It was initially believed she might be a run-away or had been injured and unable to get help". Affidavit

But you originally said "What I keep thinking about is why one person who is one of the last to see Lindsey has not been involved in any of the search efforts or vigils. One would think that person would do everything in their power to help. It just seems like a big red flag to me. I have read that several places so assume it is true, but as with anything posted I do leave room here for my error if it is not the case"

THAT is what I'm commenting on.

You say you don't understand why *this person* isn't more involved in the searches and vigils.
#1 how do you know *this person* isn't?
#2 Don't you think *this person* has given all of the information *this person* has to the police? Why would it make a difference if *this person* was coming to the searches or vigils?

* I have read several places where the person has not been involved and I do believe what they are writing is the truth. Why would they lie about this as they have said the same thing!
* I have the feeling this person could know more than has been said to LE. Of course I don't have a crystal ball, but there are many locals who post other places than on WS who know this person too.
* IMO I would think it would be the expected thing to do. It wouldn't matter if it were a crime that had happened in any other city. But realizing that McCleary is a small hamlet of a town where almost everyone knows everyone else and allot of them are related to each other in some way, I can't understand why they haven't given a public show of support for Lindsey. After all they know her well.

Maybe this person has enough on their plate what with family and work. I don't know. Or the loss of Lindsey is just too great a burden too bear.

ETA: Let's just say I am not accusing anyone of anything with Lindsey's disappearance. I am just very curious why this person has not given a public show of support for her which is what I would do if I were in their position. xox
this case is driving me crazy!

Lindsey vanished right there by her house.....just doesnt make since....that no one heard, seen or found any trace of her.....it just doesnt make since....
* I have read several places where the person has not been involved and I do believe what they are writing is the truth. Why would they lie about this as they have said the same thing!
* I have the feeling this person could know more than has been said to LE. Of course I don't have a crystal ball, but there are many locals who post other places than on WS who know this person too.
* IMO I would think it would be the expected thing to do. It wouldn't matter if it were a crime that had happened in any other city. But realizing that McCleary is a small hamlet of a town where almost everyone knows everyone else and allot of them are related to each other in some way, I can't understand why they haven't given a public show of support for Lindsey. After all they know her well.

Maybe this person has enough on their plate what with family and work. I don't know. Or the loss of Lindsey is just too great a burden too bear.

ETA: Let's just say I am not accusing anyone of anything with Lindsey's disappearance. I am just very curious why this person has not given a public show of support for her which is what I would do if I were in their position. xox

And like I said earlier.. damned if you do, damned if you don't.
And like I said earlier.. damned if you do, damned if you don't.
Ya Ya Someone knows something about what happened to Lindsey. I think digging around to find a connection is the way to go. xox

ETA: Jennifer, I'm not saying this person should be posting on the boards. Not at all. But bringing flowers or apples to the search center, helping to copy posters, etc. How could anyone criticize that. I don't think they'd be dammed if they do.
Ya Ya Someone knows something about what happened to Lindsey. I think digging around to find a connection is the way to go. xox

ETA: Jennifer, I'm not saying this person should be posting on the boards. Not at all. But bringing flowers or apples to the search center, helping to copy posters, etc. How could anyone criticize that. I don't think they'd be dammed if they do.

you are missing my point, scandi. I didn't say anything about you digging around for connections (even though you really shouldn't rely on the internet to be really reliable when it points out 'possible relatives and/or roommates').

Novice Seeker is up there saying that KK and MB and any other person 'related to the case' shouldn't be involved in the search center.
And you are coming in patting Novice Seeker on the back and agreeing with her and then turning around saying 'but the one person who was the last person to see her should be helping'.

See.. damned if you do, damned if you don't.
// snipped //

Maybe this person has enough on their plate what with family and work. I don't know. Or the loss of Lindsey is just too great a burden too bear.

ETA: Let's just say I am not accusing anyone of anything with Lindsey's disappearance. I am just very curious why this person has not given a public show of support for her which is what I would do if I were in their position. xox

Or perhaps....

....that person simply is devastated and feels somewhat responsible for LB's disappearance because if LB had been allowed to sleep over someone's house. I can not imagine the level of guilt that person must be experiencing.

As for that person possibly not involving theirself in searches ... I'm sure that person, much like MB, would not want to walk behind a thicket while searching and discover LB.

Just my :twocents:
you are missing my point, scandi. I didn't say anything about you digging around for connections (even though you really shouldn't rely on the internet to be really reliable when it points out 'possible relatives and/or roommates').

Novice Seeker is up there saying that KK and MB and any other person 'related to the case' shouldn't be involved in the search center.
And you are coming in patting Novice Seeker on the back and agreeing with her and then turning around saying 'but the one person who was the last person to see her should be helping'.

See.. damned if you do, damned if you don't.

Yea. I see Jennifer. A possible conflict of interest with searchers who might protect someone related . . . It is a real stretch IMO but if that possibility could affect a court case I see the point.

But that possible problem is a far cry to someone who knew Lindsey and saw her that last day in giving a show of support with her community for Lindsey. It is what that person doesn't do that sticks out to me. I didn't say this person was the last to see Lindsey.

PS: I also give pats on the back for the way an idea has been put across, their bringing out something I hadn't thought of or I agree with a point they have made.
Has anyone found links for the news reports that were done this weekend during the benefit? I've been looking at the different news websites and haven't found them.

OT:probaby unrelated, but I just saw a report on Q13 Fox that a woman went missing somewhere outside of Shelton while out mushroom picking with friends...I looked but couldn't find a link yet.
Has anyone found links for the news reports that were done this weekend during the benefit? I've been looking at the different news websites and haven't found them.

OT:probaby unrelated, but I just saw a report on Q13 Fox that a woman went missing somewhere outside of Shelton while out mushroom picking with friends...I looked but couldn't find a link yet.

Hi McCleary. Haven't seen any links but I recorded the news so I have them on my DVR.

Are the links posted upstairs here on the media thread by Angel Who Cares? She's on it and would have them here if they are out there.

Yikes! A woman went missing in Shelton?
Yea. I see Jennifer. A possible conflict of interest with searchers who might protect someone related . . . It is a real stretch IMO but if that possibility could affect a court case I see the point.

But that possible problem is a far cry to someone who knew Lindsey and saw her that last day in giving a show of support with her community for Lindsey. It is what that person doesn't do that sticks out to me. I didn't say this person was the last to see Lindsey.

PS: I also give pats on the back for the way an idea has been put across, their bringing out something I hadn't thought of or I agree with a point they have made.

Can you say who you are referring to? I could not think of anyone that fits that bill - except for those who did not know her. TIA
Has anyone found links for the news reports that were done this weekend during the benefit? I've been looking at the different news websites and haven't found them.

OT:probaby unrelated, but I just saw a report on Q13 Fox that a woman went missing somewhere outside of Shelton while out mushroom picking with friends...I looked but couldn't find a link yet.

Regarding the missing woman, there's a thread:

WA - Loretta A. Purcell, 37, missing 30-Nov-09 (Shelton) - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community
Has anyone found links for the news reports that were done this weekend during the benefit? I've been looking at the different news websites and haven't found them.

OT:probaby unrelated, but I just saw a report on Q13 Fox that a woman went missing somewhere outside of Shelton while out mushroom picking with friends...I looked but couldn't find a link yet.

Hi McCleary, I just saw Jvk's wonderful photoshoot of the event on the search thread I think. I heard they had a really good turnout at the benefit ~ great news.

That's awful a m. picker went missing. It seems a bit unusual as don't they go together to pick? Maybe not. Please let us know if you learn anything new. I think that area is much like McCleary except it has bigger water close by. xox
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