WA - Lindsey Baum, 10, McCleary, 26 June 2009 - #17

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Thanks to Missizzy for posting this in the "Crimes in the News" forum:



Man accused of forcing Portland girls into prostitution arrested in New Mexico
By Maxine Bernstein, The Oregonian
January 15, 2010, 3:37PM

A 33-year-old man accused of compelling several girls in the Portland area into prostitution is now behind bars in New Mexico.

Federal officers spotted him Thursday night as he was walking out of a grocery store in Albuquerque.

Jammie Toyel Smith faces numerous warrants accusing him of compelling prostitution, sodomy, rape, and sex abuse.

The charges stem from an investigation Portland police began about a year ago after they encountered several girls, ages 13 to 16, who said Smith forced them into prostitution.


Thanks to information law enforcement in Texas developed -- that Smith was associated with a white Chevrolet Tahoe -- authorities in New Mexico spotted the vehicle outside the grocery store and waited for him to exit, Cunningham said.

(article continues)


I don't even know what to say.
After reading this article it reminded of a conversation I had with a hotel clerk in Yakima this past summer. Her daughter worked at the jail. She told me they round up at least 100 mexicans a day put them on an airplane only used for the purpose of transporting illegals. A wk. later there arrested again and flow back to mexico. Using up that jet fuel isn't cool. Crimes committed by illegals tend to be more extreme as well as gangs in Yakima. This tells me all the crimes (drugs trafficking) need a heightened level of a task force team in our state. Mt. Vernon Wa., Bellingham area are having similar problems being a route to the border. Definate holes in the system with this crime.

I'v spent 3 days referencing as many social service programs, foundations, in GHC. One of the issues I'v been working on are programs for children found to be abused sexually and physically by a parent/parents. One of these programs is in Montessano and by the account of their mission status can really help children in their healing. This particular center is called, "Grays Harbor Center for Childrens Advocate." Their non for profit mission is to provide investigative and advocacy service to children when there is suspicion of abuse. "We support the children and the non offending family member as they navigate the justice system." There partners include LE, prosecutors/prosecution, medical, mental health professionals, child protection services, and court appointed advocats. In time A visitation program provides supervised visitation for children and the state will transport children all over Western Wa. to visit with their family member. This seems to point to people in the justice system like prosecutors, churches,medical field, teachers, psychologist to see the need for this shelter center and are doing their part. When someone arrives that needs critical counseling care the abused have a safe haven, along with help to navigate the judicial system. Was Lindsey in a family who would need this form of assitance? I don't know? Lindsey's not here! If this was an issue for Lindsey & a family member abusing she had far to many people around her for someone in a nurturing role not to have picked up a clue. Ten is an impressionable age of a little girl trying on different hats/personalities, learning different ways to cope with insecure feelings and fears. Mother Nature may have played a roll in Lindsey's reported "drama" but that also tells me along with other aaccounts that Lindsey was vocal to others on paper & to friends. Who in McCleary noticed and didn't tell? I don't know the towns educated in these matters.

This research led me to looking at the prison system program for Sex Offenders, relocating after time served and the integrating of these sex offenders back ito the family and commuity. From all the support provided in the county of GH transitioning seems to be a doable if all follow the critera they now live with a lifetime. As far as community support for registered SO's in McCleary I have no idea as I don't live there. We have heard of different ministries in town who witness to people who have commited these crimes and also to witness to survivors of this crime. I haven't heard about Community officers assigned to peeps in town but they may be. On paper all the programs available to SO are plenty that can keep them from following through with their urges. Is this program working? Your guess is as good as mine, because of the zipped lips. Lindsey's Gone. LE and citizens have claimed it is someone Lindsey knew. I would say if it were someone local they had the opportunity in everyway to seek help when his perverse thoughts of molesting started to enter his or her mind . This man/woman chose to offend, no f...ing self control. Is this program working for McCleary? No, Lindseys gone and the predator if behavior predicts is socializing and going about his day in the most arrogant way. Puzzleing how LE doesn't see a flaw right in their community. What is the frustrating aspect to the local searchers with LE and what division. Knowing this would help in understanding much!:angel:

Last but not least is stranger abduction which is the most rare. This form abduction may be avoidable especially with intervention in schools to educate. May be the only way to help parents and children prevent this from happening. US is doing a great job in that arena. Did a stranger abduct Lindsey? Maybe, Lindsey's gone!

My feel is that Grays Harbor County has many who are in need like all communities. Do to this there are goverment services comming out the ying yang if one is persistant. If a local is involved who would feel they were to proud to ask for help. Who was showing overt friendliness around town? What adolesent teen was showing signs of stress, acting out, hanging around others to become friendly with Lindsey? If a convicted SO was responsible he new the ropes of the system.

As was said, we can talk about alot of things and still be left looking from the inside of McCleary out. What do all of you think the perpretator if in McCleary is doing to stay under the radar. Many people are related to each other so wouldn't someone in the small community recognize the unusual? With all the social services going on you would have thought a few would have noticed something unusual in Lindseys life especially on the day of June 26th, 2009. Stop and think how you feel about this case as an outsider looking within and around the rim of McCleary. Ask yourself if Lindsey's crime causing her to go missing was preventable?
I don't know, Lindsey's not here.
Someone/someones are grotesque cowards. Aren't child violent sex offenders held separate from the other prisoners? Guess the coward is saying, "McCleary, Prison," If anyone wants info on all the social services within our state I can share. Too many too post. This shouldn't have happened this and in my humble opinion people were legally negligent!

Sorry had to purge!
Thought you guys might find this interesting.

Federal Way is only about 60 miles from McCleary.
Kent man charged in rape, abduction of teen - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community

Hi Jennifer, That is true. But IMO the distance between the towns is like a lifetime of disparity.

A small hamlet of a town where the people know almost everyone in the area. Compare that to a niche carved along the major thoroughfare running south to north, rampid with non-discretionary motels and crime gone crazy. McCleary as to Federal Way.

Hopefully that says there should be a lot of goodness that inhabits those who live in the towns of Grays Harbor County. It is all about family there. It should be a world apart from the main stream.

. . .Snipped As was said, we can talk about alot of things and still be left looking from the inside of McCleary out. What do all of you think the perpretator if in McCleary is doing to stay under the radar. Many people are related to each other so wouldn't someone in the small community recognize the unusual?

Hi Dear Karen, I think you still have to look at it from the inside looking out. That is why the FBI profiles both the victim and the unsub, to get into the mind of each and see where the twain meets.

Through the mind of the perp: the how, why, when and where that he would have been able to take control of his victim. And then the normalcies/ideosyncracies [sp] of the victim, and how these mannerisms would lend her to be played right into his hands.

I think he knew her well and just how to 'get' her. Lindsey had a strong inkling, as he had evidently said something to her, causing the hair to stand up on the back of her neck! He must have changed his demeanor and come on her gracefully, Lindsey then letting her guard down to be suddenly surprised, helpless to defend herself in the end.

I say that so sadly as I think she was totally hoodwinked and her guard simply vanished. xox
Scandi so glad to see your post. You descibed the differences between both towns so well. Scandi I found an old report about sex rings in our state and the reality of the true definition of this. It is a lengthy LE report (state of Wa) but the most revealing account of a perp and their actions in enticing a victim to the point of abduction leading to murder. This report is in pdf and I will make sure the link works if some are interested in reading. Personally I think it could help in understanding the perp within McCleary. My humble opinion is LE & locals posting, locals searching feel the creep is right under their nose so why shouldn't we?

Scandi wouldn't it be kool if we could have a co. do a digital layout like gamers do) of Lindsey leaving for swimming, video store, her home,walking to KK's , leaving KK's walking to last seen. This might be able to replocate timing, pace of walk, lenghts of conversation on her route, people outside that have been reported as outside the evenning of Lindsey walking child. Some might poopoo the idea but I bet FBI may be doing this. I'm getting out there a bit but wonder if simple mathmatics used in digitizing the crime perpretated onto Lindsey could help in solving her crime. Where are those Micro Kids? I'm afraid I'm dreaming for something that would make no difference unless LE has a more concise timeline with the extra knowledge held from the public.

A candlelight vigil in support of missing 11-year-old Lindsey Baum is scheduled for Saturday in Olympia as the search for the McCleary girl nears the seven-month mark.

Supporters have planned the vigil for 6 p.m. at Heritage Park in Olympia. Organizers plan to have Child ID kits available and play a video of Lindsey as a reminder that the search carries on for the outgoing, brown-haired Girl Scout.

The ad at the top of Websleuths start page, here:


promotes a new Virgin Mobile cell phone named the X-tc.

That is just wrong.
In my opinion.

They should be ashamed of themselves.

Edited to add: the Virgin Mobile X-tc: A TEXTER'S DREAM

A candlelight vigil in support of missing 11-year-old Lindsey Baum is scheduled for Saturday in Olympia as the search for the McCleary girl nears the seven-month mark.

Supporters have planned the vigil for 6 p.m. at Heritage Park in Olympia. Organizers plan to have Child ID kits available and play a video of Lindsey as a reminder that the search carries on for the outgoing, brown-haired Girl Scout.

Thank you, JenniferO. Hugs to you all, there.
The ad at the top of Websleuths start page, here:


promotes a new Virgin Mobile cell phone named the X-tc.

That is just wrong.
In my opinion.

They should be ashamed of themselves.

Edited to add: the Virgin Mobile X-tc: A TEXTER'S DREAM

The 'United States of America' has become a 'Corporate Profit'-centerd country ... and if you are not a CEO, SVP or significant Shareholder in the top companies, you're screwed. Period.

Liberty, meet Fascism.

ETA: sorry for the off-topic ... and please, don't lecture me about 'taking it somewhere else', a little diversion never hurts the exhausted. ;-)
where is everyone???

i miss our hard working thread.....lots of good brain storming.....it feels odd.....i dont want lindsey to fade :(

something is not right....two days go by....with no new posts.....:(

why does it feel cold in here?

what happend?


where is everyone???

i miss our hard working thread.....lots of good brain storming.....it feels odd.....i dont want lindsey to fade :(

something is not right....two days go by....with no new posts.....:(

why does it feel cold in here?

what happend?


I'm still here, TakeNote, but I'm afraid I don't have any constructive ideas.
I wish I did.
I just keep hoping, and praying. And checking.
I can't even imagine Lindsey's mother's pain.
I'm here. But since I'm on the other coast, there's not much useful to say. Thinking of and praying for everybody on the scene.
I pulled this from the Dale Golder thread in hopes to get some discussion going about this again:


I agree it is really important that we get an answer to this. How do we go about doing that tho? Who walked her part of the way home? Who all was in the Kampen home at the time Lindsey left?
Jules71, According to the Kampen family (I talked to not only KK but also SW and MK)... no one walked her "part of the way home" and the only people at the Kampen home were the Kampens themselves (KK, SW and their four children).

I have no reason to not believe what they have told me.
Jules71, According to the Kampen family (I talked to not only KK but also SW and MK)... no one walked her "part of the way home" and the only people at the Kampen home were the Kampens themselves (KK, SW and their four children).

I have no reason to not believe what they have told me.

Is this the last time and place where Lindsey's whereabouts are verified by more than one person?

It looks to me like all the later sightings rest on the testimony of single individuals? Is that correct?
That is correct, carbuff.
Two separate witnesses said they had seen LB walking on Maple towards her home after she left the Kampen home that night
That is correct, carbuff.
Two separate witnesses said they had seen LB walking on Maple towards her home after she left the Kampen home that night

And although rumor says who these two separate witnesses are, they haven't been officially identified to the public?

I'm trying to get back to the very very basic facts. Trying to find what I've overlooked.
I'm not aware of them being officially named in the media if that's what you mean.
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