WA - Lindsey Baum, 10, McCleary, 26 June 2009 - #17

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Hm, wonder if somebody converted the cellar to a meth lab?
Hm, wonder if somebody converted the cellar to a meth lab?

I did'nt want to menton it but I was wondering the same thing. After reading the whole post (brought over from another board) it seemed like typical behavoir of a meth induced psychosis, peeking out the window, paranoid,rambling on and on:waitasec:
Is is possible the territorial old man with a gun may have cought the kids trespassing?
I did'nt want to menton it but I was wondering the same thing. After reading the whole post (brought over from another board) it seemed like typical behavoir of a meth induced psychosis, peeking out the window, paranoid,rambling on and on:waitasec:
Is is possible the territorial old man with a gun may have cought the kids trespassing?

Yeah, that was exactly what I was thinking. I was also thinking that a lab that size could be bringing in real money -- and maybe there's somebody besides the old guy involved.
Just wondering who watched the Baum children while MB was working? Also what about Grandparents? I don't recall seeing much family support, are they not in the area?
Isn't it pitiful a grandfather & grandmother on either side have not come forward to represent their little grandaughter. If the stories being traded around the town and on the net are true we see once again that the silence from all those around Lindsey is criminal until proven the silence by them was ordered by LE. I'll see if I have some info on the mothers parents. On a positive note I do hear the father of Lindsey is active in his concerns and keeps in constant touch with LE. Does anyone know if JB was able to travel to his fathers over the holiday? It must be tough on JB to be in the home sad along with mother being sad to. The nights must be difficult leading up to Christmas for him. Hopefully mother and son were graced with a moment of peace during the Holiday and JB was able to visit and meet his new step brothers.
Just who are these two homeless guys?

Were they ever found?

If so, were their backgrounds checked out?

If not, why not?
:spinner:In response to the Daily World report I say, "Boo Hoo, Whatever it takes, as Lindsey is priceless to many! Isn't it odd crimes of the missing effect the financial fiscal year. If I remember correctly the town of McCleary had to pay out something to the tune of $200,000.00+ to a women because the local PD didn't take her complaints about her husband wanting to kill her seriously and as a result the husband almost got away with trying to kill her. Maybe the politics about town need rehauling in the budgeting realm. Whinning about printing flyers up for Lindsey is so trite considering wy they are being printed. Someone/someones in town are not talking and LE has made that clear so when combining Lindsey a missing child crime victim in the same sentence of budgeting is unprofessional. The only positive in the entire articl is that with all the obsticals presented in finding Lindsey they aren't giving up. Maybe Local PD read here and elseware to see who or what the public feels is responsible for Lindsey's crime. Many groups of sluethers are working on separate angles of who/who's responsible. One site shows KK and someone in her home as responsible, some are looking into local and beyond sex predators who have offended once or more, some think it was a stranger who saw a my space, some think the investigation should remain focused on the Golder family, so maybe the expense of the first SW's of search and seizure were for not.

:eek:fftopic: Someone needs to tell the Chief of Police to have the citizens of McCleary write their congressman/congresswoman. :pcguru::crossfingers: The Chief had KK speaking at the station about Christmas in McCleary without Lindsey and she is very adept at getting "the word out" over the internet within 24hrs. of Lindsey missing showing that her skills could be used to campaign for legislature to increase monies as she helps pander for donations for Local PD. Really he has folks at his disposal that could be helping solve this mystery of who in town knows more than they are saying. :steamed: This town seems to need a :whistle:blower instead of a :spinner: :idea::cop::whip: :abnormal: town into shape & arrest someone :behindbar

:cry: Off to ship a case of tissues to the McCleary PD. :shakehead::takeoff:
:spinner:In response to the Daily World report I say, "Boo Hoo, Whatever it takes, as Lindsey is priceless to many! Isn't it odd crimes of the missing effect the financial fiscal year. If I remember correctly the town of McCleary had to pay out something to the tune of $200,000.00+ to a women because the local PD didn't take her complaints about her husband wanting to kill her seriously and as a result the husband almost got away with trying to kill her. Maybe the politics about town need rehauling in the budgeting realm. Whinning about printing flyers up for Lindsey is so trite considering wy they are being printed. Someone/someones in town are not talking and LE has made that clear so when combining Lindsey a missing child crime victim in the same sentence of budgeting is unprofessional. The only positive in the entire articl is that with all the obsticals presented in finding Lindsey they aren't giving up. Maybe Local PD read here and elseware to see who or what the public feels is responsible for Lindsey's crime. Many groups of sluethers are working on separate angles of who/who's responsible. One site shows KK and someone in her home as responsible, some are looking into local and beyond sex predators who have offended once or more, some think it was a stranger who saw a my space, some think the investigation should remain focused on the Golder family, so maybe the expense of the first SW's of search and seizure were for not.

:eek:fftopic: Someone needs to tell the Chief of Police to have the citizens of McCleary write their congressman/congresswoman. :pcguru::crossfingers: The Chief had KK speaking at the station about Christmas in McCleary without Lindsey and she is very adept at getting "the word out" over the internet within 24hrs. of Lindsey missing showing that her skills could be used to campaign for legislature to increase monies as she helps pander for donations for Local PD. Really he has folks at his disposal that could be helping solve this mystery of who in town knows more than they are saying. :steamed: This town seems to need a :whistle:blower instead of a

:cry: Off to ship a case of tissues to the McCleary PD. :shakehead::takeoff:
You go, girl!
Maybe this helps shed light on what the locals trying to help deal with.
This is the second article in recent memory that one might summarize as just *****ing. There's increasingly little good that comes from it. Complaints should be addressed internally. Not using (a) local paper as some type of forum.
While working on line I came across someone considered a philosopher and his thoughts written many years ago. I thougt this reminds me of how I feel about the town of McCleary and its residents.

"We are living in an age when man is rapidly loosing his identity. There is everywear a pervasive feeling of insignificance. My home and the surrounding plot of ground, reflection, attitude and a way of life and the achievement of harmony between myself and my dwellings has given my life a a personal signifcance it would not otherwise possess. I have sought and found the significance latent in the little things"

This was written by a man named Angelo Pellegrini from Italy born in 1904(?) relocating to MCCleary I think in 1948 entertaining famous people from all over with wine, food and drink!

"All the things we do and strive for in our lives when it gets down to it, the only thing important is human relationships. If you don't have good ones then nothing else matters" Angelo Pellegrini
List the "IF ALIVE" theories. I'll start with the most recent I've pondered.

1. Homeless/transient perp. kidnapped and took her on the run with him.
Having learned as much as I have in the last few days about human trafficking... If Lindsey is alive, that's where she is (IMO).

It is my understanding that the Pacific Northwest – Portland and now Seattle are both major hubs for the sex trafficking business. There will be an increase of movement of the children over the next couple of weeks due to the upcoming Olympics in Vancouver (If I remember correctly they begin around February 10th and go through February 28th. give or take a few days.). They are moving the kids up I-5 towards Canada right now and it will increase over the next few weeks due to the high demand for prostitution at public events.
Having learned as much as I have in the last few days about human trafficking... If Lindsey is alive, that's where she is (IMO).

It is my understanding that the Pacific Northwest – Portland and now Seattle are both major hubs for the sex trafficking business. There will be an increase of movement of the children over the next couple of weeks due to the upcoming Olympics in Vancouver (If I remember correctly they begin around February 10th and go through February 28th. give or take a few days.). They are moving the kids up I-5 towards Canada right now and it will increase over the next few weeks due to the high demand for prostitution at public events.

Sadly, I believe this is a very possible theory.
Well, we've discussed the human trafficking angle quite a lot with regards to Lindsey's case, but that is very interesting information about the Olympics. Will there be increased abductions? Or are they children who have been secreted away somewhere and will be moved to Canada shortly? Or both? And how was this information derived, or can't you say?
I didn't attend the conference in Portland Oregon (http://nwcat.org/) but a few members from Lindseys search center did. They were telling us that the sponsors of the conference told them this information.

Trafficking doesn't just involve children (male or female) but also adults (male and female). It is said that it is the second largest and fastest growing criminal industry in the world. It doesn't just happen in foreign countries.. it is happening right here in the US.

If you google human trafficking you will find all kinds of information on it.
so scary....isnt it?

I didn't attend the conference in Portland Oregon (http://nwcat.org/) but a few members from Lindseys search center did. They were telling us that the sponsors of the conference told them this information.
When I read the post above, I thought you were telling us that there was some new information gathered that children born in the U.S. were being abducted with the purpose of making them sex slaves and they were in the process of being sent over the Canadian border to the Olympics

Some of us have been doing research on and posting about the human trafficking issue for several years.

I found this article about the topic: http://humantrafficking.change.org/...tional_human_trafficking_and_migration&page=6

Will 2010 Olympics and World Cup Boost Forced Prostitution?

It seems like most of the trafficking of women and children for sexual slavery is through Mexico. The victims are from Mexico, or from other countries such as Russia or SE Asia. Doesn't make it any less of an atrocity.
I'm speaking off the top of my head so some facts I can't present right now. Vancouver as all cities has areas where the pimps own corners (Gas Light Square area) where they put working girls. These girls are not just for prostituing for pimps but also they are runners taking orders as to what the men want in a sexual experience. Remember it is all about commerce, supply and demand! Bring in the Olympics means more people traveling there that want an uusual good time. Just like Las Vegas where childre as young as 2 dressed like sexy grown women paraded in front of predators for sale or rent. This is what are society has let happen. You got the moey they got the product. Sorry to be graphic but with everything if you don't spell it out as it is the subject of our children will stay a denial as everyday people don't want that knowledge in their brains because for them it seems this is something that happens to other people. Mentality of "If isn't a part of my world I'm not going to clutter my head with this!"

There was a big drug running bust between Canada and Wa. state. I'm sure this is Googleable! The traffickers dug tunnels under the boarder to funnel drugs, money and people. I know they have watched the areas since but at the time of the publicized bust it was said they will only dig more. One thing to remember is everyone under the top guys will go to prison before giving up info. This is either to keep family alive or theirselves. I know one girl personally who did 6 yrs. in prison rather than give up names. She was the girl a South American drug lord guy wanted and the feds had been watching her 2yrs. This same girl came in second at the Olympics for Karate and appeared on Johnny Carson. Rich men can buy anythig they want, anything and they get away with their sick perversions. This subject brings out militant mom in me.

While living life raising boys and a neighborhood of hellions LOL! I became aware of the border crossing crimes when my husband played all the guitar parts on a movie called, "Crossing the Bridge" about male frieneds trying to smuggle drugs from some mean men deep into drug dealing. As with anything the knowledge of these types of crimes have led us to realize the stakes have been bumped up now and it is our children at risk. There is so much outrage over this problem but we still can't get the ball rolling fast enough through congress! On a smaller scale I have the same feeling about McCleary Wa. little rumblings of outrage starting to finally surface but it's a medincineball that needs to be pushed by all within the town. Will the citizens unite and finally let their outrage be heard? Thanks for the rant, again! <3
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