WA - Lindsey Baum, 10, McCleary, 26 June 2009 - #2

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NG has turned into the "all Michael, all the time" channel.
Do you mean Michaela? That is K's real name. K must be her nickname.

And the spelling of the last name is Campen.
On Fiesty(Kayla) Myspace it has the name spelled Kampen. I also found a page for KK as an editor foor a muscle magazine.
kiro just had a snippet about Lindsey.. I can't find anything on their website though.

Says the police are looking into her Myspace closer and forensic analysis on her computer for more clues.

I'm watching NG for hopefully some news...

At 6:00, maybe I will watch KOMO or KING while you do KIRO? Or vice versa? Shall we double team and pick a station? lol
I'm watching NG for hopefully some news...

At 6:00, maybe I will watch KOMO or KING while you do KIRO? Or vice versa? Shall we double team and pick a station? lol

My teenaged step sons just took over the tv to play Xbox. But if I remember I'll try to go in my room and watch it at 6pm.
Maybe I am the one confused having jumped in late on this case, but I thought Lindsey wanted to stay at her house and was turned down.

It still doesn't explain why she didn't just pick up the phone and call her tho. Either way, it would have saved her the trip. If they have internet service, they most likely have either a cell phone or a land line.

I'm a little confused here. She is said to have come into the video store at 8:15 pm with friends.. We don't have the info as to how long her and her friends were there, but we do know they rented movies. We don't who paid, or what was rented, but I'm assuming the plan would be to watch them.
So whatever time she left with her friends, did they disperse in front of the video store?
She then went home, and decided to go to Kayla's house with brother and his bike in tow?
Squabbling along the way, the brother is sent home, at what time, where, and by whom?
She makes it to Kayla's house what time?
She is there how long?
She heads home between 9:15 and 9:30, but a resident on her way to work sees her at 9:15 between 5th and 6th on Maple.
That's a lot of moving around in a one hour time frame, imo. Is the video store person correct about the time she says they came into her store?
Doesn't she have a bike of her own?
my NG message on facebook says she is going to talk about Lindsey, but it also says she going to talk about the unconvicted dead child molester. So Lindsey will probably get the last ten minutes of the show again. I can't watch due to the other case she is covering can't stand any more of it.
I am so sick of hearing about him, jnTexas
Scuse me, I must rant. It is a legitimate rant, I swear.

Okay, we have KK, Kara's mom, all over the web, promoting herself and Lindsey's mom as being such good parents.
Yet, her own very young daughter's Myspace is still totally public, and she knows how much attention it is garnering.
If I have to see MJ's last rehersal one more time, I'm going to go insane! (Well, more insane than I already am.) COVER SOMETHING IMPORTANT, NANCY GRACE! UGHHHHH!
:floorlaugh: oh man Pearseha you slay me :wink:
Anyone know the name of the woman who says she saw Lindsey @ 9:15? Anyone know where this woman works that she would be leaving at 9:15 to go to work? Seems rather odd leaving the house @ 9:15pm to go to work. Isn't most shift work like 7-3, 3-11, and 11-7? Did I read correctly that this woman said she knows it was Lindsey because she knows Lindsey? If so, then how does she know Lindsey?
OMG, please tell me that NG, with all her knowledge of pedophiles, did not just show her son in a pool with nothing but water over his genitals...someone please tell me I saw that wrong.
To help those coming in late this evening, I've put all of today's media releases in this post for easy reference. That way they are all together in one post & everyone dosen't have to go back pgs to find them all too! :wink:

Missing girl's mother: 'Let her go'
03:51 PM PDT on Thursday, July 2, 2009
If a stranger kidnapped 10-year-old Lindsey Baum, her mother says the girl would have put up a fight.

&#8220;She has very long fingernails,&#8221; said Melissa Baum. &#8220;Her brother is proof enough of that.&#8221;

Lindsey&#8217;s mother also said her daughter is too smart to be tricked by a stranger to get in their car.

&#8220;I joke that she&#8217;s 10 going on 16,&#8221; said Melissa Baum.

Grays Harbor County scaled back volunteer search and rescue efforts Thursday.

&#8220;We&#8217;re not ending it, we&#8217;re just temporarily suspending it,&#8221; said Undersheriff Rick Scott.

Scott said most of Thursday&#8217;s work was conducted by detectives following up on tips and interviewing potential witnesses.

Melissa Baum said all she can do is wait by the phone for a call from police or Lindsey.

Lindsey&#8217;s mother believes her daughter is still alive, but said that is getting harder to do.

"I don't know if they're taking care of her or if they have her locked up somewhere," said Melissa Baum."They just need to let her go, let her come home."

Scott also is urging people to report any unusual behavior that might point to an abductor, such as suddenly cutting or dyeing hair, an unexplained absence from work or cuts or bruises on the arms and face.

Investigators say both Lindsey's mom and the father of the friend at the home where Lindsey had just left have both voluntarily taken - and passed - polygraph tests, and they are not considered suspects.

SLIDESHOW: Photos of missing McCleary girl~2009-07-02

VIDEO: Air, land search under way for McCleary girl~2009-06-30

VIDEO: Search ramps up for McCleary girl~2009-06-30

VIDEO: Missing girl likely kidnapped~2009-07-01

VIDEO: Police suspend search for missing McCleary girl~2009-07-02

Search Suspended For Missing McCleary Girl
10-year-old Lindsey Baum Remains Missing
July 2, 2009
The town of McCleary in Grays Harbor County isn't giving up hope, but law enforcement officials have suspended their search and rescue efforts for 10-year-old Lindsey Baum.

While the investigation continues, crews have stopped combing the area for the girl. Search dogs, ATVs, helicopters and planes will no longer be utilized.

Grays Harbor County Undersheriff Rick Scott told Q13 FOX News that crews have thoroughly searched the area around McCleary. Now, this case is shifting into more of an investigation, with 30 officers trying to develop new leads.

Authorities say, by now, it's very unlikely that Baum has run away from home and it's possible that someone has kidnapped her.

Scott spoke about his department has uncovered so far, and what it means about the future of the investigation.

"It suggests that she's been removed from this immediate environment," Scott said. "But we don't have the evidence to support that theory, so we have to continue to be as comprehensive as we were from day one."

Ronald Twersky, the Assistant Special Agent in Charge of FBI Seattle says, "Obviously we're concerned with the time that's passed, but we're looking at this to locate Lindsey and that's the approach we have going forward."

Twersky says they have more than a dozen agents working on the case in rotating shifts, including agents with their child abduction response team. They're talking to neighbors, relatives and anyone who was in the area when Lindsey disappeared.

Investigators say if you saw anything unusual Friday night in McCleary, or have noticed a change in someone's behavior, contact the police.

Search for missing McCleary girl tapering off
July 2, 2009 12:55 PM ET
After nearly a week the search for a missing McCleary girl is tapering off.

Grays Harbor County Undersheriff Rick Scott say investigators are reviewing the case. They still would like to talk to anyone who may have seen anything unusual in McCleary between 9 p.m. and 10 p.m. Friday when Lindsey Baum was walking home from a friend's house.

Scott also is urging people to report any unusual behavior that might point to an abductor, such as suddenly cutting or dyeing hair, an unexplained absence from work or cuts or bruises on the arms and face.

Focus now on abduction
Authorities ask people to report odd behavior
Thursday, July 2, 2009 12:25 PM PDT
Search crews and dogs continued to comb the streets of McCleary and nearby woods Wednesday looking for 10-year-old Lindsey Baum, but authorities have started to shift toward an abduction investigation as the hunt entered its sixth day.

&#8220;We are starting to look at this as more of a criminal investigation,&#8221; Grays Harbor Undersheriff Rick Scott said. &#8220;The possibility that someone has facilitated her disappearance is becoming greater as the hours tick on.&#8221;

Local authorities, with support from the Federal Bureau of Investigation, have stepped up inquiries into people that may have known Baum or lived nearby.

Ron Twersky, assistant special agent in charge from the Seattle FBI field office, said people should report strange behavior or &#8220;just anything that doesn&#8217;t seem right.&#8221;

&#8220;The bottom line is we have a missing girl,&#8221; Twersky told reporters Wednesday, emphasizing investigators are examining all leads.

&#8220;They may have an association with someone who knows something,&#8221; he said, &#8220;so if they suspect that, please be the person who has the courage to come forward.&#8221;

Scott said that from the beginning, investigators have explored the possibility of family members or friends being involved. Baum&#8217;s mother and the stepfather of the young girl Baum had been visiting just before she disappeared have both taken voluntary polygraph tests to aid the investigation.

&#8220;They asked to be polygraphed so that we would be comfortable with what we were being told and we could move on to other things,&#8221; Scott said. &#8220;They did not want us to be wasting valuable time.&#8221;

Scott said he was &#8220;comfortable&#8221; with their answers.

Throughout the search, investigators have spoken with Baum&#8217;s father, who lives in Tennessee, Scott said. The father has now booked a flight to Washington for this weekend.

Scott said bloodhounds traced the route Lindsey took early on from the friend&#8217;s house to her own home, but didn&#8217;t find any scent. And in places where Lindsey once played &#8212; parks and by the creek &#8212; Lindsey&#8217;s scent has been vanishing.

The loss of scent could be a combination of factors &#8212; the heat on the sidewalk could have dissipated it for instance, he said.

Scott said a second person came forward Tuesday with a confirmed sighting of Baum from Friday night in the same area along Maple Street near Fifth Street.

Twersky said the FBI has more than a dozen agents in McCleary assisting with the investigation, including specialists from the regional Child Abduction Rapid Deployment team. Behavioral profilers have also offered input on any potential kidnappers.

Scott said the search would have to continue to expand beyond the city limits, targeting logging roads or other remote areas farther afield. But he vowed it would go on as long as necessary.

&#8220;We&#8217;re going to bring Lindsey home,&#8221; he said. &#8220;We will find her. If I have to knock on every door in Grays Harbor County to do that, I will.&#8221;

Grays Harbor Undersheriff Rick Scott, right, with Ron Twersky, assistant special agent in charge with the FBI, explain to reporters Wednesday that authorities are shifting more resources to a criminal investigation as the search for 10-year-old Lindsey Baum of McCleary stretches through its fifth day.

VIDEO: FBI and sheriff news briefing on missing girl
Thursday, July 2, 2009 12:59 PM PDT
Assistant Special Agent in Charge Ron Twersky and Grays Harbor Undersheriff Rick Scott brief reporters on the latest efforts to find 10-year-old Lindsey Baum, who disappeared from McCleary late Friday night. The search has entered its sixth day as investigators shift more toward an abduction investigation.

4-Video Clips Of The FBI & Sheriff Briefing Are In This Link!

FBI: Stranger not likely behind girl's disappearance
Story Published: Jul 2, 2009 at 1:09 PM PDT
Story Updated: Jul 2, 2009 at 1:09 PM PDT
Experts with the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children say if the girl was abducted, it most likely wasn't by a stranger who was hiding in the bushes.

"From what knowledge we have and the information that I have that it's someone that she possibly knows, somebody that is in the area," said Henry Schmidt with the organization.

The FBI now wants neighbors to think about anyone who may have been in the area Friday night. They also want to hear about anyone suddenly engaging in strange behavior, such as not showing up for work, selling their car for no reason or changing their appearance.

"We're certainly not looking for a witch hunt or anything of that sort, but the bottom line is we have a missing girl. And so anyone who is in this area is going to be someone we want to talk to," said Ron Twersky, FBI assistant special agent in charge.

The missing girl's mother, who wanted avoid becoming the center of the investigation, voluntarily took a polygraph test. The father of the girl's best friend, Scott Williams, also volunteered to take the test.

"At their requests polygraphs were given to them. They passed those polygraphs. We're comfortable with the information they've shared with us and comfortable with the timeline they've explained," said Grays Harbor County Undersheriff Rick Scott.

VIDEO: FBI: Stranger not likely behind girl's disappearance

VIDEO: Girl vanishes while walking home 3:26
VIDEO: Search for Washington girl 3:17
VIDEO: Baum's mom to take polygraph 1:29
VIDEO UNCUT: Vigil For Missing McCleary Girl

Has anyone read anything about WHO the person is that sent the brother home when he was arguing w/ Lindsey as she & her gf were walking over to the friend's house?
Male? Female? Was it someone who lives on that street? Was it someone visiting over KK's house that reprimanded him?

We know the step-father /boyfriend of KK volunteered for a poly and according to news reports has passed. Somewhere I was reading something KK wrote saying 4 other adults were in the living room when Lindsey left her house.
Do we know anything about any of those 4 people or has anyone read anything about LE interviewing others who were at the house at that time?
Top story on local news (KIRO 7): Sex offender sting!!! Hmmmmm

Regarding sex offenders who register as "homeless" even though they have housing.
Has anyone read anything about WHO the person is that sent the brother home when he was arguing w/ Lindsey as she & her gf were walking over to the friend's house?

We know the step-father /boyfriend of KK volunteered for a poly and according to news reports has passed. Somewhere I was reading something KK wrote saying 4 other adults were in the living room when Lindsey left her house.
Do we know anything about any of those 4 people or has anyone read anything about LE interviewing others who were at the house at that time?

I thought I read somewhere that it was the same person who saw her when she was leaving for work but I can't recall where.....sorry.
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