WA - Lindsey Baum, 10, McCleary, 26 June 2009 - #3

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And with her long nails...she should leave signs of a struggle on her abductor, imo. Another tale tell sign people need to look for on others are those scratches.

I was thinking - hoping - the same thing. That she's gotten a few good hits in. Scratches to the face would be ideal.
She’s no runaway, family says
By Steven Friederich - The Daily World
Wednesday, July 1, 2009 12:13 PM PDT
MACLEOD PAPPIDAS | THE DAILY WORLD The face of missing 10-year-old Lindsey Baum is pasted to the side of the van that is serving as the Incident Command Center for her search effort.
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Lindsey Baum is afraid of the dark.

She’s also a bit superstitious.

Combine the two and during the so-called Witching Hour between midnight and 1 a.m., the 10-year-old McCleary girl won’t even set foot out the door, her family says.

Her mother Melissa Baum describes an incident a few weeks ago in which Lindsey had left something in the family car late at night and wanted to retrieve it but wouldn’t go out until the Witching Hour was over.

That’s why it makes no sense to Baum that her little girl would have wandered away late at night. Baum and members of her family think Lindsey was abducted when she was walking back from a friend’s house some four blocks from her home, where she lives with her mom and 12-year-old brother, Josh.

“What else is there?” said family friend Melissa McCann. “She didn’t just get abducted by aliens. It’s not just ‘Poof, she’s gone.’ She’s not a runaway. We’ve known that from the beginning.”

Grays Harbor Undersheriff Rick Scott said an abduction scenario is entirely possible, but investigators are also not discounting the notion that Lindsey ran away from home or got hurt somewhere and couldn’t get back home. They aren’t ruling out anything. Searchers have been looking for her high and low since she went missing Friday night.

Her family is holding out hope for her return, especially by her 11th birthday, which is next Tuesday.

Melissa Baum said Lindsey’s birthday wish was for a digital camera so she could upload pictures to her computer.

Lindsey was in Girl Scouts. She went to church at the Evergreen Christian Center in McCleary, an offshoot of a larger church in west Olympia. She sometimes worked the front counter at Baum’s store in Elma, a “dollar store.”

She didn’t spend much time watching television but she loved using the computer, including the popular social networking site MySpace and hanging with her friends, according to her family. MySpace.com lists two Lindsey Baums in McCleary with MySpace pages.

One, with a picture of Lindsey’s pet German Shepherd on the page, is marked “private.” It lists her mood as “adored” and the name of her account as “DISTURBED.” But it gives no other public information.

A second MySpace account is more public. Her nickname there is TWILIGHT FREAK. She loved the popular “Twilight” series of books, love stories about teen-age vampires. And Stephen King novels. And S.E Hinton, who wrote “The Outsiders.”

She listed her best friends as her personal heroes. And said she wants to have children “someday.”

She also described herself a little older — 13 years old, instead of 10. And taller — 5-foot-2 instead of her 4-foot-9 stature.

Cryptically, within two hours of creating this second MySpace account in May, Baum allegedly wrote: “I’ve been getting a lot of nightmares lately and I have this bad feeling that something bad is gonna happen.”

The family doesn’t know why she wrote it. Neither does Undersheriff Scott.

Scott said the comment and some other smatterings of clues initially led police to believe that Lindsey might have faked her disappearance. That thought is out the window as investigators now enter their fifth day of searching.

“Surely, she would have returned by now,” Scott said.

The Baum family moved to McCleary about two years ago without husband and father Scott, who remained in Tennessee. Eventually, the relationship broke apart, family members said. And Scott, who is in the military, stayed in Tennessee.

Police have contacted the father and say he has not had contact with Lindsey in some time.

McCann said she has known Melissa Baum for 30 years. They were in Girl Scouts together and grew up in the Lacey area. She encouraged the family to move back to Washington state.

McCleary was a natural fit because McCann lives in nearby Elma.

Baum attended school for a short while in Elma, near the McCann home. But this year, she enrolled as a fifth-grader at McCleary School. Her mom said she got along very well with her teacher Lynn Bolster.

With a group of girls, sometimes she would walk to school, which is just a few blocks farther than where she disappeared. Most times she would ride the school bus.

The divorce was causing her grades to suffer, her mom thinks. And friends of Lindsey said she was missing a fair share of school days because of “stress.”

“Lindsey was having a hard time this school year,” Melissa Baum said. “This was not a good year for her — with the divorce and everything.”

Still, Lindsey enjoyed writing and continued to do so anytime she had a free moment. The police have been combing her writings looking for clues as to her disappearance.

“She sits and writes notes and poems,” her mother said. “She’s won a couple of contests for her writing. This last year she won second place for the fifth-grade writing competition.”

When she was living in Tennessee, her family says she was part of a special summer writing program at the University of Tennessee. She won a scholarship to be part of it.

The experience made her want to be a professional writer.

But she also has other dreams — like being an artist. Her family said she’d love to write and illustrate her own book, in fact.

She also loves animals and flirted with the idea of being a veterinarian. She had cared for her 5-year-old German shepherd Kadence since the dog was a puppy.

Lindsey’s room is now blocked off with police tape. Yet the dog still has found a way to sneak in. The family’s had to get creative in figuring out ways to make sure the room stays secure.

“She’s Lindsey’s dog,” her mom said. “She slept with Lindsey.”

Now the dog is following brother Josh just about everywhere he goes and has been looking all over the neighborhood for Lindsey on her own.

Josh says Kadence won’t even eat her own dog food because Lindsey’s not around. They have to feed her hot dogs.

Eating and sleeping is taking its toll on the family too.

Baum said she would like to be out there looking for her daughter. And, for a while on the night she disappeared, the mom said she did search — before and after she called the police to report her missing. But police have asked her to stay home, she said.

So she and other family members have plenty of time to just think. And watch the news. And stare at Lindey’s photos and belongings.

They’ve received phone calls or been interviewed on every regional broadcast network and on some national ones. There have been plenty of newspapers, too.

The family’s been trying hard to make Josh stay put. At one point, the 12-year-old went around the neighborhood on his bike calling out Lindsey’s name. He feels guilty because shortly before she disappeared, the two had a sibling argument over a bike.

Sometimes she could make a mountain out of a mole hill, the family says, but they don’t think any of that played into a runaway scenario.

“She’s a very emotional child,” her mom said. “We’ve always called her a drama queen.”

One of Lindsey’s best friends, 11-year-old Christina Richards, said the two would hang out together at a local creek or the city park and muse about life.

“I asked her a question when I first met her about where she would go if she were to run away and I said I’d want to run away to the Bahamas. She didn’t want to.” Christina says Lindsey wanted to stay here.

Bolded and underlined by me

My comments
Lindsey first went to school in Elma (wonder if Lindsey had a tough time in that school).

She enrolled in the McCleary school where her mom said she liked her teacher, Lynn Bolster.

Lindsey would walk to school with friends or ride a bus

Mom said her grades went down
Friends said she missed school days because of stress
Mom said this was not a good year for her
Mom THINKS her grades suffered because of the divorce and all

Lindsey loves animals. Her dog won't eat now that she's gone
Lindsey is afraid of the dark
Emotional - family called her a 'drama queen'

On May 29th, Lindsey started a FaceBook page - two hours later she wrote that she has a bad feeling, was getting nightmares, and was afraid something bad was going to happen

According to locals, school ended for Lindsey Tuesday, June 16th. Locals said she was probably out of school by 10:00am that day. June 26th - Lindsey went missing.

Eyes asks: What was school like for Lindsey the first year in Elma? Her mom 'thinks' the divorce was the reason for her declining grades in McCleary school...could it have been divorce and other things...such as fear of a particular person? Was she being watched, harassed, or followed. Was she missing dad because he was the protector in the family and she felt vulnerable and not safe? May 29th, when she writes about nightmares and fear of something 'bad' happening she still in school, for about two more weeks. Did anyone notice a change in her behavior at that time? I have a feeling what was going on with Lindsey didn't just start on the day she was abducted. mho
Off Topic: Happy 4th Of July, Everyone! It is raining here much to the dismay of my dog and the 4th picnic/BBQ people. (Houdini is equally afraid of rain so he is darned if it is the 4th or darned if it isn't. Poor fella. He is in lala land on his benadryl either way tho.)

Hope your 4th isn't a wash out and everyone eats very well!! Enjoy!!

On Topic: With the talk of this being a local and mention of the assisted living facility...I wanted to mention those facilities can have sexual offenders within their walls as residents whether they know it or not.

My mother lives in a very upscale assisted living facility in NC. A year or two ago, two residents across the hall from her were beaten to death (with one's cane) by their long-time housekeeper.
It's hard, but we have to keep in mind that murderers and kidnappers don't necessarily seem different than anyone else. It's rare when there's a person in a neighborhood that people are going to go, "Oh, everybody here is nice, except that guy. He kidnaps children." Even if every person in McCleary seems wholesome and wonderful, the probability is that one of them did something horrible to Lindsey.

Remember, no one would have considered the local Sunday School teacher as having anything to do with Sandra Cantu's murder if she hadn't opened her mouth about the suitcase.
Does anyone know if Lindsey's dad made it to town on Friday? I read in some article that he was supposed to be there Friday.

Also - SS, I agree 100% about SOs in the residential care facilities. AND I would add that even those who were never SO's before may begin to act as such as some mental illnesses take over their brains. I think it is a sad reality that is often thwarted because the would be offender is under constant supervision, which is a good thing. The care facility can not be ruled out and anyone that managed to stay out or got away that Friday night needs to be closely looked at.

Another thought - the school principal. I know nothing about him/her but for some reason can not shake the thought that he/she should be questioned.

Jvk.... The post about the old dw cracked me up..it reminded me of my husbands grandfather he is in his 80's he is nice to family but doesn't like strangers or kids near his house especially on the manicured grass. He is harmless just an old Marine with a bark louder than his bite.
My mother lives in a very upscale assisted living facility in NC. A year or two ago, two residents across the hall from her were beaten to death (with one's cane) by their long-time housekeeper.
It's hard, but we have to keep in mind that murderers and kidnappers don't necessarily seem different than anyone else. It's rare when there's a person in a neighborhood that people are going to go, "Oh, everybody here is nice, except that guy. He kidnaps children." Even if every person in McCleary seems wholesome and wonderful, the probability is that one of them did something horrible to Lindsey.

Remember, no one would have considered the local Sunday School teacher as having anything to do with Sandra Cantu's murder if she hadn't opened her mouth about the suitcase.

Very true I remember in the recent case of missing jada justice. All the family was saying the cousin was a good person loved the kids and would not harm jada. Now she is ion jail charged with beating her to death.
Neighbors in this town should be suspicous of everyone including LE.
Jntexas.....the landlord issue had me going insane last night all to no avail.
It seems he has at least one criminal case where there was a jury trial, then he changed his plea to guilty. Was ordered to pay victims, and then held on a bench warrant for something else. I am unable to find anywhere what this case is for.
There are a few civil suits of those attorneys then suing him for their fees.
There are a few cases that appear to be misdemeanors, or maybe MAYBE small felonies. Lastly, there is a more recent one (2005 iirc) that has he and his wife both as defendants.
I am interested in that also, but it appears it is not "pertinent".
So I moved to JM, hit a brick wall there, too, and went to bed :)
I was thinking - hoping - the same thing. That she's gotten a few good hits in. Scratches to the face would be ideal.

Another note: KK mentioned Lindsey was wearing slip-on shoes & KK believes in a struggle they would've come off.
Also, can anyone tell me if the creek runs anywhere around 2nd street? I can't find the map with the river running through it, aargh
TY, JVK - that's another detail that is really important. Did they say anything else about anything Lindsey was wearing or was carrying?

Again, if no shoes were found, you have to think she was put into a car or invited into the home of someone she knew. No signs of struggle, injury - nada.

Based on what little we know, I am leaning towards local, too.
I was watching a news report about Lindsey the other day when the search was first going on and they were "checking" all the residences along her supposed route. They had some video of the police "searching" a residence, and it consisted of the police standing on the porch and asking the homeowner to be sure to check all their outbuildings. If they happened to be talking to the perp, it's not as if he/she would say, "I wasn't going to tell unless you asked, but she's in my tool shed." I'm not confident that LE has searched inside many homes or even inside the outbuildings. They'd need search warrants for all those places.
Anyone know whether they have actually searched inside the homes along her route? I mean information besides that coming from KK? (Still not considering her credible yet.)
It is a good sign from JVK meeting KK and Scott and their willingness to discuss the case. I am trusting what JVK's instincts are saying since I have no way to meet them personally. This gives me hope what KK says, in part, can be considered more credible than before.

I had to laugh at your comment about the tool shed. You are right tho. Unless given permission and LE searched the homes, outbuildings, etc. there is no way of knowing what information could be on the property. They cannot get probable cause out of not being allowed to search. The warrant would require more, imo. It would give them a reason to take a closer look at the resident and dig deeper tho.
Very true I remember in the recent case of missing jada justice. All the family was saying the cousin was a good person loved the kids and would not harm jada. Now she is ion jail charged with beating her to death.
Neighbors in this town should be suspicous of everyone including LE.
LE crossed my mind, too. Small towns usually only have 2-4 officers and sometimes those officers are not screened as well as they should be. I hope the other authorities brought into this case are checking into everyone.

I asked before if the PD was open all night or as many small towns do because of finances...if they are closed. Usually they only have one officer on patrol at night to shake the doors, watch the teens, make sure the drunks get home safely, and to keep a general eye on the town.
It is a good sign from JVK meeting KK and Scott and their willingness to discuss the case. I am trusting what JVK's instincts are saying since I have no way to meet them personally. This gives me hope what KK says, in part, can be considered more credible than before.

I had to laugh at your comment about the tool shed. You are right tho. Unless given permission and LE searched the homes, outbuildings, etc. there is no way of knowing what information could be on the property. They cannot get probable cause out of not being allowed to search. The warrant would require more, imo. It would give them a reason to take a closer look at the resident and dig deeper tho.

I trust KK more now that jvk has spoken to her, too. But I don't completely trust anyone in that town until there's at least a person of interest identified. Also, I'll need to go back and see, but I believe KK has given out conflicting info in the past.
In a few of jvk's pics, there were junk piles (old appliances, etc.) with weeds growing around, and I didn't see any evidence that the weeds had been disturbed. (Of course, now that I think about it, that would mean someone probably wasn't there hiding Lindsey either.)

Also, what's the deal with that appliance that is tied closed? Has that been checked?

ETA: I know LE and the media are saying it is most likely a local. But I think the locals may be in a bit of denial about that. I would be going out at night and searching my neighbors' yards. The locals need to realize it is probably one of them, someone they know.

Do not let me, my opinions or encounter w/KK etc. persuade you into letting an idea slide.

My advice: Take it with just a slightly more careful grain of salt.

Not to discredit, but as mentioned, everyone is suspect. Not a time to hang loose.

My opinions are just that & i *try* to be clear @ the differences & points of what is/isn't an opinion.

If you're not sure which/is/which ask.
KK has given out conflicting info. Most importantly, she stated Lindsey had taken a different route, that HAS NOT been confirmed by LE or media. In fact, LE has said they have 2 witnesses that place Lindsey on Maple Street, NOT on 6th Street.

I think KK is someone to be leary of -just my opinion.

KK has given out conflicting info. Most importantly, she stated Lindsey had taken a different route, that HAS NOT been confirmed by LE or media. In fact, LE has said they have 2 witnesses that place Lindsey on Maple Street, NOT on 6th Street.

I think KK is someone to be leary of -just my opinion.


I agree, this is conflicting.

& This is a bit of a murky point of the conversation.

KK may have mentioned the 6th hill because of scent tracking.

It may have been jumbled up in the reporting.

I don't think she'd spoken of +/-visual confirmation on the 6th hill

Can you find that?
KK has given out conflicting info. Most importantly, she stated Lindsey had taken a different route, that HAS NOT been confirmed by LE or media. In fact, LE has said they have 2 witnesses that place Lindsey on Maple Street, NOT on 6th Street.

I think KK is someone to be leary of -just my opinion.


She also said that LE dogs had tracked Lindsey's scent, LE said they traced the routes that she walked but the dog did not track or pickup any scent.
Another note: KK mentioned Lindsey was wearing slip-on shoes & KK believes in a struggle they would've come off.
Maybe someone should do a public service and go cut the weeds around that bridge. They look horrible. ;)
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