WA - Lindsey Baum, 10, McCleary, 26 June 2009 - #9

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TES has found many people alive, so a family member shouldn't hesitate to call them. They are committed to finding the missing loved one, dead or alive.
However, I do think that Tim does share his intuition as to whether he believes the missing person is deceased, but only after having the facts.
As NMK has said, there was a sighting of possibly Lindsey in a town nearby, looking for work. Since we know that Lindsey has worked a cash register, it is possible that she simply ran away, and we don't know the reason, but from her myspace comments, the reason could be her brother.
We don't know how much her mom is home, since we don't know if she works full time or part time.
If Lindsey was afraid of her brother, it is possible she ran away.
I have read that he threatened to set fire, and followed up on that threat, therefore, if he threatened Lindsey that night during fight, she may not have wanted to go home.

Since LE has said the brother and the mom are not suspects, if Lindsey did run away, and she is reading the newspaper, she knows nothing has changed at home.
The only thing that might have brought her back is her dad coming out, or her friend looking so sad, but if she doesn't have access to video, she may not have seen her friends sadness.

I think LE needs to talk to the kids. I think the parents do too.
Maybe one or more of her friends is helping her, and not telling anyone because nothing has changed at home.

It's just a thought.

ETA; more thoughts. If the second witness knew about Lindsey's home life, and Lindsey went willingly with her, the second witness may know where she is also. The only crime therefore, I think, would be lying to LE, not kidnapping. Is this correct?

This second witness may have become afraid thinking someone saw her pick up Lindsey, so she came forward and reported seeing her. I know this sounds stupid, but stranger things have happened. The 5 day hesitation has gotten under my skin. I want to know why she waited so long to notify LE that she saw Lindsey that night, especially now that we know they knew each other. moo

Sorry - I'm not able to share in your enthusiasm...sure hope you're right. From what I remember, Lindsey was more than able to fight back against her brother. Also, Lindsey was swimming all day and seen laughing and joking in the video store - just doesn't sound like a child getting ready to run-a-way. Lindsey has a dog that she raised and took care of...the dogs loving and eager eyes tell me there was great devotion between the two of them.

Anyone who would pick Lindsey up and take her somewhere unknown is a 'kidnapper' and will be charged as such. If you take a minor someplace for even 'one' minute without notifying mom or dad you will and should be charged with kidnapping....this is going on one month missing. I say time to call Equusearch!! They have recovered live missing children, but they're really about search and 'recovery'. Either way, there is NO cost and mom Baum has nothing to lose by having them search in and around the town. The PD is small in McCleary...and Lindsey has been missing for almost a month. MHO and just my thinking and thoughts
If there is a second witness that saw her at the same place the first witness saw her the second witness might not have reported seeing her as it would just be a repeat of what the first witness saw. Maybe it bothered her though and she decided to let LE know that she had seen her in the same place anyway. It could be just as simple as that.

If the brother threatens his sister to the point that she is afraid of being around him then something should have been done about it. I wonder if he watched his sister while mom worked or if they just watched themselves but were at home alone together? If this boy did set a fire as he promised his sister he was going to do then it sounds to me that he needs some type of help or maybe help plus living with his dad would work better for him. I believe the parents had recently divorced and the boy could be having a hard time with the divorce and missing his dad.

Lindsey is pretty young to run away from home. I can't imagine a little girl almost 11 yrs being out there alone. I wonder if she was seen alone in Hoodsport or with other people....if that was her. If she did leave on her own it seems that she would have tried to get to someone that she knows like her dad or a relative somewhere. Personally, I don't think that she ran away. I can't imagine any adult that she knew helping her to run...dropping her off somewhere and leaving her there alone. I can see some creep who had been in town for some reason seeing her walking alone grabbing her and heading down the freeway. I would love to know if Lindsey was alone in Hoodsport and if there were video cameras where she was seen. Remember Shasta G. walking around that store looking people right in the eyes while her kidnapper was at the counter? No one payed any attention to Shasta in that store.
I believe it is the 5 Cent - 5 Dollar store.

The reason some may not have heard about that situation Yosande mentioned is because the mods deleted it due to him being a minor and we are not allowed to discuss his criminal history evidently.

Thanks SS, I'll stop looking for that post now.... :)
when we were all focusing on the men in the pics from the vigil, i meant to post that we can't be sure the perp is a male.

i know we all throw things out there but what i just can't grasp is....Lindsey is ONLY 10! how in the heck could she be looking for a job? who would hire her? :confused:

she's ONLY 10....how could her friends (the same age) be helping her on the run?

has KK mentioned what Lindsey's frame of mind was when she left her home? i haven't seen it if she has. yeah, she might've been bummed out cuz she couldn't spend the night but the plan was she was going to spend the following night there, right? i would think if Lindsey was THAT scared to go back home because of threats from her bro....it would've shown?

now...do we know that bro was home when Lindsey left KK's house?

another question i have...LOL...sorry....
the sightings...are there 2 of them? one..a girl looking for a job and the second one she was seen with 2 (?) guys walking on the side of the road?
i'm confused about this.

dragonfly, I was only throwing ideas out there, so no need to get exasperated.
Lindsey was a week away from being 11 yo, which is still young I agree.
Maybe young enough to not realize no one would hire her as a checker, since in her mind she knew how to, and had done it at the dollar store. Kids don't think like grown ups.
Also, kids can have many secrets that they don't share with their parents, so it is possible that she did run away, though unlikely.

I just wonder if LE has questioned her friends, or if their parents have, just in case they all knew something the grown ups have no knowledge of, and some friends can keep a secret.

And, I repeat, I'm just throwing thoughts out there. It's ok with me if they are dismiised, or explained away. I welcome it in fact, b/c it will only remove lingering doubts as to what really happened to Lindsey. :)
I remember reading that Lindsey would sometimes work the register at the place where, I assumed her mom worked.
I'm just concerned about the revelation.

.....Lindsey has experience working a register? If in fact this is true....and Lindsey found herself in a situation where she was homeless, lost and hungry - (maybe afraid to return home/escaped from abductor, etc) - wouldn't she utilize "what she knows" in order to find work? Would this lend credence to the Hoodsport possiblity? {{{{wanting to keep that glimmer of hope shining}}}}
Is anyone else having trouble getting this site to load?! Ack!!

I rather agree with Yosande about the possibility she could have run away. To look at the older teen content on her myspace page, she is not your typical 11 year old, imo. I can see how she may think she could run a cash register in another business and apply for jobs. If I didn't know better, I could mistake Lindsey for being a bit older (13-14 yo).

It would be wonderful if she did take off because it means they could find her alive. :woohoo: I am not going to hold my breath until we know a lot more, but anything is possible in this case.
Sure sounds like it could be a promising lead. It would be super if she decides to join and be part of WS. We are all just here to find Lindsey. I hope the lead didn't get buried under a huge stack as it is one that is time sensitive. If she is alive and on the run...she may not be there long and by the very nature of a child that age being on their own...would be in danger.

I did tell her that one of the reasons I would like to know more about her sighting is because between what she saw and what we have uncovered here at WS, we might be able to present a more complete explanation and lead to LE. I also hope she joins, she seems like a very intelligent, appropriately cautious person. Not at all given to "flights of fancy", as they say. i think she would be a great addition.

And I am also holding in my mind the idea that just because Lindsey was seen alone, doesn't mean that she was truly alone. There could be someone that was watching her, or had her convinced that they were. Or she was taken, abused and released and not going home because of psychological trauma. There is a lot of psychologocal damage that can be done to a 10-11 year old in a very short amount of time.
.....Lindsey has experience working a register? If in fact this is true....and Lindsey found herself in a situation where she was homeless, lost and hungry - (maybe afraid to return home/escaped from abductor, etc) - wouldn't she utilize "what she knows" in order to find work? Would this lend credence to the Hoodsport possiblity? {{{{wanting to keep that glimmer of hope shining}}}}

OK - did it once again - - blabbed away while playing catch-up and have just seen that you guys caught on to the register/Hoodsport/theory. {{{You guys are so amazingly brilliant!!!!!!and I'm so proud of you!!!}}}}}}

So sorry to have just repeated what my fellow peeps have already stated! :eek:
MB stated that she grew up in Olympia, that she understands there are two witnesses, even though she only knows, or knows of one.

I'm listening to the blog radio posted above.
I did tell her that one of the reasons I would like to know more about her sighting is because between what she saw and what we have uncovered here at WS, we might be able to present a more complete explanation and lead to LE. I also hope she joins, she seems like a very intelligent, appropriately cautious person. Not at all given to "flights of fancy", as they say. i think she would be a great addition.

And I am also holding in my mind the idea that just because Lindsey was seen alone, doesn't mean that she was truly alone. There could be someone that was watching her, or had them convinced that they were. Or she was taken, abused and released and not going home because of psychological trauma. There is a lot of psychologocal damage that can be done to a 10-11 year old in a very short amount of time.

It's entirely possible that she may *have been abducted initially, escaped, and as a result of what happened - may feel she cannot go home. I've seen this happen before - only in the case I'm familiar with, the person never did go home - his mother died believing he had died 50 years ago when abducted, when in fact - he outlived her by 10 years. It can and does happen - tho nowadays would be more difficult to forge a new id than it was then.
dragonfly, I was only throwing ideas out there, so no need to get exasperated.
Lindsey was a week away from being 11 yo, which is still young I agree.
Maybe young enough to not realize no one would hire her as a checker, since in her mind she knew how to, and had done it at the dollar store. Kids don't think like grown ups.
Also, kids can have many secrets that they don't share with their parents, so it is possible that she did run away, though unlikely.

I just wonder if LE has questioned her friends, or if their parents have, just in case they all knew something the grown ups have no knowledge of, and some friends can keep a secret.

And, I repeat, I'm just throwing thoughts out there. It's ok with me if they are dismiised, or explained away. I welcome it in fact, b/c it will only remove lingering doubts as to what really happened to Lindsey. :)

definitely not exasperated.

actually, it wasn't even towards you. i did say we just throw things out there.

guess i shouldn't have put it in a post where i quoted you. i'll be more careful next time.

ETA: ooops....i didn't quote you when i posted that :)
Now they are talking about micro chipping their kids, and if they would now.
All said they would.

My cat went missing three weeks ago. I called the humane society and found out they can't tell where my cat was, they would only be able to identify him if he was found. So, people don't understand the micro chip thing.

They are talking about the Amber Alert system, and all agree that is the best thing to have been able to help find their kids if done in a timely matter.

There are I think 3 women being interviewed who have missing children.
MB is satisfied with LE, and says they are taking it personally.
She said LE knows her kids. They know Lindsey.
She said there are 3 LEO in her town.
LE doesn't have the resources that larger cities have.
She just wants her daughter back.

listening to blog radio from post above.
The guestbook post of a Hoodsport sighting just seems strange+

Name Ida
Email <removed, use link below>
Comments I have called the tip line and sent an email to the Grays Harbor police about seeing a girl who told me her name is Lindsey in Hoodsport on July 3, 2009. She was hungry, thirsty, looking for work to earn enough money to buy food. She was wearing a hooded sweatshirt and it was a hot day. Since then, a week or two later, a girl wearing a hooded sweatshirt came into one of the shops here in Hoodsport and asked if there was work available. I have left my phone number both in the email I sent and when I called the tip line, but have not heard from anyone. I suggested to them that they send an investigator to Hoodsport to inquire of any of the shop owners if this girl has come to them looking for work. I have the email available that I sent to
the police regarding this if the family would like me to send it to them personally.

The woman that had the sighting in Hoodsport got back to me. I am NOT posting her response, since I don't think she wants me to, but I will say that this is not some teenage girl that is acting, she is very mature and was not the only one that saw the Lindsey lookalike that day. LE was notified by her and the other witness. I invited her to WS, and told her what we do, but did not make it seem as if I had contacted her in the name of the group. We will wait and see if she wants to share, but I can't say anymore without her permission.

If i saw a 10/11 year old bumming around asking for work (& food) i'd be somewhere between immediately concerned, suspicious & asking some (direct) 'wtf' questions.

How this wouldn't raise alarms w/(apparently multiple) people has me :waitasec:

My next question is how do (apparently multiple) people seem to be unaware of a massive search <40mi away. Disconnected much?

Many have speculated that we are missing something right under our nose & given that i guess this ^ could possibly add up. - It would actually explain a couple of things.

I did some quick sleuthing on this lady right after it was posted here & 'she' (assuming she = given e-mail address + name) did seem like a legitimate person.

My first thought was maybe she is just confused as to the (current) age of Lindsey (maybe she thought she was looking @ old photos) - (vs the person she saw being older) - because again.. 10/11 year old bumming around for work & food... (even if you didn't know they were missing) & some one (edit: apparently multiple people) lets the kid go ? :waitasec:

<removed comment>

LE better be on this like white on rice - & (imo) if this is not a credible report/post it wouldn't kill them to come out & say so.

Part of me hopes this is a credible report.

two days before LIndsey went missing, a man was looking for a missing dog. It was legit, and he posted posters around town, but she used it as an opportunity to remind Lindsey of cautions.
MB said she showed Lindsey the SO website.
She wouldn't have gotten in a car with a stranger, she would have fought.
MB says someone knows something.
People know something.
She is concerned someone is covering for the perp.
MB said it was almost 11pm before it got dark that night.
She says her son is a wanderer.
LB was last seen at 9:20pm
She said Lindsey was aware of safety issues.
She said she told Lindsey to kick, fight, scream, if someone ever tried to abduct her.
She said Lindsey had slip on shoes on, and her shoes were not found.

Talking about a website called takeroot.org about adults who were abducted as children, and family members of abducted children.
This is a great interview.
Re Guy hunting for dog...hinky meter time.:eek:

I agree, wish I would have found the interview earlier because it looks like we missed the first 30 minutes. Hopefully we can listen to a repost.
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