WA - Mackenzie Cowell, 17, Wenatchee, 9 Feb 2010 - #11

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
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I keep thinking about the rumor that when JF got his haircut and was complaining that he laid some people off from work. Could possibly he had angered an employee whose revenge would be someone they knew he had a special relationship? If he told his employees early in the day and that person went after MC later. IDK
I'd also be curious to know if JF and/or his company worked on any of the new construction houses at CB.
Just thinking.....
Wow, wasn't trying to step on any toes here...I'm in agreement with you that it goes for everyone. Never meant it for any one person. What happened to your picture saying "be kind"? :waitasec: :grouphug:
Wow, wasn't trying to step on any toes here...I'm in agreement with you that it goes for everyone. Never meant it for any one person. What happened to your picture saying "be kind"? :waitasec: :grouphug:

I'm sorry, I didn't mean to come back sounding rude. I was trying to be kind and reassuring to someone new but felt criticized. Anyway, :grouphug: back at ya!
Wow, wasn't trying to step on any toes here...I'm in agreement with you that it goes for everyone. Never meant it for any one person. What happened to your picture saying "be kind"? :waitasec: :grouphug:

How about we all get a good night's sleep tonight! That's where I'm heading.

Sweet dreams:seeya:, everybody!
I keep thinking about the rumor that when JF got his haircut and was complaining that he laid some people off from work. Could possibly he had angered an employee whose revenge would be someone they knew he had a special relationship? If he told his employees early in the day and that person went after MC later. IDK
I'd also be curious to know if JF and/or his company worked on any of the new construction houses at CB.
Just thinking.....

From RUMOR we've heard that JF has done lots of work around Quincy and at Crescent Bar.

And I enjoyed hearing your new idea. Assumption follows: So, JF laid off employees, (which have been RUMORED to not always be the greatest of human beings - one of jailed brothers was, so... RUMOR again of course). So we've got this laid off employee who is coming back to the spec house to pick up tools, (or some other reason - confront JF?), and they are seriously ticked off. In comes MC, to pick up some stuff she left there, (or whatever), and wrong place, wrong time, MC gets the anger this employee had for JF.

As a theory I don't like it, (why can't police find murder scene? too much points to premeditation, IMO, etc.). But hey at least its nice to see a different direction around here. For that I thank you momonthego!
From RUMOR we've heard that JF has done lots of work around Quincy and at Crescent Bar.

In general construction or drywall?

I just keep thinking that where she was placed at CB was by someone that knew the house and it's privacy. JF, his workers, any/all other construction workers and anyone else driving up and down CB Rd knows that house is empty. Including real estate agents. Hmmmm.
Maybe I'm not so sleuthy:banghead:
:shamrock:Happy St. Patrick's Day!
Heading to bed here in a sec, but wanted to throw some info out there before I sign off. I just spoke with my sister-in-law (who is local) and she informed me that JF is pretty anal about his receipts and also that she saw him a few days after 2/9/10 and that he did not have any visible cuts.

Of course this must be considered as "hearsay" because I did not see this for myself nor do I have the first-hand knowledge she does about his record keeping (in regards to his receipts).
Hum, tried to quick reply after catching up and quote page 13 # 313 by "no more" I beleive, and not there... Probably just me. But the theory of his/her 'No More's' ...a young H family member driving the and parking the car up PC and just walking on up home kinda sticks in my head?
Spoke with a young gal today that "SAID" she goes to school at the Hair Accademy that MC attended, and she told me that MC signed out for a 15 min. break... Has that been confirmed?
Spoke with a young gal today that "SAID" she go to school at the Hair Accademy, that MC attended and she told me that MC signed out for a 15 min. break... Has that been confirmed?

I thought it was because it was on one of the MISSING posters of Mackenzie.
From RUMOR we've heard that JF has done lots of work around Quincy and at Crescent Bar.

In general construction or drywall?

I just keep thinking that where she was placed at CB was by someone that knew the house and it's privacy. JF, his workers, any/all other construction workers and anyone else driving up and down CB Rd knows that house is empty. Including real estate agents. Hmmmm.
Maybe I'm not so sleuthy:banghead:
:shamrock:Happy St. Patrick's Day!

Don't believe the rumor was specific as to what type of work he was doing in Crescent Bar. Also the rumor sounded like this was in the past, (possibly before working for WC???). Anyway, with all that rumor and speculation, we can't be sure if house was vacant then, (although quite likely it was - at least during the month of Feb. - it sounds like the previous owners were coasties that used it in the summer or on weekends and such).

There still seems to be a tie to the Crescent Bar property, but anything in the past would just be circumstantial. As del rio described those bushes were sticker bushes. If LE really did collect every one of them, as they could have possibly picked up suspects DNA, the crime lab is gonna have a lot of work to do. I know folks in the DNA gathering field and it can be tricky. Mashing up the sticker, (or maybe just the tip), adding solution, spinning them down in a centrifuge, and attempting a DNA extraction kit. Not sure if they would have to do each sticker/tip individually, or if they could do a bunch at once. And all of it just hoping for the chance that the suspect got scratched and the DNA didn't get destroyed by the elements before collection.

All of the above is assumption, (unless YOU know otherwise).
I thought it was because it was on one of the MISSING posters of Mackenzie.

I live and work in East Wenatchee and have still yet to see a poster??? Does anyone have a print of it that they can post? I have not gone to the Mall to see if there are posters there? And did LE publicly talk of what is on posters or media mention them?
Spoke with a young gal today that "SAID" she goes to school at the Hair Accademy that MC attended, and she told me that MC signed out for a 15 min. break... Has that been confirmed?

According to a previous discussion, schools appear to be required by state law to keep track of the whereabouts of anyone under 18 years old. So, this "15 minute break" just sounds like the school attempting to avoid a lawsuit.

But... if MC was signed out for a 15 minute break, did the school call parents to notify when MC didn't return? Otherwise, it sounds like the "15 minute break" was just an excuse the school requires for the younger students who would rather just skip out for the rest of the day.
The gal I spoke with today 'SAID', MC was very well liked and went out of her way to be friendly to everyone, everyday... Sad... what a shame.. GET THE PERP/S!!
I live and work in East Wenatchee and have still yet to see a poster??? Does anyone have a print of it that they can post? I have not gone to the Mall to see if there are posters there? And did LE publicly talk of what is on posters or media mention them?

WW has a picture from investigators bulletin board with one of the posters, (I believe it is the older poster when they were still searching for MC). Picture here. Story here.

That is the only "mention" of them that I know of done by LE or media.
It was earlier said that JF had just layed off some of his workers... Hummm..funny a couple of guys came to where I work just days after her being found and said JF was being questioned... one stated he worked for him (JF) several days later, not the JF employee but the friend he came in with.. had said that the workers were being questioned... So, was there really a big layoff?
Something I have not seen mentioned on here at all. Wonder if folks know that the new "Fuel" bar, supposedly the same owner as the CB pub?? Rumor CB pub owner likes and has young girlfriend.
On a lighthearted note... :propeller:

Has anyone ever wondered what people would think if they ever saw our computer histories? :Banane37:

All in my imagination of what they could say...

"del rio, why were you looking up Washington state criminal and arrest records at 2am?"

"Melissa, why exactly were you searching about the different ways bodies can disappear in a body of water?"

"We have made a disturbing discovery. You have googled 'construction tools as weapons,' 'manual strangulation,' and 'DNA processing' all within one week. What exactly were you planning on doing with this information?"

Our responses- "I take my job as a sleuther very seriously officer!" :angel:
Thats kinda weird, but maybe she is sluething? Like you?
I do wonder about the other sleuther although? but I do not think it is ok to post about others when they are not here!!!!
It was earlier said that JF had just layed off some of his workers... Hummm..funny a couple of guys came to where I work just days after her being found and said JF was being questioned... one stated he worked for him (JF) several days later, not the JF employee but the friend he came in with.. had said that the workers were being questioned... So, was there really a big layoff?

Hi Hum. Could you possibly rephrase this? No offense, but I'm having trouble following as it seems you're trying to write in shorthand or something. :confused:

Something I have not seen mentioned on here at all. Wonder if folks know that the new "Fuel" bar, supposedly the same owner as the CB pub?? Rumor CB pub owner likes and has young girlfriend.

Do you think this has to do with Mackenzie? If so, why?
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