Found Deceased WA - Ritchie Ambrose Collins, 58, North Cascades National Park, April 2019

DNA Solves
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DNA Solves
Ritchie Collins case will be on 11pm tonight 7/17/2020 on Q13 FOX Washington's Most Wanted with David Rose. Detective Gates is interviewed too. I am truly grateful for everyone's help. Here is a link to the video out now:
MISSING: Ritchie Collins

Here is a snippet of the print article:

Father And 30 Firearms Are Missing; Help Find Ritchie Collins After He Vanished From Whatcom County Campground

"Collins had numerous gun cases inside his home that were all found empty after he vanished.

Detectives and Collins' family still hold out hope to find him safe, especially with help from those who know him. “The big thing is that if any of his friends are watching, or listening to the program, is reach out with any tidbit of information. Even if it's, did he have a storage unit in Whatcom County? Did he have a storage unit somewhere in Skagit County, which is the nearby county to us? Or, if they even had a phone call or text in April or March of 2018? I think it's very important,” said Det. Gates."

Best wishes to you Britney. I wish there was some way that I could help.

It does seem that the missing firearms are the key to solving your fathers disappearance. Is there any way that you can get a list of the make, model and serial numbers of the missing guns? Sooner of later they will begin to turn up and when they do the ATF can begin to backtrack their journey from your father's possession to their current owner.
Britney, were there any indications that your dad received money from perhaps selling his guns?
I have no idea what the local gun laws are in WA, but in my state people aren't allowed to transfer their guns to anyone or sell, without going through a legal gun dealer. Thus, records would be available for transactions between parties, but I imagine things aren't always done by the book.

Tripod, There are no indications my Dad received money from selling his guns. I was told detectives checked gun shops & pawn shops and found nothing. Thank you for your questions.

The one-year anniversary of a person being missing is always very sad. It is hard to even imagine how difficult this time is for you. ((Hugs))

Is it possible that your father never was at the park, as in someone else drove his vehicle to that location?

Tatiana, it truly is a possibility that he never was at the park and someone else ditched his car there. My aunt didn't believe he was ever there. I have no idea what to think, over a year later and I still have more questions than answers. I believe there is evidence to support multiple theories. We just need the truth. Thank you for your support!

Hugs )))) still in my thoughts and prayers Hope you are well and safe

Wish I could have been more helpful. Still digging around looking for leads, just nothing really to move forward. Miss Britney who went through your Dad's home ? There may have been clues there that were missed. Hang in the kiddo ! <3

Luckyzmom, you have been helpful and your support means a lot to me. Detectives, my cousin, and myself have all been through my Dad's home. Unfortunately I was only able to become temporary trustee. Washington State Law is I would have to live in Whatcom County in order to be Trustee of Estate. I was so excited to have legal authority to investigate. When I was looking for a professional Trustee, I made clear that my #1 priority is to find what happened to my Dad, to investigate and look into EVERYTHING. I have not heard from the Trustee since she was appointed, Covid has complicated EVERYTHING. Last I heard they are in the process of selling my Dad's house. I can't even describe how devastating this is. I am committed to finding out what happened to my Dad and am so heart broken with how broken our systems are.

Thank you everyone for your questions and support. Please feel free to ask me anything and I will answer everything to the best of my ability. I would also like to share with you all what I have found out so far.
Here is a snippet of the print article:

Father And 30 Firearms Are Missing; Help Find Ritchie Collins After He Vanished From Whatcom County Campground

"Collins had numerous gun cases inside his home that were all found empty after he vanished.

Detectives and Collins' family still hold out hope to find him safe, especially with help from those who know him. “The big thing is that if any of his friends are watching, or listening to the program, is reach out with any tidbit of information. Even if it's, did he have a storage unit in Whatcom County? Did he have a storage unit somewhere in Skagit County, which is the nearby county to us? Or, if they even had a phone call or text in April or March of 2018? I think it's very important,” said Det. Gates."

Best wishes to you Britney. I wish there was some way that I could help.

It does seem that the missing firearms are the key to solving your fathers disappearance. Is there any way that you can get a list of the make, model and serial numbers of the missing guns? Sooner of later they will begin to turn up and when they do the ATF can begin to backtrack their journey from your father's possession to their current owner.

No one has been able to find make, models or serial numbers.

Here are some things about the guns that make me wonder:
I am still confused how detectives were able to tell that the prymarks on my Dad's gun safe were made by my Dad himself and not someone else.

If he went to take his own life, I could see why he would bring a few guns in case one jammed. Why would he take over 30 guns with him to commit suicide?

Over 30 guns were taken and all of his gun cases were left. At least 2 of those cases cold hold 6 pistols each. They were nice pelican gun cases. If he went to go live off the land or store them somewhere, why wouldn't he take the gun cases to protect the guns?

Thank you for your questions & support!
Still more questions! The guns and cases are puzzling. Would you happen to know if your Dad had preferred dealers or gunsmiths he dealt with ?
Did he shoot at a particular range near home or was it possible to shoot outside at his house ?
I will get back to you ASAP. Thanks for sharing info with us. The pry marks on gunsafe are odd. Does that bother you as well ?
Hang in there ! Don't get discouraged, there's lots of clues there at his home I think we just need to put the pieces of the puzzle together.My heart goes out to you Hugs )))) All this is MOO of course
@britney collins you can send me a msg anytime you need or want to share anything. Will be happy to do what I can.
Have been searching Bellingham and the NP . Not much helpful. Been looking at survivalist groups up that way.
Hope you are well and safe Hugs ))) this covid situation is a speed bump for sure MOO
My opinion is that someone was aware of Ritchie’s gun collection, and that the guns were stolen in a violent encounter. In my opinion, the person or persons involved would have been inside Ritchie’s home on prior occasions, and become aware of the guns. The pry marks on the safe were probably made by a stranger. Why would Ritchie pry open his own safe? He’d probably memorized the combination or had a back up system if the lock was electronic. If the safe had a problem, Ritchie would probably attack the lock itself rather than pry the safe open. He could just replace the lock instead of ruining the safe....

Gun cases, especially Pelicans, can be heavy, and a thief might leave them behind as was done in Ritchie’s home if stealing the guns was the main objective. That quantity of cases probably would not fit in a car trunk or SUV, although the guns without the cases might. I think something happened in his home, and the truck was left in the park by someone other than Ritchie. Was there someone who visited his home and was familiar with his possessions and routine? It seems that there should be some evidence out there someplace... It must be very disturbing for family members.
Puzzling that LE thought Ritchie had tried to pry the door on his gun safe himself....
Condition of his home is a little alarming to me for someone ex military and living alone
Please Everyone check out the photos closely what do you think ?
Puzzling that LE thought Ritchie had tried to pry the door on his gun safe himself....
Condition of his home is a little alarming to me for someone ex military and living alone
Please Everyone check out the photos closely what do you think ?

It looks like the aftermath of a burglary to me. No order or concern about neatness. The bleach may mean that someone was trying to clean up a crime scene and panicked at some point.
Wonder how well LE documented the collection of evidence in Ritchie's home and vehicle. Would that be SOP in disappearance, find the statement that investigators thought Ritchie had tried to pry the door of his gun safe odd. MOO Thanks @Warwick1991 I am heading down that path as well, sorry investigators didn't dig into that further :(
Looking at the photos of Ritchie’s safe, the lock appears to be an electronic lock. Sometimes these locks fail, either when a battery goes dead or a circuitry problem. A dead battery can be changed from the outside of a safe on many electronic locks. The photo looks like the common LaGard lock, which allows a battery change from the outside. The only things needed would be a new 9 volt battery and a screwdriver. Most safe manufacturers have support for jammed locks or at least have instructions for situations where the safe won’t open. Prying it open would truly be a last resort. It would be interesting to know if the lock was still operable, and had a working battery. If the lock was still operating, the situation would point to someone forcing the owner to open it or a stranger doing the prying. Perhaps the police think Ritchie did the prying due to adjacent fingerprints.

The disarray of the house and items in the dishwasher and dryer point to a major disruption in the owner’s life. My opinion is that someone other than Ritchie is responsible for his disappearance.
Thanks much for additional be observations. Subdued early on possible attempted to get Ritchie to cooperate, removed from scene . Do you thinking weapons and other items taken out first ?
Need to find out how far closest neighbors were and who they were.
Close friends in the area ? Gun collectors ? Gunsmith he used regularly, survivalist groups or buddies ( teams) that share info and preplan excursions together. (Training) seminars, get aways in secluded camps/ bases ?
Haven't turned up much, but the seclusion and tough terrain would be optimal for this kind of prepping wouldn't it ? JMO MOO
Where are you Ritchie ? In my thoughts and prayers, Ms Britney you are as well, praying for strength and resolve, your thoughts and ideas more than welcome :) Hugs)))) Hang in there !!! Keep looking for missing pieces to this !! Here if you need anything. My heart aches for you dear Lady. And your Dad's family and friends.
Thanks much for additional be observations. Subdued early on possible attempted to get Ritchie to cooperate, removed from scene . Do you thinking weapons and other items taken out first ?
Need to find out how far closest neighbors were and who they were.
Close friends in the area ? Gun collectors ? Gunsmith he used regularly, survivalist groups or buddies ( teams) that share info and preplan excursions together. (Training) seminars, get aways in secluded camps/ bases ?
Haven't turned up much, but the seclusion and tough terrain would be optimal for this kind of prepping wouldn't it ? JMO MOO
Where are you Ritchie ? In my thoughts and prayers, Ms Britney you are as well, praying for strength and resolve, your thoughts and ideas more than welcome :) Hugs)))) Hang in there !!! Keep looking for missing pieces to this !! Here if you need anything. My heart aches for you dear Lady. And your Dad's family and friends.

It’s a mystery, but MOO is that stealing the guns might have been at the heart of what occurred. Someone may have observed Ritchie at a shooting range, and realized that he had a lot of guns. There have been crimes in my state where people were followed home from ranges or gun shops. The other possibility is that Ritchie let a person into his life who was untrustworthy, someone who visited him at home and became aware of his possessions.
As far as the gun cases are concerned, I understand they were mostly Pelican cases, which are aftermarket purchases. Were there any factory cases - cases that came with the guns? If there are, the serial number is often on them somewhere. The serial numbers might reveal what happened, if only some could be found. Some gun owners have a list of serial numbers in a safe deposit box. Some photograph their guns, with the serial number shown, keep the images on a devices, and/or upload copies to a cloud.

If the guns were stolen, eventually the thief will sell some of them. The serial numbers would be critical for identification. Perhaps there are still clues to some of the serial numbers in the house. Some people also keep sales slips from gun purchases for insurance records. Were there any piles of old receipts in the house? Receipts from guns purchased from a dealer usually list a serial number. I understand Ritchie built some guns himself, but I would guess that in a collection of more than 30 guns, many had serial numbers.
Still more questions! The guns and cases are puzzling. Would you happen to know if your Dad had preferred dealers or gunsmiths he dealt with ?
Did he shoot at a particular range near home or was it possible to shoot outside at his house ?
I will get back to you ASAP. Thanks for sharing info with us. The pry marks on gunsafe are odd. Does that bother you as well ?
Hang in there ! Don't get discouraged, there's lots of clues there at his home I think we just need to put the pieces of the puzzle together.My heart goes out to you Hugs )))) All this is MOO of course
I don't know if he went to dealers or gunsmiths or if he went to shooting ranges. The pry marks definitely bother me, almost everything with my Dad's disappearance REALLY bothers me. I have been depressed since I have found out, but I am starting to feel better. Something has to break in this case at some point, I hope soon! Thank you for always supporting me and my Dad!

Thank you, I appreciate your support!

My opinion is that someone was aware of Ritchie’s gun collection, and that the guns were stolen in a violent encounter. In my opinion, the person or persons involved would have been inside Ritchie’s home on prior occasions, and become aware of the guns. The pry marks on the safe were probably made by a stranger. Why would Ritchie pry open his own safe? He’d probably memorized the combination or had a back up system if the lock was electronic. If the safe had a problem, Ritchie would probably attack the lock itself rather than pry the safe open. He could just replace the lock instead of ruining the safe....

Gun cases, especially Pelicans, can be heavy, and a thief might leave them behind as was done in Ritchie’s home if stealing the guns was the main objective. That quantity of cases probably would not fit in a car trunk or SUV, although the guns without the cases might. I think something happened in his home, and the truck was left in the park by someone other than Ritchie. Was there someone who visited his home and was familiar with his possessions and routine? It seems that there should be some evidence out there someplace... It must be very disturbing for family members.
EXTREMELY disturbing. I truly believe foul play is a possibility. Especially things my aunt told me before she passed away. I haven't talked about it publicly because I am scared and it's very difficult. I might have to at some point, so everyone can know what I have been through and what I am dealing with. Thank you for your insight, I truly appreciate it.

Puzzling that LE thought Ritchie had tried to pry the door on his gun safe himself....
Condition of his home is a little alarming to me for someone ex military and living alone
Please Everyone check out the photos closely what do you think ?

When I stayed with my Dad in middle school (every other weekend for a year or 2), his apartment at the time was very neat & clean. My aunt also talks about how neat and organized my Dad is on The Vanished Podcast. Detectives told me they searched my Dad's townhouse once or twice, and also my cousin searched his townhouse once before I ever saw it for the first time. The down stairs was very messy, also the bleach on the counter, clothes in the dryer and the dish washer was jammed with silverware (TONS of silverware for one person??) and the crockpot WITH the cord in the dishwasher. Sleeping bags in closets and also a sleeping bag hanging on his bedroom door.

It looks like the aftermath of a burglary to me. No order or concern about neatness. The bleach may mean that someone was trying to clean up a crime scene and panicked at some point.
The bleach sent chills down my spine.

Wonder how well LE documented the collection of evidence in Ritchie's home and vehicle. Would that be SOP in disappearance, find the statement that investigators thought Ritchie had tried to pry the door of his gun safe odd. MOO Thanks @Warwick1991 I am heading down that path as well, sorry investigators didn't dig into that further :(

Most of the pics/vids in the Q13 Washington's Most Wanted segment I sent in, but the pic of my Dad's car and the picture of my Dad's safe, and the pic of detectives on Diablo lake are from law enforcement. I'm assuming they took more photos hopefully..

Looking at the photos of Ritchie’s safe, the lock appears to be an electronic lock. Sometimes these locks fail, either when a battery goes dead or a circuitry problem. A dead battery can be changed from the outside of a safe on many electronic locks. The photo looks like the common LaGard lock, which allows a battery change from the outside. The only things needed would be a new 9 volt battery and a screwdriver. Most safe manufacturers have support for jammed locks or at least have instructions for situations where the safe won’t open. Prying it open would truly be a last resort. It would be interesting to know if the lock was still operable, and had a working battery. If the lock was still operating, the situation would point to someone forcing the owner to open it or a stranger doing the prying. Perhaps the police think Ritchie did the prying due to adjacent fingerprints.

The disarray of the house and items in the dishwasher and dryer point to a major disruption in the owner’s life. My opinion is that someone other than Ritchie is responsible for his disappearance.

Thank you for the info about his safe. The house was torn apart by the time I saw it for the first time.

Thanks much for additional be observations. Subdued early on possible attempted to get Ritchie to cooperate, removed from scene . Do you thinking weapons and other items taken out first ?
Need to find out how far closest neighbors were and who they were.
Close friends in the area ? Gun collectors ? Gunsmith he used regularly, survivalist groups or buddies ( teams) that share info and preplan excursions together. (Training) seminars, get aways in secluded camps/ bases ?
Haven't turned up much, but the seclusion and tough terrain would be optimal for this kind of prepping wouldn't it ? JMO MOO
Where are you Ritchie ? In my thoughts and prayers, Ms Britney you are as well, praying for strength and resolve, your thoughts and ideas more than welcome :) Hugs)))) Hang in there !!! Keep looking for missing pieces to this !! Here if you need anything. My heart aches for you dear Lady. And your Dad's family and friends.

He lives in a townhouse which is connected to the neighbor that says she seen him in march and april (I believe she doesn't know and I don't blame her) It's a whole community of townhomes they all seemed close together to me. I haven't heard from any of his friends, only co workers who have been really helpful. They have been trying to talk with Detective Gates for months too, but have also been pushed to the side and ignored.
As far as the gun cases are concerned, I understand they were mostly Pelican cases, which are aftermarket purchases. Were there any factory cases - cases that came with the guns? If there are, the serial number is often on them somewhere. The serial numbers might reveal what happened, if only some could be found. Some gun owners have a list of serial numbers in a safe deposit box. Some photograph their guns, with the serial number shown, keep the images on a devices, and/or upload copies to a cloud.

If the guns were stolen, eventually the thief will sell some of them. The serial numbers would be critical for identification. Perhaps there are still clues to some of the serial numbers in the house. Some people also keep sales slips from gun purchases for insurance records. Were there any piles of old receipts in the house? Receipts from guns purchased from a dealer usually list a serial number. I understand Ritchie built some guns himself, but I would guess that in a collection of more than 30 guns, many had serial numbers.

Detectives don't know serial numbers, I wasn't able to find any papers or receipts, and now I no longer have access to his town house and his stuff is in storage. The whole situation and investigation is complete .
" ‘We have ... exhausted all of our leads,’ sheriff’s office says of missing Whatcom man"

“We have kind of exhausted all of our leads and are not turning up anything on his location,” Hester said. “It took the 2 1/2 months to cover and investigate things.”Hester said that investigation included searching Collins financial accounts, veterans records and work history and as well as interviewing his family back East. The family told the Sheriff’s Office that it was a bit unusual for Collins to go camping and he wasn’t known to take extended backpacking trips."

This article was posted July 23 2019. My Aunt got a hold of my mom at the end of August and she told me that my Dad was missing on 9/7/2019.

She also said she and my step dad's work # (who my Dad has never met and doesn't know his contact info) were contacted by bill collectors and they thought it was weird, but didn't think he was MISSING. It took me days to get ahold of detectives in September and since this whole nightmare, I have only spoke with detectives a few times on the phone, met with him once, and the last e-mail/contact I have received was in January.

I don't believe much has been done at all, only the bare minimum. I've been told so many different things, only to be told something else.

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