WA WA - Seattle, WhtFem 30-50, 159UFWA, alias 'Mary Anderson', copper IUD, breast surgery scars, Oct'96

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I did a search of the address that she listed in NYC--it is a valid address, and there appears to be an apartment building across the street from the address. I wonder how LE determined that the address listed was a non-existent address? Also, I did a search for the NYC telephone number she gave, and that is a working number as of now.

The hotel in Seattle that she was found at, Hotel Vintage Park is a luxury boutique hotel, and runs approx $280-350 per night now.

On this site it stated that she had bilateral breast surgery:

Bilateral breast surgery could be used for breast reduction, augmentation, and a breast lift.
You have to wonder how she got the cyanide and why she chose to mix it with Metamucil? That's a fiber supplement you wouldn't expect someone in her age range to typically have around (someone correct me if I'm wrong.) Unless there's something about Metamucil that makes it especially effective to mix with cyanide, maybe she had some digestive ailment and that's why she chose it instead of something like juice or iced tea.
Glad to see some interest in this case. I have spent hours looking at doe's for this one.
I always had the feeling she just wanted to be left alone. Like the weight issues just wore her out. having the breast reduction etc. She cared about her appearance, hence the good makeup and clothes.
Maybe she had major credit card debt? Could not take any more.
The IUD indicates she was at some point sexually active. I can not believe no one missed her.!
I also would have thought the makeup would contain some traces. At least the city it came from.
For got to mention on the Doenetwork there is some post mortum photos
Can you post a link to the post mordem? Are the photos on Doe accurate?
Glad to see some interest in this case. I have spent hours looking at doe's for this one.
I always had the feeling she just wanted to be left alone. Like the weight issues just wore her out. having the breast reduction etc. She cared about her appearance, hence the good makeup and clothes.
Maybe she had major credit card debt? Could not take any more.
The IUD indicates she was at some point sexually active. I can not believe no one missed her.!
I also would have thought the makeup would contain some traces. At least the city it came from.
For got to mention on the Doenetwork there is some post mortum photos
Will do as soon as I get some help. Not to swift at all this computer stuff
Yes the photos seem to be correct.
Sadnews and I have questions about this case and the things we found most interesting. 1. Why did she rent the room for 2 days.
2. why did she bring so much luggage and hang clothes in closet.
3. why did she bring an iron and a kitchen bowl. was the bowl of some value either sentimental or monitary if the former why did she not unpack said bowl.
Thank you defender for the photos. We had never sen them before. Are there any of the bowl iron or her other belongings?
Her hair looks neat and styled, her make-up and nails looks nice and her eyebrows look professionally done.

Not sure what my point is, but she just doesn't look like the kind of person who could simply disappear and have no one notice.

I've been looking at missing persons from Canada, hoping maybe the maple leaves were some sort of clue, but haven't found any possibles yet.
The article mentions the IUD's serial number was partially missing.

I feel like she had to have some familiarity with New York. It's one thing to use the 212-area code and that street address as they are familiar even to people outside of NY but the Astoria (Queens) zip code I feel would only be known by someone familiar with the area or who had family or friends, etc. in that area.
OK, a couple of questions/comments:

It was said in the article that she came to the hotel by cab. Where did the cab pick her up to go to the hotel?

Did LE check flights to see if a Mary Anderson had arrived in Seattle? (This would have been before Sep 11th, and airline passenger logs were not as stictly supervised...)

Where did the autopsy photos go?

I googled Mary Anderson, and there was a soap opera character from Days of Our Lives by the name of Mary Anderson. There is also an actress from Peyton Place named Mary Anderson. I wonder if she "borrowed" one of their names.
Rpipergirl, some of her belongings do seem odd, especially the bowl and iron that you mentioned. Bringing the iron may have been an old habit as she seemed like she'd been well-groomed throughout her life, but her outfits were velour and does that fabric even require ironing? Unless the iron was for the black top and leggings she died wearing...

The bowl is strange. I wonder if it had sentimental value or was especially valuable and she knew her belongings back at home would eventually be discarded when she failed to return, so she brought it with her. You think she'd give it to a close friend if she truly had no family rather than let it sit in a police evidence room, though.
Interesting case. She looks a bit older to me, say 50-55 yrs. of age. With the uid device, it's more than likely she was unmarried, but obviously still having a period. Surely if she had been married, she'd have been missed.

That kind of weight could suggest something emotional going on. Wonder if she lost a loved one during the 9/11/01 attacks on NY, and decided life was no longer worth living?

OTOH, I think she was from NY, and didn't want to be found, so she flew to Seattle.

You'd think someone in LE would've checked to see who flew into Seattle from New York on the day she checked into the hotel.

I tend to ignore drawings done by the Neville guy from Doe Network as there's just something about his drawings that seems to come more from his psyche than from the UIDs he sketches. KWIM?

I think quite a few overweight women wear the leggings which are just stretch type pants that make the lower half of the body look slimmer. Ahumm, First hand experience talking here. : )
The plus size slacks usually have wide legs which make the body look even heavier. Dumb designers.

Stick with the actual photograph for IDing, and just envision the cheeks slightly fuller & a bit higher. The muscles relax upon death so that has to be taken into consideration. LE doesn't even rely on photos for IDing people so we're at a disadvantage as that's what we have to work with beyond clothing and any jewelry a dec'd. might have been wearing.
I looked up the manufacturer of her coat, and they are based out of Oregon. I have been unable to find out if they are a large or small regional company, but it appears that they make men's clothing, so her coat may have been a mans.

I am not familiar with Seattle in the fall, it is generally cold enough to be wearing gloves? If not, then she had to have come from a place where it was cold enough to wear gloves, as they were found with her.

She had eight pairs of clothing, so she had either been traveling for awhile, or was planning to travel more, otherwise why pack eight if you were not going to wear them?

Another story about her:

I agree she looks older than her mid-30s to me but its hard to know for sure based on her face.

The 9/11 theory is out as she was found deceased in 1996.

hmg, ha, thanks. I guess I dreamed up 2005. Maybe I was looking at an article about her printed in 05. Duh, some days ya feel like a nut...

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