WA WA - Shantina Smiley, 29, & Azriel Carver, 8 (fnd deceased), Olympia, Mar 2010 - #1

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Deputies resume search for missing woman, son
Published March 17, 2010

Thurston County sheriff's deputies had resumed the search for missing mother Shantina Smiley and her 8-year-old son as of Wednesday afternoon, said sheriff's Lt. Chris Mealy.

Mealy said a boat is searching the area of Little Fishtrap, near where Smiley's minivan was found abandoned and waterlogged on a rocky beach Sunday morning. A bloodhound also is in the boat, to pick up a scent if the mother and son were in the water, Mealy said.

Dogs are also searching the roads in the immediate area of Little Fishtrap - off of Zangle Road in the Boston Harbor area, if the mother and son left the area on foot, Mealy said.

Does anyone else find it strange that she has been recently reconnecting with people she had been estranged from??? Azriel's bio father, her step-father and an ex-boyfriend... I am not psychiatrist but I find it odd. She has supposedly relapsed recently and all this reuniting with people you are estranged from would add additional stress. This isn't the typical "lost contact"... MOO...

If she was in a 12 step program she could have been contacting people from her past to make amends.

It seems the search is back on: http://www.theolympian.com/2010/03/17/1175674/deputies-resume-search-for-missing.html
Has anyone read the comment at this link saying there is a convicted kidnapper that lives a couple of blocks away from where Shantina and Azriel were last seen.


I brought that up some pages ago about that guy, he was charged with attempted kidknapping I believe in the second degree, the victim was seventeen years old.
He is the only one I found (kidnapper) and only because he was on the RSO list. He lives down the road off of Boston Harbor Rd, 53rd Way. And there is one more RSO that lives at the begining of the road (Zangle Rd) he is a child molestor.

The thing that bothers me about the kidnapper guy is that he is not to far from Pizza Couples house, and if Shantina turned down the road and asked for directions from him who knows...he is not very old , in his 20's.
Mike Galanos said something about finding a wine bottle in her belongings? Where is that from? Do they mean in their home, or in the car?

I sort of hate that the banner on HLN says "FIANCE: MISSING WOMAN AN ALCOHOLIC!" Yes, alcohol could certainly play a major role in this, but there are millions of alcoholics in the world and the majority don't end up missing persons.

ITA. This is so not right. I wonder what JVM will say about it? I cannot believe LE stop searching for her..They should have a news conference about what they found, what they didn't find and WHAT ARE THEY DOING on this case. Theres a LITTLE BOY out there somewhere.

If there is a local here...Can you please find LE's website or telephone number? I would love to call them. We all should...
BohémskýCharakter;4940645 said:
I just thought I might be able to add to the possibility of seizures and/or anxiety causing disorientation. I've had seizures for 4 years starting when I was 17. Sometimes they were the grand mal (tonic-clonic) seizures and more often after July 2008 petit mal or temporal lobe seizures. I had no idea I was having seizures until May 2008 when my boyfriend who is trained to work with the mentally disabled saw me collapse and convulse with my eyes rolled back. A lot of small seizures would not even be noticeable. Sometimes I just start stumbling a little or my vision starts blacking out, my sense of balance is off, and there is a weird roaring in my ears. Sometimes it will happen and someone is speaking to you but none of the words seem familiar. It is almost like your brain has forgotten your own native language and meanings to each word won't come. You can also just pass out and not convulse but get the aura before it happens. A few nights ago I stumbled to the counter for my glass of water and next thing I knew I was laying on the floor surrounded by broken glass.

I think it could be possible that she had a seizure and fell and hit her head. I've noticed with seizures they tend to not happen for awhile but on days they happen (especially smaller ones) they occur frequently throughout the day and night. It would be interesting to know if she is or was ever prescribed to Wellbutrin (Bupropion) in the past. My seizures started after a psychiatrist prescribed Wellbutrin and the grand mals, at least, stopped after I quit taking Wellbutrin.

Also anxiety can definitely cause horrible insomnia and insomnia can lead to side effects similar to being drunk and sometimes even to a hallucinogenic drug type of experience. After my closest friends died in a car accident I started having night terrors and would sometimes stay up anywhere from 48 hours to 72+ hours. I can remember feeling paranoid at night especially driving because I would see what looked like people on the side of the road that was actually just a road sign. I also remember hearing music and thinking oh wow one of my favorite songs is on the radio only to realize the radio wasn't on. I think if she were having any reasons for anxiety insomnia especially sleep deprivation may explain some of the odd behavior as would seizures perhaps. It would be interesting to know if she had a relapse or possibly started any medicine that had some bad side effects for her? I wish there were more information from multiple sources and perhaps medical information. If her mother for sure committed suicide 4 years ago it would be plausible she might have inherited depression, an anxiety disorder, or some other sort of disorder from her maternal side of her family. That is where my anxiety, depression, and ADD came from for me. I also think paternal wise it is harder to figure out because women seem to be more open to seeing a psychiatrist than men imo.

It definitely made me think of a seizure while reading the information. It also made me think of my brother's girlfriend who had a seizure, wrecked her car into an utility pole and died on her way to work when I was 16. She hadn't had a history of seizures before if I remember correctly and was 22 at the time. I think seizures, partial strokes, and brain aneurysms can pop out of nowhere in people.

Bless you for sharing all that. And I concur that some sort of brain episode might possibly explain her behavior of that night. For whatever reason, she doesn't seem to have been in her right mind for at least 2-3 hours.
I brought that up some pages ago about that guy, he was charged with attempted kidknapping I believe in the second degree, the victim was seventeen years old.
He is the only one I found (kidnapper) and only because he was on the RSO list. He lives down the road off of Boston Harbor Rd, 53rd Way. And there is one more RSO that lives at the begining of the road (Zangle Rd) he is a child molestor.

The thing that bothers me about the kidnapper guy is that he is not to far from Pizza Couples house, and if Shantina turned down the road and asked for directions from him who knows...he is not very old , in his 20's.

Okay, thanks. His comments keep getting deleted. He does say guy only lives a couple of blocks away from where she was last seen.
From the Olympian (link to rest below):
In another development Wednesday, Mealy said someone in the area of Little Fishtrap recovered several items that washed up on the beach overnight Tuesday. The items include an empty wine bottle, an inhaler, an orange ball, and two mismatched leather shoes. Mealy said one of the shoes could be a child's shoe. Mealy said investigators are trying to contact Smiley's fiancé, Robb Simmons, to see if he can tell whether any of the items belonged to Smiley or her son.

This really bothers me. I hope it's nothing and they are both okay somewhere.

Read more: http://www.theolympian.com/2010/03/17/1175674/deputies-resume-search-for-missing.html#ixzz0iTcE3jzb
Deputies resume search for missing woman, son
Published March 17, 2010

Thurston County sheriff's deputies had resumed the search for missing mother Shantina Smiley and her 8-year-old son as of Wednesday afternoon, said sheriff's Lt. Chris Mealy.

Mealy said a boat is searching the area of Little Fishtrap, near where Smiley's minivan was found abandoned and waterlogged on a rocky beach Sunday morning. A bloodhound also is in the boat, to pick up a scent if the mother and son were in the water, Mealy said.

Dogs are also searching the roads in the immediate area of Little Fishtrap - off of Zangle Road in the Boston Harbor area, if the mother and son left the area on foot, Mealy said.


Thank You. I didn't know this...Excuse my other post then...
ITA. This is so not right. I wonder what JVM will say about it? I cannot believe LE stop searching for her..They should have a news conference about what they found, what they didn't find and WHAT ARE THEY DOING on this case. Theres a LITTLE BOY out there somewhere.

If there is a local here...Can you please find LE's website or telephone number? I would love to call them. We all should...

Not only is there a little boy out there but an awesome mom. She found sobriety, got restraining orders when necessary, got herself through school, took delight in the achievements of her son, and appears to be an all around wonderful person. I hope with all my heart the two are found alive. so glad the search is continuing.
Not only is there a little boy out there but an awesome mom. She found sobriety, got restraining orders when necessary, got herself through school, took delight in the achievements of her son, and appears to be an all around wonderful person. I hope with all my heart the two are found alive. so glad the search is continuing.

Agreed. If you read their facebook/myspace stuff and her fiancee's blog you would see that they had a lot going for them. She took a lot of steps to make her life and her son's lives better.
THe one post she made that sounded bitter about the ex in NY, well, we don't know the whole story...maybe she was being generous in that post! Maybe he was an even worse father than she let on. My point is, we just don't know.
Just heard on HLN Reporter Michelle Sigona said they found out someone told LE that there was a knock on their door at 1am, near where the car was found.
I wish we knew if they have questioned the men I had mentioned above. I am a little dismayed that they are just now widening their search area of the water. They should have been able to tell bY tides and water currents about how far out they would be if they drown in the water and the current pulled them out.
As far as the things that washed up on the banks those items could have easily floated out of the back of the van when the tide came up. The back hatch was open, and looking at the photos it looks like the back of the van was towards the water on an incline so it would have been submersed deeper then the rest of the car possibly allowing those things to drift out.

Because she was disoriented it is no telling what she did. If she got out of the van to find help someone around that area knows something, if they stayed in the van to sleep until day break to get help she may have panicked waking up to water being in the van and perhaps went in the wrong direction thinking she was headed torwards the shore but in fact swam out further into the current after exiting the van.

It just seems to me that if they left on foot the dogs would have tracked them down or at least a general direction...I don't know...I am so frustrated !
Just heard on HLN Reporter Michelle Sigona said they found out someone told LE that there was a knock on their door at 1am, near where the car was found.
I am assuming they mean RS, the boys aunt and the boys father

Does Shantina have no relatives?

Well. I'm just going to say it.

This whole thing has a "balloon boy" feel to it, IMO.
I don't think this has been answered...they've known each other 2.5 years, been engaged (I'm guessing without a date set) 2 years, and he began suspecting he has cancer recently. He then suggested last week that they go ahead and get married. That part only popped out at me because I found it very sad.

The part that popped out to me was Diagnosis By Google.
I have a bad feeling about the BF. I'm not convinced yet that he physically did something to Shantina and her son, but something about him isn't right. Here is a senerio: Maybe he was controlling, she has a histoy of chosing not so stellar men. So let's say he was emotionally abusive....and she'd finally had enough. Maybe she threatened to leave him. Maybe he made up the "cancer scare" to make her feel bad and so she'd stay? If she were going to see someone whom she hadn't seen in a long time, why would they drive seperate? I think maybe he got wind of her "leaving" him and he tried to chase her down, therefore he ends up at step-grandfathers house. maybe when she called from the payphone he threatened her again, maybe he said "well I'm coming to your grandfather's house to bring you back home!" Maybe that's why she was stalling in Oly and didn't follow through with her original trip? Maybe she is scared of Robb Simmons.

Maybe business has been off lately.
Sorry for the double posts. My computer went haywire...Heres the link for Michelle Sigona website:

I spoke with Lt. Chris Mealey from the Thurston Sheriff’s office this morning, and he says the water and ground search has been called off, but the investigation continues. Investigators will continue to go door-to-door and track down leads to find Shantina and her son. He says a neighbor reported hearing noise outside their home around 1 a.m. Sunday morning, so investigators will be at that home today to see if there are traces of the missing mom and son.

On HLN the neighbor said there was a commotion outside and they heard like someone was knocking on their door.
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