WA WA - Shantina Smiley, 29, & Azriel Carver, 8 (fnd deceased), Olympia, Mar 2010 - #2

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Who does the 13 mens shoe belong to? I am not convinced, I think she may have planned this and RS is holding info back. The only one who has been active in the search is JC.

The 13 was a kids' size, I believe. That's about the right size for an 8-yr-old boy. I don't see any mention of a men's shoe?
Does anyone know what kind of shark activity is in that area of the water?

Nothing but sand sharks in the puget sound, they are too small to do anything. Orcas rarely come down this far but have happened before usually in the summer.
The 13 was a kids' size, I believe. That's about the right size for an 8-yr-old boy. I don't see any mention of a men's shoe?

I saw it in one of the local papers. womens 9,mens 13 RS didn't say it was his.

Let me see if I can find it before work.
Sorry if this has been answered ...

Have the POLICE confirmed she was a recovering alcoholic, or are we taking the fiance's word for it?
RS said during the 6:45 conversation she gave him the address of the destinaion. Why wouldn't she have his phone number.

I read somewhere that his phone had died by that point.
Sorry if this has been answered ...

Have the POLICE confirmed she was a recovering alcoholic, or are we taking the fiance's word for it?

She had a DUI and a hit and run back in 2005. The courts made her go to rehab. That was to be taken off her record next month.
The 13 was a kids' size, I believe. That's about the right size for an 8-yr-old boy. I don't see any mention of a men's shoe?

Yes, a size 13 and a size 9 Smileys shoe.


A size 9 shoe that washed up on the beach also belongs to Smiley; an inhaler and a ball belongs to Smiley's 8-year-old son, Azriel Carver, Mealy said.

Read more: http://www.theolympian.com/2010/03/18/1176732/belongings-of-missing-mom-son.html#ixzz0iYwTTjQF
even in the pictures it looks like a womens she and an adult mens shoe.
Leaving the corn dog was baffling me too. But then I thought of my own small kids: I could easily picture myself ordering something I thought they'd like and them flatly refusing it, not liking it suddenly that day! So she might have left it and taken him to the next stop to get something different, before getting lost again and ending up getting pizza for him while they were at the Williams'.

Maybe she went back to the car because she had to puke and she didn't want anyone to see her. I think her son was covering for her with the whole she bumped her head thing. I have heard a lot of stories of children covering for mom or dads addictions.
Does anybody have a link to the Safeway-wine-purchase AFTER she left the store? I found it last night online & forgot where. It's interesting, because as she leaves the store, the surveyllience cameras in the parking lot pick up where the store camera leaves off. Az gets into the back, Shantina opens the passenger door & does something for a few seconds (setting her wine down?) then gets in the drivers side.

As she's leaving she appears to hit the curb or something in her way ~ backs up a bit ~ then proceeds to leave. Not anything HUGE here, but could be "front end damage" found on van.

Video anyone??
Did anyone watch Fox News,,,was there anything new?
I guess it depends on your definition of alcoholic and relapse. I personally think that she wouldn't have left a bottle half full if you know what I mean. Maybe she did go out there to park and sober up, but then she had to pee. THAT it probably all the reasons for the stops....pee breaks. We all know what happens once you break the seal.
It's sounding more and more like they are in the water. But since there were doors open on the van, I suppose items could have washed out? But not shoes, IMO.
Sorry if this has been answered ...

Have the POLICE confirmed she was a recovering alcoholic, or are we taking the fiance's word for it?

LE have confirmed she is a recovering alcoholic - what hasn't been confirmed is that she had a relapse. MOO
Does anybody have a link to the Safeway-wine-purchase AFTER she left the store? I found it last night online & forgot where. It's interesting, because as she leaves the store, the surveyllience cameras in the parking lot pick up where the store camera leaves off. Az gets into the back, Shantina opens the passenger door & does something for a few seconds (setting her wine down?) then gets in the drivers side.

As she's leaving she appears to hit the curb or something in her way ~ backs up a bit ~ then proceeds to leave. Not anything HUGE here, but could be "front end damage" found on van.

Video anyone??

Probably pouring her wine into a more manageable cup instead of chugging from the bottle.....I grew up with an alcoholic parent. The lingering anger I have over what I lived is causing me to have zero sympathy for this woman but overwhelming concern for her little boy. Wrong of me, I know. I pray all turns out ok and both are found safe.
Yeah, I was thinking she was probably pouring the wine into another cup when she was messing around in the front passenger seat. Wish I could find that video again.. I'll look again tonight & post if I do.
I'm new here, and so hope you'll bear with me. I admire the site very much, but acknowledge that I bring a certain bias. I worked at a shelter for Domestic Violence victims and volunteered on their hotline after I resigned the job (stress).

As previous posters have noted, my alarm bells are ringing at some of the fiance's statements. Not implying he did anything, but perhaps isn't telling the whole story. When I see a significant other on TV & the missing person's character is tarnished (or trashed) the bells go off. When the significant other transfers sympathy to themselves (illness or whatever), the bells go off.

Two phone calls to him at 4:15pm to say she's leaving? Weird. His meeting breaks up 15 minutes later, although expected to go on for 2 hours? Weird. He expected to "meet her on the road"? Why? Why didn't he go home & get his own phone charger?

Both cell phones aren't functional - she forgot hers & his battery is almost dead. He stopped for 2 hours for "a repair"? Yet she managed to call him & give him directions? More bells. Why did he set off for Castle Rock if he didn't know the address?

The wine in the photo posted by another WSer seems to have the kind of cork you can pop off with your fingers. It could have been a "hostess" gift, although obviously not if the bottle is half empty. The fiance said she was on meds for anxiety, so I suppose a drug interaction was also possible. However, if she were that impaired I'm amazed she negotiated her way around all those hours & down that road.

The van was borrowed from her fiance, and the keys were left on the dashboard? Weird. No one packed a suitcase for a weekend trip? Perhaps it simply hasn't been found yet. Has anyone verified that the fiance was somewhere repairing something for 2 hours?

To me, absent a serious medical condition, SS seems to have been avoiding the stepfather's house AND her grandparent's house. Why? Yet why drive around in circles for hours?
She may have been waiting for the child to fall asleep so she could indulge herself in the bottle of wine.
Probably pouring her wine into a more manageable cup instead of chugging from the bottle.....I grew up with an alcoholic parent. The lingering anger I have over what I lived is causing me to have zero sympathy for this woman but overwhelming concern for her little boy. Wrong of me, I know. I pray all turns out ok and both are found safe.

I hear you and I know exactly where you are coming from. I hope they are both found safe, however it is looking less and less like that is going to happen. It is my opinion only but I think they are in the water. That perhaps she tried to help the son ( maybe he fell in the water) or she fell in the water and he tried to help her. I don't see a happy ending. Sad, so sad.
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