Identified! WA - Skamania County, Male, 30-45, May'03 - Name Withheld

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
I thought they looked very similiar... While the UID showed more of a square face on both sides, the missing persons left ( our right ) was square as well - his face was not symetrical.

Fairy, did you follow up and have you submitted it to both LE and the coroner or ME handling the UID. I had to do that with the recent UID I submitted a few calls to each and two emails to each before I really heard anything. My suggestion is to submit to both. LE is sometimes buried and the ME will prolly get to LE and push a bit harder for info than the average person like ourselves.


Hiya Cubby! I sent the possible match to the UID LE back in April. We are on it. I actually found both of these guys on the NCMA site. I have been up and down the missing persons boards a thousand times and have never seen a more pronounced jawline...ever. That was what struck me - while I was working on Tawni Mazzone's case. I will not say it's an exact match, but we shall see.
Christine2448 is working with the authorities in both Washington and Arizona on this possible match. (Thank you Christine!!!! :blowkiss:). Seems the UID's DNA is in CODIS and she is working to determine if the missing - Kelvin Tsosie's - is as well.
Sent follow up email including all details and links to det. working on Kelvin's case. I will update you all as I am.
I find it interesting to note that the noses are similar. There was some injury to the left side per the uid's information. In both pictures the left side is more prominent.
I think this was a good find! Hope it pans out!! WTG Fairy!
Any news? :blowkiss:

I have been so busy with the holidays and fighting sickness through it :( Went to the doc finally yesterday, Strep, ugh!

I have notes to follow up after the holidays. Thanks for the nudge, I will make sure I don't forget.
I have been so busy with the holidays and fighting sickness through it :( Went to the doc finally yesterday, Strep, ugh!

I have notes to follow up after the holidays. Thanks for the nudge, I will make sure I don't forget.

Poor pumpkin....start taking those vitamins...
I have been so busy with the holidays and fighting sickness through it :( Went to the doc finally yesterday, Strep, ugh!

I have notes to follow up after the holidays. Thanks for the nudge, I will make sure I don't forget.

No worries sweetness. It's been a long time, I can wait a little longer. You take care of yourself! :blowkiss::blowkiss::blowkiss:
I sent another email (copied you Fairy)...if we don't hear back a couple days after New Years, nag me to do a follow up phone call. :D
I do like this as a match, definitely call it in...however, I do have to question how his body would end up all the way in Washington. and they don't seem to think he died until 2003. I do think you have enough matches on the rest of the details to call it in though - it's worth a shot.
I do like this as a match, definitely call it in...however, I do have to question how his body would end up all the way in Washington. and they don't seem to think he died until 2003. I do think you have enough matches on the rest of the details to call it in though - it's worth a shot.

It's been submitted. Still waiting......
Home today...just called, det is at lunch, I left another message. I'll try in a couple of hours if I don't hear back this time.

Trying to catch up on a few things today.:blowkiss:
Home today...just called, det is at lunch, I left another message. I'll try in a couple of hours if I don't hear back this time.

Trying to catch up on a few things today.:blowkiss:

Thank you, Christine! :blowkiss: These pins and needles are starting to hurt!!!
Christine called last night to let me know she is still trying to actually speak to someone in the PD on this case. The contact name she had isn't responding, so she got the name of the supervisor with instructions to call at 11:00 PM tonight (that's 1 AM Christine's time!). She will make the call and will go from there.

Fingers crossed. Thank you Christine!
Sup not in the night I called, I forgot to post. I just tried again tonight, asked for Det., not on duty, asked for Sup, 'it's a holiday', will try again tomorrow night.

Yup, I'm a nag.
Hey, that's not always a bad thing! Perseverance is admirable. You are doing important things.

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