WA WA - Sky Metalwala, 2, Bellevue, 6 Nov 2011 - # 1

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Sorry -- I was reading 28 Oct . . . not one month ago!

Thank you for your preparation!!! :clap:

I am guessing that she just doesn't use fb much. I would think that if they sealed the apartment last night that they took her computer. I would also assume that they still have her and she is still "working" with them, since MSM has now released her name, but no video of her, no press conferences with her, etc. I would think that anything she removed or made private was done, conveniently before leaving her iPhone at home and running out of gas or she called a friend and had them do it, which would look very suspicious.
Both of these are from October/November 2010.

I was thinking the same thing until I realized they are a year old. After she posted on fb that she got primary custody but before January when the dad says he last had contact.

Oh wow!! Good catch!! I didn't even notice that!!
This behavior on her recordings, it's making my blood boil. It's making me terribly worried about Sky. As someone going through a horrible divorce, one in which truly my husband should be in prison for what he's done, this makes me rage inside. You don't protect your kids by behaving this way. You also don't make a great case for yourself to the courts behaving this way.

If this sweet boy is found, both children need to be kept far away from this woman.
She would have had to have done that while still with the police. It was definitely like that early in the day yesterday. It struck me right away.

ETA: Pure speculation here, it could have been pre-emptive, if her story is indeed as unbelievable as it sounds.

It struck me also. I am thinking she could have made them private from her cell...but it seems as she doesn't have one... sigh

thank you for the info Ginger, keep up the good work
Can anyone give me a hint what the court records say, I can't seem to access the file.
Thank you! That was really creepy to listen to. I understand recording something like that if you are in the middle of a nasty custody battle but posting it on a blog for all the world to hear? Seems pretty manipulative. I am very worried about this sweet baby.

That's what's weird to me. Why make it public?

I am a little surprised at how hysterical that little girl is. I know that somewhere in the first of those taped exchanges, the mom accuses dad of telling the daughter that mom doesn't want her. I have a feeling that these kinds of statements are said on both parts. MOO!! But it just seems that she is too hysterical. I also get the feeling from the second one (I am listing them by dat when I say first and second) that Dad is trying to be cooperative and has had trouble getting her to allow him to see the kids, since he threatens calling the police if he can't. Regardless, clearly, he has had some contact with these children. This case gets crazier by the second, but if she thinks that hiding one of the children is going to help her keep them at all, she is sorely mistaken.

Also, in the second one, the "facilitator" comes in and tells JB that dad is video taping the exchange, so clearly he has had some trouble before as well. JB may just be taping to show how much the daughter doesn't want to go. At this point, I still don't trust her. Don't really know enough about dad to trust him or not, but mom isn't sitting right with me no matter what. This is a total mess.

I have heard this type of hysteria often, in bad custody cases where there is alienation occurring.

Link to King county court site for anyone who wants to look at the court docs: http://dw.courts.wa.gov/index.cfm?fa=home.home

(search by name)

You're the one who found this! I gave credit to someone else, I think. I'm confused today!
It's just amazing how the mom openly says stuff about the dad in front of the daughter. Very inappropriate exchange... Seems like the mom intentionally got the little girl upset so that she would cry and not want to go with dad.

ETA: Then the mom says 'this is between you and me', and doesn't involve the daughter. Yet she keeps saying stuff and planting ideas in the daughter's head. Isn't the facilitator supposed to help with these handovers, etc?

I could not agree more!!

As for the facilitator, I don't know what it is like in WA, but here in Virginia, the facilitator or the person supervising visitation can be ANYONE that both parents agree upon. I am guessing here totally, but I think that the facilitator here is her mother or sister or another friend. But I am thinking mother. Why else would it be so "exhausting" or whatever it was she said. She says that his mom can be the one also and that the court order doesn't say who it has to be.
I am guessing that she just doesn't use fb much. I would think that if they sealed the apartment last night that they took her computer. I would also assume that they still have her and she is still "working" with them, since MSM has now released her name, but no video of her, no press conferences with her, etc. I would think that anything she removed or made private was done, conveniently before leaving her iPhone at home and running out of gas or she called a friend and had them do it, which would look very suspicious.

She was on FB as recently as Friday posting about this awesome Bieber rap. :rolleyes:
In the audio exchange, the mom keeps telling the dad that the daughter doesn't know how to lie, and the dad responds to the mom "you do".

As a psychologist, I'm mortified at this exchange. Just horrified.
Both of these are from October/November 2010.

I was thinking the same thing until I realized they are a year old. After she posted on fb that she got primary custody but before January when the dad says he last had contact.

Thanks - I lost an entire year!!!

So much activity then & none lately - even weirder
It is interesting, because we are noting questionable behavior on the part of mom but then she gets primary custody and dad doesn't see the kids anymore, whether by choice or court order, is not clear.

Is there more to the story? Was he going to get visits again? There is prejudice towards people of his ethnic background, which appears to be Pakistani, did that affect court outcomes? Or was he abusive as she alleges?

Either way, again, she is the one who had Sky when he disappeared. And she claims she left her two year old baby alone in the car for an hour under questionable circumstances.

I note that Sky looks a lot like Daddy. The daughter does not at all.
She has used FB frequently since the beginning of October. I think that there were probably never any photos of her son on her FB.

Looking at the FLICKR photos, very few are of her son. In one album, there is a scene by a Christmas tree that has one or two photos that includes the boy, (the back of him) and numerous ones of just the daughter. So, clearly, the boy was there at the time and it just wasn't as important to photograph him nearly as much as her. Sad. Tells a story. Of the few photos he is in, I've yet to see a smile on his face. Still looking.
I did a google "street view" of this location where the Mom supposedly left the car, and it's INCREDIBLY precarious. If you drive along that area that she is said to have walked, there are areas where you are literally taking your life in your hands walking along there. There is almost zero shoulder, a cement wall on one side, brush sticking out into the very limited shoulder, two way traffic, and blind corners.

It may be a "friendly" area, but structurally, that piece of the major road is not safe to walk with a 4 year old, much less a 4 and a 2 year old in tow.

I will post the address of the church I keep talking about. By the time she would have walked by there would have been people there for Sunday School.

Bellewood Presbyterian Church, 10936 Northeast 24th Street, Bellevue, WA 98004

Plug the Bellewood Presbyterian Church address in goggle map. The church is on NE 24th the route she would walk (there are sidewalks) to Bellevue Way
turning right and proceeding to the Chevron(the QFC is adjacent in the same parking lot).You plainly can see her car would have been located by the Montessori on the corner of 112th and NE24th. Indeed that corner is wedged between a freeway sound wall and a heavily traveled corner but if she takes the sidewalk on down NE24th (which she did) it is pedestrian friedly.
Does she maybe not own a camera?

On facebook, there seem to be about 4 sessions when pics were taken, and she posted ALL the pics from that session even though they weren't different from the last pic posted.

I suspect she may not own a camera, or for some reason she doesn't take pictures. She's IN a good deal of them, though.
I could not agree more!!

As for the facilitator, I don't know what it is like in WA, but here in Virginia, the facilitator or the person supervising visitation can be ANYONE that both parents agree upon. I am guessing here totally, but I think that the facilitator here is her mother or sister or another friend. But I am thinking mother. Why else would it be so "exhausting" or whatever it was she said. She says that his mom can be the one also and that the court order doesn't say who it has to be.

She certainly does not sound professional. "It's too emotionally exhausting for me to hand the children over. Can you have your mom do it?" Well, if you are the facilitator, then that's your job.

She was on FB as recently as Friday posting about this awesome Bieber rap. :rolleyes:

Yeah, she seems enamored with Bieber!
Wowowowow.....those tapes.

First of all I am having trouble listening to them. But does it strike anyone as strange that a woman who is bright enough to tape exchanges, start a blog and upload them for the world to hear was stupid enough to leave her ONE child alone in a car after running out of gas while she walked for an hour to get help? with no phone?


This is starting to get creepy. I think she set this situation up.
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