WA WA - Sky Metalwala, 2, Bellevue, 6 Nov 2011 - #12

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Question: is the picture shown at http://blogs.seattleweekly.com/dailyweekly/2011/11/julia_biryukova_spending_time.php with Solomon with a sun over his face and a beachball in the corner, one that JB uploaded within the last few days to her Flikr account? I don't see that picture on her Flikr although that's what the article says.?

So her son is missing, she says kidnapped, and she is altering photos to put suns over her ex's face and put a beachball in the pic like it's such a normal and happy time for her at the moment?? Do i have that right?

if you go to archives for her flickr account august 2008..the pic you indicated is from the series added in august 2008.

M is in the same clothing..SM and his family. This pic was taken june 15, 2008

Also I can get court docs to come up ..maybe site was busy.
Not trying to be argumentative, but as a mother, I love my boys more than anyone in this world. Maybe JB wants him to break down and then maybe she will budge. I would cry or do whatever to get my children back safe and sound. I would be me. But, acting so calm, I believe is fueling her fire. JMO

I understand. And by no means did I think you were trying to be argumentative. :blowkiss: Imo, and this is just a guess, but I wonder if part of LE's strategy is to actually believe SM and present him and his attorney as cooperating closely with LE to fuel JB's fire and break her. She's so used to being believed, she has to be steaming that no one is buying her story about the abduction or the allegations against SM.

At least that is how I am seeing it at this point.


I am trying to think of why JM OR TH people act as they do. But with both men in each case, both showed monitone emotion. Same with the Lisa Irwin case.

JB is not rational, nor do I believe what she is doing is ok. I also, do not believe SM is deceased. Because really, no known to the public cadaver hit on the house, hit in the car, hit in the trash cans, or parks they have searched which surprising because of all the missing people there.

Unless, there is evidence otherwise, this screams to me hand off to someone. SM if dressed differently, or wearing a hat or hoodie could easily get on a plane with someone and gone to any state in the US. Why? Because kids do not have to have identification to fly in the US. He could have been dressed as a female!! No one would look twice!!

I do not belive JM left those kids alone for 11 hours!!! Someone would have heard them. How many children under the age of 5 do not cry about something at least once a day??

No one can even say where she could have killed him.

I am thinking to the positive, attack my statements all you want.
I understand. And by no means did I think you were trying to be argumentative. :blowkiss: Imo, and this is just a guess, but I wonder if part of LE's strategy is to actually believe SM and present him and his attorney as cooperating closely with LE to fuel JB's fire and break her. She's so used to being believed, she has to be steaming that no one is buying her story about the abduction or the allegations against SM.

At least that is how I am seeing it at this point.


BBM. I can see that; I think that's why she lashed out with that whole sadistic Pakistani Muslim thing. She can't stand it that LE thinks Solomon is a good guy.

What I find very, very interesting is JB's complete lack of apparent interest or effort in getting M***** back. She fought so hard, so long, and so dirty to keep her two children, yet now expresses absolutely no interest in either of them.

One has to wonder why.
I certainly won't bash you. After 17 years of severe emotional abuse and manipulation by my ex I was pretty monotone too.
I did not get to listen to the 'exchange from hell' audio, just read he transcript. Was he calm there as well?
I also think she handed him off-I think she could have manipulated someone into taking him. I hope so anyway.
I certainly won't bash you. After 17 years of severe emotional abuse and manipulation by my ex I was pretty monotone too.
I did not get to listen to the 'exchange from hell' audio, just read he transcript. Was he calm there as well?
I also think she handed him off-I think she could have manipulated someone into taking him. I hope so anyway.

I didn't listen to it, but I was referring to how calm he is in the media. Just makes me think in her eyes and her eyes only that he is not worried. I understand that men and women are different when the reveal emotions, but in a situation like this, and others that are similar, it blows my mind how calm the men are.

LM in the Gabriel Johnson case is finally showing emotion. In the beginning, he was monitone too. JMO
I didn't listen to it, but I was referring to how calm he is in the media. Just makes me think in her eyes and her eyes only that he is not worried. I understand that men and women are different when the reveal emotions, but in a situation like this, and others that are similar, it blows my mind how calm the men are.

LM in the Gabriel Johnson case is finally showing emotion. In the beginning, he was monitone too. JMO

I think it's better for SM if he just stays calm and rational right now. That way he might get his daughter back some day. Maybe he is in denial - we have certainly seen that before in missing child cases. I would certainly be in denial if my child was missing under such crazy circumstances.

People can pretend to have emotions, and it's a form of manipulative lying. I don't think he should act a certain way to please his ex-wife so she won't be upset. Two wrongs don't make a right, and what good would that do anyway, since she obviously hates him? :twocents: Did she appreciate it when he was worried about the kids before? Not really ~ she went on her way with no thought for anyone.

ETA: Someone is lying, but I don't think it's SM.
I also worry about his demeanor. He comes across as knowing that Sky is fine and going through the motions of a media circus. However I think this had more to do with the fact that he hasn't seen his kids in so long so sky has always been "missing" from his life. Until they find his body it will not be real to him.
I have watched some emotion from Solomon. He broke down in the radio interview. When he was surprised with JB's brother's statement, he showed true surprise. I think that he is trying very hard to keep a calm exterior for various reasons. How many of us would like to be front and center with the media? I am actually still very impressed by him; and I have no reason to doubt him. He has been vicitimized over and over again; and he is probably very tired. Can you imagine what the stress of the last couple of years has done to him? He lost his home, his family, his money, he is fighting for a year for his children, and he keeps getting kicked while he is down. I admire him.

I have watched women cry and scream on TV over a missing child; and then they turn out to be arrested weeks later. Jerice - your act didn't fool anyone! I do not think over-emotion means anything. Action to me means everything. JMHO
I am trying to think of why JM OR TH people act as they do. But with both men in each case, both showed monitone emotion. Same with the Lisa Irwin case.

JB is not rational, nor do I believe what she is doing is ok. I also, do not believe SM is deceased. Because really, no known to the public cadaver hit on the house, hit in the car, hit in the trash cans, or parks they have searched which surprising because of all the missing people there.

Unless, there is evidence otherwise, this screams to me hand off to someone. SM if dressed differently, or wearing a hat or hoodie could easily get on a plane with someone and gone to any state in the US. Why? Because kids do not have to have identification to fly in the US. He could have been dressed as a female!! No one would look twice!!

I do not belive JM left those kids alone for 11 hours!!! Someone would have heard them. How many children under the age of 5 do not cry about something at least once a day??

No one can even say where she could have killed him.

I am thinking to the positive, attack my statements all you want.

I wish I believed Sky was passed off or hidden, but I don't for the following reasons:

JB's refusal to meet with LE even with her attorney.
Her email to ABC. She did not once plea for her sons safe return. What she described as praying on her knees chilled me to the bone. I envision her praying on her knees begging God and Sky for forgiveness in what she did to him, or what happened to him. In an 'I'm so sorry, forgive mommy, it was an accident, or I didn't mean to, or it was a mistake' way. Her description of that praying sounded like someone begging for forgiveness. Not the confidence of a mother who knows her child is safe.

Additionally, regarding the email, had she not tossed in the word 'muslim' I could have considered her use of sadistic to indicate how she felt about his attempts to have her seek professional help regarding her mental illness. I can see how someone suffering from mental illness might consider getting help 'sadistic', but not in this case. In this case those were clearly words spoken with venom out of anger.

JMO (and presuming the email is in fact from Julia)
Logan M. Showing emotion still has not caused the mentally ill(and evil IMO) Elizabeth Johnson suddenly decide to give him answers to where his precious son is.. I've not seen anyone attack a member's posts about their opinion of JB or SM.. They are only replied with information that backs up their personal opinion that they feel this father, SM has done everything within his power to protect his children.. The fault does not lie with SM and many members clearly state the facts that back that SM is not who failed these children.. That is not attacking anyone's opinion, it is simply posting facts that oppose that opinion that SM could have or should be doing something different to resolve the situation.. This man through this entire situation has shown compassion, love, and patience.. That should not IMO be looked at as a negative but rather a very positive stance in that he has never, ever given up, he has never faltered in his attempting to fight for his children and sadly after having finally conquered every sick and twisted obstacle that JB had fabricated.. He finally had seen it through to the other side that his faith held strong would come.. Sadly a very sick and manipulative individual has disappeared this man's son literally hours before he was to be reunited with his children..

There is a long list of those who failed these children.. Solomon Metalwala is nowhere near on that list.. This man is a real as real gets, fishy and all.. What's being shown to the world is a man who is hanging on by a thread.. And has only had his children's best interest throughout this extremely tragic and life altering situation.. He deserves nothing but compassion..
Logan M. Showing emotion still has not caused the mentally ill(and evil IMO) Elizabeth Johnson suddenly decide to give him answers to where his precious son is.. I've not seen anyone attack a member's posts about their opinion of JB or SM.. They are only replied with information that backs up their personal opinion that they feel this father, SM has done everything within his power to protect his children.. The fault does not lie with SM and many members clearly state the facts that back that SM is not who failed these children.. That is not attacking anyone's opinion, it is simply posting facts that oppose that opinion that SM could have or should be doing something different to resolve the situation.. This man through this entire situation has shown compassion, love, and patience.. That should not IMO be looked at at a negative but rather a very unique stance in that he has never, ever given up, he has never faltered in his attempting to fight for his children and sadly after having finally conquered every sick and twisted obstacle that JB had fabricated.. He finally had seen it through to the other side that his faith held strong would come.. Sadly a very sick and manipulative individual has disappeared this man's son literally hours before he was to be reunited with his children..

There is a long list of those who failed these children.. Solomon Metalwala is nowhere near on that list.. This man is a real as real gets, fishy and all.. What's being shown to the world is a man who is hanging on by a thread.. And has only had his children's best interest throughout this extremely tragic and life altering situation.. He deserves nothing but compassion..

I'll second that Smooth!
The last picture, number 22. Is that a fallen pink flag?
You would think that, along with his concern over her mental condition, would have prompted him to find some way to make sure that his children were being properly taken care of. I would also like to know why he wasn't having phone contact with the children. Was there something in the court order preventing that?

You feel it is fair to hold him accountable for failings you cannot even objectively detail?

The guy did everything that anyone possibly could. It is easy to say that someone should have done something, done more, done it better -- generic criticism is easy when your imagination is supplying both the action and the outcome. If only he had done X the result would have been Y.

Respectfully, that's crap.

The reality is that he tried everything that both him and his lawyer could dream up and it failed in the face of a CPS system that apparently viewed him as automatically guilty simply because he was a middle eastern looking man while she was a blonde woman. To them, <modsnip>, he was at fault -- not for anything specific, not for anything you can name, not for any objective reasons....

Just because.

He's wrong, he didn't do enough, didn't do it quite right, he's too nice, he's too something.

We now know that everything this woman said was a lie. Everything. And she continues to lie to this day. She lied just yesterday when she said he was a Muslim. She's the liar with the missing kid.

He's another victim.
BBM. You're much nicer than I am. I, personally, don't give a flying flip if JB self combusts on her own fire. And I sure as heck wouldn't alter my behavior one iota in deference to her if I were SM. He's been doing that already for years and look where that got him. She is not going to tell anyone where Sky is because that will wind her up in prison for life; there's no point in kissing up to her now. He's been dancing to her psychotic tune long enough. IMO.

BBM. Thank you, thank you, thank you !!!!!I would give you a standing ovation if I could. The two sentences that I bolded sum up my feelings completely with just enough humor to keep me from combusting myself.

I can only hope on the day that Julia does self combust that she is standing near FCA, Kyron's stepmom, Jhessye's mom and a large tanker full of something flammable.

I taught for many years, to me when I see the faces of these poor kids (Caylee, Kyron, Sky, Jhessye and many others), they reminds me of the sweet kids that I taught and it infuriates me that people are allowed to "dispose" of an unwanted child and go merrily along with their twisted way.
I have watched some emotion from Solomon. He broke down in the radio interview. When he was surprised with JB's brother's statement, he showed true surprise. I think that he is trying very hard to keep a calm exterior for various reasons. How many of us would like to be front and center with the media? I am actually still very impressed by him; and I have no reason to doubt him. He has been vicitimized over and over again; and he is probably very tired. Can you imagine what the stress of the last couple of years has done to him? He lost his home, his family, his money, he is fighting for a year for his children, and he keeps getting kicked while he is down. I admire him.

I have watched women cry and scream on TV over a missing child; and then they turn out to be arrested weeks later. Jerice - your act didn't fool anyone! I do not think over-emotion means anything. Action to me means everything. JMHO

I agree with you and Smooth. Solomon has stated a couple of times that he has very little energy and is devoting what he has to getting Sky's face out there and trying to find him.

I stated this before and will state it again. He looks like a person who has received some counseling as to how to get through such hideous situations. Parents of missing children are counseled not to let the what ifs get them, not to allow their minds to wander to horrible scenarios, no matter how great a possibility such a scenario is. Instead, they are advised to be active in the search, to keep their child's name and face known, because action helps a person from losing their mind at such a time.

People criticized Elizabeth Smart's father hotly when she disappeared. They did not trust his demeanor and felt he had something to do with her disappearance.

People have heavily scrutinized Kaine Horman as well, for his demeanor. There have been other innocent parents also suspected due to their demeanor.

I think demeanor can be important. But not when their are no clues that the people being scrutinized are in any way involved in the crime.

I have asked for clues from those suspecting Solomon, but have received no feedback other than he rubs them the wrong way. Were Solomon's whereabouts not verified on the day in question? Is there evidence that he has no alibi? That his car is being examined by police? That his phone records, e-mails, other internet activity have been scrutinized and led to questions by detectives?

Is there any evidence that Solomon or his car or one of his relatives were seen in the area where Sky was reportedly left on the side of the road? Car tracks examined? Any reports by Julia either before this or now, that she feels she has been stalked?

The fact is, all of LE's obvious efforts appear to now be solidly pointed at Julia, the last person to see Sky, a person with diagnosed, serious mental illnesses, whose ex warned the courts in strong language, that this very thing could happen if they did not listen to him. It is clear that it is her they are tracking and Sky cannot be confirmed to have been seen by anyone other than Julia or M, in the two weeks prior to his disappearance. Did dad kidnap him prior to mediation? Why are those two weeks important? Why did Julia admit to leaving them alone during mediation?

I just do not understand, at this point, with all we know, how Solomon can still be suspected. Perhaps I am missing something but it makes me feel a bit insane, frankly, because I do not understand. I'm so confused!
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