WA WA - Sky Metalwala, 2, Bellevue, 6 Nov 2011 - #12

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Talking about JB's e-mails describing SM's ethnicity, contacting reporters blaming her husband, instead of cooperating with LE.

Showing video from the case; interviews with SM.

Alexis Weed: She's all over the web, on her e-mails account, seeking a "sugar daddy", most recently as Friday night, talking to ABC reporter, now responding to e-mails from ABC.

NG discussing the surveillance videos. JB is alone; no children.

Darryl Cohen, Alex Sanchez guests.

AS: LE probably thinks this is some type of sick custody dispute; doesn't seem to be a motive for her killing the kid.

DC: apparent this woman is unbalanced; why she left Sky who knows? maybe she thought the car was running out of gas?

NG chastising AS & DC for statements, even though acknowledging them being renown defense attorneys.

DC: never advise a client to take a polygraph, they will either be inconclusive or they will fail. NG still incredulous that JB won't take one and SM has taken two.

NG now discussing JB not taking M out of foster care.

SM describing JB's OCD and adversion to dust. NG asking SM why he wasn't allowed to use the bathroom. SM having a very difficult time answering her questions; obviously broken up.

commercial break
Nancy's show tonight seems to be a combination of one of the earlier shows with Solomon having a problem talking about the bathroom and part of the show about the recent emails.

I thought I was losing it for a minute.
I am now convinced I am a thread killer. :(

Hee hee. Nah, it's just that there is not a lot to discuss at the moment. No pressers today.

Some have questioned how a woman with severe OCD could leave her children alone, unattended, for 11 hours. Well, we know that she admitted that she has done just this on more than one occasion. Not just during the mediation, but other times. Does she lock them in a closet? A bathroom? A crib with something over the top? This does happen. This is not something that LE just drummed up as a way to throw the spotlight on her, she admitted as much! And - NOONE - ZIP - NADA - has come forward to say that the kids were with them. With as much spotlight as this case is receiving, there is no doubt that they would have found someone by now.

Not to mention, why in the world would Julia allow the whole world to think she left the kids home alone if there were an alternative explanation? Why wouldn't she fix that error?

Because admitting to leaving the kids alone (or at least Sky) is better than admitting he's been "missing" for two weeks or had been missing prior to the date she claims she left him on the side of the road.

As I have said, I think it is quite logical to believe she did leave them alone. Learning she had no car, coupled with her OCD and the idea of taking two small children out with her into the world of germs, knowing she cannot control their exposure the way she controls her own and then those little germ bags would have to come back in the house and infect it, yeah, it is a great possibility.

But she would undoubtedly have to lock them in a small area and drug them because otherwise, they could cry and alert neighbors, or wander and spread their hideous germs around her house, destroy her carpet lines, make a mess.

It is a good possibility, but for some reason I don't think she did that. For some reason, I think her OCD would preclude leaving them alone in her house, confined or not, drugged or not, because she would constantly be panicked that they would wake up and ruin her sterile environment.

I really think she admitted to leaving them alone when confronted with periods in which she was seen with M but not Sky and no confirmation of a sitter for him could be had. I think they are not releasing that and keeping it vague that she admitted to leaving the "kids" alone and not Sky, so as not to compromise the investigation.

My suspicion is that she killed him in a psychotic rage of some sort because he is too messy, too uncontrollable (not a sweet girl who can be forced to parrot mommy and stay still, etc., while mommy incessantly cleans) and looks too much like the father. Or her mind may have looped that if he were only out of the picture, everything would be okay, everything would be clean, she could be at peace, if only he were gone. In other words, I suspect this was not an accident. I am willing to admit that I may be totally wrong because both theories have merit with what we know so far. I am just speculating here.

I'll tell ya' I loathe the woman. But I am wondering why post-partum psychosis/depression was never mentioned in connection with her mental problems. If you follow the timeline, she seemed to become ill after M was born. It got better for awhile until she got pregnant with Sky and then after he was born it was full tilt.

If not treated and in conjunction with other conditions like OCD, bi-polar disorder, etc., could PPP last for two years? Could it start as PPD and develop into psychosis if not treated?:


Some patients have typical manic symptoms, such as euphoria, overactivity, decreased sleep requirement, loquaciousness, flight of ideas, increased sociability, disinhibition, irritability, violence and delusions, which are usually grandiose or religious in content; on the whole these symptoms are more severe than in mania occurring at other times, with highly disorganized speech and extreme excitement. Others have severe depression with delusions, verbal hallucinations, mutism, stupor or transient swings into hypomania. Some switch from mania to depression (or vice versa) within the same episode. Atypical features include perplexity, confusion, emotions like extreme fear and ecstasy, catatonia or rapid changes of mental state with transient delusional ideas; these are so striking that some authors have regarded them as a distinct, specific disease, but they are the defining features of acute polymorphic (cycloid) psychoses, and are seen in other contexts (for example, menstrual psychosis) and in men.
Course and treatment

Without treatment, these psychoses can last many months; but with modern therapy they usually resolve within a few weeks. A small minority follow a relapsing pattern, usually related to the menstrual cycle. Mothers who suffer a puerperal episode are liable to other manic depressive or acute polymorphic episodes, some of which occur after other children are born, some during pregnancy or after an abortion, and some unrelated to childbearing. Puerperal recurrences occur after at least 20% of subsequent deliveries, or over 50% if depressive episodes are included.
Postpartum psychosis - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

In any event, unlike most people who suffer from psychosis and do something, she is covering up. Usually, they admit readily what they have done, they don't lie, plan, plot, hide, etc. So whether she had psychosis or not, she clearly knows that whatever happened is wrong and can get her into legal trouble. Thus, I hold her very much responsible, unlike someone like Andrea Yates who was so out of her mind, she did not know that what she was doing was murder instead of salvation.

Joe Gomez, reporter: She seems to be enjoying herself, getting attention. Can't understand what the content of the e-mail has to do with anything regarding Sky's disappearance. Why is she feeding us information trying to attack her former husband?

Victoria, reporter: Bringing up something in one of JB's court declarations about SM being deported to Pakistan (statement from JB's mother?). Can't understand why JB won't do anything to find her son.

commercial break
Nancy's show tonight seems to be a combination of one of the earlier shows with Solomon having a problem talking about the bathroom and part of the show about the recent emails.

I thought I was losing it for a minute.

I noticed that also.


Caller: asking if JB's OCD would cause her to hurt Sky?

Dr. Paula Bloom: sometimes people use the term OCD in layman's terms; a bit of a stretch to a "person doesn't like dust" to the child having "germs". About the bathroom issue, not sure if SM was living with her at the time. NG confirms it was before the divorce. PB says it could be the obsession, or a control issue, or being very disgusted with the spouse. Will not assume because a person has OCD that they will hurt their kids.

commercial break
Brits Kate I can sense through your posts what an extremely rough road that you have had to endure.. God bless you and your children for making it through to the other side and able to share your extremely difficult personal experiences with us, here..

I just wanted to add to your ^above^ post about that unfortunately the courts DO NOT ALWAYS GET IT RIGHT.. and how that the parent that is so desperate to protect their child(ren) from and abusive or unstable spouse are left with no choice but to follow the courts order if they want to keep any custody of their child(ren).. Along with this another very real existence that is at play in these situations is that in desperately attempting to protect one's children from the unstable or abusive parent is that if we, as the parent do not follow the courts orders to the letter the abusive parent will in a heartbeat use this to their advantage by calling the police.. Then as the parent attempting to protect your child from an abuser you are thrown in jail!!.. This is The very real reality of how this type situation works!!! Not only does the parent fighting to protect their children not only lose any custody to their child they also end up in jail..

So, really and truly how in the he!! Could this man have done anything other than what he did in following the courts orders to a tee and patiently going thru it's system in proving each charge of Julia's to be false?!?! If this man had done anything different than what he did he would have been immediately jailed!! Do ppl get that?? Is that understood??? Because that's what happens in reality.. Not from just tapping keys in the safety of one's home as they analyze and judge this man's situation.. No, the true reality is much different than what's being carelessly thrown about in suggesting this man did not do enough to protect his children!!!

This man did everything humanly possible to protect his children and one step different than what he did would have easily had Solomon locked behind bars!! Now what good would have come of that?? Nothing!! Not a damn thing but furthering his time away from his kids!! This man has shown great restraint with dealing with this extremely (unusual) individual, Julia!! And IMO the truth and reality need to be laid out of what would have occurred if this man had chosen any other route(as the many suggested by others here) would have landed him in jail charged with a multitude "crimes".. That's the reality.. Thats the truth of the matter that some either don't know or don't care to see..

Back from commercial showing video clips, background of the case.

NG going over JB not finding time to talk with LE while SM has taken two polygraphs; JB contacting network reporters with e-mails against SM, etc.

Joe Gomez: Talking about the park in Kirkland where LE was using rakes & shovels, very disturbing, can assume what kind of evidence may have been found.

Alexis: Forensics team was sent to go look at items; park is about 5 mi. from JB's home. Park was closed down to public during search, went into the night.

NG asking Victoria where park is in relation to JB's apt. This is a place she was familiar, about 5 mi. from home. Also mentioning rakes needed to get rid of fallen leaves, just to see what is underneath them.

Pat Brown: Possible NPD, or Munchausen's syndrome. Possible motive: looking for a guy to pay her $5K for sex, two children, guy may not want her around with two children, much more accepting of a woman with a little girl only.

SM on video saying Sky wasn't planned; but he was a blessing. SM says he loves Sky can't imagine not having him in his life.

Dr. Catherine London: Talking about unplanned pregnancy, JB going through bitter custody dispute, story about car, baby missing; something about this, she's very disturbed. Makes her wonder if something terrible has happened here (to Sky).

Ben Levitan, IT Expert: going over JB's Internet activity. Logged into 'Sugar Daddy' site 11/18/11 at night; spends a lot of time on computer; on 11/17 uploaded 30 photographs of M onto Flickr. Seems obsessive about Flickr; over 700 photos, mostly of M.

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She's logging on her seeking website Nov. 16, 17, 18th.. Unbelievable!!
Isn't secrete mean something totally different than secret, as in "secret(ed) the child away"..lol .. I know someone discussed this the other day but first time I heard it and now two of them are saying " se-creet-ing the baby away"..lol.. Like se-creet-ing fluids?!:crazy:

More video clips, some from news conferences, photos of Sky, etc.

Caller: Wants to know about SM's 2nd polygraph, and what were results? Does NG think this will be another Casey Anthony case?

Victoria, reporter: Understanding that SM's results were inconclusive.

DC: Hope this won't be another CA case; she is the worst of the worst. No indication JB has done anything criminal so far. Hopefully Sky will be found and JB will have some reasonable explanation.

AS: Something very sick going on with her; thinks she took Sky and is secreting him with someone to avoid letting SM see him. NG is reciting the possible crimes she could be charged with not even mentioning murder.

Caller: Bothered by SM stuttering when asked question, makes her think he's being untruthful. Both parents from a foreign country, could Sky have been sent to family there? (paraphrased)

Reporter: No information whatsoever that SM took baby Sky, has been very forthcoming when questioned.

NG asking where is JB now? Reporter answering last we heard she was in a hotel.

NG asking about e-mail referencing SM's ethnicity. Dr. Bloom doesn't like that, post 9/11. Can't understand posting 100s of pictures of children online with a child missing. NG also addressing JB refusing to answer questions about leaving car on the side of the road when LE determined it did have gas.

NG discussing surveillance photos recently released. JB is alone, none of the images do we see Sky. JB dressed in grey sweatsuit, same as reported she was wearing when Sky reported missing.

commercial break
I wish they would also say, there was no sign of Miss M, when Julia was in the store (we think Chevron station )and the other place what we believe to be the bank.

I wonder where Miss M was when Julia went into the Chevron station. We think the photo with her hair scrunched into a bun or ponytail is at the Chevron, but where is Miss M?
I wish they would also say, there was no sign of Miss M, when Julia was in the store (we think Chevron station )and the other place what we believe to be the bank.

I wonder where Miss M was when Julia went into the Chevron station. We think the photo with her hair scrunched into a bun or ponytail is at the Chevron, but where is Miss M?

I believe, of the photos recently released, that that one is also from Chevron. I agree, noticeably missing is M. She had to be somewhere around, however, since that was when JB called her friend and Sky was subsequently reported missing. It still seems bizarre that she would walk that distance with a 4 y/o, or did she use a stroller?

I think princesspjs debunked the possibility of the photo being taken at the chevron
I think princesspjs debunked the possibility of the photo being taken at the chevron

JB's hair appears to be different in that photo which led me to believe it was possibly from their surveillance. However, it did seem odd that M wasn't captured in that shot.

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