WA WA - Sky Metalwala, 2, Bellevue, 6 Nov 2011 - #12

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JB's hair appears to be different in that photo which led me to believe it was possibly from their surveillance. However, it did seem odd that M wasn't captured in that shot.


She could have had M with her, just left her in the car. Did she drive to the mediation? Could it be possible the children were left in the car then? It has not been specifically said where she left then during that time. That would fit more into her OCD.
I don't know how accurate this article is but i found it interesting nevertheless:

Soloman Metalwala and Julia Biryukova Documents Released
November 22nd, 2011 · 2 Comments

Washington DV Press has been provided copies of some legal filings and audio/video of the hearings in the Metalwala case, as has been widely publicized this case involves a missing 2 year old child named Sky Metalwala. These documents cast serious shadow on the mother Julia Biryukvoa fitness to have custody of these children months prior to baby Sky going missing.


For the sake of these children and Mr. Metalwala we hope he did not fall victim to the likes of Doug Bartholomew or Mark Adams, he can escape the abuse by King County Superior Court, and the Sua Suponte actions of Jacqueline Jeske.

Bloody hands on this one-

KCSC Commissioner Jaqueline Jeske
King CountyChief Presiding Judge Richard McDermott
King County Assistant Presiding Judge James Doerty
Lawyer Veronica Freitas
Doug Bartholomew and/or Mark Adams Wellsprings Family Services

She could have had M with her, just left her in the car. Did she drive to the mediation? Could it be possible the children were left in the car then? It has not been specifically said where she left then during that time. That would fit more into her OCD.

The Chevron surveillance should be the morning she "ran out of gas" and walked with M to the station. So M couldn't have been in the car. The mediation was over twelve hours. Certainly someone would have seen two children in the car during that time.

Bloody hands on this one-

KCSC Commissioner Jaqueline Jeske
King CountyChief Presiding Judge Richard McDermott
King County Assistant Presiding Judge James Doerty
Lawyer Veronica Freitas
Doug Bartholomew and/or Mark Adams Wellsprings Family Services
I would also include SJ and SO. Since they (at least SJ as indicated in pics, not to mention court affidavits) were close to JB and the children should have picked up on something. They stood up for her in court but now when JB could really them not a peep. Maybe they are embarrassed but it makes you wonder, IMO.
The Chevron surveillance should be the morning she "ran out of gas" and walked with M to the station. So M couldn't have been in the car. The mediation was over twelve hours. Certainly someone would have seen two children in the car during that time.

There is no Chevron surveillance. It was stated early on that it did not have cameras and then someone here, princesspj I think, went there and said the doors were different and other things. She also said cashier was a something or else (rephrasing). No one is sure where the one shot is from.
She's logging on her seeking website Nov. 16, 17, 18th.. Unbelievable!!

And uploading photos to Flickr. The IT expert on NG's program said there are over 700 photos on that site, mainly ones that include M. A comment was made on NG's show of how unnatural that is as Sky allegedly was taken from the car. I agree. Wouldn't a parent normally be concerned for the safety of their children instead of adding more photos to an online account? It indicates she isn't afraid of a predator, and that Sky wasn't taken from the car..........


There is no Chevron surveillance. It was stated early on that it did not have cameras and then someone here, princesspj I think, went there and said the doors were different and other things. She also said cashier was a something or else (rephrasing). No one is sure where the one shot is from.

Thank you for the clarification. I had missed the earlier posts regarding the station not having surveillance.

I can only speak for myself, when I was in an abusive situation I don't think I realized what was happening. The change is so insidious, it happened over time until I was almost completely torn down. I came to believe everything he said about me over time and after 4 years I still struggle with it. Emotional abuse has been shown to be as damaging, and sometimes more damaging than physical abuse. My body would have healed a lot faster than my mind is.
Solomon's behavior-seeming so calm-could be a coping mechanism he learned during his marriage. I know others described me as appearing detached..I wasn't and I don't think I'm explaining myself very well. I just am not surprised at any of his reactions.

I have not gone through any kind of abuse like you have. I am so sorry to hear you had to endure that, and I can only imagine that the emotional healing would be incredibly hard.

My experience is different, yet may shed some light on SM's "behavior".
My husband and I lost our son to SIDS on September 1, 1987. He was 7 1/2 weeks old at the time. My husband and I were working on CPR when the EMT's arrived. Thankfully I was surrounded by a grief support group through my school where I was a teacher and terrific social workers. I learned that I was able to grieve any way I wanted to, and that all people do it their own unique way.

It was insinuated to me that: I was too stoic (didn't show my emotions enough), I showed pictures of my baby too much, etc. If I had not been through the grief support group, etc., this would have made me feel crazy, bad mother, etc.

However, no one saw my husband and I at home when one of us would break down and the other had to pull the other one up.
We had just moved into a new home right when our baby was born. And this new house is where he died. I could not move back to the house for a year. My husband and I lived at my parents' house during that year after losing our baby. The sense of death was absolutely physical for me. It was like a force pushing me a way. It was brought to my attention that some people thought THIS was a wrong way to grieve, too.

I became pregnant 3 monthe after we lost our baby. This new baby is our miracle baby (she is 23 years old now (-: ) because she made it possible to look forward to life again. I would be lying if I said suicide had not crossed my mind in the months after our son's death, and before we got pregnant.

I remembered answering a best friend when she asked," How do you get through this?" I told her I knew my baby was up in heaven with God, and he was being taken care of even better than if he were on earth. I am not mentioning this to proselytize, but only to explain my OWN experience.

Again, I am only stating this experience to maybe give insight somewhat into what SM is going through. No, he may not have actually lost his son, but his son is not physically with him, and a grieving process is still progressing. If HIS religion is giving him some kind of peace, I am thankful for that.

Some have questioned how a woman with severe OCD could leave her children alone, unattended, for 11 hours. Well, we know that she admitted that she has done just this on more than one occasion. Not just during the mediation, but other times. Does she lock them in a closet? A bathroom? A crib with something over the top? This does happen. This is not something that LE just drummed up as a way to throw the spotlight on her, she admitted as much! And - NOONE - ZIP - NADA - has come forward to say that the kids were with them. With as much spotlight as this case is receiving, there is no doubt that they would have found someone by now.

Not to mention, why in the world would Julia allow the whole world to think she left the kids home alone if there were an alternative explanation? Why wouldn't she fix that error?

In her defense, as the obvious suspect in a crime she is well served to say nothing at all, even if doing so might help clear her name a bit with the public. Never ever volunteer anything.
Hee hee. Nah, it's just that there is not a lot to discuss at the moment. No pressers today.

Because admitting to leaving the kids alone (or at least Sky) is better than admitting he's been "missing" for two weeks or had been missing prior to the date she claims she left him on the side of the road.

As I have said, I think it is quite logical to believe she did leave them alone. Learning she had no car, coupled with her OCD and the idea of taking two small children out with her into the world of germs, knowing she cannot control their exposure the way she controls her own and then those little germ bags would have to come back in the house and infect it, yeah, it is a great possibility.

But she would undoubtedly have to lock them in a small area and drug them because otherwise, they could cry and alert neighbors, or wander and spread their hideous germs around her house, destroy her carpet lines, make a mess.

It is a good possibility, but for some reason I don't think she did that. For some reason, I think her OCD would preclude leaving them alone in her house, confined or not, drugged or not, because she would constantly be panicked that they would wake up and ruin her sterile environment.

I really think she admitted to leaving them alone when confronted with periods in which she was seen with M but not Sky and no confirmation of a sitter for him could be had. I think they are not releasing that and keeping it vague that she admitted to leaving the "kids" alone and not Sky, so as not to compromise the investigation.

My suspicion is that she killed him in a psychotic rage of some sort because he is too messy, too uncontrollable (not a sweet girl who can be forced to parrot mommy and stay still, etc., while mommy incessantly cleans) and looks too much like the father. Or her mind may have looped that if he were only out of the picture, everything would be okay, everything would be clean, she could be at peace, if only he were gone. In other words, I suspect this was not an accident. I am willing to admit that I may be totally wrong because both theories have merit with what we know so far. I am just speculating here.

I'll tell ya' I loathe the woman. But I am wondering why post-partum psychosis/depression was never mentioned in connection with her mental problems. If you follow the timeline, she seemed to become ill after M was born. It got better for awhile until she got pregnant with Sky and then after he was born it was full tilt.

If not treated and in conjunction with other conditions like OCD, bi-polar disorder, etc., could PPP last for two years? Could it start as PPD and develop into psychosis if not treated?:

Postpartum psychosis - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

In any event, unlike most people who suffer from psychosis and do something, she is covering up. Usually, they admit readily what they have done, they don't lie, plan, plot, hide, etc. So whether she had psychosis or not, she clearly knows that whatever happened is wrong and can get her into legal trouble. Thus, I hold her very much responsible, unlike someone like Andrea Yates who was so out of her mind, she did not know that what she was doing was murder instead of salvation.

I appreciate you posts a great deal!!

BBM - I think that the difference here is that M was raised to a certain age with the help of Solomon. He helped through the "messy" 2 year old phase. She is a "big" girl now, and Sky is in the "terrible 2's". I think that this is the heart of the problem, combined with him being male, and combined with him looking like his daddy. I am so sad and worried about what happened to little Sky.

Julia"s kin in ukraine think SM had something to do with disappearance

I wonder if the lady in ukraine in this article was the prostitute that grandpa ran off with.

News media are really stretching it and not helping Sky..IMO

Agree, this isn't conducive to having people in WA searching for him if they even think there is a possibility he was taken out of the country, or that SM was in any way responsible. SM was not the one who allegedly left Sky alone in that car; he hadn't even seen his son for months!


I just wanted to remind just how tiny of a window of time we are talking about that allowed for Sky to have been "abducted from the car mom abandoned him in".. Many think that the window of time is an hour to even an hour and a half.. The truth is that LE have narrowed that window of time down to just 20 teeny minutes.. Meaning that from the minute that Julia claims that she left the car(with sky inside) they have a witness that 20 minutes later came upon the car and no Sky was Inside.. They even pulled over to check to see if anyone was in the car seats.. This was 20minutes from the time Julia states she left the vehicle.. You take into acct how many of those mins that mom likely was still "in sight" of the car, along with the fact that LE have zero proof of any other DNA/scent having entered the car.. And well.. The fact is IMO Sky was never in that car and the timeline represents that even more IMO..
Hee hee. Na

My suspicion is that she killed him in a psychotic rage of some sort because he is too messy, too uncontrollable (not a sweet girl who can be forced to parrot mommy and stay still, etc., while mommy incessantly cleans) and looks too much like the father. Or her mind may have looped that if he were only out of the picture, everything would be okay, everything would be clean, she could be at peace, if only he were gone. In other words, I suspect this was not an accident. I am willing to admit that I may be totally wrong because both theories have merit with what we know so far. I am just speculating here.


I just don't see that as the case. I do not think she cared about Sky from day one. There are too many red flags. No birthday party pics for Sky. No pictures of her holding baby Sky. There are only two (as I remember) for M but that is still more than Sky. M's second birthday had JB and SM right there with her at the cake but where are Sky's first and/or second birthdays. I understand her OCD may have been controlling them at these points but not where it concerns M. And both their families were around. No Sky Christmas pics. I said before I find it odd not to take pics of a baby's first Christmas, especially if you had a camera.

Wasn't there a report, however, that one passerby approximately 20 minutes after JB left the car did not see a child in the car? That appears to shorten the window of opportunity tremendously. There also haven't been any reports of signs that Sky was forcibly removed from the car, or anything else that was amiss to indicate he had been taken. It does lend to curiosity, however, if JB knew such a person lived nearby and chose that location to abandon the car and stage the scene.

If that is true then the whole case is a bust. I doubt very much they can get a conviction beyond a reasonable doubt.
I just wanted to remind just how tiny of a window of time we are talking about that allowed for Sky to have been "abducted from the car mom abandoned him in".. Many think that the window of time is an hour to even an hour and a half.. The truth is that LE have narrowed that window of time down to just 20 teeny minutes.. Meaning that from the minute that Julia claims that she left the car(with sky inside) they have a witness that 20 minutes later came upon the car and no Sky was Inside.. They even pulled over to check to see if anyone was in the car seats.. This was 20minutes from the time Julia states she left the vehicle.. You take into acct how many of those mins that mom likely was still "in sight" of the car, along with the fact that LE have zero proof of any other DNA/scent having entered the car.. And well.. The fact is IMO Sky was never in that car and the timeline represents that even more IMO..

Respectfully BBM. This is the first I've heard this. Do you have a link to support this statement? TIA!
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